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  1. TopTop #31
    SonomaPatientsCoop's Avatar

    Re: Save Our Sonoma Neighborhoods - for common sense cultivation of commercial marijuana r

    I feel like I need to add a couple more thoughts here.

    The oppositions idea that Cannabis grown in SoCO should only supply SoCO dispensaries would likely violate both state and federal laws. There is no legal way I can think of to legally coerce such a restraint of trade. And the laws of capitalism WILL apply- retailers will buy the best/cheapest product they can get their hands on...which only will lead to either A)- an increased black market in the county or B) a stunning failure rate of SoCo farms...and all the social/economic problems that entails. At the very least it would be guaranteed to end up in court- and given existing law would likely be stayed by the courts for the 1-2 years this winds through the courts. In other words- a non-starter.

    And the idea that the cannabis industry can be pushed to warehouses in industrial lands is a joke. Such facilities are VERY limited in SoCo- and we've already seen the prices increase 200-300%- which is impacting many normal businesses. Such a move would only increase these prices, harming many businesses and increasing the prices of many goods in SoCo...for nothing because growers (as I am) will simply move to more friendly counties. But the impact on all county residents will reverberate for 2 or more years until the market shakes out. And regardless of whether SoCo requires “green energy” for the cannabis industry ( another thing not required of any other industry and also a ripe target for expensive legal battles)…. forcing things to be grown in warehouses that can (and should) be grown in nature is a massive waste of resources.

    Not to mention- the massive increase of energy usage over outdoor/greenhouse with artificial lighting, air conditioning, fans. Many indoor grows are hydroponic- using chemical fertilizers. Some use soil- which must be disposed of after ever round rather then organically returned to the soil. Yes- much of this will end up in the municipal compost stream…but this still uses a great amount of fossil fuels. Add to this the plastic pots, light bulbs and the myriad other expendables of indoor growing.

    And I’ll be the first to admit- their are many who prefer indoor cannabis because it tends to be prettier and slightly stronger. At the same time- there are many consumers who will not, under any circumstances, consume indoor cannabis because it has no soul. No Terroir. How many people do you think would drink wine made from grapes grown in artificial conditions, even it scores points higher in several metrics?

    Finally, I’d urge people to email the board of supervisors. I’d say this is especially important for people in David Rabbit and James Gore’s districts- both of whom are up for re-election this year. IMHO Rabbit and Zane are the industries staunchest foes. Gore ever so slightly less so. Gorin is a mixed bag, and Hopkins is the only ally.

    Susan Gorin: [email protected]

    David Rabbitt: [email protected]

    Shirlee Zane: [email protected]

    James Gore: [email protected]

    Lynda Hopkins: [email protected]

    And, I guess I'll add one more thought. For decades many of us in this industry have had to hide our lives. Some people would instantly judge us if they knew what we did. Many more would assume we were rich (hello- my truck is old enough to drink. My computer is 8 years old. I've had one real vacation in 20 years.

    About a decade or so ago I started saying we need to learn from the LGBTQ movement. We needed to come "out of the closet" so to speak- because nothing would change until people realized that people they knew. They respected. They loved...were cannabis users and cannabis growers. And sadly...we still have a long way to go because it sems everyone from Supervisor Rabbit to many of the folks opposed to cannabis are still unwilling to meet with and engage in honest and open discussion with those of us in the cannabis industry.

    Last edited by Barry; 04-06-2018 at 08:54 AM.
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  2. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  3. TopTop #32

    Re: Save Our Sonoma Neighborhoods - for common sense cultivation of commercial marijuana r

    "I’d say this is especially important for people in David Rabbit and James Gore’s districts- both of whom are up for re-election this year. IMHO Rabbit..."

    Field set for Sonoma County elected offices on June 5 ballot; James Gore, David Rabbitt unopposed.

    Both Sonoma County supervisors whose terms expire this year are unopposed in their bids for re-election, so the only contested county-level races on the June ballot will be among the candidates running for sheriff, clerk and district attorney.

    excerpt from the Press-Demo above.

    It's a shame others didn't step forward to challenge them. It is especially troubling given the way the Sonoma County Alliance Cabal behaves and the way that behavior has been becoming more strident.
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  4. Gratitude expressed by 3 members:

  5. TopTop #33

    Re: Save Our Sonoma Neighborhoods - for common sense cultivation of commercial marijuana r

    I really think we need to set a location, and a date -- outside of BOS meetings, where the community feels welcomed. You know what, everyone may be a bit apprehensive - after all, we are facing the 'unknown'; from what I see, both sides are apprehensive that the other will ruin their livelihood or their neighborhoods -- things that we are all passionate about and depend upon to support and nurture ourselves and families. Going into a room where you have this feeling isn't something that everyone jumps at. I'm not trying to sound trivial, but could we bring some food? Share a recipe, then share a concern.

    I'd also say, let's not 'wear colors'. There was a reason that the public school system prohibited certain 'all one color' apparel, it was a symbol of gang affiliation, and polarizing without words even being spoken.

    I'm not sure if this could be done before the 4/10 BOS meeting - and regardless of how that meeting turns out, we will all be living in the same space on 4/11....
    I would like to know:
    1) If time was put forth, would you attend?
    2) If you would attend, could and would you come with an open mind where opinions are respected and no-one is excluded?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    There have been the same kinds of "dialogue"?? on Nextdoor, with some encouraging to turn neighbors in...for all kinds of activities, even non cannabis related......very sad....!
    Last edited by Barry; 04-06-2018 at 08:55 AM.
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  6. Gratitude expressed by 5 members:

  7. TopTop #34
    Shepherd's Avatar

    Re: Save Our Sonoma Neighborhoods - for common sense cultivation of commercial marijuana r

    Dear Concerned Rural Residents,
    The agenda for the upcoming Sonoma County Board of Supervisor's meeting on April 10th has been posted. If you have not done so, please go online and send your letters to the supervisors via our website!!

    As expected, the Board will be discussing the Cannabis Ordinance in a Study Session beginning at about 1:30pm. The three specific topics being discussed are:

    1. Compatibility with neighborhoods
    2. Alignment with state regulations, and
    3. Adult use (ie, recreational not medical)

    The meeting will be held in the Board of Supervisors Chambers: 575 Administration Drive, Room 102A, Santa Rosa.

    CHANGE STARTS HERE! Please plan to ATTEND and WEAR RED to identify yourself as a concerned citizen wanting commercial cannabis to be located away from of rural neighborhoods. We suggest you arrive by 1:15pm, as parking can be limited. Red "SOS Neighborhood" caps are available (suggested but not required donation $10). If you would like one to be brought to the meeting on your behalf, please reply to this e-mail and we'll make sure to have plenty on hand.

    The public is allowed to speak at the meeting following the staff presentation. If you wish to speak, fill out a yellow speaker card. The cards are located in the back of the room and also on the front left side of the room (next to the ramp). Pick up a card, add your name, the date and "Item 27" on the blank next to Regular Calendar, and return to the container marked "SPEAKER CARDS HERE" in the front left of room.

    PRINT a copy of your talk, it does not need to be identical, and give it to the clerk after speaking so you can get your complaint on the record. This step is important so you go on written record as to your position. You will have, at the maximum, 3 minutes but expect only 1-2 minutes to speak. We suggest you practice and time you talk so you know what you can effectively leave out if your speaking time is cut down from 3 to 1-2 minutes.

    We hope to see you there.
    Last edited by Barry; 04-06-2018 at 10:34 PM.
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  8. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  9. TopTop #35

    Re: Save Our Sonoma Neighborhoods - for common sense cultivation of commercial marijuana r

    Name:  SOS Neighborhoods.jpg
Views: 1097
Size:  66.2 KB

    It's been remarked on social media that the hats look a lot like the Chinese-made "Make America Great" hats.
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  10. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  11. TopTop #36
    SonomaPatientsCoop's Avatar

    Re: Save Our Sonoma Neighborhoods - for common sense cultivation of commercial marijuana r

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by MikeH: View Post
    Field set for Sonoma County elected offices on June 5 ballot; James Gore, David Rabbitt unopposed....
    Thanks for that- I haven't been following either of their races since I can't vote in either of them.

    But I assume as with most elections a write in candidate is allowed? I will propose Dennis Peron, the late activist and author of prop 215. This would send a strong message...
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  13. TopTop #37
    SonomaPatientsCoop's Avatar

    Re: Save Our Sonoma Neighborhoods - for common sense cultivation of commercial marijuana r

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Heidi M: View Post
    I really think we need to set a location, and a date -- outside of BOS meetings, where the community feels welcomed. ...

    I'd also say, let's not 'wear colors'. There was a reason that the public school system prohibited certain 'all one color' apparel, it was a symbol of gang affiliation, and polarizing without words even being spoken.

    I would like to know:
    1) If time was put forth, would you attend?
    2) If you would attend, could and would you come with an open mind where opinions are respected and no-one is excluded?
    I'd be there with bells on. But I'm not really sure if there would be a point. My experience is the opposition has less then zero interest in honest and open dialogue (As we seem to be seeing on this thread).

    Sadly this is just another example of the divisions in our nation- where people just become more entrenched and more absolute that *their* view is the only correct one. We are no longer a democracy..."a government of the people, by the people, for the people". We are becoming a government of the wealthy and the retired. Of the people who have the time and money to participate.

    It's odd. I've, my entire life. known all my neighbors. And even when there were real problems we've usually at least been able to understand that. At my (now former) grow out in RRD near Caz we had a lot of distrust...if not hatred, when we first bought out there. But we became highly respected neighbors. We were respectful, didn't cause problems. Spent a lot of hours and money maintaining the common (private) roads. Helped neighbors clear downed trees and repair water systems.

    We ARE a community and we NEED to work together- not tear each other apart. As I said before- working from a place of fear is never a good path...

    But, honestly, from the opposition, I'm seeing no willingness to dialogue. Just what I see as the very prevalent...and very worst of our county. A selfishness and a complete unawareness of others (you drive in SoCo...I think you know what I mean). It's a sad state when our first recourse is "the government" rather than dealing with our neighbors as fellow humans...
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  14. Gratitude expressed by 6 members:

  15. TopTop #38
    Shepherd's Avatar

    Re: Save Our Sonoma Neighborhoods - for common sense cultivation of commercial marijuana r

    I just received the following email from a neighbor:

    Just a quick note to let you all know about an interactive website created by (SOS) Save Our Sonoma Neighborhoods to show you where commercial cannabis grow sites are located in Sonoma County…those that have applied for Cannabis Zoning Permits.

    If you type in your address, you will immediately be informed of those closest to you. If you choose, you can click a button that will send your concerns directly to the 5 Supervisors. As of Sunday, the Supervisors have received over 3500 such letters of protest.

    It’s well worth having a look. Even if you choose to do nothing, you may be shocked to see the number of grows and the extent of the cultivation.

    Also, there is a very important BOS meeting tomorrow to consider changes to the Cannabis Ordinances that will protect residential neighborhoods such as ours.
    Last edited by Barry; 04-09-2018 at 10:42 PM.
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  17. TopTop #39
    weedlov3r420's Avatar

    Re: Save Our Sonoma Neighborhoods - for common sense cultivation of commercial marijuana r

    In my opinion, there should be common sense in everything in growing Juicy Fruit as well.
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  18. TopTop #40

    Re: Update ordinance under consideration

    All those of you interested please note:

    On June 28, Thursday, the Planning Commission will be considering the UPDATED ORDINANCE.

    It will be at 1 PM in the Board of Supervisors Chambers.

    It seems the revised ordinance would allow cultivation in RR Rural Residential zoning but with restrictions.

    I will attempt to attach here a pdf of the proposed revised ordinance.

    Oh, and you can contact this individual at the County for information or questions: [email protected]
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  19. TopTop #41

    Planning Commission Meeting, June 28, 2018 at 1:00 PM

    Please show up at this meeting and weigh in if you want to influence the Updated Ordinance. Several changes are being considered. This revised ordinance will be approved and forwarded to County Supervisors, unless Planning Commissioners decide to make changes at this meeting. You can voice what changes you might like to see made. Location is the same as where County Supervisors meet.

    Planning Commission Meeting
    June 28, 2018 at 1:00 PM
    Board of Supervisors Chambers
    575 Administration Drive
    Room 102A
    Santa Rosa, CA 95403

    Item Number: 1
    Time: 1:05 PM
    File Number: Cannabis Program Update and ORD18-0003 Cannabis Ordinance Amendments Part 1
    Staff: Katie Olding and Amy Lyle
    Applicant: County of Sonoma
    Owner: N/A
    Continued from: June 7, 2018
    Env Doc: Consistent with previously circulated and approved Negative Declaration adopted December 20, 2016; Exempt under Section 15061(b) (3) of the CEQA Guidelines; and consistent with the Business and Professionals Code Section 26055(h) (MAUCRSA)
    Proposal: Consideration of a series of amendments to the Zoning Code including but not limited to allowing adult use/recreational cannabis for the full cannabis supply chain including dispensaries, options to enhance neighborhood compatibility as it relates to cannabis permitting, the creation of Cannabis Inclusion and Exclusion Combining Districts, amending definitions and ordinance language to align with state law where appropriate, and other amendments as recommended by staff.
    Location: The Medical Cannabis Land Use Ordinance applies to agricultural, industrial, commercial, and resource zones within the unincorporated area of Sonoma County.
    APN: N/A
    District: ALL
    Zoning: All, except Coastal Zone
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