Posted in reply to the post by MsTerry:
I assume this means that you have been able to meet and judge every single person that was ever born.
I don't know about you but I have never ever heard of anyone else, or know anyone who's heard of anyone else being perfect and who never commited a sin except Jesus.
NOIt is good to take responsibility for one's own action and not tryto blame it on some outside source.
Does that mean I can sin for a while longer, and only have to repent at the end?
It's possible if you know the time of your death, and your repentance was sincere.
Are you using 5000 years arbitrarily or is that when the world began?
Click here: How old is the world?
I understand that that is true for you.
The same can be true for anyone regardless of past. The invitation is exrended to all. But one has to be willing to give up the old self, to become new person in Christ.
This is quite judgmental since you don't know me.
Most of the posts you've written to me have been negative. You gone to great lengths to try and trip me up to make yourself look good. You find fault with just about everything I post. You live for the things of this world. You would die before you would admit I may be right. Your posts say a lot about you.
Hope for what?
An eternity with God and eternal bliss.
You mind sharing what that purpose is?
Yes, To be good and do good to others and show them the light by reflecting back what they are saying.
The last part doesn't make sense.
I always do!
I assume this refers to the afterlife, and in that case, I know as much as you. You might
believe you know where you are going, but even that thought contradicts your faith. You told us God will decide where you are going, therefore either way, YOU don't know where you are going
No, I do know where I'm going, because of my faith, just like I know that my God is real through faith. Yes we will all stand before God some day and He will decide where we will go, but because of my faith I know where that is.
Hope for what?
Hope for what comes at the end of our time in this world.
How do I mock God?
You make jokes about Him and Jesus. because you do not agree with their ways. You want everything your way. You want God to fit your agenda instead of the other way around.
Frankly I think it is you who is mocking God.
See this is how you try and take the focus off of yourself and put it on me.
If you a father would tell your children " if you don't do what I say, I'll kill you and make you suffer for eternity"
Would you consider that person to be a good father?
Would you allow your children to play there?
Would you devote your life and follow such a person?
God created us and kills no one, we are all immortal with the freedom to choose how we want to spend eternity either by living His way, which cannot be denied is a much better way, or we can turn our backs on Him and His way. Where ever one ends up is by their own choice and was not forced on them by God or anyone. So if someone ends up in hell, who's to blame?
If your father was trying to drown his childhood, he was also trying to escape his manhood.
You said your father was an abusive alcoholic.
What part was abusive?
How about all of it