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  1. TopTop #61
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Click here for the hoaxes of Deborah Tavares

    Rossmen wrote:

    Quote The best way I have found to quickly check out an internet source is comments. The comments on Deborah Tavares videos are hillarious! This woman is a total hoot! The people who believe her, and she herself, don't even know when they are being made fun of. Snoop is like a meta comic. He takes it to the next level ;)

    ? "hillarious!" ? "total hoot!" ? "comic" ?

    Well, Glad to know there is someone out there who still thinks that life is but a joke. But actually, things are a little more serious than you'd like them to be, Ross.

    I commend you for your levity, but this one ( i ) am of a somewhat more serious disposition, and I don't like witch-hunting, period. --Whether it is practiced by the HUAC, Senator Joseph McCarthy, Stalinists of the Left or Right, left-cover stringers for the ADL, or hired guns who work for the CIA or the ABA - like "snoop4truth."

    So I don't think it's funny, and I don't share your ability to derive entertainment value out of this thread - or Deborah Tavares' videos, either - since the stakes here and the contents of those videos, also, are anything but "hilarious."

    The reputation of an earnest woman, who is a West County neighbor, has been savaged by this hired gun, this internet hit-man, who works out of Florida, and if you can not muster empathy for her, please, open your eyes to see the bigger picture - the aspect of this that is novel and significant beyond the personal:

    ...[that] the Lawyers - as a Class - are running scared and believe they must fight a rear-guard action against the pernicious influence of the doctrines of the non-union cadre among the Paralegals.."

    Because that, Ross, is the new lay of the Land. It is political, and it is not funny.

    Please correct me, if I am wrong, Ross, but somehow I fail to see the humor in any of this...

    Last edited by Barry; 05-18-2020 at 02:10 PM.
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  2. TopTop #62
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Name:  Alice & Pots.jpg
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    Alice-in-Wonderland, are you still there? Mr. Snoop seems to have taken a break. Perhaps he is asleep – or perhaps he is on vacation in the everglades. Anyway, he has left this thread – for the present. Perhaps you can speak for him. For you wrote:

    “…yes I recently joined and it’s obvious I am here because I support the outing of Tavares and Co – no conspiracy there... and no, I will not be putting up my personal details. I will assist by encouraging people to look into the data and evidence – it speaks for itself…”

    I must commend you upon the diligence of your work – in studying all of the many, many links that Snoop provided us on this thread. Were I to ask for a show of hands, I doubt that many here would have shown such interest and such selfless fortitude in devoting so many hours to such a tedious study.

    So I ask you: Could you examine just one more link? – it is an hour and forty minute interview – and get back to us on it and give us some feedback as to what your impression is?

    Here is the link:

    This is a couple from Oregon – I get the impression that they live in Josephine County – who interviewed Rodney Dale Class back in 2012, when he was running as a write-in candidate for president.

    Somehow, I fail to see in this well-spoken, and articulate Southern gentleman, the thug that Mr. Snoop4truth described in the following words:

    Snoop4truth wrote:

    “Rodney DALE Class is Deborah Tavares’ partner in ALL of Deborah Tavares’ legal hoaxes. I have copies of all of Class’ criminal records. But, I have no way to provide you with links to them (and they are not available online). But, what follows is the truth about Rod Class’ criminal history…

    “Class is a functionally-illiterate, amateur legal theorist with barely a high school education WHO HAS LOST EVERY SINGLE CASE IN WHICH HE HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED (OVER 76 CONSECUTIVE LOSSES IN A ROW, AND STILL COUNTING). Further, Class has a long history of PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS involving DELUSIONS, PATHOLOGICAL OPPOSITION/DEFIANCE of AUTHORITY FIGURES and PATHOLOGICAL LYING. Moreover, Class is a MULTI-CONVICTED, WEAPONS RELATED, FELON who also has SEVERAL ADDITIONAL MISDEMEANOR CONVICTIONS, as well. Because of Class’ well-publicized HATRED of our ELECTED representatives, their appointees and our REPUBLICAN form of government, because of his HISTORY OF PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS and because of his LENGTHY CRIMINAL HISTORY involving DEADLY WEAPONS, Class has actually been placed on the UNITED STATES TERRORIST WATCH LIST!”

    “Again, I cannot speak to who Deborah Tavares hangs out with. But, I can speak to who Deborah Tavares’ partners with in creating legal hoaxes and I submit that he represents a threat to those of us who expose their hoaxes….”

    I also have a serious problem of cognitive dissonance with that last statement, because I spoke with Deborah Tavares on the telephone and she adamantly denied even knowing Rodney Class. I tend to believe her. She certainly seems sincere.

    She also stated - categorically - that she did not create "Judge Dale" - and that his articles, books, missives, et al, were already online before she discovered their existence.
    Last edited by Barry; 06-17-2019 at 02:25 PM.
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  3. TopTop #63
    snoop4truth's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Post #63

    THE HOAX: In this hoax, Deborah Tavares and Al Whitney (real name "Anita Larin") fraudulently claim that ALL governments and government agencies are actually PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS "posing" as governments and government agencies which "profit" by taxing, burdening and abusing the American people. To support this fraudulent claim, Deborah Tavares and Al Whitney cite examples of several ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS which happen to have names that SOUND SIMILAR to the names of governments or government agencies (like "Federal Express" for example). But, contrary to their claims, NONE of the ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS which they cite in support of this hoax are really governments or government agencies. Not one! This hoax was designed to make Americans think that all governments and agencies are completely illegal, invalid, illegitimate, corrupt & diabolical and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.

    They also fraudulently "SWITCHED" THE REAL NAME of one such ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION TO A FAKE NAME to make it fit the hoax (from "Internal Revenue Tax And Audit Service, Inc.", a private, for-profit corporation, to "Internal Revenue Service", a government agency). See proof below.

    In this hoax, Deborah Tavares and Al Whitney fraudulently claim that the ordinary, private, for-profit corporation named the "United States Corporation Company" IS THE GOVERNMENT OF THE "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". FOR PROOF, go to 2:00-3:10 in this video. But, this claim is not so.

    The "United States Corporation Company" is actually an ordinary, private, for-profit corporation that acts as a "REGISTERED AGENT" which accepts "service of process" (civil lawsuits) on behalf of OTHER CORPORATIONS doing business in Florida. And, the "United States Corporation Company" is ACTUALLY LISTED AS SUCH by the Florida Secretary of State, Division of Corporations. (BE SURE TO SCROLL THROUGH ALL OF THE PAGES IN THIS LINK.). The "United States Corporation Company" is not really the government of the United States Of America.

    In Florida (and in most states), every corporation doing business in the state is required to have a "registered agent" inside the state to accept "service of process" (civil lawsuits) on its behalf.; This permits a person or entity damaged by such a corporation to "serve" that corporation with a civil lawsuit inside the state. The "United States Corporation Company" is merely an ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT COMPANY that, for a fee, provides that service to other corporations (which are often out-of-state corporations which do not have an office or employees inside the state to accept "service of process" on their behalf). That means the "United States Corporation Company" merely helps OTHER CORPORATIONS comply with Florida law which requires every corporation doing business in the state to have a "registered agent" inside the state to accept "service of process" (civil lawsuits) on its behalf.
    (Scroll all the way down to the very bottom of this link and click on the FINAL document. Tavares refers to this document later in her FIRST video below.)

    In this hoax, Deborah Tavares and Al Whitney fraudulently claim that the "Internal Revenue Tax And Audit Service, Inc." IS A GOVERNMENT AGENCY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA KNOWN AS THE "THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE". But, this claim is not so. The "Internal Revenue Tax And Audit Service, Inc." is actually an ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION which offers auditing and accounting services to customers for a fee. Nothing more. The "Internal Revenue Tax And Audit Service, Inc." is not really the "Internal Revenue Service" of the United States of America.

    But, to pull this particular hoax off, Deborah Tavares and Al Whitney FRAUDULENTLY "SWITCHED" THE NAME "Internal Revenue Tax And Audit Service, Inc." (THE REAL NAME) to the "Internal Revenue Service" (THE FAKE NAME) to make it fit the hoax. FOR PROOF, go to 4:30-4:45 in this video.

    This "SWITCH" is precisely the reason that Deborah Tavares and Al Whitney REFUSE TO SHOW AN ACTUAL PHOTO of this particular corporation's "corporate charter" in their video as they do with other "corporate charters" of the other corporations they feature in their video (BECAUSE IT WOULD SHOW THE CORPORATION'S "REAL NAME" WHICH WOULD EXPOSE THEIR INTENTIONAL FRAUD OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE). See the truth about this particular fraud here. 0Inc..pdf?dl=0 (Note here that this ordinary, private, for-profit corporation, the "Internal Revenue Tax And Audit Service, Inc.", WAS INCORPORATED IN DELAWARE.); (THIS LINK IS EXCELLENT. READ IT ALL.)


    YOU MUST SEE THIS VIDEO! (See the WHOLE VIDEO, but be especially certain to listen at 2:00-3:10 (for the "United States Corporation Company Hoax" EXPOSED ABOVE), 4:30-4:45 (for the "Internal Revenue Tax And Audit Service, Inc. Hoax" EXPOSED ABOVE), 4:45-4:55, 5:55-6:10, 6:20-6:45, 7:10-7:55, 9:05-9:45, 22:00-22:50, 24:10-24:25, 25:55-26:45.).

    RELATED VIDEOS OF DEBORAH TAVARES AND/OR AL WHITNEY ENGAGED IN THE HOAX: (at 43:15-43:50, 52:30-53:00); (at 42:10-42:35, 47:50--49:00); (at 6:20-6:45, 7:10-7:55, 25:55-26:45).

    CONCLUSION: No true government or true government agency is actually a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION.

    Last edited by snoop4truth; 06-19-2020 at 10:14 PM.
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  4. Gratitude expressed by:

  5. TopTop #64
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by snoop4truth: View Post
    ...No true government or true government agency is actually a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION....

    Blind Senator Thomas Schall of Minnesota gave a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate way back in 1934, stating categorically that All of the alphabet agencies of the New Deal were registered as Delaware Corporations.

    This is a fact. I had the speech in a file in my archives. At present, I can not find even the file. Try finding this on-line, now. You won't find that speech. It has been buried.

    The Federal Reserve Bank is a privately owned Joint-stock Corporation - it is owned by a number of the Prime, money-market banks, on both sides of the 'pond.'

    Question: How can you "nationalize" something that is not private?

    In 1924, the
    platform of the Progressive Party (of Wisconsin) had a plank calling for the nationalization of the Federal Reserve Bank. The Socialist Party platform of 1932 had a similar plank, as did the Farmer-Labor Party platforms of 1932 and 1934.

    I submit: it was common knowledge in the "old left" back in the twenties and thirties that the Federal Reserve Bank was a privately owned joint-stock bank corporation.

    The I.R.S. is a private corporation - it serves merely as the "collection agency" for the Federal Reserve Bank. That "one percent" that they talk about - the truly privileged among them - collect quarterly dividends from the Interest on the National Debt. The I.R.S. and the Fed are the essential apparatus whereby the bond-holding / owning class fleece the working public.

    The "US Postal Service" also is a private Corporation. Richard Nixon privatized it in 1971. I quote: "In 1971, in order to improve its efficiency, President Nixon reorganized the Post Office into the United States Postal Service, making it more independent and giving it a structure more like a private corporation."

    "...more like a private corporation." That's rich. Nixon did privatize the "Post Office" - which formerly was a branch of the Federal government - and helped his financial 'base' set up a for-profit Corporation known as the "US Postal Service."

    All of the statements above are true, and can be documented with data that did not originate with and has nothing at all to do with Deborah Tavares, and her "accomplice" "Al Whitney" aka, "Anita Larin."

    Therefore, I call you on your disinformation, Mr. "snoop4truth" because your

    "CONCLUSION: No government or agency is actually a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION. "

    is patently false.

    I can stand by the words I have written. They are verifiable, and can not be dismissed as "conspiracy theory." Each statement can be backed up with documentation. The political-economic system that we have here in America, is known as "Corporatism" - and it truly is very much on the order of Mussolini's "corporate state."

    There is a 'revolving door' between Wall Street and Washington, D.C.

    Mark Walter Evans
    (my name)
    Last edited by Barry; 06-20-2019 at 02:36 PM.
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  7. TopTop #65
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Name:  USA, Inc..jpg
Views: 2104
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    THE SOVEREIGN CITIZEN by: Judge Dale, retired

    Our federal government has instructed our federal, state and local police agencies that everyone who purports to be a SOVEREIGN should be TREATED as a TERRORIST! They have also brainwashed the American public into believing that being a SOVEREIGN is anti-American and unpatriotic! Perhaps this is: “The POT calling the KETTLE black?”

    WHAT IS SOVEREIGNTY? It is the inherent right and prerogative of a civilized people to rule itself, and to dictate all of the forms and conditions of the institutions it sets up to carry out this rule. Ironically, the U.S. SUPREME COURT agrees with those people who claim to be SOVEREIGN citizens of the American Republic!

    • Bond vs. UNITED STATES, 529 US 334 – 2000, The Supreme Court held that the American People are in fact Sovereign and not the States or the Government. The court went on to define that local, state and federal law enforcement officers were committing unlawful actions against the Sovereign People by the enforcement of the laws and are personally liable for their actions.
    • Bond v. United States, 529 US 334 – 2000 – Supreme Court – Cited by 761 litigants in other cases.
    • Bond v. US, 131 S. Ct. 2355 – 2011 – Supreme Court – Cited by 306 “ “
    • Bond v. US, 1 F. 3d 631 – 1993 – Court of Appeals, 7th – Cited by 66 “ “
    What are the implications of this 2000, U. S. Supreme Court ruling?

    1] The delegates to the first Federal Convention prohibited the use of corporations by all governments representing the American Republic. Therefore, all of these corporate governments and their corporate laws are a usurpation of the organic Constitution of the United States of America. All State Governments are now sub-corporations of the Federal Government, making all Courts and all law enforcement personnel, corporate federal agencies or employees. [See: James Madison Journal of the Federal Convention, Vol. 2, P. 722] and [Pull up your State Code on your PC and search the Code for the words “District of Columbia” and “Federal Government.” You will receive about 1000 references linking your state to the federal government.]

    2] The state and federal government is a corporation and therefore the Congress, State Legislatures, City Councils, Municipalities and all State and Federal Courts are corporate entities posing as Constitutional branches of government.

    3] Corporations are privately owned businesses, meaning that the Corporate United States belongs to one or more private individuals, which is always governed by a Board of Directors. The Corporate United States is privately owned by a group of European Royal and Elite individuals tied to the Federal Reserve System and the letters of incorporation are recorded in the Vatican. The President of the United States is actually the CEO of the United States and the Congress and all others are corporate employees. Everything they do is in the interest of the corporate owners! I can’t access those documents because of National Security.

    4] In order to promulgate and enforce Criminal Laws to govern the SOVEREIGN public, government must be SOVEREIGN too, which is an accepted RULE of LAW derived from the, Ancient Law of Kings. Corporations are not and can never be SOVEREIGN. They are not real, they are a fiction and only exist on paper.
    5] Therefore, all laws created by these government corporations are private corporate regulations called public law, statutes, codes and ordinances to conceal their true nature. Do the Judge and your lawyer know about this? You bet they do!

    6] Since these government bodies are not SOVEREIGN, they cannot promulgate or enforce CRIMINAL LAWS; they can only create and enforce CIVIL LAWS, which are duty bound to comply with the LAW of CONTRACTS. The Law of Contracts requires signed written agreements and complete transparency! Did you ever agree to be arrested and tried under any of their corporate statutes? For that matter, did you ever agree to contract with them by agreeing to be sued for violating their corporate regulations?
    [Citations and Complaints are contracts but they lack transparency because you were never told what might happen to you if you agree to contract, and that you had a right to refuse the accommodation!]

    7] Do any of Americas Courts have Jurisdiction over a SOVEREIGN? Yes … but only by your consent to be judged by the Court. Can they compel [Summon or Subpoena] you to appear or participate in their process? No … they can’t compel you and Yes … they can ask but you can reject the accommodation in writing and nothing can be done about it because you have refused to give the court jurisdiction over you!

    8] Enforcement of these corporate statutes by local, state and federal law enforcement officers are unlawful actions being committed against the SOVEREIGN public and these officers can be held personally liable for their actions. [Bond v. U.S., 529 US 334-2000]

    9] There being no Constitutional Criminal Laws or Transparency in the American Justice System, everyone arrested, convicted and sentenced to prison under these CIVIL LAWS are in prison by CONSENT and therein, all American Jails are actually DEBTORS PRISONS!

    10] Most of the County and State Prisons and all of the Federal Prisons are privately owned corporate businesses for profit, which kick back to the sentencing Judges. The Bureau of Prisons Privatization Management Branch provides general oversight, for these institutions. So if you are convicted in these Courts, you can expect to serve some jail time! Now you know why America has such high prison populations!

    11] Can the State Government and Courts take Custody of your children? Only with your consent, otherwise their agents and officers can be held personally liable for their actions! Orphans are a different matter and can become wards of the Court until emancipated.
    Corporate governments are a usurpation of the organic American Constitution and this corporatist onslaught in America has since its creation, been an ANTI-SOVEREIGN and TERRORIST REGIME and are in fact the real TERRORIST and TRAITORS to the American Republic.
    Blessings, Judge Dale, retired

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  8. TopTop #66

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Greetings All,

    What follows is my experience as a curious newbie (turned) avid fan (turned) fear-porn addicted (turned) truth-traumatized (turned) devastated, dehumanized and disabled by fear (turned) confused but skeptical (turned) darkly disillusioned (turned) miraculously re-awakened (turned) decidedly ticked off (turned) determined to be free (turned) once-again able to experience happiness (turned) recovering and resolved to truth-telling listener of Deborah Tavares.

    Tavares was my first experience with the dangerous, radical side of the truther movement. I had been unsettled and curious about 911, and began searching youtube for speakers on the subject, that was the old days when people were allowed to challenge the official story on YouTube. I knew about chemtrails, because I was born in in the 1950s and vividly remember a natural occurring phenomenon called clouds (for those born after 1990, google it). Having discovered geoengineering authority Dane Wiggington on Youtube, I started listening as much as possible. I wasn’t crazy after all, this stuff is really happening. This, again, was back in the days when one’s viewing list would cause YouTube’s algorithm to suggest other presenters whom they might be interested in. (That algorithm has recently been inverted, so now the only suggestions I get are TED and Google talks, CNN and other mainstream news channels). Anyway, soon Rosa Koire speaking on Agenda 21 was brought up as a suggestion. Then Elana Freeman, again on Agenda 21. Eye-opening speakers who have their feet on the ground and are clearly pretty normal people, I began to think on what they said, they had my attention but I still led a normal life in which I was able to concentrate on work, experience happiness, listen to music, go on walks with my daughter, laugh, cry, feel emotion, sleep, plan for the future, cook and eat regular meals in minutes instead of seconds. Then one day, up pops Deborah Tavares in my YouTube suggestion list. The title thumbnail image showed an expressionless but intimidating looking woman in expensive clothes with big, expensive hair, entitled “(something or other) Attack And More Bad News.” What? Attack? Bad News? Sh@#! I gotta find out, quickly!

    I listened to Deborah speak, and then moved on to more Tavares presentations. Methodical, almost monotone at times, forceful and punishing at other times. Dramatic pauses, sometimes loud, sometimes hushed and whisper soft. Repeated words and sentences. Often. Each. Word. Of. The. Previous. Sentence. Repeated. As. Though. It. Was. A. Bullet. Point. Then, summarized and fired at the listener like an audio bullet: “A bullet point!!” I Had never heard anyone speak or present like this before. She was bold, forceful and domineering. And, she had documents. Secret documents, many of them, and all of them official government documents that she and no one else had possession of. Secret government documents grabbed in night by she and her staff of stealthy researchers. Highly trained operatives who, together were able to go where no researcher or dangerous radical activist had gone before. Documents that NASA had mistakenly posted on their website for only a few hours before realizing the error and taking them down. Fortunately, Tavares’ ever watchful eye saw the opportunity, and downloaded that evil document before NASA ever discovered their error. The NASA War Document, outlining the evil plans NASA had in the works for the unsuspecting citizens of America and the world. I saw the document in a Tavares interview. She was holding it right in her hand, and held it up to the camera. Sure enough, that was the NASA logo. Tavares and the interviewer spoke in hushed tones. They had met in a motel room, probably to throw off any agents who might be following her. This stuff was real, and very scary. I had no idea NASA was secretly planning to kill us all. But now I knew, and I had to know more. My desire to seek other presenters was gone. I had found the gatekeeper to a secret cave of Truth. A cave in which story upon story, document upon document was available for public re-education. But only from Deborah Tavares. How silly and lazy, I thought, that other presenters had not dug deeper. How fortunate, I thought, for the few of us who were learning the truth. 70,000 by last subscriber count. And only 4 million listens to The NASA War Document presentation, which did have ads. But Deborah must care not about money. She’s all about risking her life for the Cause, and she appears to be well-monied so the ads, thought I, are but a neccesary annoyance to this altruistic regal warrior goddess. But now I was truly alarmed. The cumulative effect of listening only to Tavares, with her non-stop fear-mongering and leveraging was beginning to have an effect on me. The end was nigh. I knew marital law would be laid down any day now. I began to withdraw all money from the bank, and prepare for the worst. I bought things that could easily traded such as canned food, water, cigarettes, alcohol even though I don’t drink, gold and silver in small denominations, coin instead of paper money because the metal would still be with something. Thank God I had clued in to Deborah Tavares, just in time time to get things in order and say my last goodbyes. What was I going to do to protect my daughter? I can’t tell her this stuff. Life is hard enough for young people these days. She would be devastated. Should I kill myself so I could leave her more money? She is surrounded by a circle of good friends, able-bodied young people. She insists on living in the city, it where she is happy, she’ll be ok. I’m am not going to destroy her life by sharing any of this horrible informatiom. Her generation already knows, or says they know, the government is a joke, politics is a trick, politicians are all criminals and cowards, TV is mind control, college is training to be a slave and a setup to be enslaved by debt they can never repay. At age 25 the world was a very different place for me. I’m not going to ruin her world by dropping a headcase into her thoughtsystem, and in retrospect I am so thankful for that decision. My daughter’s life remained her own.

    As I listened on to Tavares, I gradually became even more incapacitated with fear. I was traumatized. Scared out of my mind. I tried to act normal around my daughter, but she was beginning to pick up on my vibe. Something was absolutely not ok with Dad. Then I heard Tavares mention “truth trauma.” I sought out a therapist, to confess my desperation and fear. My therapist told me I was exhibiting symptoms of PTSD, and that I should stop listening to this crazy woman, resume normal activities in life, take a walk, enjoy leisure activities, focus on my work, which I had all ways loved but I had by then become incapable of engaging in. I kind of heard what the therapist said, but anyone who has had PTSD knows the condition can only be managed, there is no quick fix. Anyway. I was too alarmed, and had to learn everything I could before the sky fell and the whole shebang went up In flames, went down the tubes, was blown to smithereens, was irradiated into a cancerous screaming death-knell of Truth.

    I’m writing about this now in an almost humorous, faux-melodramatic tone for therapeutic reasons, but I can assure you there was nothing funny about the situation or the condition I was in. It was a horrifying time in life and I could not un-know this stuff nor could I escape it. I stopped eating, instead turning to Tavares on youtube immediately upon waking. Eating became all day snacking, I didn’t have the patience or focus to make an egg. It had become sugar and fast snack foods. Only when hunger pangs reminded me. I lost 25 pounds in 2 months.

    • One sleepless night, I remembered what a good and trusted friend had told me years ago, something to the effect of “knowledge is empowerment.” Clearly, I was not feeling empowered and so I decided to learn more. I needed to conquer this demon. My daughter needed me to conquer this demon. My co-workers needed it and my friends needed it. People were looking at me strangely and expressing concern for my condition. I couldn’t talk to them about this stuff because I simply did not have the strength or willingness to argue. So, I decided to empower myself with knowledge, and write to the grand wizard herself, Mrs. Deborah Tavares, an elite, seemingly wealthy, high striding , haughty, warrior of a blond woman with unmatched tenacity, bravery and a reasonable (if inconsistent) command of language who had (according to herself and legend) escaped many government murder attempts, who was a targeted individual, cruelly beamed night and day with microwaves that government agents had installed near her house and in cars that waited to follow she and her family everywhere. A mother and grandmother, living in the pain of invisible torture and yet carrying her mission forward each day. Willing to risk not only her own life, but also put the lives of her children and grandchildren in harm’s way, because what mattered most was Truth and alerting the public, ASAP. If her grandchildren had to be sacrificed, it had been apparently been decided (I assumed) to be worthwhile. A necessary sacrifice for the cause. We’ve all heard the confessions of FBI and CIA whistleblowers who say they’d been told that their families would die first if they spoke out. Deborah said she knew all of this stuff, she knew everything, she knew things that the POTUS didn’t know, but she had escaped every murder attempt so far, and she had gone into hiding (so she said) for 2 years between ca. 2014-2016 when she had gone underground, to hide. However, these were the end times, and she had now come out of hiding to rally and go down with the ship, and die an honorable death. I would write to her, plead my case, and empower myself with knowledge.
    I went to, found the contact link, and began a letter addressed to [email protected]. Geez, she thinks she’s a god, well I guess she is. Don’t tell her Christian supporters that, because they’ll think blasphemy. But sure she’s a god, DIGIGOD. After a week, no response. After 2+weeks I realized I better stop expecting one. I continued to listen to her presentations however. As I was listening, I decided to start reading listener comments below the youtube presentations. Maybe I would learn something there. I saw many people blessing Deborah, and calling upon God and Jesus to protect her. I saw others citing her as a prophet, their special angel who they prayed nightly for God and Jesus to protect. I saw those who expressed extreme desperation and fear. Frantic confusion with pleas for Deborah to please help them, please tell them what to do. People expressing that they were so debilitated with fear as a result of listening to that presentation that they were now in panic. Others expressing thoughts of suicide and recommending suicide to others. Then there was the “call to arms” comments. Recommendations to gather together in violent mobs and take action. And finally, much to my dismay, a good number of listeners calling for murder. “Kill the Jews” it’s the “Jew world order.” “throw the Jews down the well” Deborah, white wizard goddess of Truth has told us, it’s “the Rothschilds”, and so now we know. “Those Jews, “kill them before they kill us”, it went on and on. I don’t like that stuff at all. I abhor it. I do my best not to hate ignorant people who espouse it. I have Jewish heritage in my family. Most of my best, lifelong friends are Jewish. Many of my mentors in the music business are Jewish. I have friends in Israel who protest Zionism and the abuse of the Palestinian people. I have as many Jewish friends and business associates as I do all other friends put together, but if wouldn’t matter to me if I had only one Jewish friend. I would still feel same way. This violent antisemitic stuff is bullsh*#. It dawned on me that Deborah, as owner of her youtube channel, could easily intervene in the comments at any time to comment on or correct the flow of information, such as all other YouTube presenters do. She is worshipped by her listeners. Her words are very influential. She could make a huge positive difference here. Yet not one word from Deborah. Then I remembered, on the homepage of her website, Deborah aka DIGIGOD features a large font statement from Dietrich Boenhoeffer which says “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. To not speak is to speak. To not act is to act.” WTF! Is this woman a hypocrite, an antisemitic coward with Nazi sympathies who excites vulnerable, desperate people to say what she is unwilling to say? “All our problems are because of the Rothschilds.” “Kill the Jews” Some listener encourages genocide in every single Tavares presentation comments section. Tavares cites the Rothschilds as the sole source of worldwide problems in every single presentation. I was beginning to understand.

    At that point, having sent 2 subsequent requests for information to Tavares/DIGIGOD with absolutely no response, I decided to take a look at these renowned “documents” Deborah tells her listeners to download in every presentation. Shock. These are not official documents of any type. These are self-created bullet points and scary illustrations put together with an official logo or letterhead at the top. On the bottom is often written the 3rd party who edited the piece together. “Veterans for Truth”, “Oath-keepers” etc. some documents were hand typed screeds with the worst grammar and spelling, words scribbled out in ink with substitute words written above, and a hand typed title at the top. No logo, no reference. Anyone could have typed “CIA this and such”, “FBI this and that”. The “NASA War Document” was a list of high-school level “strategies” written as bullet points with the official NASA logo at the top of the page. “The Report From Iron Mountain”, the same. This is bullsh#@. WTF.

    • At that point my Tavares listening had led me to listen to a series of appearances where she was the guest on internet radio shows such as Granada Forum. What I heard, I didn’t like. I had already began to tire of her talks, which left me feeling like an unfortunate third grade student who was having the fear of God hammered into them by some burned out wicked school administrator. Hearing her interact with hosts in an interview setting was a whole new and eye-opening experience. Tavares was cruel. Admonishing hosts for participating in their own radio show, which was an interview format. Talking right over their attempts to participate and succeeding in backing them down through sheer willfulness. momentum and a willingness to be mean-spirited and rude. Seemingly without conscience. Absolutely without gratitude. One such interaction I remember is from a Granada Forum appearance. The hosts had already been admonished, warned and talked over. Tavares is one intimidating woman. One host, after about 5 minutes, tried to ask a question. “I’m not finished!” Tavares snapped, “but since you’ve interrupted me, go ahead.” The host squeezed out a few words which Tavares ignored, interrupted and continued on with her intimidating screed of fear and doom. On presentations where there were multiple guests, Tavares would simply assume she was to speak first, interrupt the host’s introduction, bulldoze on in her self-important tone, talk over anyone else who might be speaking until they backed down, and seize control of the show. Control, I realized is one of her big MOs. Her manner of speaking is controlling and her pedantic, hammering rhythm does indeed seem to induce a form of mind control. Some of these shows are European. Europeans are by nature or culture, extraordinarily polite and gracious. It’s not in them to be aggressive, domineering and rude. When faced with it, they simply shut up. They are not dumb or weak, they are allowing the blowhard to make a fool of themselves. The blowhard is always an American. Any American with even the shortest antenna figures out pretty quickly (and simply by paying attention) to pick up on the grace of interaction that Europeans exude, and learn to be that way themselves. Anyone who has even the slightest interest in a colleague’s perspective will do the same, knowing that these interactions present a fantastic opportunity to learn. Peer-mentoring, if you will. Tavares seems to have no intellectual curiosity. In her line of work, or her method of work, learning from others is of little interest or use. For her it’s not about expansion, it’s about contraction.
    • By this time, for whatever reason, Tavares had stopped creating her own presentations, and was relying solely upon hosts of internet radio programs to invite her on as a guest. Not surprisingly, no one from past appearances was inviting her back. Granada Forum had begun to post unhappy complaints in the comments sections of her reposting of interviews done on their channel. No one else was inviting her either, and so she went back to her old friend and unconditional supporter, Dr. Bill Deagle, who hosts regular radio shows on his channel. I think Bill is a good guy. He’s loyal, he smiles and injects humor. He also gives Tavares a wide berth and lots of room to speak, but he’s made it clear during these interviews that it’s his show, he’s the host, and he insists on participating even if it’s Deborah Tavares who is the guest. Tavares, with no other options at that point, began to show some respect, gratitude and relative patience given her temperment. Bill was rehabilitating her, in a way. She gradually was learning to share time and act respectfully, and in return, she got weekly airtime and an edited recording to post on her channel. Tavares listeners are another story however. They are cold, cruel, nasty, impatient and verbally violent. They hate Dr. Bill. Most of the comments under Dr. Bill postings are “shut TF up and let the woman speak”, “you’re a slob and a moron, no one wants to hear you, don’t you know who you’re in the presence of? SHUT UP and let Deborah talk”. Unknown to Tavares listeners, Bill is dealing with a serious medical condition which affects his speech at times. Listeners rip him to shreds for this, cruelly antagonizing “you sound like an old drunk” “what are you doing, eating soup?” “you uncouth slob” and worse. The comments sink to the level of violent obscenity. It’s ugly to witness and very sad. Tavares never ever once has stepped in to defend her good friend. This guy who sticks by her when all others won’t. I was enraged by this. “Not to speak is to speak.” Tavares blatantly used her good friend on a weekly basis and then just tossed him to the wolves. Again and again and again. No honor is an understatement.
    By this time I was getting ticked off enough to take some action, and so I posted comments and my unanswered questions under her videos. At first one of her staff answered as a response, “yes, what can I do for you?” I reiterated the question, which was a request for documentation on a new theme Tavares had been riffing on, how the city of Santa Rosa had hired London Accounting firm Ernst and Young to purposefully bankrupt the city. No response. I sent the request directly to DIGIGOD. No response. I wrote as a comment that I too was traumatized and living a disabled life as a result of being in unshakable fear from listening to Tavares’ presentations. MIRACLE. A knowing, seasoned Tavares listener responded, clueing me in to the hell she peddles, with a recommendation to check out (the now defunct) aplanetruth on youtube. MIRACLE. The owner of that channel truly educates, without the rude and punishing drama. With knowledge comes empowerment. I began to learn truth, real truth, starting with history. Sure the Rothschilds and part of international banking and local utilities, but they are just facilitators. Learn your history! The Knights Templar, the Vatican and Jesuits, the 13 illuminati bloodlines of which the Rothschilds are just one, British Crown Royalty the Windsors, Freemasons, Rome, London and Washington D..C. By learning the bigger picture and much more, my debilitating fear began to subside, and my ability to focus, work and be present for my daughter increased. Miracle.

    • Then, I decided to to a web search of “Deborah Tavares.” Major Miracle! I discovered Snoop’s thread “the hoaxes of Deborah Tavares” on the Project Avalon forum. My God I was not crazy, I was not alone, I was not imagining things. Here was proof. With multiple redundancies to assuage any doubt about a single source. I saw the Real documents. I learned the real stories. I was right! The documents of Tavares’ website ARE phony. Forgeries. The stories she had concocted were upside down. I will not detail every document and story but I did check them all out, and each one is a falsification, an edit, or an outright lie. None of them are real. Some of the subjects she speaks to are real, such as cellphone and smart meter radiation, 5G, Agenda 21 etc. But I came to understand that Tavares uses these basic truths as springboard talking points to launch off into conjecture, exaggeration, and plain lies. She bounces around so quickly, the listener is still realizing what they just heard as she is spinning off into an elaboration and connecting scary dots that don’t even exist. Why? Why not just tell the truth? Why not say “The Report From Iron Mountain” is a work of fiction, a very prophetic work perhaps, but still a political satire published in 1967 which went on to spend weeks on the NY Times bestseller list, and which was later pirated by ultra right-wing extremist groups and republished under the false pretense of being a leaked secret government report. Given all of that it is remarkable how prophetic this book has turned out to be” etc. That’s the truth. Why not tell the truth? The only thing I can think of is that it’s easier to control people with lies. If you are the only purveyor of a given story, you maintain control over your public. And, as soon as you start revealing one truth, the whole ball of yarn starts to unravel, leaving you, an insecure narcissistic vanity activist, with nothing. No knowledge of history, no more hate and fear to peddle, no more Nazi sympathizers to excite, no more vulnerable people to scare the bejesus out of. No more myths of multiple murder attempts by the government, no more targeted individual “woe is me” stories to dramatically leverage people with. The show is over, they’ve pulled back the curtain and they’re moving the tables and chairs out of the building, you’re now just staring at a brick wall in an empty room. Even worse, now you must look in the mirror. Karma. Very scary to one who lives a lie, feeds off of other people’s fear, uses props such as expensive clothes, big hair, reams of “documents” which she carries with her everywhere she goes, projecting the impression of elitism, wealth and money, and carrying an aire of arrogance which is used as a tool to leverage, manipulate and dominate others.
    Times are changing. Recently youtube and google have censored Truth, scrubbed videos, terminated entire channels and at the very least demonetized (no more YouTube placed ads) for all “Truther” channels. Remaining channels unite, and speak out when yet another channel is terminated. So much so, that there has been a small amount of success in reversing this tide of censorship. All of these channels are Tame compared with Tavares on stopthecrimecrime. No one speaks as dangerously, outrageously and threateningly as she does. Not close. And while these other channels have been under assault, there sits Deborah Tavares, as outrageous, as fear-mongering and hate-inciting as ever, WITH YouTube placed ads still running! She’s the ONLY ONE. She never ever rises to the defense of newly censored “fellow” truther channels. She’s only concerned about herself. No Honor. “Not to speak is to speak.”

    How can this be? To those of us that lived through the 1960s and have come to know controlled opposition, paid disinformation and nefarious government activities such as Cointelpro, I think youtube and google have now made it easy for us to know who is telling truth and who is not. Or who might be serving a useful purpose by steadily contributing to the destabilization of society. Whatever it is, youtube and the controllers clearly like her and approve of her activities. They even help to support her by running ads in her videos. But no one else’s. SGT Report, Black Pigeon Speaks, Shaking My Head productions, Logic Before Authority, Mike Morales, all demonetized. These are all level-headed presenters who do not preach hate and fear. Some have 500,000 subscribers. YouTube’s words “ their audience is not deemed suitable for advertisers.” And yet Tavares, with her wild and dangerous radical propaganda - “your government is out to kill you” “this is all because of The Rothschilds” “NASA is a death machine” “protest, rebel, be fearful, hate is in the air.” YouTube’s tacit endorsement of Tavares is “deemed suitable for advertisers”. “Hey, buy the Patriot Solar powercell” “buy the Patriot this or that.” “Hey, 5G is coming and it’s going to be great!.”

    We live in an upside down world. We face significant challenges. This is no time to be disabled by fear, or to be incited to murder each other, to worship false DIGIGODS, or commit suicide or encourage others to do the same. “Suicide is wrong in the eyes of God” lamented one recent Tavares commenter. “A bullet taken while in the spirit of resistance is honorable in God’s eyes” responded another Tavares listener, as an act of encouragement, this past weekend, June 14, 2019. God help us.

    So there’s my Deborah Tavares story. You decide. Thanks for reading,

    Last edited by gongw; 06-20-2019 at 11:41 AM. Reason: Spacing
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  9. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  10. TopTop #67
    snoop4truth's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)


    Deep, profoundly-moving, thought-provoking, honest, self-defacing, humble, insightful, introspective.

    Most of all, brave.

    You and your words reflect everything that is redeeming and good about mankind.

    Absolutely beautiful.

    With the greatest admiration and respect,

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  11. Gratitude expressed by:

  12. TopTop #68
    snoop4truth's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)


    VIDEOS OF DEBORAH TAVARES ENGAGED IN THE HOAX: (by Al Whitney & Deborah Tavares. WHOLE VIDEO) (at 42:10-42:35, 47:50--49:00) (at 6:20-6:45, 7:10-7:55, 25:55-26:45) (at 43:15-43:50, 52:30-53:00) (at 11:50-13:00) (at 19:25-20:00)


    ARTICLES REFLECTING THE HOAX: (written by Deborah Tavares and Al Whitney and posted on Deborah Tavares' own website); (an article actually written by Rodney "DALE" Class while pretending to be "Judge DALE" . See paragraphs ACTUALLY NUMBERED "1, 2 & 3"); (by Rod Class using his REAL name); (by Rod Class using his REAL name at page ACTUALLY NUMBERED "3" in the 4th paragraph at about 50% through the text); (by Rod Class using his REAL name at the first BLOCK INDENTED paragraph IN ALL ITALIC TYPE) (by Rod Class using his REAL name at the 2nd paragraph).

    Deborah Tavares, Rodney "DALE" Class (BOTH when using his REAL name and when pretending to be "Judge DALE") falsely claim that all governments and all government agencies are private, for-profit corporations. But, this is not so.

    No true government or true government agency is a private, for-profit corporation.

    In amateur legal theory, the "law" comes ONLY from the claims of other amateur legal theorists. But, in the REAL law, the law comes ONLY from the actual WRITTEN WORDS of the REAL LAW itself. Consider the REAL law below.

    U.S. v Cooper Corp., (HOLDING THAT THE UNITED STATES IS NOT A "CORPORATION"). In this case, a private corporation sought to sue the United States under a federal statute that authorized civil lawsuits against any "person". The private corporation argued that the United States was such a "person" because it was a "corporation" (an artificial legal person). But, the court ruled otherwise and wrote, "While there may be isolated cases which hold that the different states, and even the United States, are "bodies politic and corporate", THEY DO NOT HOLD THAT THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION EXISTING BY THE LAWS OF THE UNTIED STATES [in the way that amateur legal theorists mean it]... . THE UNITED STATES CANNOT, THEREFORE, BE CLASSIFIED AS A CORPORATION EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES [in the way that amateur legal theorists mean it]... ." (in the 3rd to last paragraph of this case).

    The term, "corporation" FOOLS Deborah Tavares, Rod Class and other amateur legal theorists. They mistakenly believe that there is only ONE TYPE OF CORPORATION in the whole world and that EVERY CORPORATION in the whole world IS A PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT corporation. (at the paragraph ACTUALLY NUMBERED "3"). But, this is not so.

    One loose, informal definition of a "corporation" is simply "a separate, legal entity which may enter into contracts in its own name and sue and be sued in its own name". Governments happen to have these same basic characteristics. So, in this sense, AND ONLY IN THIS SENSE, all governments are arguably "corporations" (loosely and informally speaking).


    Remember, Deborah Tavares, Rod Class and other amateur legal theorists mistakenly believe that every CORPORATION in the whole world is a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT corporation (the "bad" kind of corporation). But, this is not so.

    Unknown to Deborah Tavares, Rod Class and other amateur legal theorists, there are DOZENS and DOZENS of different types of corporations. But, ONLY ONE (1) TYPE of corporation is a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT corporation which makes "PROFITS" for its "PRIVATE STOCKHOLDERS" (the "bad" kind of corporation). Unknown to Deborah Tavares, Rod Class and other amateur legal theorists, there are COUNTLESS OTHER TYPES of NON-PROFIT corporations WHICH ARE ACTUALLY OWNED BY THE PUBLIC, OPERATED BY THE PUBLIC AND SERVE THE PUBLIC (not "private stockholders") FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD.

    For example, there are PUBLICLY-OWNED, NON-PROFIT corporations (like some publicly-owned hospitals, schools and universities and some electrical and water utilities, NONE of which have "stockholders" and NONE of which make "profits"). There are also PUBLICLY-OWNED, NON-PROFIT MUNICIPAL corporations (like cities and towns, NONE of which have "stockholders" and NONE of which make "profits" and ALL of which are controlled entirely by people ELECTED by "We the People" TO CONTROL THEM). There are countless other different types of PUBLICLY-OWNED, NON-PROFIT corporations which serve the public (not "private stockholders"). But, Deborah Tavares, Rod Class and other amateur legal theorists do not know enough to even realize this. Click on the links below.


    Our federal government has even structured seventeen of our federal government agencies as PUBLICLY-OWNED, NON-PROFIT "federal corporations" (NO STOCKHOLDERS, NO PROFITS, etc.). In general, all of the federal agencies that are structured this way have two things in common, they all have their own customers (or their own source of revenue) and none of them receive any money from Congress.

    Three well-known examples of such federal agencies are the United States Postal Service (The Post Office-U.S. Mail), AMTRAK (a publicly-owned, non-profit railroad) and the Tennessee Valley Authority (a publicly-owned, non-profit ELECTRICAL POWER utility). You will note that ALL THREE of these PUBLICLY-OWNED, NON-PROFIT "federal corporations" have their own customers and none of them receive any money from Congress.

    There are THREE MAIN REASONS why the federal government structured these federal agencies as PUBLICLY-OWNED, NON-PROFIT "federal corporations": 1). To force each such federal agency to work within their own budgets BY USING THEIR OWN REVENUES (received from their own customers/sources) instead of receiving money from Congress; 2). To relieve taxpayers of the burden of paying for governmental services that they might not even use (not everyone uses snail mail, rides trains or lives in the "Tennessee Valley"); and 3). To ensure that each such federal agency provide the highest possible quality of service at the lowest possible cost to the taxpayer in order to avoid their own failure and collapse (which, due to this organizational structure, would have no adverse effect on the rest of the federal government or on the taxpayer anyway). IT'S ALL ABOUT ACCOUNTABILITY AND FAIRNESS TO THE TAXPAYER. For more on this subject, click here.

    All corporations are "ARTIFICIAL" persons (NON-human beings).

    No "NATURAL" person (no human being) can be a corporation.

    Contrary to what Deborah Tavares, Rod Class and other amateur legal theorists mistakenly believe, there is no such thing as a "SECRET CORPORATION" of any kind (regardless of what type they are or whom they serve). All corporations (no matter what type they are or whom they serve) ARE PUBLICLY "INCORPORATED" IN A STATE OR PUBLICLY "CREATED" BY STATUTE OR ORDINANCE.

    their "articles of incorporation", their creation date, their purpose, their function, their powers, their scope, their addresses, their officers (and often their directors), their trade names, their fictitious names, their trademarks, their service marks, their annual reports, their registered agent for service of civil lawsuits and so forth, ALL OF WHICH ARE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC ONLINE.

    Further, all "PUBLIC" corporations (no stockholders and no profits) ARE PUBLICLY "CREATED" BY A PUBLIC STATE OR FEDERAL "STATUTE" OR BY A PUBLIC COUNTY OR CITY "ORDINANCE". So, if they exist, THERE WILL BE A "PUBLIC RECORD" OF THEM, their creation date, their purpose, their function, their powers, their scope and so forth, ALL OF WHICH ARE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC ONLINE).

    Translation: ALL CORPORATIONS (regardless of what type they are or whom they serve) ARE PUBLICLY "CREATED" BY A DOCUMENT THAT IS ACTUALLY FILED IN THE "PUBLIC RECORD" FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE! There are NO EXCEPTIONS! NONE! Whether an entity is a "corporation" IS "ALWAYS" A MATTER OF "PUBLIC RECORD"! So, there is NO "GUESS WORK" about whether an entity is a corporation or not. If an entity is not PUBLICLY "INCORPORATED" in a state or was not PUBLICLY "CREATED" by a PUBLIC statute or PUBLIC ordinance, THEN IT IS NOT A CORPORATION! It is that simple. There are NO EXCEPTIONS! NONE! This means that there is NOTHING "SECRET" OR "MYSTERIOUS" about the existence of either PUBLIC or PRIVATE corporations. Their documents are IN THE "PUBLIC RECORD" for all the world to see. But, Deborah Tavares, Rod Class and other amateur legal theorists do not know enough to even realize this.

    Translation: To find out if an entity is a corporation, the ONE and ONLY place to find the answer IS IN THE PUBLIC RECORD (not in Dun & Bradstreet, not on a list of entities with EIN numbers and not on amateur legal theory websites).

    All "PRIVATE" corporations can be found online at the STATE "SECRETARY OF THE STATE, DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS" or the foreign equivalent if a foreign "PRIVATE" corporation.

    All "PUBLIC" corporations can be found in STATE and FEDERAL STATUTES and in county or city ORDINANCES or the foreign equivalent if a foreign "PUBLIC" corporation.

    If an entity cannot be found in those places, IT IS NOT A CORPORATION. It is that simple. But, Deborah Tavares, Rod Class and other amateur legal theorists do not know enough to even realize this.

    Amateur legal theorists are PATHOLOGICALLY DESPERATE to discredit and delegitimize the FEDERAL government of “We the People”. So, if any FEDERAL statute contains the terms, "corporate" or "corporation" in reference to anything FEDERAL, then amateur legal theorists will use that FEDERAL statute in support of their false claim that the FEDERAL government is itself a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT corporation which makes "PROFITS" for its "PRIVATE STOCKHOLDERS". Two such FEDERAL statutes cited by amateur legal theorists in support of this false claim are the "Act Of 1871" and "Title 28 U.S.C. (15)(a)".

    THE ACT OF 1871:
    The Act Of 1871 reads in pertinent part, "...[We hereby create] a government by the name of [the "CITY" of] THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA [not the ”United States Of America”] by which name it is hereby constituted a BODY CORPORATE [this term is a source of the confusion] for MUNICIPAL [means "CITY"] PURPOSES [not for other purposes]... [and this body is empowered to] exercise all... powers of a MUNICIPAL CORPORATION [this term is also a source of the confusion and actually means "CITY GOVERNMENT"] not inconsistent with [means "CONSISTENT WITH"] the Constitution and the laws of the United States."

    Thus, the Act of 1871 simply created a "CITY" GOVERNMENT for the "CITY" of Washington, D.C., (NOT FOR THE ENTIRE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT). But, amateur legal theorists are intellectually unable to tell the difference between the two (a "CITY" GOVERNMENT on one hand and the "ENTIRE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT" on the other hand). Remember, if any FEDERAL statute contains the terms, "corporate" or "corporation" in reference to anything FEDERAL, then amateur legal theorists will use that FEDERAL statute in support of their false claim that the FEDERAL government is itself a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT corporation which makes "PROFITS" for its "PRIVATE STOCKHOLDERS".

    But, because the "CITY" of Washington, D.C. is the "seat" of the FEDERAL government and because they mistakenly believe that all corporations in the world are PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT corporations, Deborah Tavares, Rod Class and other amateur legal theorists falsely claim that the terms, "body corporate" and "municipal corporation" (contained in the Act Of 1871) prove that the "ENTIRE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT" (rather than merely the "CITY" GOVERNMENT of Washington, D.C.) IS ITSELF A PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT corporation which makes "PROFITS" for its "PRIVATE STOCKHOLDERS. (at page ACTUALLY NUMBERED "3" in the 4th paragraph at about 50% through the text). But, this is not so.

    There is NOTHING about the Act of 1871 which has any affect whatsoever on the FEDERAL government itself. Instead, The Act of 1871 only relates to the "CITY" government of Washington, D.C. Likewise, NOTHING about the Act Of 1971 makes the FEDERAL government itself (or the "CITY" of Washington, D.C. for that matter) a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION which makes "PROFITS" for its private "STOCKHOLDERS". But, Deborah Tavares, Rod Class and other amateur legal theorists do not know enough to even realize this.

    TITLE 28 U.S.C. 3002(15)(a):
    Title 28 U.S.C. 3002 (15)(a)reads in pertinent part, "DEFINITIONS... As used in THIS chapter [ONLY, and NOT for any other purpose],... United States means- ... a federal corporation [this term is a source of the confusion]... ." FACT: Title 28 U.S.C. 3002 (15) (a) merely provides the definitions (only) SOLELY FOR A SINGLE FEDERAL CHAPTER (AND THOSE DEFINITIONS DO NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER CHAPTER AND CANNOT BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER PURPOSE). This is why the VERY FIRST WORDS of Title 28 U.S.C. § 3002 read, “As used in THIS chapter [and NOT other chapters or for other purposes]... ." (See the VERY FIRST WORDS at the TOP of this section.). The SINGLE CHAPTER for which Title 28 U.S.C. § 3002 provides definitions is the FEDERAL DEBT COLLECTION PROCEDURE ACT (chapter 176).

    But remember, if any FEDERAL statute contains the terms, "corporate" or "corporation" in reference to anything FEDERAL, then amateur legal theorists will use that FEDERAL statute in support of their false claim that the United States is itself a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT corporation which makes "PROFITS" for its "PRIVATE STOCKHOLDERS". So, Rod Class and other amateur legal theorists falsely claim that Title 28 U.S.C. 3002(15)(a) proves that the United States is itself a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT corporation which makes "PROFITS" for its "PRIVATE STOCKHOLDERS". But, this is not so.

    The SINGLE CHAPTER for which Title 28 U.S.C. 3002(15)(a) provides definitions (chapter 176) relates to the "PROCEDURE" ONLY that the "United States" must follow when collecting certain debts. Title 28 U.S.C. § 3002 (15) (a) DOES NOT actually define the "United States" as a ”federal corporation”. Instead, it actually defines a “federal corporation” (like AMTRAK) as the “United StatesSOLELY FOR PURPOSES OF THE FEDERAL DEBT COLLECTION PROCEDURE ACT.

    So, if AMTRAK (a "federal corporation") sought to collect on such a debt, it would have to follow the SAME "PROCEDURE" set forth in the Fair Debt Collection Procedure Act THAT ANY OTHER PART OF THE "UNITED STATES” GOVERNMENT WOULD HAVE TO FOLLOW TO COLLECT SUCH A DEBT. It is that simple. But, Deborah Tavares, Rod Class and other amateur legal theorists do not know enough to even realize this.

    This definition IN THE FEDERAL DEBT COLLECTION PROCEDURE ACT does not mean that the entire “United States” is itself a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT corporation which generates "PROFITS" for its "PRIVATE STOCKHOLDERS".

    Deborah Tavares, Rod Class and other amateur legal theorists mistakenly conclude that all governments and governmental agencies are "corporations" because BOTH governments and government agencies ARE LISTED IN "DUN & BRADSTREET". See the bottom paragraph on page 2 of 6 here. https://anticorruptionsociety.files....c-handout1.pdf. Scroll down to about 80% through the text of this article here. But, contrary to what amateur legal theorists mistakenly believe, DUN & BRADSTREET DOES NOT REFLECT A "LIST" OR "REGISTRY" OF "CORPORATIONS".

    Instead, Dun & Bradstreet merely reflects the CREDIT WORTHINESS of ANY ORGANIZATION (corporate or otherwise) with which other organizations (corporate or otherwise) might enter into contracts.

    APPLICATION: So, if you were the CEO of a building contractor that builds highways and if you were contacted by a state government to build a highway in the state, you could look up that state government in Dun & Bradstreet to determine whether it pays its building contractors on time. It is that simple. Thus, Dun & Bradstreet likewise DOES NOT reflect that a government is a "corporation" (much less a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT corporation). But, amateur legal theorist do not know enough to even realize this.


    1). Thompson v. Scutt, (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE DEFENDANT'S AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including his amateur legal theories that the state and federal government are "CORPORATIONS"). In this case, the court wrote, "Petitioner [an amateur legal theorist] also contends that THE STATE OF MICHIGAN AND THE UNITED STATES ARE CORPORATIONS, and as such, can only "interface" with other artificial entities, not natural persons like Petitioner [a false claim that Rod Class also makes]. In support of his argument, Petitioner [an amateur legal theorist] cites the Federal Debt Collection Procedures Act (FDCPA), 28 U.S.C. 3002 et seq [discussed above], and the Michigan Constitution, Article VII, section 1, NEITHER OF WHICH SUPPORTS HIS CLAIM THAT THE STATE OF MICHIGAN AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ARE CORPORATIONS [read this phrase again]. Petitioner [an amateur legal theorist] contends that, AS CORPORATIONS, the State of Michigan and the federal government cannot "concern [themselves] with anything OTHER THAN CORPORATE, ARTIFICIAL ENTITIES AND INTANGIBLE ABSTRACTIONS [a false claim that Rod Class also makes].... .’' But, the court held otherwise and wrote, “SUCH REASONING IS DEVOID OF LEGAL SUPPORT and contrary to common sense." (at paragraph 9 at about 40% through the text of the case). The court continues at footnote 2 near the end of the case as follows, "The FDCPA [discussed above] DOES NOT STATE THAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS A CORPORATION [much less a private, for-profit corporation]. Article VII of the Michigan constitution merely indicates that 'each organized county shall be a BODY CORPORATE [not a private, for-profit corporation].'" (at footnote 2 near the end of the case).

    2). DuBose v. Kasich, (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE PLAINTIFF'S AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including the amateur legal theory that the state and federal government are "CORPORATIONS"). In this case, an amateur legal theorist unsuccessfully sued various government officials. The court wrote, "Plaintiff [an amateur legal theorist] sets forth his own versions of various 'sovereign citizen' [amateur legal] theories. Such [amateur legal] theories involve the alleged CORPORATE STATUS OF OHIO AND THE UNITED STATES... ." But, the court held otherwise and wrote, "... [F]ederal courts have routinely recognized that such [amateur legal] theories are MERITLESS and WORTHY OF LITTLE DISCUSSION [read that phrase again]... . " (at the 13th paragraph, just above section "IV" at about 95% through the text).

    3). Florance v. Buchmeyer, (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE PLAINTIFF'S AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including his amateur legal theory that the state and federal government are federal "CORPORATIONS".). In this case, an amateur legal theorist unsuccessfully sued various government agencies and officials. The court wrote, "Plaintiff [an amateur legal theorist] responds that the STATE OF TEXAS is not protected by immunity under the Eleventh Amendment because it is a 'FEDERAL CORPORATION'... ." (at section "D" at about 65% through the text of the case). Later in the text in section "k" the court held otherwise and wrote, "Plaintiff [an amateur legal theorist] cites 28 U.S.C. § 3002(15) [discussed above] in the paragraph pertaining to his claim against the USA... . To the extent that Plaintiff [an amateur legal theorist] relies on § 3002(15) [discussed above] to sue the USA, IT DOES NOT APPLY BECAUSE § 3002 [discussed above] IS SIMPLY A DEFINITIONS STATUTE IN THE CHAPTER THAT AUTHORIZES THE USA TO... [COLLECT CERTAIN DEBTS]." (in section "k" at about 85% through the text).

    4). U.S. v. Petersen, (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE DEFENDANT'S AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including his amateur legal theory that the United States is a "CORPORATION".). The court wrote, "... Defendant [an amateur legal theorist] contends that 'THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS A FEDERAL CORPORATION, and one that is 'located in the ["CITY" of the] District of Columbia'. ... [The Defendant] further claims that the 'United States Government [rather than merely the "CITY" government of Washington, D.C.] was officially [c]ommercialized in 1871,' apparently arguing that this entity's powers 'shall be limited to the ["CITY" limits of the] District of Columbia.' ... . BUT [THE] DEFENDANT'S RELIANCE ON 28 U.S.C. § 3002(15) [discussed above] IS MISPLACED [read that phrase again]. That statute is simply a definitional provision DEFINING the "United States" as, among other options, 'a federal corporation' SOLELY FOR PURPOSES OF THE CHAPTER WHICH IT IS PART... . The applicability of [this] Chapter... is confined to CIVIL actions [filed] by the United States [against debtors]... to recover a judgment on a debt... . This CRIMINAL action [this case] is not [such a] a CIVIL debt collection action [so that definition is inapplicable in this case]... .In addition, [THE] DEFENDANT'S RELIANCE ON THE... [Act Of 1871 discussed above], IS LIKEWISE MISPLACED [read that phrase again] as that statute simply 'created a ["CITY"] government by the name of the District of Columbia [not "The United States Of America"],' a municipal corporation [which means a "CITY" government] with ‘jurisdiction over all the territory within the [CITY] limits of the District.’... . The present CRIMINAL prosecution of [the] Defendant [in this case] has nothing to do with the powers that Congress delegated to the ["CITY" of the ] District [Of Columbia. So, THAT DEFINITION DOES NOT APPLY IN THIS CASE]." (at the 13th, 14th and 15th paragraphs at about 35% through the text).

    5). U.S. v. Wiggins, (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE DEFENDANT'S AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including his amateur legal theory that the United States is a "CORPORATION".). The court wrote, "Wiggins [an amateur legal theorist]... ERRONEOUSLY CITES 28 U.S.C. § 3002(15) [discussed above] to support his assertion that THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION... . [But, t]hat statute governs the collection of federal debt.... . Section 3002(15) [discussed above] merely provides that the term "United States," WHEN USED "IN THIS... [STATUTE]," refers to a federal corporation, agency, entity, or instrumentality of the United States [not a private, for-profit corporation]."(at footnote 18).

    6). Kitchens v. Becraft, (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE PLAINTIFF’S AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including his amateur legal theory that the United States is a "CORPORATION".). In this case, an amateur legal theorist unsuccessfully sued a Texas state official]. The court wrote, "Next, Kitchens [an amateur legal theorist] contends that 'THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION' and thus has no sovereign authority." But, the court held otherwise and wrote, "[T]he Plaintiff's [Kitchen's] objections ARE WITHOUT MERIT [read that phrase again]." (at the 6th paragraph at about 50% through the case).

    7). U.S. v. Beavers, (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE DEFENDANTS' AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including their amateur legal theory that the United States is a "CORPORATION".). In this case, the court wrote, "The Defendants [both amateur legal theorists] assert that THE "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" IS A FEDERAL CORPORATION that went bankrupt in 1933 [a false claim that Rod Class also makes] and lacks jurisdiction to prosecute criminal matters... .' But, the court held otherwise and wrote, "THE COURT FINDS THE DEFENDANT'S [the amateur legal theorists'] ARGUMENTS TO BE MERITLESS [read this phrase again]." (at the 17th-18th paragraph at about 50% through the text). At footnote 9, the court continues, "As explained [above], the Defendants cite 28 U.S.C. § 3002 [discussed above] to support their claim that THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION. HOWEVER, A COMPLETE READING OF 28 U.S.C. § 3002 BELIES [means "REFUTES"] THIS INTERPRETATION." (at footnote 9).

    8). Kubicki v U.S., (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE DEFENDANT'S AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including his amateur legal theory that the United States is a "CORPORATION".). In this case, a tax protester/amateur legal theorist unsuccessfully sued the United States. The court wrote, "Plaintiff [an amateur legal theorist] argues that Defendant [the United States] has no immunity [from his suit], BECAUSE THE UNITED STATES HAS IDENTIFIED ITSELF AS A FEDERAL CORPORATION for purposes of tax collection activity.' But, the court held otherwise and wrote, "To support this proposition, Plaintiff [the amateur legal theorist] cites 28 U.S.C. § 3002(15)[discussed above]. THIS SECTION, HOWEVER, DOES NOT DEFINE THE UNITED STATES AS A FEDERAL CORPORATION for purposes of tax collection. Instead, IT MERELY PROVIDES THE DEFINITION OF THE "UNITED STATES’ FOR PURPOSES OF THE [SAME] STATUTE [IN WHICH IT APPEARS] AS A ‘FEDERAL CORPORATION’ [not a private, for-profit corporation]... ." (at the 8th paragraph not including block-indented portions at about 60% through the text).

    9). U.S. v. Boyce, (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE TAX PROTESTERS' AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including their amateur legal theory that the United States is a "CORPORATION".). The court wrote, "The Boyces [both tax protesters and amateur legal theorists]... assert that the court's jurisdiction is limited to individuals residing within the ["CITY" limits of the] District of Columbia citing 28 U.S.C. § 3002(15) [discussed above], WHICH DEFINES THE "UNITED STATES" AS... A FEDERAL CORPORATION... . [T]hey contend the court's jurisdiction extends only to the section of territory occupied by 'THE ULTIMATE PARENT FEDERAL CORPORATION,' i.e. the ["CITY" of The] District of Columbia." But, the court held otherwise and wrote, "THIS ARGUMENT IS UNAVAILING [is an amateur legal theory]. Section 3002(15) [discussed above] defines 'United States ONLY for purposes of 28 U.S.C. § 3001...', which governs 'federal debt collection procedure'. IT DOES NOT DEFINE THE 'UNITED STATES' AS A FEDERAL CORPORATION FOR PURPOSES OF TAX LAWS [much less as a private for-profit corporation], NOR DOES IT CIRCUMSCRIBE [means "LIMIT"] THE COURT'S JURISDICTION. [citing] Kubicki v. United States [the case directly above], ... '[the subject statute]... DOES NOT DEFINE THE UNITED STATES AS A FEDERAL CORPORATION FOR PURPOSES OF TAX COLLECTION [much less a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT corporation].'" (at the 15th full paragraph at about 25% through the text).

    10). U.S. v. Smith, (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE DEFENDANT'S AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including his amateur legal theory that the United States is a "CORPORATION". In this case, the court wrote, [I]"... Smith [the Defendant/amateur legal theorist] stated: '... in no way, shape or form am I an employee of the Federal government or am I an employee of the FEDERAL CORPORATION under the United States Code Title 28, Section 28 Section 3002, Subsection 15, Section A [discussed above] where THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION AND IT'S A FOR PROFIT CORPORATION as spelled out there.'" (at the 1st paragraph on page 7 of this case as it appears in this link). But, the court held otherwise and called the Defendant's amateur legal theories, including this one, "OUTLANDISH" and actually required the Defendant to undergo an INPATIENT PSYCHIATRIC EXAMINATION (a psychiatric evaluation while a patient incarcerated in a mental institution). Note: Rod Class has been forced to undergo several such psychiatric examinations for similar reasons.

    11). Joiner v. Perry, (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE PRISONER'S AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including the amateur legal theory that the United States is a CORPORATION). In this case, a prisoner/amateur legal theorist unsuccessfully sued a North Carolina state official. The court wrote, "He [the prisoner/amateur legal theorist] also testified that 'THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION' to which he holds no 'allegiance', and that therefore the United States may not tax him." (at footnote 3 at the very end of the case). But, the court held otherwise and called the prisoner’s arguments "PATENTLY FRIVOLOUS" and NOT ONLY THREW THE CASE OUT OF COURT, but actually FINED THE PRISONER for making such ridiculous claims.

    12). State v. Hartsoe, (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE DEFENDANT'S AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including his amateur legal theory that the United States is a "CORPORATION"). In this case, the court wrote, "Hartsoe's [the Defendant's] affidavit was based upon his belief that THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION, which created 'straw men,' fictitious persons separate from real individuals, for each man and woman in order TO CONTROL the people of the United States. Hartsoe [the Defendant] refused to submit to the CORPORATE government and filed his affidavit denying his [own imaginary] 'straw man' or [imaginary] CORPORATE existence." But, the court ruled otherwise.

    13). Miles v. U.S., (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE DEFENDANT'S AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including his amateur legal theory that the United States is a "CORPORATION"). In this case the Defendant filed what amounted to a Motion For Relief From Conviction. The court wrote, "The grounds [in the Defendant's motion] include... that THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION and does not have the power to prosecute individuals, and that citizens are not subject to statutory jurisdiction under the Constitution [a false claim that Rod Class also makes]." (at footnote 1). But, the court held otherwise and unceremoniously THREW THE CASE OUT OF COURT.

    14). U.S. v. Provost, (RULING AGAINST ALL OF THE DEFENDANT'S AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including his amateur legal theory that the United States is a "CORPORATION"). In this case, the court wrote, "... Defendant [the tax protester] filed a delinquent request to answer [the complaint], claiming that he had 'a good faith belief that the UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION and that there was no parity with the FLESH AND BLOOD MAN [a false claim that Rod Class also makes].'" But, the court ruled otherwise, DENIED the tax protester's request to file a delinquent answer and UPHELD THE DEFAULT JUDGMENT AGAINST HIM.

    15). Maxwell v. Snow, (RULING AGAINST ALL THE TAX PROTESTER'S AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIES, including his amateur legal theory that the United States is a CORPORATION). In this case, a tax protester unsuccessfully sued a U.S. Treasury official and claimed that, "Texas is not part of the United States, and that the United States itself is unconstitutional because it is not a republican form of government", that THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS A "CORPORATION", that "the federal government’s jurisdiction is limited to [within] the ["CITY" limits of the] District of Columbia and [to within the borders of] other federally owned lands". But, the court held otherwise and held that such amateur legal theories were "WITHOUT MERIT", "PATENTLY FRIVOLOUS" and "LIKEWISE FRIVOLOUS."

    Note that ALL amateur legal theories (ex: "all governments are corporations") are always EXACTLY BACKWARDS AND OPPOSITE to what the REAL law actually is. There are NO EXCEPTIONS! Amateur legal theories ARE NOT REAL. They are FAKE. They are LIES. Amateur legal theories and the REAL law are the EXACT OPPOSITES of one another. Amateur legal theories are an IMAGINARY ALTERNATIVE to the REAL law that is actually used by the REAL legal system and the ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD. Amateur legal theories have a 100% FAILURE RATE in court BECAUSE THEY ARE FAKE. They are NOT INTENDED TO WORK and they DO NOT WORK! They never have. They never will. Their SOLE PURPOSE is to attempt to discredit and delegitimize our REPUBLICAN form of government, the ELECTED representatives of "We the People" and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans. Nothing more.

    Just in case you do not already know, all FUTURE DECISIONS on the subject of whether governments are corporations WILL FOLLOW THE DECISIONS SHOWN ABOVE (CALLED "PRECEDENT"). So, the law on this subject will always be the same as reflected in the cases above.

    CONCLUSION: No true government or true government agency is a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION.

    Last edited by snoop4truth; 06-26-2020 at 07:57 PM.
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  14. TopTop #69
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gongw: View Post
    Before I start, a message to Mayacaman Mark. ...

    While I often don't agree with your opinions, I don't consider you a troll.

    I'm going to leave gongw's message on the website [ EDIT: gongw has chosen to delete his message ~ Barry], but exclude it from the digest (along with this message) to keep this tempest contained. Please don't respond to gongw's accusations, however you are welcome to continue to respond to the discussion of Deborah's Tavares claims.

    This thread has gone on for a while and has contained many loooong posts. Everybody who has participated in this thread, either by posting or expressing gratitude will be sent individual emails with the complete post whenever a there is a new post to this thread. I may well suppress future long posts from the digest as to not inundate readers who have not expressed an interest in the matter so far. For long posts that might be of broader interest, such as gongw's follow-on post that recounts his history with Deborah, I will post a heads up with link to the full post.


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  16. TopTop #70
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Hi Everybody,

    A new player, gongw, has joined this discussion. He is not local, nor do I see any evidence that he is a sockpuppet for snoop or any other member.

    Below is the beginning of his recent well-written and long recount of his experience with the claims of Deborah Taveres. I have kept it out the digest because of its length and that it's only of interest to those who are otherwise following this thread.

    The full post is on our website. As always, you can goto the full post of a quoted post by clicking on the little "" button at the beginning of the quote.

    I will also be suppressing future long posts to this thread. If you would like to receive an individual email of all posts to this thread, just click gratitude on this post. You can opt out from those emails at any time by clicking the button on the bottom of any of the emails.


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gongw: View Post
    Greetings All,

    What follows is my experience as a curious newbie (turned) avid fan (turned) fear-porn addicted (turned) truth-traumatized (turned) devastated, dehumanized and disabled by fear (turned) confused but skeptical (turned) darkly disillusioned (turned) miraculously re-awakened (turned) decidedly ticked off (turned) determined to be free (turned) once-again able to experience happiness (turned) recovering and resolved to truth-telling listener of Deborah Tavares.

    Tavares was my first experience with the dangerous, radical side of the truther movement. I had been unsettled and curious about 911, and began searching youtube for speakers on the subject, that was the old days when people were allowed to challenge the official story on YouTube. I knew about chemtrails, because I was born in in the 1950s and vividly remember a natural occurring phenomenon called clouds (for those born after 1990, google it). Having discovered geoengineering authority Dane Wiggington on Youtube, ...

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  18. TopTop #71

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Thank you very much Snoop, Wisewomn and all readers.

    I realized today that I forgot to draw attention to and comment on Tavares’ Facebook presence, which is on Facebook. 13k endorsements. Very disturbing to any decent, healthy minded individual, in my opinion. Alarming to others who may be parents or grandparents, in my opinion. Your opinion may differ and I respect all thoughtful comment or criticism. on Facebook>The photos section, especially the “timeline photos” is filled with memes that depict gory, pornographic and obscene photos with provoking, violent messages attached. By obscene I mean dehumanizing and degrading. Many photos objectifying young women in the worst kinds of ways. T&A served up Hollywood style. As a father, as an uncle who has nieces, as a human being who cares about the well being of all young people of both or any gender, it’s absolutely horrifying. What mother and grandmother would do this? It’s another example of cruelty and dehumanization, and it’s only purpose is to trigger the worst in people.

    “Mother, what does grandma do? I looked on her Facebook page and it’s scary. Mom, why would grandma put those pictures up? What do they mean? Will I look like that when I grow up?”

    This is beyond political activism. It’s sad to say that after viewing hundreds of these horrific memes on stopthecrime’s Facebook page, which Deborah Tavares endorses, is responsible for and pays staff to create and maintain, how can one not start to wonder what she can possibly be thinking? I know I am perhaps stepping over the line by making these observations, or maybe I’m not. That’s not my intention. I did not create or post those memes. I would certainly be happier to not even deal with this stuff. I don’t care about Deborah Tavares the citizen. I care about the continual stream of dehumanization which is traumatizing, influencing and negatively affecting people of all ages. Someone has to say something. Not to speak is to speak.

    May God help us all regardless of creed, color, gender, sexual preference or social standing. The fight at this time if for common decency. I’m not a prude. This stuff is just plain ugly in the worst kinds of ways.

    thanks for reading,

    Last edited by Barry; 05-18-2020 at 02:15 PM.
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  20. TopTop #72
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gongw: View Post
    Barry, I hear you.

    i will delete the post....
    I don't think that's what Barry meant. He's running a moderated site, so I suspect if he thinks anything's out of line for one reason or another he'll disappear it for you. I like his idea on how to handle a thread that's getting pretty full of long posts.
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  22. TopTop #73
    snoop4truth's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)


    If it makes any difference, there is a lot about this thread that is actually going right.

    First, there is so much interest in the topic of this thread that it is now on Google Page ONE under the search term, "Deborah Tavares".

    Second, I copied your post #66 above (describing your experience with Deborah Tavares) and I posted it on another thread which is read by people who have had similar experiences to those of yours. It was so well received that it now has become the topic of its own separate thread on that site! See proof here.

    The webmaster wrote to me without solicitation and said he loved your post because its wisdom and teachings have broader implications.

    These are his exact words, "This poor woman's eloquent, strong and absorbing testimony deserves to be showcased... and it's not only about Tavares: it's a lesson that may apply to multiple situations out there. Tavares is NOT the only one. This is [a] case study for a wider malaise,"

    So, whatever fault may lie in our tone and in the length of some of our posts, this thread is doing something right in the greater world out there.

    We all owe Barry a debt of gratitude for providing and moderating this site, which he does, in part, for OUR BENEFIT, not his.

    Best Regards,
    Last edited by Barry; 06-21-2019 at 11:05 AM.
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  24. TopTop #74
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gongw: View Post
    .... I also admit that I was selfishly having fun with a cloaked comedic piece of creative writing. This particular forum is not the place for it....
    oh sure it is. it's on the interwebs, which suffers from over-seriousness too often. I know some people think otherwise, but it's a rotten place for dealing seriously with complex issues. A light touch and a sense of humor are always helpful.
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  26. TopTop #75

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by snoop4truth: View Post

    If it makes any difference, there is a lot about this thread that is actually going right. ...
    Thanks Snoop, Barry, Podfish, Wisewomn, Alice, Juana and all interested readers.

    I certainly do hope our combined efforts do some good. As you may have surmised, one of the toughest parts of all this is to for me to process the return of antisemitic sentiment and call to action in that regard. I’m not so surprised to see it in the expected stereotypical places such as neo-Nazi and white power movements. But in Sonoma County? Respected upper class residents who appear to be pillars of the community in one of Sebastopol’s more upscale neighborhoods? Apparently so. I just found this:

    Deborah Tavares - The Jew World Order Endgame: Mega ' Smart' Cities Controlled by ZOG-Programmed Artificial Intelligence

    In pre-world War II Germany, everyone was scared to acknowledge the truth and speak out against this. What will citizens do in the USA and Sonoma county in 2019? Pretend it’s not happening? Accept this obvious scapegoat as an easy out, when all evidence regarding the Santa Rosa fires suggests nothing to justify such a ridiculous claim? Allow fear and cowardice to prevail, thus distracting the public away from focusing on the true causes and possible perpetrators?

    For your consideration, and thanks for reading.

    Last edited by Barry; 06-21-2019 at 11:06 AM.
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  27. TopTop #76
    snoop4truth's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)



    All The Best,

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  29. TopTop #77
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gongw: View Post
    ...In trying to register here at wacco, my “xylo” ID became somehow glitched. I was able to give “thanks” as you will see as xylo in all posts leading up to my gongw post.
    I have removed your xylo registrations and all gratitudes expressed by that user.
    Henceforth, you will be known as gongw in Waccovia...

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  31. TopTop #78
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    gongw wrote:

    Quote Thanks Snoop, Barry, Podfish, Wisewomn, Mark, Alice, Juana and all interested readers.

    I certainly do hope our combined efforts do some good. As you may have surmised, one of the toughest parts of all this is to for me to process the return of antisemitic sentiment and call to action in that regard. I’m not so surprised to see in in the expected stereotypical places such as neo-Nazi and white power movements. But in Sonoma County? Respected upper class residents who appear to be pillars of the community in one of Sebastopol’s more upscale neighborhoods? Apparently so. I just found this:

    Deborah Tavares - The Jew World Order Endgame: Mega ' Smart' Cities Controlled by ZOG-Programmed Artificial Intelligence

    Well, just to be on the up and up, I clicked on that link, and listened to the entire sixty-eight minutes of the interview with Deborah Tavares. At no time did Deborah Tavares speak of any so-called "Jew World Order" =NOR= did she ever use the phrase "ZOG - Programmed AI"

    In point of fact, that Title was inserted by
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    - Who not only "Uploaded [that interview on] December 10, 2018" on the "Internet Archive website" along with the vicious misrepresentation and slander in the title: "Deborah Tavares - The Jew World Order Endgame: Mega ' Smart' Cities Controlled by ZOG-Programmed Artificial Intelligence" but also loaded a whole lot of other tags on that url. More in fact, than I have ever seen anywhere in my entire life.

    This is known as "dirty tricks" folks. Get a clue. Someone, somewhere, is busy and working very hard to tar Mrs. Tavares with the brush of anti-Semitism.

    Here is the original link for the original interview, of Deborah Tavares by Mel Fabregas, on ""

    Furthermore, If you go to the Home page of "Veritasradio" and type in the search box (powered by Google) the phrase "
    Jew World Order" or the acronym : "ZOG" - you will find nothing. Nada. Zilch.

    In point of fact, there is no language resembling that on that website. This is very important to me, because rabinically, I am a Jew myself. And I will not tolerate anti-Semitism.

    Further, when I spoke to Deborah Tavares ten days ago, I felt it necessary to explain to her the significance of the Rothschilds as money-brokers and frontmen {flakmen} for the gentile elite. For it is a fact that "Rothschilds, Inc." is a holding company, eighty-eight percent [88%] of which is owned by the super-rich among the gentry (gentiles) & old nobility of Europe. She got it. She also agreed with me:

    "Rothschilds" is a Corporation - a Joint-stock corporation.

    Mark Walter Evans
    (my name)

    Last edited by Barry; 06-22-2019 at 05:43 PM.
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  33. TopTop #79
    snoop4truth's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    7. "The Rothschilds Are Restructuring North America Hoax". In this hoax, Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims that an October, 30th 2017 press release said that the Rothschilds were "restructuring north America" itself (as in "taking it over"). But, the subject press release DOES NOT say this. Instead, it merely says that a Rothschild company was restructuring "IN" (as in "inside") north America. A full reading of the subject press release indicates that the term, "restructuring'', as used in the press release, refers to this Rothschild company RESTRUCTURING DEBT (as in "re-financing"), NOT RESTRUCTURING ALL OF NORTH AMERICA ITSELF! See proof here. The purpose of this hoax was to fraudulently create a link between the "Rothschilds" and Agenda 21, to make Americans think that the "Rothschilds" are "restructuring" all of north America under the Agenda 21 model of "sustainable development" which Deborah Tavares falsely claims will drive out of our rural and suburban homes and into tightly-packed, over-populated "Kill Cities" and "Smart Cities" in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. SEE ACTUAL PROOF IN POST #18.

    8. "The Rothschilds Own All Of The Utility Companies Hoax", In this hoax, Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims that she obtained a curriculum vitea (effectively a resume' for "expert witnesses") attached to the sworn testimony of a member of the Rothschild family wherein he stated that "he OWNED dozens and dozens of utility companies". But, the subject curriculum vitea DOES NOT say this. Instead, it merely says that a "James A. Rothschild" is a financial consultant AND AN "EXPERT WITNESS" who has TESTIFIED in dozens and dozens of court cases in which utility companies were parties. Nothing more. For proof, click here and scroll down to pages 3-5 and pages 36-46.). In support of this same hoax, Deborah Tavares also fraudulently claims that she recently attended a PG&E stock holder's meeting wherein the PG&E Board Of Directors were allegedly seated in the front row of the audience and individually introduced to the stockholders. She fraudulently claims that a person named "Rothschild" was introduced to the stockholders as a PG&E "Board Member" (as if that would make him the "OWNER" of PG&E). See proof here. (at 3:00-3:45). But, this claim is not so. NO PG&E BOARD MEMBER HAS THE NAME, "ROTHSCHILD". See proof here. purpose of this hoax was to fraudulently create a link between the "Rothschilds" and Agenda 21, to make Americans think that the Rothschilds are using "THEIR" utility company technologies as "weapons" to "target" us all and to drive us out of our rural and suburban homes and into tightly-packed, over-populated "Kill Cities" and "Smart Cities" in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. SEE ACTUAL PROOF IN POST #18 BELOW.
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  35. TopTop #80
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    This person – whoever he is – who goes by the handle “snoop4truth” has a ton of boiler-plate letters raring to go at any point - all of them focused around discrediting Rodney Dale Class, “Al Whitney” (aka “Anita Larin”) and Deborah Tavares. He can copy, cut and paste as he chooses – and frequently does.

    He repeats himself, again and again, recycling his boiler-plate fare. But he has learned not to answer my questions. On page two of this thread, I asked him three (3) times what he had to lose if he were to challenge Deborah Tavares to a debate.

    He never answered that question. I can answer it for him. What he stands to lose is his anonymity – his ability to be a sniper and shoot at his targets without any legal accountability. He knows that if he “comes out” he will blow his own “cover.”

    A more accurate handle for this bloke would be “snipe4hire.” Because that is what he does; he is a sniper and a hireling, a one-issue hack whose job it is to discredit the people who have run with the testimony of “Judge Dale”. In street lingo, this is called trying to “put the cat back in the bag.” In intelligence parlance, it is known as “containment.”

    Last edited by Barry; 06-22-2019 at 05:39 PM.
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  36. TopTop #81
    AliceinWonderland's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    And in a courtroom I believe its called evidence so the opinion of either side is not focused on to muddy the waters of truth.

    If Snoops evidence doesn’t stand up it would be appropriate to point that out and then start shooting the messenger.

    Last edited by Barry; 05-18-2020 at 02:15 PM.
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  38. TopTop #82
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    "AliceinWonderland" wrote:

    Quote And in a courtroom I believe its called evidence so the opinion of either side is not focused on to muddy the waters of truth.

    If Snoops evidence doesn’t stand up it would be appropriate to point that out and then start shooting the messenger.

    I could pick many holes in Mr. Snipes testimony, AliceinWonderland, I could start with the very personal; the way that he lit into me from the jump, accusing me of being a "conspiracy theorist" and then, in a later missive, on the next page, accused me of having "drawn the first blood." I shall, however return to the Question that I last asked you, (Above) because to me, the most odious thing about Snipes is the way he misrepresents the people that he is targeting:

    Mayacaman wrote:

    "I must commend you upon the diligence of your work – in studying all of the many, many links that Snoop provided us on this thread. Were I to ask for a show of hands, I doubt that many here would have shown such interest and such selfless fortitude in devoting so many hours to such a tedious study.

    "So I ask you: Could you examine just one more link? – it is an hour and forty minute interview – and get back to us on it and give us some feedback as to what your impression is?

    Here is the link:

    "This is a couple from Oregon – I get the impression that they live in Josephine County – who interviewed Rodney Dale Class back in 2012, when he was running as a write-in candidate for president.

    "Somehow, I fail to see in this well-spoken, and articulate Southern gentleman, the thug that Mr. Snoop4truth described in the following words:

    "Snoop4truth wrote:

    “Rodney DALE Class is Deborah Tavares’ partner in ALL of Deborah Tavares’ legal hoaxes. I have copies of all of Class’ criminal records. But, I have no way to provide you with links to them (and they are not available online). But, what follows is the truth about Rod Class’ criminal history…

    “Class is a functionally-illiterate, amateur legal theorist with barely a high school education WHO HAS LOST EVERY SINGLE CASE IN WHICH HE HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED (OVER 76 CONSECUTIVE LOSSES IN A ROW, AND STILL COUNTING). Further, Class has a long history of PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS involving DELUSIONS, PATHOLOGICAL OPPOSITION/DEFIANCE of AUTHORITY FIGURES and PATHOLOGICAL LYING. Moreover, Class is a MULTI-CONVICTED, WEAPONS RELATED, FELON who also has SEVERAL ADDITIONAL MISDEMEANOR CONVICTIONS, as well. Because of Class’ well-publicized HATRED of our ELECTED representatives, their appointees and our REPUBLICAN form of government, because of his HISTORY OF PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS and because of his LENGTHY CRIMINAL HISTORY involving DEADLY WEAPONS, Class has actually been placed on the UNITED STATES TERRORIST WATCH LIST!”

    “Again, I cannot speak to who Deborah Tavares hangs out with. But, I can speak to who Deborah Tavares’ partners with in creating legal hoaxes and I submit that he represents a threat to those of us who expose their hoaxes….”" [END QUOTE]

    Again, AliceinWonderland, I have a problem of cognitive dissonance with that whole passage, because I spoke with Deborah Tavares on the telephone and she adamantly denied even knowing Rodney Class. She does not know him; has not met him; and consequently has certainly not "collaborated" with him on anything.

    I totally believe her. She is very sincere. If this were a courtroom, and I were a lawyer, I would call her to the stand, to offer evidence and to testify on her own behalf. And that is a fact, Ms. Alice.

    Deborah Tavares also stated - categorically - that she did not create "Judge Dale" - and that his articles, books, missives, et al, were already online before she discovered their existence.

    So, I ask, You, Alice, since you have hitherto shown yourself so diligent in examining so much of Mr. Snipes volumes of "evidence" could you be so kind as to square, for us, his description of this "Rodney Dale Class" with the man in the Interview?
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  39. TopTop #83
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    I am not defending antisemitism at all, Mr. gongw. Perhaps you did not understand my point: The original interview at "Veritasradio" had no such language, and no such Title as "Deborah Tavares - The Jew World Order Endgame: Mega ' Smart' Cities Controlled by ZOG-Programmed Artificial Intelligence."

    Instead, it was entitled "The Globalist Endgame: Mega 'Smart' Cities Controlled by A.I."
    Here is the link.

    The subsequent Posting of that Interview, on the website of, was not done by the people at Veritas, but by "TheHistoryChannel" - at least that's the appearance of the issue, at this point.

    Therefore your statement: "
    One word from Deborah and the host of Veritas would have changed that headline" does not really hold water. Veritas was not the Host of that second posting, was. A site that I really appreciate, by the way.

    I spoke with Deborah Tavares, again, today and asked her if she had any knowledge about the second post with the imposition of that Title on her interview with Veritas, and she said that she was unaware of any of it...

    Far from "defending antisemitism" gongw, I am merely following up on what I learned last night, on the internet, after I opened up that link that you provided as evidence that, despite all appearances, Mrs. Tavares is in reality, a crypto-Nazi,
    "who appear[s] to be [a pillar] of the community in one of Sebastopol's more upscale neighborhoods..."

    For you wrote, and I quote,

    "I certainly do hope our combined efforts do some good. As you may have surmised, one of the toughest parts of all this is to for me to process the return of antisemitic sentiment and call to action in that regard. I’m not so surprised to see in in the expected stereotypical places such as neo-Nazi and white power movements. But in Sonoma County? Respected upper class residents who appear to be pillars of the community in one of Sebastopol’s more upscale neighborhoods? Apparently so. I just found this:"

    " Deborah Tavares - The Jew World Order Endgame: Mega ' Smart' Cities Controlled by ZOG-Programmed Artificial Intelligence"

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    So, after following that blooming Rabbit down that hole, and after following all the leads, and asking all of the relevant questions that a good detective, investigative journalist, or lawyer would, I came up with that last post of mine. Dig it? I just proceeded to do a little research, and reported my findings objectively, to the spectators at this spectacle.

    -That the Link you provided, with the wind-up you delivered, was misleading ? -
    You could have done all of the Research I did last night yourself...
    Why Must You Go on the Attack, & Accuse Me of Antisemitism?

    gongw ?
    fellow jew

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  41. TopTop #84
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    "Deborah Tavares - The Jew World Order Endgame: Mega ' Smart' Cities Controlled by ZOG-Programmed Artificial Intelligence"

    Under that false and misleading Title, on that second posting of the Interview of Deborah Tavares by Mel Fabregas of Veritas, there are a whole lot of hashtags. It actually calls them "Topics." I submit, they re not "topics" of the sixty-eight minutes that I listened to - not by a long shot. I suggest that here is obvious evidence of a set-up. Just Click on this Link, and Scroll Down...

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  42. TopTop #85
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    gongw wrote:

    Quote Here Mark, educate yourself.

    Does this mean that you are endorsing the message in this video, this "lesson in history" Edward?
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  43. TopTop #86

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    Reading all these posts makes me want to defend dt [ Deborah Tavares] , who I understand as a local crazy. Yes I have checked out her stuff, can't listen to long, doesn't check out. But why not? Explore the edges of thought? The fact that a few thousand listen enough to donate is not dangerous. And an old English law theory is her support? Yay! And the antisemitic charge? All I can write is that our nation's support for the state of Israel is a mistake.
    Last edited by Barry; 06-23-2019 at 01:15 PM.
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  45. TopTop #87

    Re: ]Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulatio

    If you can't laugh at tragedy I feel sorry. If you equate words and images with physical violence then safety might be hard to find?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gongw: View Post
    Rossmen, respectfully, this is not funny.

    Tavares incites and has known association with groups who do exact violence, in Southern California. ...
    Last edited by Barry; 06-23-2019 at 01:31 PM.
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  47. TopTop #88
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    "I and we draw the line at hate."

    ? "I and we" ?

    How many of "You" are there ,

    Snoop / Alice / xylo / gongw ?

    .... Just don't let this cell division get out of hand....
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    Last edited by Barry; 06-23-2019 at 01:18 PM.
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  49. TopTop #89
    Mayacaman's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    "gongw" wrote:

    Quote But this guy Mark hits below the belt. Continually and repeatedly in every single post. How TF did he access my name?
    How did I access your information, gongw? Easy, Anyone may...

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    I merely asked you a Question, gongw, and addressed you by your real name. It was intended as a friendly question, also, Ed... You did not answer it. You tend to have that same trait in common with Snoop & Alice - if I may be permitted to express myself in an observation.

    You, also are permitted to address me by my first name. You already do. I am not offended by such familiarity, even though you are gunning for me {to get kicked off this thread}. Let me repeat the Question - only because I'd like an Answer. I did watch the video on that youtube link. Was I supposed to get "educated" by the lecture? Just wondering...

    for "
    gongw" wrote:

    Quote Here Mark, educate yourself.

    "Does this mean that you are endorsing the message in this video, this "lesson in history" Edward? "

    -- Well, does it? Do your words: "
    Here Mark, educate yourself..." constitute an endorsement of the message in that link ? - or were you being facetious?
    Last edited by Barry; 07-21-2019 at 01:10 PM.
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  50. TopTop #90
    snoop4truth's Avatar

    Re: The hoaxes of deborah tavares (conspiracy, weaponized weather, fires, depopulation)

    16. "The Sovereign Citizen Hoax". This hoax involves a FAKE and FORGED document written by Rodney "DALE" Class while pretending to be "Judge DALE". (Ironically, another Waccobb member has posted this very FAKE and FORGED document in Post #65 above in the mistaken belief that it is real and that it somehow rebuts my claims.). This FAKE and FORGED document was posted on the website of Al Whitney (real name "Anita Larin") who, like Rod Class, is also Deborah Tavares' partner in these hoaxes. The purpose of this hoax was to make Americans think that ONLY AN INDIVIDUAL IS "SOVEREIGN" and that "WE the PEOPLE" (plural terms) COLLECTIVELY, AS A WHOLE (in the form of our own elected government) ARE NOT "SOVEREIGN" (exactly backwards to the truth), such that our laws do not apply to INDIVIDUALS (the pretend "sovereigns"). But, none of this is so. Under U.S. law, the word "sovereign" means "WE the PEOPLE" (plural terms) COLLECTIVELY, AS A WHOLE in the form of "the government", not "the individual". The purpose of this hoax was to make Americans think that "WE the PEOPLE" (plural terms) COLLECTIVELY, AS A WHOLE (in the form of our elected government) have no right to enforce our own laws, made by our own ELECTED lawmakers, against any INDIVIDUAL (the pretend "sovereigns") and to otherwise incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.

    This FAKE and FORGED document also reflects the fraud that all governments are private, for-profit corporations. See post # 65 above for proof.

    12. "The All Governments And Government Agencies Are Private, For-Profit Corporations Hoax". This hoax involves several false documents and false videos. In this hoax, Deborah Tavares and Al Whitney (real name "Anita Larin") fraudulently claim that all governments and government agencies are actually private, for-profit corporations "posing" as governments and government agencies which "profit" by taxing, burdening and abusing the American people. To support this fraudulent claim, Deborah Tavares and Al Whitney cite examples of several ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS which happen to have names that SOUND SIMILAR to the names of governments and government agencies (like "Federal Express" for example). But, contrary to their claims, NONE of the ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS that they cite in support of this hoax are really governments or government agencies. Not one! They also fraudulently CHANGED THE REAL NAME of one such ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION TO A FAKE NAME to make it fit the hoax (from "Internal Revenue Tax And Audit Service, Inc.", a private, for-profit corporation, to "Internal Revenue Service", a government agency). This hoax was designed to make Americans think that all governments and agencies are completely illegal, invalid, illegitimate, corrupt & diabolical and to otherwise incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans. SEE ACTUAL PROOF IN POST #63 ABOVE.
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