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Thread: FEMA Camps
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  1. TopTop #1
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    FEMA Camps

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by finnie: View Post
    this is nothing new, friends - santa rosa pd has been doing this for years.
    people are forced out under threat of arrest except that we don't have transitional places to send them....
    The place / places that Dr. Ben Carson called for do exist, fiinnie. And that is a big aspect of the Future problem that is not so subtly looming over & above this issue - the issue of where the Homeless are to be put.

    - For those "clean places" that the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development alluded to in his Fox News appearances in September are known as FEMA Camps. And that is a very valid fear and rumor I have heard from some of the kids on the skids.
    Last edited by Mayacaman; 02-09-2020 at 12:00 PM.
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  2. TopTop #2
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: FEMA camps

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by DavidMySky: View Post
    He's had more than enough options, chances, and opportunities to do the right thing
    He didn't have to fire the Vindmans and Sunderland.
    The real reason that I keep harping on the note of Land Reform as a Solution (in part) to the Homeless & Housing Crisis is because I see it as a legitimate Answer.

    Putting the able-bodied among the homeless to work planting trees & simultaneously offering the workers a small piece of terra firma would be the "right thing to do."

    =Again= The President and his Secretary of Housing and Urban Development need to be served Notice that there exists a more humane option for dealing with this Crisis than herding the unsheltered into FEMA Camps - for that seems to be their {as yet undeclared} ultimate intention; in spite of their "Christian" professions. (@ 7:35)

    - As many as twenty percent of those currently on the streets & sleeping in the bushes & the bi-ways are quite capable of

    A] Planting Trees
    B] Homesteading

    I'm almost as cynical as you, David. I know a lot about the long history of collusion & corporate / government malfeasance in America. Perhaps the good secretary and the earnest president did not think of the solutions that I have proposed on their own. All the same, I put the Ideas out there for their consideration.

    If their real intention is to put the Homeless in FEMA Camps - and their covert intention is to hold the course on that road - that's on them. If this Administration is determined to privatize & sell off the Lands of the Public Domain - instead of opening those Lands to Homesteading - that's on them, too.


    The BLM is sitting on 245,000,000 acres of "Public Land" in Twelve Western States.
    Last edited by Barry; 02-11-2020 at 09:05 AM.
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  3. TopTop #3

    Re: FEMA camps

    I took a look at the Fox clip with Carson and he stressed that the problem is regional/local and that the feds will lend assistance. And according to Snopes, FEMA camps are an urban myth. Please understand that I wouldn't put anything past Trump. Meanwhile, we are responsible to insist that local lawmakers find appropriate places for transitional villages in all districts immediately.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Mayacaman: View Post
    The place / places that Dr. Ben Carson called for do exist, fiinnie. And that is a big aspect of the Future problem that is not so subtly looming over & above this issue - the issue of where the Homeless are to be put.

    - For those "clean places" that the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development alluded to in his Fox News appearances in September are known as FEMA Camps. And that is a very valid fear and rumor I have heard from some of the kids on the skids.

    Last edited by Barry; 02-11-2020 at 09:06 AM.
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  4. TopTop #4
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: FEMA camps

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by finnie: View Post
    I took a look at the Fox clip with Carson and he stressed that the problem is regional/local and that the feds will lend assistance. And according to Snopes, FEMA camps are an urban myth. Please understand that I wouldn't put anything past Trump. Meanwhile, we are responsible to insist that local lawmakers find appropriate places for transitional villages in all districts immediately.
    Of course Snopes says that FEMA Camps are an "urban myth," Kathleen. - And Snopes is certainly not the only one. There is a whole chorus of nay-sayers, skeptics, & "realists" who profess the religion of "scientism" who can always be counted on to reflexively deny all such data. That is their job; that's their role in the dialectic.

    Please, take the time to do some research on your own. Open the link that I provided, and click on the images that catch your attention, and read the attendant articles.

    This is a serious problem among Liberals - letting Snopes & FactCheck do the thinking for them. There is also the issue of Denial. No one wants to believe that the situation is as critical as it actually is. But there is plenty of evidence that these things - horrible as they are - are so.

    FEMA Camps exist, Kathleen. Just click on the link I provided. Here it is again; do you think all of these images of FEMA Camps were manufactured by "conspiracy theorists" via Photoshop? No. They are actual photographs; some aerial. And, according to many independent reports, there are currently 800 FEMA Camps in North America.

    At present, they are mostly empty, but fully staffed, and ready to roll.
    There are many, many articles on the Subject - from Left, Right & Center. Don't be in Denial. Just a couple of the links:

    Here is One article from the radical {left} group, We Are Change.

    Here is another article on the Subject:
    South Carolina plans to forcibly put homeless people in FEMA camps

    Last edited by Barry; 02-11-2020 at 09:06 AM.
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  5. TopTop #5

    Re: FEMA camps

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by finnie: View Post
    ... Meanwhile, we are responsible to insist that local lawmakers find appropriate places for transitional villages in all districts immediately.
    Transitional villages in appropriate places? I nominate Ragle Ranch Regional Park. Much more likely to bloom into existence than something on BLM land. You with me Mark?
    Last edited by Barry; 02-11-2020 at 09:06 AM.
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  6. TopTop #6
    SonomaPatientsCoop's Avatar

    Re: FEMA camps
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Mayacaman: View Post
    Of course Snopes says that FEMA Camps are an "urban myth,"
    Hmmm... I've been seeing these same claims since the mimeographed/ xeroxed newsletters of the 80's. 40 years later no truth to them...

    Let me ask you this- in this day and age - if "patriots" have evidence of such things... why on earth are they not publishing locations? In this age of the internet. Of the availability of drones. It would take nothing for this all to be verified and publicized. But of course it's just a tight knit group making these claims...

    And of course... I have to laugh at you calling We Are Change the radical left. Most sensible people call them far right libertarian- Rand Paul supporters no less. Luke Rudkowski et al are hardly "left".

    And FWIW... the links you provided didn't return the promised images. But I'd highly recommend anyone who can see them use Tin Eye or even google reverse image decades have taught me the images are usually from something very different from what is claimed.
    Last edited by Barry; 02-11-2020 at 09:06 AM.
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  8. TopTop #7
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: FEMA camps

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by SonomaPatientsCoop: View Post

    Hmmm... I've been seeing these same claims since the mimeographed/ xeroxed newsletters of the 80's. 40 years later no truth to them...

    Let me ask you this- in this day and age - if "patriots" have evidence of such things... why on earth are they not publishing locations? In this age of the internet. Of the availability of drones. It would take nothing for this all to be verified and publicized. But of course it's just a tight knit group making these claims...

    And of course... I have to laugh at you calling We Are Change the radical left. Most sensible people call them far right libertarian- Rand Paul supporters no less. Luke Rudkowski et al are hardly "left".

    And FWIW... the links you provided didn't return the promised images. But I'd highly recommend anyone who can see them use Tin Eye or even google reverse image decades have taught me the images are usually from something very different from what is claimed.
    Perhaps, because I was told at the tender age of six by my Jewish grandmother from Flatbush about how she learned, in the period between May and November of 1945, that eighty-five percent of her extended family in Europe had been liquidated by the Nazis, I am open to the truth that it can happen here. Evidently, you are not open to that possibility.

    Name:  800 FEMA Camps.jpg
Views: 625
Size:  103.6 KB

    Here is a List of Locations:

    Opelika – Military compound either in or very near town.
    Aliceville – WWII German POW camp – capacity 15,000
    Ft. McClellan (Anniston) – Opposite side of town from Army Depot;
    Maxwell AFB (Montgomery) – Civilian prison camp established under Operation Garden Plot, currently operating with support staff and small inmate population.
    Talladega – Federal prison “satellite” camp.

    Continues here

    = MORE =

    fema camps list

    fema purchases

    [Click on links]

    Your tax dollars @ work...

    Last edited by Barry; 02-11-2020 at 09:07 AM.
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  10. TopTop #8
    wisewomn's Avatar

    Re: FEMA camps

    "Fully modern and humane guillotines?" Oh, please, Mayacaman. Can you say Photo Shop?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Mayacaman: View Post

    fema camps list

    fema purchases

    [Click on links]

    Your tax dollars @ work...
    Last edited by Barry; 02-11-2020 at 09:07 AM.
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  11. TopTop #9
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: FEMA camps

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by wisewomn: View Post
    "Fully modern and humane guillotines?" Oh, please, Mayacaman. Can you say Photo Shop?
    Wise Womn, Can you say "Denial" ?

    Because, if anyone simply spins the words "fema purchases" into the search box, so much comes up. Just jeep hitting the "More Results" Bar at the foot of the page. Read. Don't react.

    + There are many sites on the internet where the list of FEMA Camps appears. Here is the link to the web search:

    Keep hitting the “More Results” Bar at the foot of the list. Read up, my friend. Where there is smoke, there is fire. If you firmly believe that the images of "fully modern and humane guillotines" are an example of disinformation; please consider this: Most disinformation is manufactured by government spooks; not by “right -wing conspiracy theorists” with nothing better to do than crank out bogus stories, or concoct bogus images via PhotoShop. Ask yourself this: Why would government spooks make up a story like this, that does such discredit to the Federal government? Can you wrap your mind around that quandary?

    Furthermore, why would "patriots" - who allegedly stand upon the ground of the Constitution - wish to slander the Federal government and adhere to such a scurrilous slander against our civil institutions? - A story perpetuated even into the Trump era, in a manner that is completely non-partisan? - Meaning to say, the purveyors of this story on into the present are not Trumpsters.

    Mind you, plenty of the websites that peddle this particular dark story are “right-wing conspiracy” websites; but many of such are outposts for government spooks. The “intelligence" term for this is a
    modified limited hangout or a “dangle.” This phenomena is also known as “Black Propaganda.” -And such sites put a rabid spin on such stories, in order to scare away discerning, sane people such as yourself.

    What I see in the aggregate of the mix however, fulfills the old Buddhist maxim of “hiding in the open that which one wishes to conceal.” - And it is amazing to me how many progressives are in denial about many issues - not just the issue of the potential dark uses of FEMA Camps.

    Without being aware of the subtle changes that have taken place in their own minds over the years, unconsciously,
    they have become reactionaries - liberal reactionaries. It is an axiom of the new, left-wing version of "Political Correctness" to automatically reject any idea that disturbs the emotional & ideological comfort zones.

    It seems to me that not only are many current "progressives" in denial that it can happen here, they also hold {unconsciously} to a variety of the doctrine of “American exceptionalism” - which as you are quite aware, is the ideology of the
    “Right-wing" of the Establishment.

    FACT: More expenditure has gone into this dark project in the years since 2017 than in all the years prior to Trump coming into office.

    Last edited by Barry; 02-11-2020 at 09:07 AM.
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  13. TopTop #10
    sealwatcher's Avatar
    Supporting member

    Re: FEMA camps

    Here's a trusted resource for me, The Southern Poverty Law Center:

    An excerpt from the article: But the Patriots and other conspiracy theorists who circulate these theories — and they have moved in recent times from that fringe into the so-called “tea parties” and other populist and nativist groups — believe all of that, and believe it with a passion. When Glenn Beck finally conceded there was no evidence of FEMA camps, Texas radio conspiracist Alex Jones angrily responded by calling the FOX host, among other things, “an operative,” a “sick bastard” and “a piece of crap.”

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Mayacaman: View Post
    Wise Womn, Can you say "Denial" ?

    Because, if anyone simply spins the words "fema purchases" into the search box, so much comes up. Just jeep hitting the "More Results" Bar at the foot of the page. Read. Don't react....

    Last edited by Barry; 02-11-2020 at 09:07 AM.
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  15. TopTop #11
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: FEMA camps

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by SonomaPatientsCoop: View Post

    Hmmm... I've been seeing these same claims since the mimeographed/ xeroxed newsletters of the 80's. 40 years later no truth to them...

    Let me ask you this- in this day and age - if "patriots" have evidence of such things... why on earth are they not publishing locations? In this age of the internet. Of the availability of drones. It would take nothing for this all to be verified and publicized. But of course it's just a tight knit group making these claims...

    And of course... I have to laugh at you calling We Are Change the radical left. Most sensible people call them far right libertarian- Rand Paul supporters no less. Luke Rudkowski et al are hardly "left".

    And FWIW... the links you provided didn't return the promised images. But I'd highly recommend anyone who can see them use Tin Eye or even google reverse image decades have taught me the images are usually from something very different from what is claimed.
    Although I already answered your First point, Mr. David Green, I did not address your last two points. Once again, concerning the objections you raised in your first point, here is a link for the web search : “ fema camps” from above… If one takes the time to actually open the link, click on the images, and read the material, a lot comes up…

    Now, with regards to your Second point, I will clarify what I meant by calling “We Are Change” aka, Luke Rudkowski, “radical (left).”

    anarchists & libertarians meet under the table
    Name:  Spectrum.png
Views: 278
Size:  468.0 KB

    Taking the Chart above for our model of the “Spectrum,” note first that the Power Elite preside over the whole shooting match. Draw, if you will, a horizontal line from left to right just under the “P” in “Pro-Choice Lobby” beyond the “y” in “Pro-Life Lobby.”

    That is the Table where the main Action takes place. After all, only Democrats & Republicans are “electable” – right? That’s what they say.

    Everything beneath that line is “radical” whether it is on the “left” or on the “right.” Last time I checked, the “anarchists” were considered “left.” All Radicals understand that Wall Street runs both of the two major parties & that the Game is rigged. - And Luke checks in on that score. Being "Anti-war" is considered "Left." Double check. Also, being sympathetic to the Homeless and objecting when they get hauled away to FEMA Camps would also qualify him as "Left." Check Mate.

    Luke Rudkowski is a special case, since he is a somewhat ‘successful’ bourgeois “anarchist” -having parlayed his website into a little cottage industry selling T-shirts. Do I like him? No. Do I identify with the bloke? No, again.

    Q. What is the difference between a left-wing anarchist and a right-wing libertarian?

    A. Not much.

    Q. What is the difference between a right-wing anarchist and a left-wing libertarian?

    A. Even less.

    In a very real sense, Luke embodies the hybrid Synthesis; a new breed. Luke Rudkowski, by the way doesn’t truck with Rand Paul. It is with Ron Paul that he has formed a “popular front from beneath” (Old Commie term from the Third Period).

    One more thing: I am well aware of TinEye, & use it often. It is on the Dashboard of all my Browsers.

    Name:  TinEye.jpg
Views: 339
Size:  78.3 KB

    Last edited by Mayacaman; 02-19-2020 at 07:31 PM.
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  16. TopTop #12

    Re: FEMA Camps

    Mark Walter Evans (aka Mayacaman) writes


    The place / places that Dr. Ben Carson called for do exist, fiinnie. And that is a big aspect of the Future problem that is not so subtly looming over & above this issue - the issue of where the Homeless are to be put.

    - For those "clean places" that the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development alluded to in his Fox News appearances in September are known as FEMA Camps. And that is a very valid fear and rumor I have heard from some of the kids on the skids.
    HUD Secretary Ben Carson -----

    "Carson admitted that millennials and recent college graduates earning starting salaries of $50,000 a year cannot afford to live in large cities like New York. He said that a "strong back" and a "willingness to work" are not necessarily going to be enough to pull people out of poverty anymore and argued that "we need to retool people" now while the economy is doing well."
    "The other thing we have to remember is, it's not just a matter of throwing money at this and more and more vouchers and more and more services. It's also a matter of getting people out of the system, giving them the tools, helping to retool them so they can function in a more sophisticated society that we have now," the secretary explained."

    Do you agree?

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  17. TopTop #13

    Re: FEMA Camps

    Makes sense to me.

    California's homeless crisis is not a partisan issue
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  18. TopTop #14

    Re: FEMA Camps

    Ben Carson alludes to FEMA camps. Compassion isn't leaving people on streets

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  19. TopTop #15
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: FEMA camps

    "Humane guillotines" seems to be an oxymoron, but they may indeed be modern.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by wisewomn: View Post
    "Fully modern and humane guillotines?" Oh, please, Mayacaman. Can you say Photo Shop?
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  21. TopTop #16
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: FEMA camps

    Is anyone who believes that their rights are being stripped away by the powers that be, "conspiracy theorists"?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by sealwatcher: View Post
    Here's a trusted resource for me, The Southern Poverty Law Center:

    An excerpt from the article: But the Patriots and other conspiracy theorists who circulate these theories — and they have moved in recent times from that fringe into the so-called “tea parties” and other populist and nativist groups — believe all of that, and believe it with a passion. When Glenn Beck finally conceded there was no evidence of FEMA camps, Texas radio conspiracist Alex Jones angrily responded by calling the FOX host, among other things, “an operative,” a “sick bastard” and “a piece of crap.”
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