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    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: Where on the political spectrum are you?

    Towards a Transcendental Vision of the "Political Spectrum":

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    The Mobius Continuum Model of the Spectrum

    This is an old diagram/schema that I cooked up in the 1990's. I find it a bit dated now; admittedly, there are flaws with it. Anyone might quibble about the degrees to the "left" or "right" where I chose to position the various factions... But the stations of the various factions on the Mobius-Loop do not really matter.

    The Important thing is to Visualize the whole diagram as a two-dimensional map of a four-dimensional field.

    The general Idea is still valid: the Power Elite - which I jokingly referred to as the “I.B.I.W.” {the ruling class Union} - are Above it all, and the Masses have been compartmentalized into factions, on the ground, the better to be managed. (Divided & Ruled)

    Also, still valid is that, as the French say, "les extrèmes se touchent." {the ends touch}

    Intruding into the necessary revision of the schema that I described in this mid-nineties map, would be the inclusion of the George Soros funded "Left" of the present, including the street rowdies known as "Antifa." These factions - including all of the gender/political "factions" that were generated out of the I.P.S. {Institute for Policy Studies} networks in the late 60's have next to nothing in common with what was formerly known as the "Old Left." In truth, they are the inauthentic pseudomorph of the former, authentic "Left."

    The “Spotlighters” {the former “Liberty Lobby / “Populist Party" of the late Willis Carto} and the “John Birch Society” are pretty much moribund these days. The Birchers were the tailings of Joe McCarthy's movement and they have just about all died off, by now. The void left by the near demise of these factions has - essentially - been filled by the current “Alt-Right” that Steve Bannon instructed Donald Trump to woo.

    The main thing I would encourage everyone to begin to do, is to not identify oneself with any of the factions on this Mobius-Wheel – especially the Democrat & Republican parties. As Hegel once wrote, Truth transcends party politics.” All of the factions have a certain legitimate {albeit limited} logic of their own; their own particular & peculiar “truths.”

    Transcend the mobius-wheel, and reach for the Overview. Cast a cold eye on this whole system of control & manipulation, and in this one thing be like the Power Elite: Be Above it All. You need not roost with them, in their penthouses in New York City, but please, do learn to be similarly objective, and non-partisan.

    The Bottom Line is this: the main dynamic is not “left versus right” but “them versus us.”“THEM, Inc.” being, in this case, the Power Elite. The one truth you can take home with you, is that the Class War is real, and that all notions of the “Spectrum” {whether you visualize it as a line-segment, or a square box} are a diversion; a dog-and-pony show.

    In my opinion, the Question at the top of this thread is a conceptual trap. It was not intended as such; yet it is. Don't position yourself, or tag yourself inside any quarter of that box! Instead, learn to think outside of the box !

    Here is the link to my old {somewhat dated} article, from 1995.
    Last edited by Barry; 06-27-2019 at 11:18 AM.
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