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Thread: Colleen's Blog
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  1. TopTop #1

    Colleen's Blog

    Tom Cat, arthunter & all,

    As usual, I've got to stand on a few soapboxes here. While I do live with much regret; I am never ashamed at expressing the truth of my experience. Especially with so many serious crimes and such great physical and emotional harm already done to many - known, not speculated.

    The Press Democrat called me a Carrillo critic. No, I'm a defender of justice; only a "Gadfly" or critic to those on the wrong side of it.

    I knew Susan and Eric K. from the locals' coffee shop morning crowd in Graton long before Efren ran. Her demeanor, then as now, was not at all suited for any job dealing with the public to the degree as a Supervisor's aide. You have to deal with the best and worst of a lot of people; hard for anyone to do well. Especially one like her, compounded with having to cover for and propel him.

    This is not about my personal judgment, which I am not shy about. My truth is, I have never viewed Susan as a bimbo; which I define as dumb & overtly-sexual. I find her smart in a malicious way; not in a benevolent, greater good one. I did not have the occasion to ever see her flirting. (BTW- I did attempt to be friendly with Susan, Eric, and Efren when I first met them.)

    One of the responses to the rape and everything traumatic after was, I lost the will to be kind to mean & harmful people; folks with evil in their eyes. I may have justified anger in mine, but I do not seek violence or revenge - this is not what justice is.

    My truth be told - I'm not good yet with giving forgiveness without the offender's acknowledgment of the grievances, and owning the responsibility.

    This is one of the best tools I've found for getting through lifeshocks. Good for everyone, and an excellent addition to AA, etc.

    I could really use a refresher course. I'm still raw from dealing with the deep grief from the loss of my daughter, the obstruction of justice in our cases, which relate to Efren's. This is about my family's personal well being, and just as important, it's about the future of the social and environmental well being of the entire 5th district & beyond.

    It's about demonstrating how long I have been correct in many conclusions; especially when the Press Democrat, community members & others have spread lies about me, and called me the liar; including the Press Democrat's SC BOS "reporter" - in public regarding my child's death!

    To top that off, the Editor - Paul Gullixson, refused to meet with me so I could demonstrate my evidence to back my claims. These are in many forms, which don't all fit in a letter to the Ed.

    Dance with the Devil, or fight 'em? I introduced myself to Doug Bosco at a recent Santa Rosa City Council meeting - a Sonoma Clean Power one. I'm always willing to consult/inform anyone if it helps us build a healthier present & future. We all have the power to effect change with what's not working when we're clear on what heals or harms.

    Often running from, or fearing the truth does more harm than confronting it & correcting what's wrong. Remember Clinton was recalled for the lie, not the sin.

    Here is but one vital issue at risk with our current equation - our water is being exported by how many cases of wine per year? Who else has been asking this question?

    Did the Press Democrat report that I asked that after the recent USGS groundwater forum? Of course not - it's in the Public's best interest - not their investor's. The USGS leader of the forum said this vital fact in our water security is not being calculated. (My words - he just said no in answer to my question.)

    I'm at risk for being one of the few leading the charge for a wine grape & other water intensive, non-organic ag & development use permit moratorium in Sonoma County regions which have no groundwater study and management plans in place.

    (FYI - Rohnert Park's plans are off the chart in hedging their bets on unsustainable growth to pay for water/sewer infrastructure expansion to accommodate the dreadful casinoworld. No surprise the casino is up to it's ears in advertising buys with most all the media here to curry favor. Just saw a Graton casino ball cap and tee shirt sales booth already in the SR Plaza. Looks like a tragic remake of Back to the Future II without the time machine. Maybe there is still hope here.)

    How many pounds of bee & fish killing herbicides and pesticides going in OUR air, soil and water under Efren's reign, and possibly Gov Brown's new pick's - which they are not measuring the full consequences of?

    Unless we preempt the regulations, soon the drones will be spraying over our heads for these non-organic crops. I'm one of the few brave ones sounding the alarms and taking heat for it. WaCCo, etc. are vital to our course correction before too much more damage is done.

    Just this week field workers were rushed to the hospital after being sprayed by a manned pesticide dispensing plane. What further risk is there from a remotely controlled one? Plus the indicator species are in peril from toxic agriculture chemicals; think we are immune?

    Scientists find farm pesticides in Sierra frogs

    David Perlman Friday, July 26, 2013

    Is this kind of legacy what you voted in because you paid no attention to long winded folks like me, and the rest of us truth-to-power, “tin-hatter” people?

    And another thing...just saw a blurb about Monsanto buying the current version of Blackwater - marriage made in hell!?! Must be cheaper than renting them.

    Regarding the black helicopter comments - I was surveilled and photographed by one as I gathered signatures for the GE-Free Sonoma County ballot initiative years ago, (we did have the permission of the manager of the home improvement store up on Bicentennial).

    Hobbs and others using round-up and how many other poisons, claim to meet the State requirements for acceptable limits. Are those limits adequate? Still, silly conservatives & moderates want to gut the nearly toothless federal EPA!

    Will the industrial wine grape and tourist taxes claimed by our county and cities pay for your family's medical care from this round-up, etc. exposure? What about the next 7 generations?

    Will the Federal, State and County Supervisors who voted for these conditions help you detox from these poisons? Will they provide the affordable healthcare you'll need for your body's burden of herbicides, fluoride & GMO’s? Even if you don't eat food with GMO's you may inhale the plant's genetically modified pollen; as do the dear bees.

    Efren's recent arrest is one is one several crimes I have a detailed knowledge of. This puts me at further risk. That's why it's been essential I go public with it. So many others in the justice & law enforcement system are enabling this, and getting away with crimes and misconduct of their own. Having kangaroo courts leaves only the town hall for a source of justice.

    Yet another person in this drama circle has cited being assaulted by the SRPD for un-accused reasons in the last 48 hours. We are not safe when public safety is as much in need of a real investigation as the accused.

    For some of the same reasons as Carrillo, Paul Hobbs Winery & Sonoma County area rapists (mine and those of several Latino women) have been able to remain as documented and potential repeat offenders under this Sonoma County's DA's direction. Some of them were never even charged, let alone put before a jury of peers.

    This must change; too much is at stake. This rises to the level of Grand Jury and Attorney General investigations. Are they kangaroo too? Not if enough of you demonstrate your oversight.

    The State AG must act honorably now to earn your vote for whatever seat she seeks next. Remember, Willie Brown has hosted at least one of her fundraisers. Do his reservoirs of contributions come with corrupted, slimey strings?

    Sadly, as a Democrat, I have found little reason to have faith in our Governor. I think he may be part of the team who helped Efren up the ladder for toxic allies.

    Nevertheless, I'll offer to advise him too. I'll do it for he and Obama in exchange for paying for my health care benefits. That is - the wellness-care program I/we could help them initiate.

    As in the Zimmerman case; sometimes the only way things gets changed is when the public outcry is loud enough. Sometimes even that is not enough.

    Have you had enough?

    WaCCoLeaks is one of the most transparent paths to justice we have. What are your non-violent efforts to resolve these things beyond just commenting here?

    I'll be the first to tell you I'm far from perfect; but I will also make corrections when I find my conclusions are incorrect (eventually); or if I notice my actions are out of line.

    Don't shame me, or others for speaking truth to power and the masses. Please don't censor or deny anyone the chance to daylight their truth - Barry & everyone. Sometimes keeping it real isn't pretty.

    It was very easy for most folks to be used by, hoodwinked, or benefited by Efren & Susan; they're very skilled. Unfortunately I experienced and knew too much, before, during and after their election.

    Susan and Eric & Co. worked together to bring Efren the money & non-environmental white folks votes needed to supplement his Latino base. Just enough well-stuffed bank account holders used the young Latin man to overcome the 5th District's not-broad-enough base of Progressive voters.

    For surely the Progressive candidates would have installed checks and balances on land and water use, which may have impinged on the gold rush of relplacing trees, food crops, wildlife corridors and scenic views for chemically sprayed acre after acre of wine grapes, not table grapes. I'd bet many, many non-progressives wished thay had not squandered thier vote in hindsight.

    (Please don't mistake this for rascist - it's not, just demographics. I neither have a grievance for those fortunate enough to have honestly and responsibly gained and used great wealth. Just take issue with thoses who do at the expense of our inheritable future.)

    Efren and Susan are free to challenge any posts here. This is not behind their back, nor the PD's.

    Because someone outed my source of Efren's previous crime to his attorney Chris Adrian; my concerns for my well being have expanded to others. Going public may be the only way to stop the harm and indimidation tactics.

    I don't use this bulletin board to gossip. I use it to inform and compel our community members and businesses to learn and share optimal ways of: living, working, playing & emergency preparedness. Sometimes to learn from my mistakes, or theirs. Can't always get there without the raw truth. Often the truth hurts, especially if the wool is removed too swiftly from one's eyes.

    Too bad the tempo has had to be moved to such sad, serious issues.

    So I'll close on a sweet one, and some sage advice for those in charge - i.e. all of us.

    Our active duty civic member, SabastaCat, gleaned enough awesome peaches and GRAVENSTEIN apples to nourish me for a long while! (Thanks again SC.)

    There was at least one more important comment I made that the Press Democrat SC BOS "reporter" failed to mention during the Sonoma Clean Power Board meeting last week, (which Efren had to miss, though his excellent alternate, Susan Gorin made it, as did the only 2 Santa Rosa City Council members there - Wysocky & Combs - who happen to be the best picks for SR's SCP Board seats).

    Much to her credit, it was Supervisor Gorin who called for transparency at the SCP meeting, suggesting they hold their meetings in a place which could televise them on the public access channels, such as Santa Rosa City Hall or the BOS chambers.

    The solutions for a successful Sonoma Clean Power utility & abundant state & local economy are simple and tied together.

    Not long ago, California was the world's 6th largest economy. CalPERS is one of the world's largest investors. Why are their board members racking up costs by flying around the world to mind investments overseas, when the rewards for investing truly clean & deep Green in our own backyard, with large and small CALIFORNIA business owners has a huge multiplier effect???

    Pensions are not really the problem, ethics & priorities on the local, state and federal level are. Fund local, Made in the USA & CA renewables, not dirty, risky fuels here nor abroad. No fracking land or sea. No unconstitutional wars for oil & gas - ever again!!!

    If California is bold enough to step up, or even secede - we can let our nuclear power and weapons (safely) rust in peace!

    The radiation from Japan is not getting better, and is not stopping its flow in our direction. Both Japan, the US and CA need to act ASAP to end this madness and remediate the damage; end the cycle of avoidable danger.

    This is why we cannot have in place elected officials who repeatedly fumble, falter, and think with their privates in a boozed, and/or drugged haze. Nor government employees & other electeds who enable it by covering it up.

    Let's see this Wacko West County, 5th District & all the rest, lead this state and nation to better days for everyone. At least 99.5% of us; the rest need rehabilitation & time behind bars to reflect on the harm they've done.

    To everyone who stands of for the truth, no matter how hard it is; and requires those who swore their oath of office to abide by it, Peace Voyager is in deep gratitude and says -

    PS Please do our County a favor. Tell Sonoma Clean Power board & BOS chair David Rabbitt, along with all the Supervisors & the Santa Rosa City Council that you request Susan Gorin replace Efren Carrillo on the SCP Board now, not later; and vote Julie Combs & Gary Wysocky onto the SCP board at their next meeting.

    Either City of Sonoma's Mayor Ken Brown, or Laurie Gallian would make good choices too. I like them both, though I'm not sure if the conflict of interest re:her husband's employment with PG&E would be an issue. She and I served on the Community Climate Action Plan together so I feel her heart and head are in the right place.

    Next SCP Board meeting
    Thursday August 1st @ 3:30, presumably in the Board of Supervisors chambers

    County of Sonoma Board of Supervisors
    575 Administration Drive, Room 100 ASanta Rosa, CA 95403
    Phone:(707) 565-2241 Fax:(707) 565-3778 e mail links found at:
    Next Scheduled Board of Supervisors Meeting

    July 30, 2013 - 8:30 AM - Agenda / Complete Agenda Packet
    The Santa Rosa City Council's mailing address is:
    100 Santa Rosa Avenue, Room 10
    Santa Rosa, CA 95404

    Phone: 707-543-3010 Fax: 707-543-3030 [email protected]

    Direct Mail to:
    City Council
    City of Sonoma
    No. 1 The Plaza
    Sonoma CA 95476
    Messages may be left with the City Clerk (707) 933-2216.
    Steve Barbose
    (707) 292-3675
    [email protected]
    Ken Brown
    (707) 938-8623
    [email protected]
    David Cook
    (707) 490-8921
    [email protected]
    Laurie Gallian
    (707) 738-9847
    [email protected]
    Tom Rouse
    (707) 738-7897
    [email protected]

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by tomcat: View Post
    That is very offensive. You should be ashamed of yourself.
    Last edited by Barry; 07-28-2013 at 11:22 AM.
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  2. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  3. TopTop #2

    Re: Colleen's Blog

    Dear Sonoma County residents,

    Every day that well connected criminals go unconvicted, my truama endures; and more folks are harmed.

    Until I see results that all levels of law enforcement are doing all they can to correct this, I will continue sharing evidence, in spite of the uncomfortable details I must reveal. For the sake of getting justice served on many levels, and prevention of further crimes and misconduct; I hope you will support this effort.

    If you have additional information, or can assist in any way, please contact me.

    Much thanks!,

    Colleen Fernald

    Sebastopol, CA
    ----- Forwarded Message -----
    From: Colleen Fernald
    To: "[email protected]"
    ; Vesta ; "[email protected]" ; David
    Cc: "[email protected]" ; "[email protected]"
    ; Susan Gorin ; "[email protected]" ; Randy Poole; David ; Mike ; Chris Thomas
    Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 5:05 PM
    Subject: Will you report the truth, or protect the Spin Doctors/enablers?

    Dear Journalist,

    I do not have time to give you just the simple facts, in how the obstruction of justice regarding the crimes in my family, are linked to the obstruction of justice in Sonoma County Supervisor Efren Carrillo's felony assault case in San Diego nearly a year ago. So I will forward you private and tragic communications I have previously sent out, and ask you to confirm and investigate further.

    In my experience of the media and law enforcement in this area, the truth and justice have not been served. Now this issue is even more urgent, since it deeply impacts Sonoma County, when our 5th District Supervisor is caught in more crime webs, with a hearing this Friday 8:30 in courtroom 4.

    Forgive me for the last minute notice; I know there are many things I bring forward which must be verified, many questions to be answered.

    Many of the folks involved are cc'd, here. To validate my communications with Will Durst, in the hours just before Carrillo was arrested in Santa Rosa, regarding our conversation on the obstruction of justice in Carrillo's San Diego case, you can reach him @ ....

    You can ask him if he provided that information to anyone else, such as his business partner and friend Willie Brown, who just happens to be a Lawyer/Lobbyist, as are Press Democrat Managing Partners, Investors, and Board of Advisers - Doug Bosco and Darius Anderson; and for some of the very same special interest such as PG&E & Station Casinos.

    To confirm the confession to me from Mark Kelley, of being tasked by Doug Bosco to use his San Diego college buddy(ies) connections to impact the outcome of Efren Carrillo's felony assault charges in San Diego being dropped without a trial; his contact info is within the e mail chronicling our communications that night, on 11/15/12.

    My purpose to meet with him that night was to advance our careers and our state's environmental solutions at the same time. Mark is a professional Lobbyist, I met in 2005 or 2006. I have only been a citizen advocate, and give away too much of my time to meet my financial needs. I wanted to professionally partner with him to become a registered Lobbyist for the on-site septic bio remediation industry.

    Mark indicated he was interested in this, but as we were discussing it, the issue of my daughter's death being preventable came up. I had a suspicion that the people who obstructed justice in her case and mine, were the same power abusers who got Efren's San Diego charges dropped, and paid off or coerced the victim and witnesses. (I posted that on, the link will be sent next.)

    What I did not expect was Mark to confess to being part of it, and linking my sexual assault and family law cases with the meddling of Doug Bosco & others in Efren's San Diego assault case.

    Mark and I have some complicated history. I was there strictly for professional purposes to advocate for what I saw as superior, affordable win-win-win solutions for local and state regulators, property owners and everyone needing a healthier environment by correcting failed and failing septic systems.

    Since Mark, and I and Randy Poole had all been intimately involved before and after I was raped by my ex-husband, John Charles Molinari in October of 2009; there was serious motivation to keep things hushed up by them and their enablers, which also included Efren Carrillo and his Aide Susan Upchurch.

    When the results of my STD test after the rape had abnormalities; I insisted Randy and Mark get their tests done too, for us all to be responsible adults about an extremely uncomfortable issue.

    Since Randy Poole was still the General Manager of the Water Agency, and also married then, there were numerous conflicts for him; including a contract with the Russian River Watershed Council I had been tasked to do, but could not complete due to the demise of the group.

    These complications are too much to detail right now; so I hope you will all work with me to validate everything in due time. The list of who had/has motive to harm me and my family, along with why - is just as vital to our community’s justice and vitality as it is extensive.

    Because Doug Bosco and partners bought the Press Democrat, right after Efren Carrillo's attack of a bystander in San Diego; the conflict of interest in getting that paper to thoroughly investigate, and accurately report is far too great for any Reporter there. I shared some of these details with Paul Payne; he suggested I bring the story to the North Bay Bohemian.

    I don't care who owns the local media; all I want is the unbiased truth honestly and thoroughly reported. The Press Democrat's false information printed about me, and Charlotte's death is extensive and very painful. The refusal of the PD Editor to meet with me to clear it up is just as disturbing. I'll get to all that eventually.

    Even though law enforcement - local to federal has let me down; I continue to compel them to do their job. Savvy Reporters, can help inform the public, who can compel the authorities, City Managers & County Administrator & their Attorneys along with the elected officials to find their conscience, and work to clean up the corruption within their ranks.

    If you are willing and allowed to do your job well, I'd bet you will find a connection to the obstruction of justice in these cases linked to San Diego Mayor Bob Filner and their Sheriff. Both who may have had connections with Mark Kelley during his college years and continuing to these recent events.

    I see motive to keep Filner quiet on the Carrillo case in the timing and number of sexual harassment suits aimed at Filner now.

    I met Bob Filner during my 2006 run for US Senate at a Progressive Democrats of America event back then in San Diego while he was running for Congress. More on that later.

    My intention is to compel Mark Kelley and Randy Poole to reveal everything they know about all I present and then all the rest they know, or have been a party to; to whistle-blow in exchange for immunity.

    Puppets like Efren Carrillo are easily replaced; then the Puppet Masters are free to do more harm to achieve their objectives. Only the full truth will free us from the crimes and abuse of power which dominates our county, state, country and political parties.

    Just before Mark Kelley disclosed his & Bosco's actions to me last winter, he shared his disgust with the level of evil in the entities involved. I know from insiders that Governor Brown is rather not pleased with all of this dirt getting revealed and been spread around so widely it gets tracked back to many high profile enablers.

    The State Attorney General's office has their hands full with handling Carrillo's new charges in Santa Rosa. Let's hope no one escapes justice this time, because of intimidation, coercion, buried facts, or anything else.

    The best news yet is that one of the dirty parties in my case, District Attorney's Jill Ravitch, is getting a challenger from within her own ranks in the next election. The fact that this challenger is married to someone in the County Sheriff's Department is a bonus and opportunity for them to sweep out their dirt too.

    So the clock has run out for this report. Look for lots more details to come. Hope you will help be the best crime fighters possible, so I can get back to focusing on saving
    our species, one watershed at a time.

    Much thanks,

    Colleen Fernald

    ----- Forwarded Message ----
    From: Colleen Fernald
    To: Randy Poole
    Cc: "[email protected] ; marc kelley
    Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 10:45 AM
    Subject: Your birthday


    It would be insincere for me to wish you a happy birthday this year. I don't think you will ever find true happiness until you clean up the crime and misconduct that has been woven into your life.

    I find it very sad and interesting that not once did you offer your condolences on the loss of my child, though you did bother to contact me when I mentioned you during the Board of Supervisors meeting a few months ago; as I revealed how the County's dirt had a trail right to your door.

    I asked you to be a whistle-blower, so you and others would not have to live with the fear of intimidation and retaliation by those people, such as Doug Bosco who helped you interfere with the justice in my rape and family law issues, to protect you and your marriage.

    How do I know this? Others have confessed; and more are coming out of the wood work all the time.

    It is tragically too late to save my child; but it's not too late for you to come clean with the truth now. Unless you have are a psychopath, your conscience will haunt you, until you assist with the justice Sonoma County, and I have been lacking since 2009.

    Just remember, Clinton wasn't impeached for his sin, it was the lie that got him. The NSA has more than enough evidence on you, and your cronies who are still running a racket here. Will they be compelled to keep protecting the high profile folks abusing how this intelligence is used; or will they do an honorable job and hold all those involved with crime and political corruption accountable?

    Is this a gamble you want to take, or would you rather replace your dishonorable participation in many abuses of power, with a plan to redeem yourself by exposing the full truth related to the obstruction of justice regarding the crimes of my child's father, which resulted in her death?

    I, and many others, hold many details which link you and others to a long list of wrongdoings. I have absolutely no problems making my transgressions public. In fact they are documented and in the hands of several trusted people including law enforcement. It's only a matter of time before more of the public is made aware of the network within government and next to it, who have been working against the public's best interest - with deadly results.

    So on this birthday I ask you, are you intending to hide yourself and the truth; or will you work to clean your slate, make amends and move in a more noble direction?

    I look forward to hearing your decision, so I know which list to put you on - hero or zero.

    Hoping your conscience will be your guide,


    ----- Forwarded Message -----
    From: Colleen Fernald
    To: Randy Poole; [email protected]; marckelley
    Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 9:39 AM
    Subject: Charlotte

    As you've known for 2 1/2 years, I've had some ongoing serious injustice in my family's life. It was not resolved in time; and disaster has taken root.

    You did not help me get justice for Charlotte when you could; Randy, you ignored my missing child email; I am beyond upset by this

    Tragically, her body was found last Friday. I'm still in shock; with many extremely trying circumstances undone.

    I don't even have the money for an obituary; her father's family refuses to make contact with mine; I don't even have the right to her body or belongings.


    This is why she was so sad; and the resulting 1 year of me legally prevented to make any contact with her, after yet more criminal misconduct by her dad; the SRPD and Judges Chataeu, Bertolli and Schaffer.

    Judge Bertolli gives restraining orders to criminal, not victims; now 3 people were killed just last week, because he did not get removed from the bench; because I had no help with it!

    You had Jim Leddy did damage control when I confronted you about getting STD tests; after the rape. When the truth about John Molinari's solicitation of teen prostitutes, and subsequent risk to us, make it prudent to get tested; you were not responsible; then my home was invaded, and other attempts to scare me were brought upon me.

    At the meeting with Leddy on this. he kept repeating, "Where's your daughter", after I had already told him. It was like it was a threat, not a question. He has many things to answer to. So do you.

    Though it's been suspended ever since Charlotte went missing; I do not plan to give up my US Senate campaign. I need some time to sort things out. The official story on her, is very short on facts; hard to clear up with so much deep pain and deception.

    Which is why I can not give up. I will be working on a bill to protect the rights of victims of sexual assault, along with witnesses, and suspects, to have a polygraph test. This will reduce the cost of investigations, and increase the number of convictions.

    In her memory, Charlotte's Law; she'd be with us now, if it had already been in place. Maybe you can all help me with it now.

    It was always for her, and all children's inheritable future; that I work to repair what hinders our ability to thrive. This remarkable child, who graced us with nearly 16 years; has always, and will infinitely inspire me, to find ways to get this state, country, and world back to natural beauty, and security built on a foundation of peace.

    The only way my heart can ever be healed, is with justice for us all; I beg you to help me get it now; for Charlotte's sake; the restoration of your karma; and to prevent any more victims of these kinds of crimes.



    Searchers found a dead body believed to be a missing Santa Rosa teen in Annadel State Park Friday, police said.

    It appeared to be a suicide by hanging.

    Charlotte Anna Molinari, 15, has been missing since she went on a bike ride around 9:45 a.m. Saturday, police said.

    Last edited by Barry; 08-30-2013 at 01:18 PM.
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  4. TopTop #3

    November 2013: Colleen's Blog

    Regarding this AP story:

    Germany: Prepared to speak with Snowden

    I bet they want to speak with him; and they're not alone are they?

    Good reason to rant...

    Just hope Edward Snowden got the evidence We The People need to help the United States hold all domestic enemies accountable.

    Especially the ones in charge of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and certainly when their family was also profiting from the contractors' work like the Carlyle Group did from Snowden.

    When the entire job of the NSA & its contractors is to be the whistle-blower of all crime, on an equal basis, by all members of the: public, government, and businesses & corporations; and this has the oversight of the Public; only then can we fix what is truly broken in what's at work here.

    I will surrender my right to privacy in order to restore all the rest of America's Constitutional Rights, and adherence to solely Constitutional requirements for use of force, by Congress, and only for defense, not strike first operations/"wars" of choice.

    Every American - Left, Right & Center, must call for the annulment of the 2003 use of force resolution PL 107-243, granting any president the right to deploy our forces without consent from Congress, or declaration of war; and with no public judicial due process for those sentenced to death, and little accountability for collateral damage of innocent civilians and property owners.

    It has been going on for far too long. It won't stop until we insist on it; and replace those who fail to honor their Oath of Office with those who will.

    Will the Democrats in California please do something about what their US Senators are enabling? How many trillions of dollars of the California economy is riding on our international reputation?

    Seems nothing is being done to correct it.

    Suggestion: Cal PERS & Cal STERS, California banks, investment funds, etc. - use your clout to melt bombs into plowshares.

    Instead of sacrificing carbon sequestering forests for the sake of heavy water-dependent wine grapes, which export our surface and ground waters untold millions of gallons each year; we must focus funding Deep Green power right here.

    It's a far wiser investment of domestic and federal budgets, than barbarically policing the world for the dirtiest fuels possible.

    The answers are easier than rocket science; and California can do that!

    Let's peacefully demonstrate how we can manifest the will; and the way will rise before us.

    Ready, set,...go reconstitute the Constitution for social and environmental security.

    Transparency = Truth.

    Let's use it fairly & wisely.

    Much thanks from,

    The Uncommon American

    PS: Dear NSA,

    Please pass this on to the new Director of the FBI, Mr. Comey.

    You may have the power to be the world's best "Fixer"; (which most of us know is typically the job of the CIA for the wrong clients, and the wrong reasons).

    Please consider a novel amnesty for Edward Snowden. This may be the only way to save face in the international community & save our country from collapse.

    I'd like him to help the FBI, NSA, Federal & State Attorney Generals help the US come clean on how these agencies, our government, military and contractors have many times been tasked with inappropriate operations.

    Then initiate practices to demonstrate that this will not continue.

    If we cannot be honest and adhere to integrity with our own citizens and allies; how can we ever be trusted in peace negotiations with our enemies?

    I ask this as the most patriotic American I know how to be. As I'm sure you know; I've never had a direct connection to Mr. Snowden, and have no knowledge of his whereabouts or data, (other than what I read about here & in the news).

    I also have made my position of support on Whistle Blower Bradley Manning quite public as well. I do so to protect my country, service members, and innocent lives in other countries.

    The truth that Manning and Snowden sacrificed their freedom and security for - must be addressed!!!

    Your honor, that of everyone in the FBI who swore that oath to protect and defend the Constitution must do so - ESPECIALLY when it is NOT politically correct to do so!

    Love to chat with you about your comments on the radio regarding your meeting in Sacramento and corruption in politics. (Please note: tongue is not in cheek.)

    Interesting that word of your visit came the same morning as the hearing for Sonoma County Supervisor Efren Carrillo's "Peeping" charges in Santa Rosa.

    So Mr. Comey, let's be Facebook friends not foes; and get America back to work for our greater good.

    I'm quite serious as I relay this - when you're in the area again, let's have a GMO-free lunch. I'll share some vital evidence in local, nation, and international crime; and we can discuss options to resolve it.

    Who knows, maybe there's even something for me on the government's payroll using my Collusion Analyst skills; which would enable me to afford "Obamacare"?

    Most of your Agents in this region have been comprised by the political, corporate, and media collusion.

    Your San Francisco office has seen evidence of potential lethal intimidation by PG&E when they had to be evacuated for a gas leak earlier this year.

    Both I, and the municipalities for the County it's in, and City of San Bruno have suffered lethal and near lethal consequences from the performance, and lack of accountability of Pacific Gas & Electric.

    Has your office been asked to look the unethical conduct of the California Public Utilities Commissioner Chairman and legal staff; charged with oversight of a utility they have so many conflicts of interest with?

    Please dig as deep as you have to; find out if the gas leak at the federal building on Golden Gate Av. in San Francisco was: an "accident", negligence, or intimidation.

    Don't forget to look into the Lawyer/Lobbyist paid well to keep PG&E's corporate interest shielded. They live in zip codes in San Francisco and Sonoma Counties.

    Be sure to check out the front page headlines in the San Francisco Chronicle the day the federal building gas leak evacuation occurred. It was a story about PG&E's multi-billion dollar overhaul of the infrastructure there. What a convenient cover.

    I surely hope & pray you are the new clean sheriff in town; the one that folks like Willie Brown, Doug Bosco, Darius Anderson, Dianne Feinstein & her husband cannot buy-off, coerce, collude with or intimidate.

    I ask you to be the kind of FBI Agent and Director who demonstrates to the Agency, the Country, the public and your family - abiding by your oath of office to support and defend our Constitution is THE most important part of your job; not something which would deem you worthy of being on a domestic terrorist watch list - RIGHT?

    So I ask you sincerely; will you be America's Fixer, no matter what party is "in charge"? Will you help me help you; and the rest of us?

    Long ago I gave law enforcement my permission to be "good listeners" with my communications because of the criminals in my life. Sadly that was not put to appropriate use in time to save my daughter's life.

    Fixing what enabled this, can serve to fix the bad publicity the domestic and international spying scandal has brought, as well as getting the truth told in rape cases, both military and civilian, and stop the debt of continuing undeclared wars of choice..

    Now that you've cleaned house a bit in California; let's work on the ones on the hill in the DC watershed, and my back yard.

    One more thing, if you're looking for facts, don't waste your time with our local: law enforcement, DA, and especially our media.

    Only the data-keepers know for sure; but I'd bet the fact-to-fiction ratio in a local newspaper & police file, vs social media account is astoundingly not what you would predict.

    We all live downstream - what are you doing to clean & repair yours? Both the actual toxins, and the one which erode the truth. Reaching out to you is the best way I know how to fix mine.

    So, will you have your people be in touch; there's so much to do to get this much tarnish off in the domestic and international point of view.

    Ready to be the hero of all uncorrupted political party members, as well as, citizens wanting no part of politics as all?

    I'm game; how about you?
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  5. TopTop #4

    Re: Video link: watch the sad spectacle of the cross-exam for yourself

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Peacetown Jonathan: View Post

    It would be a travesty if either the jury lets him off, the judge does not sentence appropriately (jail time), OR he stays on the Board. Any of these outcomes will tell our sisters, mothers, daughters, partners and friends that this behavior is condoned by our community. IT IS NOT!
    The travesty is that there are several bad actors here; and this is business as usual for the puppetmasters who buy and control the strings. Carrillo is one of many puppets.

    What's new is that some Federal Agents seem to be cracking down, as in the recent cases of State elected officials such as Leland Yee. From what I've heard from longtime political observers, Lee's been on the cleaner side of the dirty scale; so I wonder if the really bad guys are just using that investigation as a warning to the rest to keep their pants on and lips shut.

    I have attended nearly all of Carrillo's hearings and trial. I have much to say. For now, I want you to join me in requiring the Federal Investigators to investigate what happened during the last day of the "PeekingGate" trial; and everything which led up to this. In review of these facts, is this what a real justice process looks like - when the jurors, which are cheese to the dirty rats, are allowed to be in the same halls, and maybe restrooms with them, because they are not fully sequestered in this trial?

    Why? So that the fat rats, the one's with the large waists, which maybe further enlarged by big wads of cash can "bump" into them; while a jury who had just reached a verdict is somehow excused for an hour and 1/2 before delivering it; only to find one juror has changed his/her mind?

    Are you outraged as I am, or at least curious enough to demand action; that our Big Brother (Federal) investigate the Middle and Little Brothers (State, County & City of Santa Rosa) to see what may be on the un-edited security camera recordings at the courthouse; and also what are the contents of Carrillo's phone that the Prosecutor alluded to?

    Do you have a problem as I do, with the fact that both the Santa Rosa Police Department and Cody Hunt, Napa DA's Prosecutor in Carrillo's case, said that obstructing justice is not a local or state crime, only a Federal one?

    So not only are we in great need of a full, authentic investigation on what really happened with Carrillo in San Diego, etc.; but we need additional state and local laws to prevent the buying, or coercing of judicial and law enforcement employees, witnesses, etc.

    Are you willing to take action on any of this?

    Will you begin with asking the SF SBI to seize the courthouse videos ASAP?

    The lives of those who have been witness to, participants of, and disclosers of the facts I've shared are in danger every day the well-connected, well-financed criminals here go un-investigated and un-charged. It looks as though only a public outcry can resolve this.

    My fate has already become far worse than death; the preventable death of my daughter, by these same criminals, enables those bad actors to continue to harm others, and spoil our quality of life here. Hell is here for me, in what I've thought was one of the most special places on earth. Hell is being here since 2010 telling everyone I possibly could of the peril my child and I were in. Everyone who heard those cries for help and did nothing - has some accountability in Charlotte's preventable death. Hell for me is 2 years after it's occurred, to have no certainty that her suicide was not staged; and nearly no support from friends, family and this community to help get answers and accountability. Ouch!

    On the way to the "PeekingGate" circus trial, I had the displeasure of crossing the street at the same time as DA Jill Ravitch. I had been trying to work with her office and the SRPD to get all the evidence in my cases in the hands of the State Attorney General's office to request a change of venue for: a proper investigation, charges filed, and trial.

    I asked Ravitch what happened to the 2 pieces of critical evidence I handed her at our meeting when she had taken over as DA. SHE DENIES KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT RECEIVING MY EVIDENCE!!!

    I want Federal investigators to investigate this, and much more, and subject her to a polygraph test simultaneous to mine so they can see - with all the pricey homeland security tools possible - just who is lying.

    Living with such massive levels of "truth decay" is debilitating; so I've needed extensive time away from my digital life. I put so much unresolved trauma into healing activities such as gardening, I seriously hurt my body again, so typing remains painful; as did sitting all week through the trial. The emotional pain from the whole ordeal with it was just as excruciating. I'm sorry I did not see more of ya'll in the audience.

    Nevertheless, the proverbial well endowed lady has yet to sing; perhaps this time it won't be the same tune the good ol' boys & girlz club have requested and paid for. Likely only gonna happen if enough of ya'll care to take responsible action and demand our all our homeland security resources are used for the problems in our own: back, side and front yards!

    One the purely observational side of PeekingGate, Prosecutor Cody Hunt looked to operate like a pool parlor hustler; I was infuriated that he refused to hear other evidence related to this case, nor would summon an investigator to look into things. He did not look very strong in the trial until the closing statements. They were quick, clean, strong and persuasive. He earned his full pay that day I heard everyone agree.

    On the other hand I think Chris Andrian wanted to throw the case, but look like he earned his fees. He and especially his female partner were weak; Andrian did a very good job of offending the female jurors, which were all but 2, outside of the alternates. (One female juror cannot return Monday, the alternates are a male and female; I think both are white.)

    Andrian had remarked to me just before the trial began, that his wife was not supportive of this case. I suggested he look into my concerns about Carrillo potentially being set-up by his puppetmasters in this Santa Rosa crime - so they could tighten the grip they have on his - you well know what. Chris did a number of things directly and indirectly to me I was seriously offended and harmed by during trial and outside while waiting. (I have had nothing but friendly exchanges with him for many years prior to this.)

    BTW: With the return of my soap boxing here in WaccoLeaksLand -

    Russia is not the problem, the US & NATO are. Let the Ukrainian's decide their own fate, just as we should insist be done here. Time for the (not really) United States to have some marriage counseling, or divorce and re-group our states ranked by social values standards - as in tribal.

    Shouldn't this work for all countries from Iraq to the Ukraine? If our representatives don't represent the 99%'s best interest, because they have conflicting paid interests to fulfill; then a simple form of democracy - majority rules, is needed to replace what is clearly not now working?

    I know this is another thread, but do you agree? Ready for a peaceful Constitution Revolution? The Independents and Tea Party types need the West County styled energy & activities to counterbalance, and address the crisis issues before us, beyond the cattle grazing ones.

    Back on track -

    So here below is what I sent the SF FBI, will you also make a request to ensure that a juror was not approached by anyone to influence the outcome in our West County Supervisor's case - before, during, or currently; in person, or by any other means of communication or coercion?

    In my life, this case is the least of Efren's and his enablers' crimes. If you think just going through the criminal and judicial process brings justice to those not protected by the well-connected & funded; a thorough education and analysis of all the evidence is required.

    There is so much more on the line here, than one's right to peace and security in their own home - I implore you to dig in and continuing to press for all legal actions needed until we have obtained the required results.

    Remember I'm "shooting the moon" as they say in the card game Hearts; operating in full daylight to get the evidence in everyone's hands to protect the safety of all the current, and potential whistleblowers. Please spread the word so our rights, honor, justice & safety will no longer be trampled on!

    Much thanks,

    Colleen Fernald

    I am targeting the San Francisco FBI because of my experience with severe misconduct with the Santa Rosa FBI, and a statement from a law enforcement official that they lie in the same dirty bed as the other local officials.

    Also, I contend that the SF Federal building housing the FBI, the Federal DOJ and State's AG offices may have been a target of intimidation, as I have by been, by PG&E created gas leaks which may have been made to look accidental.

    If there is no real investigation with this knowledge intact; how many other communities will suffer the fate of San Bruno, or worse, because of a lack of infrastructure and safety funding priorities by the PG&E Executives and their lawyer/lobbyist buddies; or an "accident" because some paper tiger ran her mouth a bit too much too close to the ugly, deadly truth?

    Not to mention the criminal lack of oversight by some, or many of the regulators at the CPUC. Sonoma Clean Power cannot change this without removing the dirt within that entity. More on that next time...

    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Reporting crimes and request for investigation
    Date: 2014-04-25 21:40
    From: Colleen Fernald
    To: [email protected]

    In this week's court case of the State of California against Efren Carrillo in Peeking charges, the Attorney General's office stepped in because of the conflict of interest in Efren Carrillo's position as a County Supervisor and his relationship with Sonoma County's District Attorney Jill Ravich. The State brought in Cody Hunt as a prosecutor from Napa, along with Supervising Assistant Attorney General Joyce Blair.

    The same conflict of interest applies to Efren Carrillo and his cozy political relationship with the judges in Sonoma County Superior Court, including the one in his trial. The Attorney General's office never should have allowed this case to be tried in Sonoma County. Big mistake.

    Before and during this trial, I have tried to inform Joyce Blair of Carrillo's obstruction of justice in Carrillo's assault case in San Diego, (details included). I have experience severe obstruction of justice, other crimes and misconduct by: the Santa Rosa Police, Sonoma County Superior Court & DA Ravitch myself, which resulted in my daughter's full custody being given to my ex husband, John Charles Molinari, who had raped me when she was in the home in October of 2009, + 3 other crimes; then our child, Charlotte Anna Molinari, was found hanging from a tree in Annadel State Park on 4/20/12 after supposedly running away from her dad's the week before.

    The person who ordered of the obstruction of justice in San Diego was Douglas Bosco; this was told to me by the person who did it Mark Kelly. Bosco and his associates have been attending Carrillo's trial, as I have also.

    Around noon today the media announced the jury had come to a verdict. Another criminal attorney, named Steven Turer, who was covering the case for radio station KSRO said all of the attorneys were there; so the final delivery of the verdict should and could have proceeded, he said.

    Instead Judge Medvigy dismissed the jury for lunch; which was strange because the verdict would not have taken too long and then they could have just been dismissed as the end of the trial. When the jury returned, the jury found one have them had change their mind.

    I want to know why this trial was allowed to be tried here, and why the jury was not sequestered the whole time? The folks who got Carrillo's San Diego crimes "fixed" could have easily had a lucrative conversation with a juror in the men's room for example, which influenced the change.

    I am concerned enough with this potential jury tampering, I request that a Federal investigation begin immediately to see if the surveillance tapes of the courthouse can be acquired, and if they include scenes from the restrooms.

    It was reveled in court today that someone from the media had made improper contact with the jurors, and each one was questioned about that. The reporter may receive contempt charges for his actions.

    The crime Carrillo is charged with is one of the least of his crimes he's committed; many who have suffered by his actions will not want to see him get away with it again.

    There is one very interesting question in this case, what was on Carrillo's cel phone, the one in his hands as he was arrested in his underwear outside Jane Doe's apartment after he had just ripped her screen and "peeked"?

    This is the part where the Santa Rosa Police department will not want to go; it will likely reveal much more dirt on folks they want to shield for the wrong reasons, folks like Doug Bosco, Darius Anderson, both managing partners for our daily newspaper the Press Democrat, Bosco is a lawyer/lobbyist for PG&E & Station Casinos, etc.; perhaps even our Gov. has uncomfortable connections. Efren had been tweeting about visits with Jerry Brown at the Russian River before he got caught last July near 4 am at his next door neighbor's peeking.

    So I hope you can obtain and review the courthouse security tapes before they are lost, and we can work to find justice on this, and all the other crimes and misdeeds I have previously shared & will continue to share until justice is served, and I can mourn my daughter in peace, and one more predator - Carrillo can receive the justice he deserves, not what his protectors can purchase or influence.

    Much thanks,

    Colleen Fernald


    From Sonoma County's community online bulletin board Re: Colleen's Blog
    Dear Sonoma County residents,

    Every day that well connected criminals go unconvicted, my trauma endures; and more folks are harmed.

    Until I see results that all levels of law enforcement are doing all they can to correct this, I will continue sharing evidence, in spite of the uncomfortable details I must reveal. For the sake of getting justice served on many levels, and prevention of further crimes and misconduct; I hope you will support this effort.

    If you have additional information, or can assist in any way, please contact me.

    Much thanks!,

    Colleen Fernald

    Sebastopol, CA
    ----- Forwarded Message -----
    From: Colleen Fernald
    To: "[email protected]"
    ; Vesta ; "[email protected]" ; David
    Cc: "[email protected]" ; "[email protected]"
    ; Susan Gorin ; "[email protected]" ; Randy Poole; David ; Mike ; Chris Thomas
    Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 5:05 PM
    Subject: Will you report the truth, or protect the Spin Doctors/enablers?

    Dear Journalist,

    I do not have time to give you just the simple facts, in how the obstruction of justice regarding the crimes in my family, are linked to the obstruction of justice in Sonoma County Supervisor Efren Carrillo's felony assault case in San Diego nearly a year ago. So I will forward you private and tragic communications I have previously sent out, and ask you to confirm and investigate further.

    In my experience of the media and law enforcement in this area, the truth and justice have not been served. Now this issue is even more urgent, since it deeply impacts Sonoma County, when our 5thDistrict Supervisor is caught in more crime webs, with a hearing this Friday 8:30 in courtroom 4.

    Forgive me for the last minute notice; I know there are many things I bring forward which must be verified, many questions to be answered.

    Many of the folks involved are cc'd, here. To validate my communications with Will Durst, in the hours just before Carrillo was arrested in Santa Rosa, regarding our conversation on the obstruction of justice in Carrillo's San Diego case, you can reach him @ ....

    You can ask him if he provided that information to anyone else, such as his business partner and friend Willie Brown, who just happens to be a Lawyer/Lobbyist, as are Press Democrat Managing Partners, Investors, and Board of Advisers - Doug Bosco and Darius Anderson; and for some of the very same special interest such as PG&E & Station Casinos.

    To confirm the confession to me from Mark Kelley, of being tasked by Doug Bosco to use his San Diego college buddy(ies) connections to impact the outcome of Efren Carrillo's felony assault charges in San Diego being dropped without a trial; his contact info is within the e mail chronicling our communications that night, on 11/15/12.

    My purpose to meet with him that night was to advance our careers and our state's environmental solutions at the same time. Mark is a professional Lobbyist, I met in 2005 or 2006. I have only been a citizen advocate, and give away too much of my time to meet my financial needs. I wanted to professionally partner with him to become a registered Lobbyist for the on-site septic bio remediation industry.

    Mark indicated he was interested in this, but as we were discussing it, the issue of my daughter's death being preventable came up. I had a suspicion that the people who obstructed justice in her case and mine, were the same power abusers who got Efren's San Diego charges dropped, and paid off or coerced the victim and witnesses. (I posted that on, the link will be sent next.)

    What I did not expect was Mark to confess to being part of it, and linking my sexual assault and family law cases with the meddling of Doug Bosco & others in Efren's San Diego assault case.

    Mark and I have some complicated history. I was there strictly for professional purposes to advocate for what I saw as superior, affordable win-win-win solutions for local and state regulators, property owners and everyone needing a healthier environment by correcting failed and failing septic systems.

    Since Mark, and I and Randy Poole had all been intimately involved before and after I was raped by my ex-husband, John Charles Molinari in October of 2009; there was serious motivation to keep things hushed up by them and their enablers, which also included Efren Carrillo and his Aide Susan Upchurch.

    When the results of my STD test after the rape had abnormalities; I insisted Randy and Mark get their tests done too, for us all to be responsible adults about an extremely uncomfortable issue.

    Since Randy Poole was still the General Manager of the Water Agency, and also married then, there were numerous conflicts for him; including a contract with the Russian River Watershed Council I had been tasked to do, but could not complete due to the demise of the group.

    These complications are too much to detail right now; so I hope you will all work with me to validate everything in due time. The list of who had/has motive to harm me and my family, along with why - is just as vital to our community’s justice and vitality as it is extensive.

    Because Doug Bosco and partners bought the Press Democrat, right after Efren Carrillo's attack of a bystander in San Diego; the conflict of interest in getting that paper to thoroughly investigate, and accurately report is far too great for any Reporter there. I shared some of these details with Paul Payne; he suggested I bring the story to the North Bay Bohemian.

    I don't care who owns the local media; all I want is the unbiased truth honestly and thoroughly reported. The Press Democrat's false information printed about me, and Charlotte's death is extensive and very painful. The refusal of the PD Editor to meet with me to clear it up is just as disturbing. I'll get to all that eventually.

    Even though law enforcement - local to federal has let me down; I continue to compel them to do their job. Savvy Reporters, can help inform the public, who can compel the authorities, City Managers & County Administrator & their Attorneys along with the elected officials to find their conscience, and work to clean up the corruption within their ranks.

    If you are willing and allowed to do your job well, I'd bet you will find a connection to the obstruction of justice in these cases linked to San Diego Mayor Bob Filner and their Sheriff. Both who may have had connections with Mark Kelley during his college years and continuing to these recent events.

    I see motive to keep Filner quiet on the Carrillo case in the timing and number of sexual harassment suits aimed at Filner now.

    I met Bob Filner during my 2006 run for US Senate at a Progressive Democrats of America event back then in San Diego while he was running for Congress. More on that later.

    My intention is to compel Mark Kelley and Randy Poole to reveal everything they know about all I present and then all the rest they know, or have been a party to; to whistle-blow in exchange for immunity.

    Puppets like Efren Carrillo are easily replaced; then the Puppet Masters are free to do more harm to achieve their objectives. Only the full truth will free us from the crimes and abuse of power which dominates our county, state, country and political parties.

    Just before Mark Kelley disclosed his & Bosco's actions to me last winter, he shared his disgust with the level of evil in the entities involved. I know from insiders that Governor Brown is rather not pleased with all of this dirt getting revealed and been spread around so widely it gets tracked back to many high profile enablers.

    The State Attorney General's office has their hands full with handling Carrillo's new charges in Santa Rosa. Let's hope no one escapes justice this time, because of intimidation, coercion, buried facts, or anything else.

    The best news yet is that one of the dirty parties in my case, District Attorney's Jill Ravitch, is getting a challenger from within her own ranks in the next election. The fact that this challenger is married to someone in the County Sheriff's Department is a bonus and opportunity for them to sweep out their dirt too.

    So the clock has run out for this report. Look for lots more details to come. Hope you will help be the best crime fighters possible, so I can get back to focusing on saving our , one watershed at a time.

    Much thanks,

    Colleen Fernald
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  6. TopTop #5

    Re: Efren will have his day in court!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Nevermind: View Post
    When you say,

    I don't know how you can say nothing he did constituted attempted sexual assault: IF I showed up at your house at 3 am, drunk & wearing only bra & panties, fiddling around your window - what would you think? I understand that women are less likely to force themselves on men, in general - but in this case, men have got to be able to empathize with women (& the frequency of sexual violence against women) for justice to happen.
    In fact when Efren's own directly spoken words - under oath mind you - are "I wanted to have sex with her"; instead of I wanted to see if she WANTED to have sex with me - something is VERY wrong with the charges filed.

    This is why I suggested it may be that Kamala Harris tied the hands of Joyce Blair, under the direction of her campaign funders. This was due to the timing of the peeking charges; when I went public with the obstruction of justice in the San Diego case, etc.; and when lawyer/lobbyist Willie Brown held a fundraiser for Harris.

    What most offends and disturbs me about Dixon's position is to call a theory or hypothesis - a "rape fantasy".

    Am I alone on this?

    Every time I find it necessary to publicly or privately literally air my dirty laundry, as in the case of DA Ravtich losing my rape EVIDENCE, it adds to my trauma 1000%.

    But the consequence of do nothing to get the very sick man who raped me, along with several other illegal things with teens - incarcerated; is worse than the humiliation of begging: all levels of law enforcement, DA's, judges, Child Protection Services, family, friends, strangers and YOU - all to assist in every way you can - SO NO ONE ELSE IS HARMED BY CRIMINALS, AND BROKEN LAW ENFORCEMENT, CRIMINAL JUSTICE & POLITICAL SYSTEMS!

    Will you all move beyond discussion and into action? Email the SF FBI & State and Federal AG's if you think any of my evidence warrants their investigation?

    Do you feel safe with my ex and Carrillo escaping justice - while children like Charlotte Molinari and Andy Lopez are dead due to UNDER-use of force, and OVER-use of force; because his family and mine did not have the connections Carrillo and perhaps my ex have?

    My neighborhood watch efforts are with me, no matter what area I'm in. This is not paranoia - it's adaptive intelligence based on direct experience and being witness to others'.

    Please share your evidence with me and others to validate the claims here; and other folks you know of who should be convicted; lose their job and/or license to practice law, medicine, etc.

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  7. TopTop #6
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: Colleen's Blog


    I wanted to address the tragic death of your daughter ... I'm so sorry for your loss. There is no way to know if this was staged but I will say that I know of one other Sonoma County woman who has experienced the same thing. She is now an unwilling informant for corrupt government and she was sent to me to gather information. Before she left she told me that she had once been very political in an anti-establishment way and she lost her child over it. Of course this could have been disinformation to scare me, but I don't think so as there were tears in her eyes when she told me this. Also, perhaps by coincidence, every powerful woman that I knew in this county died an early death ....

    I don't know exactly when my life became some kind of James Bond soap opera but I suspect that it has something to do with my call to the police one night to report gun shots and loud partying in my neighborhood. Police records will show that that event is followed by many more police reports of vandalism, theft and break ins on my property, a sad occurrence which continues to this day ...

    Here is a video which is circulating on the internet ... if you advance the video to the 9:16 mark you will see Steve Allman speak ... he's a friend of mine on FaceBook and he's put together a class action lawsuit for victims of these crimes ... there's also another lawyer working for this cause and you're welcomed to join me as I visit him later this month ....
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