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  1. TopTop #1

    Is the Dramatic Increase in Baby Deaths in the US a Result of Fukushima Fallout?

    Berkeley Labs found isotopes in water, milk, etc. in April but decided to stop testing. In the absence of official data,
    it appears to me that the assumption is the danger has passed. The reactors will not be 'contained' until at least
    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, babies and pregnant and nursing moms are at risk.
    So I'm posting this.

    June 10 - 12, 2011
    A 35% Spike in Infant Mortality in Northwest Cities Since Meltdown

    Is the Dramatic Increase in Baby Deaths in the US a Result of Fukushima Fallout?


    U.S. babies are dying at an increased rate. While the United States spends billions on medical care, as of 2006, the US ranked 28th in the world in infant mortality, more than twice that of the lowest ranked countries. (DHHS, CDC, National Center for Health Statistics. Health United States 2010, Table 20, p. 131, February 2011.)
    The recent CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report indicates that eight cities in the northwest U.S. (Boise ID, Seattle WA, Portland OR, plus the northern California cities of Santa Cruz, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, and Berkeley) reported the following data on deaths among those younger than one year of age:
    4 weeks ending March 19, 2011 - 37 deaths (avg. 9.25 per week)
    10 weeks ending May 28, 2011 - 125 deaths (avg.12.50 per week)
    This amounts to an increase of 35% (the total for the entire U.S. rose about 2.3%), and is statistically significant. Of further significance is that those dates include the four weeks before and the ten weeks after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant disaster. In 2001 the infant mortality was 6.834 per 1000 live births, increasing to 6.845 in 2007. All years from 2002 to 2007 were higher than the 2001 rate.
    Spewing from the Fukushima reactor are radioactive isotopes including those of iodine (I-131), strontium (Sr-90) and cesium (Cs-134 and Cs-137) all of which are taken up in food and water. Iodine is concentrated in the thyroid, Sr-90 in bones and teeth and Cs-134 and Cs-137 in soft tissues, including the heart. The unborn and babies are more vulnerable because the cells are rapidly dividing and the delivered dose is proportionally larger than that delivered to an adult.
    Data from Chernobyl, which exploded 25 years ago, clearly shows increased numbers of sick and weak newborns and increased numbers of deaths in the unborn and newborns, especially soon after the meltdown. These occurred in Europe as well as the former Soviet Union. Similar findings are also seen in wildlife living in areas with increased radioactive fallout levels.
    (Chernobyl – Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, Alexeiy V. Yablokov, Vasily B. Nesterenko, and Alexey V. Nesterenko. Consulting Editor: Janette D. Sherman-Nevinger. New York Academy of Sciences, 2009.)
    Levels of radioisotopes were measured in children who had died in the Minsk area that had received Chernobyl fallout. The cardiac findings were the same as those seen in test animals that had been administered Cs-137. Bandashevsky, Y. I, Pathology of Incorporated Ionizing Radiation, Belarus Technical University, Minsk. 136 pp., 1999. For his pioneering work, Prof. Bandashevsky was arrested in 2001 and imprisoned for five years of an eight year sentence.
    The national low-weight (under 2500 grams, or 5.5 lbs) rate has risen 23% from 1984 to 2006. Nearly 400,000 infants are born under 2500g each year in the U.S. Most of the increase in infant mortality is due specifically to infants born weighing less than 750 grams (I lb 10 1/2 oz). Multiple births commonly result in underweight babies, but most of the increase in births at less than 750 grams occurred among singletons and among mothers 20-34 years of age. (CDC, National Vital Statistics Report, 52 (12): 1-24, 2005.)
    From an obstetrical point of view, women in the age bracket 20 to 34 are those most physically able to deliver a healthy child. So what has gone wrong? Clues to causation are often revealed when there is a change in incidence, a suspicious geographical distribution, and/or an increase in hazards known to adversely affect health and development.
    The risk of having a baby with birth defects is estimated at three to four of every 100 babies born. As of 2005, the Institute of medicine estimated the cost of pre-term births in the US at more than $2.6 billion, or $51,600 for each infant.
    Low birth weight babies, born too soon and too small, face a lifetime of health problems, including cerebral palsy, and behavioral and learning problems placing an enormous physical, emotional and economic burdens on society as a whole and on those caring for them. Death of a young child is devastating to a family.
    As of June 5, 2011, The Japan Times reported that radiation in the No. 1 plant was measured at 4,000 milliseverts per hour. To put that in perspective, a worker would receive a maximal “permissible” dose in 4 minutes. In addition there are over 40,000 tons of radioactive water under that reactor with more radioactivity escaping into the air and sea. Fuel rods are believed to have melted and sunk to the bottom of reactors 1, 2, and 3.
    Tepco, the corporate owner took more than two months to confirm the meltdowns and admitted lying about the levels of destruction and subsequent contamination, resulting in “Public Distrust.” Over 100,000 tons of radioactive waste are on the site.
    Why should we care if there may be is a link between Fukushima and the death of children? Because we need to measure the actual levels of isotopes in the environment and in the bodies of people exposed to determine if the fallout is killing our most vulnerable. The research is not technically difficult – the political and economic barriers may be greater. Bandshevsky and others did it and confirmed the connection. The information is available in the Chernobyl book. (Previously cited.)
    The biological findings of Chernobyl cannot be ignored: isotope incorporation will determine the future of all life on earth – animal, fish, bird, plant and human. It is crucial to know this information if we are to avoid further catastrophic damage.
    Janette D. Sherman, M. D. is the author of Life's Delicate Balance: Causes and Prevention of Breast Cancer and Chemical Exposure and Disease, and is a specialist in internal medicine and toxicology. She edited the book Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and Nature, written by A. V. Yablokov, V. B., Nesterenko and A. V. Nesterenko, published by the New York Academy of Sciences in 2009. Her primary interest is the prevention of illness through public education. She can be reached at: [email protected] and
    Joseph Mangano is an epidemiologist, and Executive Director of the Radiation and Public Health Project research group.
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  3. TopTop #2

    Re: Is the Dramatic Increase in Baby Deaths in the US a Result of Fukushima Fallout?


    I was directed to a series of blogs that translate Japanese information and charts about the fallout in Fukushima. The blogs are replete with remarks about the intentional downplaying of the dangers to the Japanese public. [It is inspiring that parents are organizing and protesting in Japan.]
    By extrapolation, I believe the same efforts to hide and distract with meaningless reassuring press releases in this country have kept the real nature of this crisis from the collective consciousness here and in Japan.

    I received a request to include information about the health of Japanese newborn babies after the meltdowns, but, alas, I can't find it. However, knowing the level of Iodine-131 in the vicinity of the reactors (below) leads me to believe we will be reading the real story about this cataclysm in 10 years, the same amount of time it's taken to find out about the true destruction at Chernobyl. God willing.

    I'm pasting a collection of translations below and invite those with more information to share it publicly or privately with me.
    With deep concern,
    Peggy Day, Mother, Grandmother, RN,activist and videographer.

    This is written by one blogger:

    About my coverage of Japan Earthquake of March 11

    I am Japanese, and I not only read Japanese news sources for information on earthquake and the Fukushima Nuke Plant but also watch press conferences via the Internet when I can and summarize my findings, adding my observations. Sunday, May 22, 2011

    Ministry of Education Quietly Released WSPEEDI Simulation, It Shows Very High Organ Dose of Iodine-131 for Infants in Wide Area

    Together with this:

    Wasatch Economics

    Radioactive iodine from Fukushima Daiichi a threat to unborn children

    Posted in Uncategorized by rosethorn on May 20, 2011
    Research conducted after the Three Mile Island nuclear accident in 1979 in the US (Infant Mortality Changes Following The Three Mile Island Accident(pdf)) found that
    “An examination of the monthly changes in infant mortality in Pennsylvania and the nearby areas of Upstate New York as given in the U.S. Monthly Vital Statistics reports indicate that the mortality rate rose significantly shortly after the Three Mile Island accident in the directions where the plume of radioactive gases was known to have moved. The number of reported infant deaths per month rose from a minimum of 141 in March of 1979 just before the accident to a peak of 271 in July declining again to 119 by August. This is an unprecedented and highly significant rise of 92% in the summer months when infant mortality normally reaches its lowest values.”
    This research indicates that a quantity of roughly 14 curies(518 gigabecquerels) of radioactive iodine-131(I-131) was released from the Three Mile Island facility and that I-131 was the cause of the increase in mortality.
    By contrast, at Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun reported that by 24 March the accident might have emitted 30,000 to 110,000 terabecquerels of iodine-131. A widely cited Austrian Meteorological Service report estimated the total amount of I-131 radiation released as of 19 March ranged from 10 petabecquerels to 700 petabecquerels . A Japanese government estimate issued April 12 calculated the total I-131 release at 130 to 150 petabecquerels total release by the April date. The amount of I-131 released from the Fukushima site has been enormous relative to the US incident.
    The half-life of I-131 is only eight days, but the Japanese authorities have not been able to gain control of the reactors or fuel rods at the site. It is likely I-131 is still being released. A dynamic chart of potential deposition of this isotope can be found here.
    It seems clear that among the many losses that northern Japan will realize from this disaster is a heavy toll of infant lives.

    Friday, June 10, 2011

    #Radiation in Japan: Date City in Fukushima To Fit Kindergarteners and School Kids with Dosimeter

    They're going to fit 3-year-olds with dosimeter.

    If the radiation is such a worry, shouldn't they evacuate small children out of the city first? Or are they planning something else?

    From Nikkei Shinbun, quoting Kyodo News (6/10/2011):

    福 島県伊達市は9日、福島第1原発事故で子供がいる親の不安が高まっているとして、市内の小中学校と幼稚園、保育園に通う児童、生徒、園児約8千人全員に小 型線量計を配布すると発表した。7月上旬にも始める方針。福島県内では、町の一部が計画的避難区域となっている川俣町も小中学生と園児1500人全員に近 く線量計を配布する予定。

    Date City in Fukushima Prefecture announced on June 9 that they will distribute portable dosimeters to all children in the city's elementary schools and middle schools, kindergartens and nursery schools to calm the fear of the parents of children in school age. There are about 8,000 such children. The program will start in early July. In Fukushima Prefecture, Kawamata-machi will also distribute dosimeters to all of their elementary/middle school children and kindergartners (1,500 children). Part of Kawamata-machi is designated as "planned evacuation zone".

    Date City is adjacent to Iitate-mura, which is designated as "planned evacuation zone". Date City has so-called "hot spots" that show elevated level of radiation, and parents have been asking the city to come up with a system to monitor the radiation exposure for their children.

    According to the city, dosimeters will be distributed to 6,000 pupils in elementary schools and middle schools, and 2,000 children in kindergartens and nursery schools in the city. They will wear the small dosimeters worn by medical practitioners.

    The program details will be decided in discussion with the expert that the city hires as radiation advisor. The cost, including the cost to purchase dosimeters, will be about 30 million yen (US$373,000). The city will pay for the cost, but plans to bill TEPCO later.
    In another story:


    The grocer is "Radish Boya" (Minato-ku, Tokyo) that does home delivery service of organic vegetables to its members. The grocer informed the Shizuoka prefectural government on June 6 that the Shizuoka tea they tested exceeded the provisional limit for radioactive materials in teas. Upon being alerted, the Shizuoka government demanded the grocer withhold the information and not publish it on the grocer's website. Accordingly, the grocer sent out letters to the members who bought the tea explaining the reason for the recall.

    And another:

    風評被害に苦しむ本県農家を支援しようと、全国約3万5千人のグループ社員に本県産野菜購入を呼び掛けた。500件近くの申し込みがあり、第一弾として JAしらかわが白河地方の野菜を詰め合わせた「白河浪慢野菜BOX」を発送した。注文がまとまり次第、県内の他JAが順次発送する。本庄松雄福島綜合警備 保障社長、小室信一JAしらかわ代表理事組合長、鈴木慎一り菜あん出荷協力会長らが発送開始を祝った。

    ALSOK Group called on its 35,000 employees nationwide to purchase vegetables grown in Fukushima, in order to help farmers in Fukushima who suffer "baseless rumors (風評)" [that their vegetables are contaminated with radioactive materials]. Nearly 500 orders came, and as the first shipment, JA Shirakawa packed vegetables grown in Shirakawa. As more orders come in, other JAs within Fukushima Prefecture will take turns shipping the orders. The ceremony was attended by the president of the Fukushima branch of ALSOK Group, the head of the Shirakawa JA, and others.

    Parents organizing to protect Japanese children:

    The eastern part of Tokyo has been registering higher air radiation levels than the western part of Tokyo. Unchecked cesium dispersion from the sludge plant ever since the start of the Fukushima I Nuke Plant accident may be good part of the reason.

    And we wouldn't have known if it were not for the very concerned parents in Koto-ku who decided to organize themselves and ask a researcher from Kobe University to help them measure the radiation.

    From Tokyo Shinbun (6/8/2011):


    "Koto Association to Protect Children (江東こども守る会)" held a press conference in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building on June 7, and announced the result of its own survey showing the high level of radioactive cesium detected from the athletic ground near the sewage sludge processing plant "Tobu (eastern) Sluge Plant".

     調査は、同会が神戸大大学院の山内知也教授(放射線計測学)と実施。検出されたセシウムは一平方メートル当たり二三万ベクレルで、放射線障害防止法で、放射線管理区域からの持ち出しが制限される汚染基準の約六倍という。また、プラント周辺と同区の荒川、旧中川沿いでは、放射線量が毎時〇・二マイク ロシーベルトを超える地点が多くあった。山内教授は「値が高い地域の位置と風向きを考慮すると、下水を通じてプラントに集まった放射性物質が処理過程で再 び大気中に放出されている可能性が高い」と主張。同会は同日、プラントの稼働停止と調査などを求め、都に要望書を提出した。
    The survey was done by the Association and Professor Tomoya Yamauchi of Kobe University (radiation measurement). Cesium detected was 230,000 becquerels per square meter, 6 times as high as the limit set for the radiation control zone to restrict one from taking an item out of the control zone. Also, in the area around the plant and along the Arakawa river and the old Nakagawa river, there were many locations that registered high air radiation levels exceeding 0.2 microsievert/hour. [The "official" number measured in Shinjuku-ku is about 0.06 microsievert/hour.] Professor Yamauchi says, "Considering the locations with high air radiation levels and the wind direction, it is highly likely that the radioactive materials in the sewage collected at the plant are being released into the atmosphere through the treatment process." The Association submitted the petition to the Tokyo Metropolitan government demanding the halt of sludge processing at the plant and thorough investigation.

    Photo attached:

    The second photo shows a mess of broken pipes, concrete bits and equipments. Any mechanics, engineers, who want to dissect the photo?

    The Reactor 4 was in a scheduled maintenance when the earthquake hit on March 11. All the fuel rods had been moved to the Spent Fuel Pool. The workers were in the process of replacing the stainless-steel shroud of the Reactor Pressure Vessel at the time of the earthquake.
    Name:  110611_05.jpg
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    podfish's Avatar

    Re: Is the Dramatic Increase in Baby Deaths in the US a Result of Fukushima Fallout?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by daynurse: View Post
    Berkeley Labs found isotopes in water, milk, etc. in April but decided to stop testing. In the absence of official data,
    it appears to me that the assumption is the danger has passed. The reactors will not be 'contained' until at least
    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, babies and pregnant and nursing moms are at risk.
    So I'm posting this.
    The recent CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report indicates that eight cities in the northwest U.S. (Boise ID, Seattle WA, Portland OR, plus the northern California cities of Santa Cruz, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, and Berkeley) reported the following data on deaths among those younger than one year of age:
    4 weeks ending March 19, 2011 - 37 deaths (avg. 9.25 per week)
    10 weeks ending May 28, 2011 - 125 deaths (avg.12.50 per week)

    to quote another thread: "further research is needed". A lot of other things have happened that week - but there's no inference that the flooding in the Midwest triggered infant deaths. The coincidences mentioned here ("coincidence" used in its literal sense of two things happening at the same time) invite investigation, especially since there's a plausible cause/effect relationship. But these isolated statistics reek of cherry-picking. Do infant mortality numbers oscillate like that all the time? I have no idea - I'd appreciate a post like that one to spend more time beefing up its case rather than belaboring the obvious. I suspect none of us are surprised that the neighbors of Chernobyl suffered from radiation exposure. I don't know why that's relevant to Santa Cruz - and that's the case to make!
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