Here is a Thread where concerned Citizens may air their suggestions for Solutions to the ongoing Crisis of Homelessness in the United States of America. This Crisis is not - as President Trump has suggested - a situation that is peculiar to "sanctuary cities" that are run by "liberals" - Nor is it a crisis that began just a couple of years ago, as Donald Trump also has indicated.
Indeed, it is a Crisis that has been building for decades, now. The roots of it may be found in actions that Ronald Reagan undertook as soon as he became governor of California in 1966, and de-funded the Halfway Houses. The roots of the crisis lie in the philosophy of "benign neglect" that the right-wing Democrat, Daniel Moynihan, articulated when he began to work for Nixon in 1969.
I encourage Everyone who is concerned about Solutions, to enter into this Discussion. We may also request that the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Doctor Ben Carson enter into the discussion - or at least listen in - and let us know what the current Administration has to offer in the way of long-term Solutions. -For we are concerned that the "clean places" where the Homeless are to be put not be "clean" FEMA Camps.
The fact that there already are "Camps" for the Stateless Refugees from Mexico and Central America along the Southern Border, gives us cause for concern on this score. Can I hear an Amen?