With the data on how long this virus lives on surfaces, how long it can be suspended as an aerosol, how far it can blow in the wind. I am coming close to saying something and agreeing with someone I virulently hate. But this social distancing is just prolonging something that will inevitably happen, everyone is going to get exposure to this virus. The flattening the curve should be thought of as time to marshal forces organize strategies prepare supplies because this is going to re-surge again.
and so I say the infamous thing. " The cure can't be worse than the disease!"
I have perfected the art of social distancing, I have no pony in this show to compel this statement.
So in regards to another thread of how this social distancing should end, then it should be when supply lines have been established particular to health response and locations to house sick people and dead bodies, then its time to attempt a resume.