No ones gonna like this...but so be it...
Bernies has, maybe, won twice now if you believe him. But if you're objective- he's lost big twice...
In Iowa, never mind the conspiracy theories, he lost in delegates. Won slightly in votes. But remember- Iowa used to only report the delegates. They reported 3 metrics this year- with the total votes having been demanded by Sanders because he was sure he could turn out the vote. It didn't happen. Turnout there was much like 2016- not the huge turnout of 2008. And regardless- Bernie failed miserably at inspiring the wave he had promised.
Much the same in New Hampshire. Where turnout *does* look to be more like 2008. Yet the turnout was not a wave for was a wave for Democrats.
Both Sanders and Warren needed huge margins in New Hampshire- states their districts adjoin and the voters who know them best. It didn't happen.
Bernie will not do well in Nevada. Will likely finish last in South Carolina (caveat- we'll see if being gay or being socialist fares worse in South Carolina).
California and New York are the only states Sanders is likely to win big. Many of the key "swing states"... he will loose because the unionized workers don't want to trade their hard fought for health insurance for MFA, because they won't for a socialist, and because he simply does not have the support of the black and latino communities. And to be honest... because he is not a christian.
Pete's going to likewise struggle in many key states because he is openly gay- which is going to hurt him with many religious folks and the black and latino populations.
Warren may actually come back in many of the upcoming states if she stays in the race. Likewise Biden. And Klobuchar may rise fastest of all.
But I think we are really looking at a situation where there was not a single candidate who really had what it took to unite our country. We're going to have a brutal and contested national convention. And then... unless the economy starts to crash (which it's going to...only question is whether it's 3 months or 12 months)... whether Trump supporters turn.
Maybe the Republicans were right in the impeachment.. let the voter decide.