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  1. TopTop #3121

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    So much amazing poetry has been posted to Wacco these last few days. Thank you all. Last evening I got to here some fine local poets reading their works at the Grange Book Fair. Lovely to sit in a small circle and share. Tonight I'm heading out to hear Katherine Hastings read from her latest book. Starting at 7 at the Occidental Center for the Arts. Come on down. Lilith
    Last edited by Barry; 11-12-2016 at 04:04 PM.
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  2. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  3. TopTop #3122

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Katherine Hastings poetry just now was amazing, too. Esp. liked her title poem "Stein and Shakespeare Walked Into a Bar."

    And she closed with Maya Angelou's poem "And Still I Rise" which reminded me of this one I wrote for the last presidential inauguration in 2012. Thought I'd be penning one for the first woman this time but......


    Yeah, I know he’s not the guy
    we hoped for
    when he offered us such hope.

    Yeah, I know he’s done
    a lot of stuff
    we thought he wouldn’t
    a lot of stuff
    he knows he shouldn’t.

    But—still—when I see him standing there
    tall, dark, and handsome
    with Michelle beside him—
    great-great-granddaughter of slaves--
    tall, beautiful, and even darker.

    When I see them
    standing there—
    smiling and exultant—
    I can’t help feeling proud
    proud of him and her
    of all of us who helped put them there—
    after the shame and stain upon our country
    of hundreds of years
    of slavery, murder, rape
    and abuse of all sorts.

    To me, when I see them standing there
    they embody the poetry of Maya Angelou
    whose voice--
    taken from her by horror as a girl
    taken back in triumph as a woman--
    the Maya Angelou who gave us this,

    “You may write me down in history
    with your twisted bitter lies,
    you may trod me in the very dirt—
    but still, like dust—I rise.

    “Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
    Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
    I rise into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
    I rise
    Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave
    I am the dream and the hope of the slave
    I rise, I rise, I rise.”

    And that is what I sometimes see
    when I see that elegant black couple
    standing there before me.

    And when I think of my own childhood
    with the shame I carry from growing up
    in a segregated South
    blissfully unaware
    of the cruelty and injustice
    that was being lived
    through all around me
    and later—when I became aware—
    doing only small bits
    here and there to make it better.

    And now, now
    I see Barack and Michelle standing there
    and again in the words of Maya Angelou
    I know that
    “History despite its wrenching pain
    cannot be unlived
    but if faced with courage
    need not be lived again.”

    Sure, we can despair
    that we didn’t get
    all that we hoped for
    dreamed of
    when--with the hard work of thousands of us
    black and brown and white together--
    he won that election
    four years ago.

    Or we can carry this further
    and insist
    that it is not enough
    to get these two as symbols
    of the final end of slavery, segregation and degradation
    in this “home of the free and the brave”
    now we have to work even harder
    to get the real thing.

    Lilith Rogers
    July 4th, 2012
    Last edited by Barry; 11-12-2016 at 04:05 PM.
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  5. TopTop #3123
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson


    The birds they sang
    at the break of day
    Start again
    I heard them say
    Don't dwell on what
    has passed away
    or what is yet to be.
    Ah the wars they will
    be fought again
    The holy dove
    She will be caught again
    bought and sold
    and bought again
    the dove is never free.

    Ring the bells that still can ring
    Forget your perfect offering
    There is a crack in everything
    That's how the light gets in.

    We asked for signs
    the signs were sent:
    the birth betrayed
    the marriage spent
    Yeah the widowhood
    of every government --
    signs for all to see.

    I can't run no more
    with that lawless crowd
    while the killers in high places
    say their prayers out loud.
    But they've summoned, they've summoned up
    a thundercloud
    and they're going to hear from me.

    Ring the bells that still can ring ...

    You can add up the parts
    but you won't have the sum
    You can strike up the march,
    there is no drum
    Every heart, every heart
    to love will come
    but like a refugee.

    Ring the bells that still can ring
    Forget your perfect offering
    There is a crack, a crack in everything
    That's how the light gets in.

    Ring the bells that still can ring
    Forget your perfect offering
    There is a crack, a crack in everything
    That's how the light gets in.
    That's how the light gets in.
    That's how the light gets in.

    - Leonard Cohen

    The times are too critical to indulge in despair or cynicism or pessimism.
    Now, more than ever, we must muster all the creativity, compassion and courage we can.
    Last edited by Barry; 11-12-2016 at 04:09 PM.
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  6. Gratitude expressed by 8 members:

  7. TopTop #3124
    Timothy Gega

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Larry Robinson: View Post
    Yesterday, (11/11/16) marked the 5th Anniversary of the New Age of Aquarius. Leonard Cohen was speaking to this mission and message.
    Last edited by Barry; 11-12-2016 at 04:06 PM.
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  9. TopTop #3125
    Ronaldo's Avatar

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

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    The sphere is in the collection of the Palace of the legion of Honor, the bell is in the memorial garden at Princeton University where toshiko taught. Fitting companions to Cohen's poem.
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  11. TopTop #3126
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    The Peace of Wild Things

    When despair grows in me
    and I wake in the middle of the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting for their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

    - Wendell Berry
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  12. Gratitude expressed by 7 members:

  13. TopTop #3127
    Timothy Gega

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Larry Robinson: View Post
    The Peace of Wild Things
    This is a perfect day for this poem.
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  15. TopTop #3128

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Poets and Nature--my priests and chapel--offer the respite of beauty, grace, peace, & freedom
    (from despair, grief, fear, the ugliness in the human news)-"-
    For a time." (And these small periods of respite then fortify me to go back out into the human world and try my best to "do as much good as I can, wherever I can, for as long as I can"--Hillary Rodham's mantra. (You too?)

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Larry Robinson: View Post
    The Peace of Wild Things...
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  17. TopTop #3129
    Timothy Gega

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by BothSidesNow: View Post
    Poets and Nature--my priests and chapel--offer the respite of beauty, grace, peace, & freedom
    (from despair, grief, fear, the ugliness in the human news)-"-
    For a time." (And these small periods of respite then fortify me to go back out into the human world and try my best to "do as much good as I can, wherever I can, for as long as I can"--Hillary Rodham's mantra. (You too?)
    This mantra is the soul's purpose, it's in our DNA to do but we have forgotten how and why. This is the Mission to Teach or Learn.
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  19. TopTop #3130
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    The Dakini Speaks

    My friends, let's grow up.
    Let's stop pretending we don't know the deal here.
    Or if we truly haven't noticed, let's wake up and notice.
    Look: Everything that can be lost, will be lost.
    It's simple - how could we have missed it for so long?
    Let's grieve our losses fully, like human ripe beings.
    But please, let's not be so shocked by them.
    Let's not act so betrayed,
    As though life had broken her secret promise to us.

    Impermanence is life's only promise to us,
    And she keeps it with ruthless impeccability.

    To a child, she seems cruel, but she is only wild,
    And her compassion exquisitely precise.
    Brilliantly penetrating, luminous with truth,
    She strips away the unreal to show us the real.
    This is the true ride - let's give ourselves to it!
    Let's stop making deals for a safe passage -
    There isn't one anyway, and the cost is too high.
    We are not children anymore.

    The true human adult gives everything for what cannot be lost.
    Let's dance the wild dance of no hope.

    - Jennifer Wellwood
    Last edited by Larry Robinson; 11-14-2016 at 02:06 PM.
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  21. TopTop #3131

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Came to me just now like the answer to a prayer!
    (Now let's see what I can do with it...
    put it on my fridge, for one; but THAT'S not enough! How do you internalize something, for real, and then live it!! (when you've already been trying to do that? Well, there's a crack in everything. Let's hope some light can get in!
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  23. TopTop #3132
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Day Three

    I text my friend, I'm going
    To buy a gun. Will you
    Teach me how to shoot?
    What do I want? To protect

    All the young—and older—black men,
    The refugees who have no home
    To go home to, the men in turbans,
    The women in veils, Esperanza's children,
    Her grandchildren, my best friend
    Who is gay, my grandson who is sensitive
    And bullied. I am afraid.

    Yesterday, I was determined, lifted
    Up by the certainty that resistance
    Will strengthen us.
    Two days ago, I was hollowed out,
    Sucker-punched and dazed. Death
    Showed up in my dreams.

    Today, a French friend, born in Baghdad
    Bought me a coffee, commiserated
    And acknowledged that it wasn't just
    My country, but it seemed madness
    Had invaded his, too.

    I awaken from fear
    To find sorrow as my path
    Today. Not hopelessness
    Which makes all things possible,
    But mourning that invites me in,
    Sets the table and tells me

    Don't abandon yourself
    Fighting fear with fear.
    Hold tight to your heart
    That tells you no end
    Justifies violent means.

    You are the daughter of eternity
    And no gun will protect you
    From the life you were given
    To live.

    - Rebecca del Rio
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  24. TopTop #3133
    Timothy Gega

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Larry Robinson: View Post
    Day Three...
    Excellent Rebecca, guns are for the weak, words for the strongest..
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  25. TopTop #3134
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson


    How many turn back toward dreams and magic, how many
    Run home to Mother Church, Father State,
    To find in their arms the delicious warmth and folding of souls.
    The age weakens and settles home toward old ways.
    An age of renascent faith: Christ said, Marx wrote, Hitler says,
    And though it seems absurd we believe.
    Sad children, yes. It is lonely to be adult, you need a father.
    With a little practice you'll believe anything.

    Faith returns, beautiful, terrible, ridiculous,
    And men are willing to die and kill for their faith.
    Soon come the wars of religion; centuries have passed
    Since the air so trembled with intense faith and hatred.
    Soon, perhaps, whoever wants to live harmlessly
    Must find a cave in the mountain or build a cell
    Of the red desert rock under dry junipers,
    And avoid men, live with more kindly wolves
    And luckier ravens, waiting for the end of the age.

    Hermit from stone cell
    Gazing with great stunned eyes,
    What extravagant miracle
    Has amazed them with light,
    What visions, what crazy glory, what wings?
    I see the sun set and rise
    And the beautiful desert sand
    And the stars at night,
    The incredible magnificence of things.
    I the last living man
    That sees the real earth and skies,
    Actual life and real death.
    The others are all prophets and believers
    Delirious with fevers of faith.

    - Robinson Jeffers
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  26. TopTop #3135
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson


    No words this morning.
    A poem mute.
    The silence between the notes.

    And then notes.

    Listen, that bird is saying
    Join me.
    Truth is in my wordless throat.

    The message is some deed.

    The mighty ocean turns into frail foam.
    on the apprehending sand
    and one power
    turns into another,
    becomes another,
    drops into another.

    Like adolescence it comes
    without a word
    of instruction.

    If understanding is maybe
    not lodged within,
    be sand.

    One day,
    one day,
    you shall be

    - Bruce Moody
    Last edited by Barry; 11-18-2016 at 04:56 PM.
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  28. TopTop #3136

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Yes, today I'm mute sand, apprehensive sand, waiting for the frail foam to drop, and most unfortunately I can see no castles in my foreseeable future. Today I'll be sand.

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    Last edited by Barry; 11-18-2016 at 04:56 PM.
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  30. TopTop #3137
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    SuperstitionRelated Poem Content Details

    My cat washes
    with her left paw,
    there will be another war.

    For I have observed
    that whenever she washes
    with her left paw
    international tension grows

    How can she possibly keep her eye
    on all the five continents?
    Could it be
    that in her pupils
    that Pythia now resides
    who has the power
    to predict
    the whole of history
    without a full-stop or comma?

    It’s enough to make me howl
    when I think that I
    and the Heaven with its souls I have
    in the last resort
    on the whims of a cat.

    Go and catch mice,
    don’t unleash
    more world wars,

    - Marin Sorescu
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  32. TopTop #3138
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    We Lived Happily During The War

    And when they bombed other people’s houses, we

    but not enough, we opposed them but not

    enough. I was
    in my bed, around my bed America

    was falling: invisible house by invisible house by invisible house.

    I took a chair outside and watched the sun.

    In the sixth month
    of a disastrous reign in the house of money

    in the street of money in the city of money in the country of money,
    our great country of money, we (forgive us)

    lived happily during the war.

    - Ilya Kaminsky
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  34. TopTop #3139
    Timothy Gega

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Larry Robinson: View Post
    We Lived Happily During The War
    "No man is an island..."
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  35. TopTop #3140
    gardenmaniac's Avatar

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    and when they came for me, there was no one left to protest ...
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  37. TopTop #3141
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Ecology of Love

    Ecology is a love story.
    A play scripted between the sunlight’s tender dappling on the forest floor,
    The elegant drapery of the vines that climb a cliff face,
    The tickle of the squirrels and birds
    Holding society in the tree tops
    And the sultry sway of the purple kelp the otters cannot resist.
    The touch of life on life met in the tension
    Between unshaking trust and heartbreaking vulnerability
    Is a kiss of light and love and heat

    And earth.
    It is fierce and sweet
    And rages with the same passion.
    It births a wild rose.
    And in naming you
    I grasp and find there are no completions,
    Nothing in straight lines

    Only affection,
    Reading the gestures
    That spread everywhere.

    - Nora Bateson
    Last edited by Barry; 11-20-2016 at 03:33 PM.
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  39. TopTop #3142
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson


    In my secret life, I stand tall,
    And taller, too, as each day goes by.
    And yet, I also stand alone,
    Devoid of touch, or true companionship.

    At the same time, it leads me to see
    There is nothing strange about that.
    So incredibly much of my life, as a whole,
    Is a life lived with no one else around.

    In my secret life, I unlock doors of perception,
    And question the foundation of all that you know,
    And smile again and again, in surprise and satisfaction,
    To realize I wasn’t really standing on that ground, anyway.

    Yet, my secret life precisely does ground me,
    Though, it seems, in a land so far away, that
    As yet, there is no available transportation
    For anyone else to get there,
    Or even send a letter, or a message,
    Or even make a call.

    In my secret life, I am vulnerable to disbelief,
    Sensitive to harshness, yet determined to stand for who I am,
    And to say the words that come out of my mouth.
    I am vulnerable to yearning, to simple love, and touch,
    And to a generous smile, and curious eye.

    - Jon Jackson
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  41. TopTop #3143
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    A Short Walk In Late October

    Today the bright mid-day sun warms : trees ablaze in colored splendor,
    fiery reds and yellows ochers, shedding leaves of sienna and vermillion,
    spent and crisp, exuberant, in death. A grey squirrel bounds up a maple,
    an invisible Raven scolds somewhere high in the canopy.

    On a ridge just North, the broad stand of conifers serrate an azure sky, stately in their robes of green.

    Long horse-tail cirrus flare out from the West, announcing the promise of first rain .

    Here I am reminded the earth still turns, morning to night, the seasons come and go
    n their ageless ways; stars yet spin in the boundless vault of space;
    somewhere around the globe, unseen volcanic forces churn deep in the planet’s core, primed for release.

    Change and continuity. Ebb and flow. Renewal. Should not this be enough?

    After all, the Great Mother insists on balance, correcting as needed here and there,
    cradling all life in Her devoted domain:
    even her colossal storms, unconcerned for our welfare, wash clean.

    My one comfort:: I can go to my grave knowing She will never abandon her post.

    Hers is law and simple truth: everything happens because everything else happens.

    Surely, ithen, it is time to savor this walk, on a day like this one, breathing in the gifts of our home,
    and allow the soul to fill with gratitude.

    How utterly absurd our importance appears: only by a divine gift, a microsecond measured by the eons.

    Here on this planet, a miracle born of violent cosmos and billions of years, with titanic collisions
    bearing just the right measure of happy accidents. Patience of an inhuman kind to confound our petty desires.

    What can I make of this tumult and chaos, disappointment, fears and anguish?

    Surely, it is a time to allow one’s attention to reach outward and up. To abandon one’s wits to awe, to only witness.

    So then: Follow Her lead. I must walk in balance. Walk in balance.

    Walk in balance here on the thin skin of her extravagantly generous body, honoring

    the bones of our ancestors calling us from underneath our feet,.

    Dare to be at peace now:

    for even a short walk, and embrace this time, this path, this life, this place.

    - LK Potts
    Last edited by Barry; 11-22-2016 at 03:53 PM.
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  43. TopTop #3144
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    After a sleepless night, worrying about the world

    I stand in the whispering grass,
    watching the mountains crouch
    under their burden of sky.

    The morning sun glides above the peaks
    and the field is suddenly flooded
    with turquoise light. A flock of red wings rise,

    After a sleepless night, worrying about the world

    I stand in the whispering grass,
    watching the mountains crouch
    under their burden of sky.

    The morning sun glides above the peaks
    and the field is suddenly flooded
    with turquoise light. A flock of red wings rise,

    they turn together like a page of poetry.
    I read between the lines
    realize I am lonely, and afraid.

    I worry about the wars, the weather,
    the end of our beautiful, broken world.
    I see the way we can harden our hearts

    when fear is what moves us.
    Now a marsh hawk cruises the yellow reeds, she dives swiftly
    and some soft-furred creature's life is over.

    For each of us, hauling our basket of dreams,
    it is only one breath, one breath,
    that divides this world, and the next.

    What is there to do then but give thanks,
    Offer praise and gratitude for the sweetness we're allotted,
    Fling open our burning hearts, and help each other.

    Elaine Sutton
    they turn together like a page of poetry.
    I read between the lines
    realize I am lonely, and afraid.

    I worry about the wars, the weather,
    the end of our beautiful, broken world.
    I see the way we can harden our hearts

    when fear is what moves us.
    Now a marsh hawk cruises the yellow reeds, she dives swiftly
    and some soft-furred creature's life is over.

    For each of us, hauling our basket of dreams,
    it is only one breath, one breath,
    that divides this world, and the next.

    What is there to do then but give thanks,
    Offer praise and gratitude for the sweetness we're allotted,
    Fling open our burning hearts, and help each other.

    Elaine Sutton
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  45. TopTop #3145
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Perhaps the World Ends Here

    The world begins at a kitchen table. No matter what, we must eat to live.

    The gifts of earth are brought and prepared, set on the table. So it has been since creation, and it will go on.

    We chase chickens or dogs away from it. Babies teethe at the corners. They scrape their knees under it.

    It is here that children are given instructions on what it means to be human. We make men at it, we make women.

    At this table we gossip, recall enemies and the ghosts of lovers.

    Our dreams drink coffee with us as they put their arms around our children. They laugh with us at our poor falling-down selves and as we put ourselves back together once again at the table.

    This table has been a house in the rain, an umbrella in the sun.

    Wars have begun and ended at this table. It is a place to hide in the shadow of terror. A place to celebrate the terrible victory.

    We have given birth on this table, and have prepared our parents for burial here.

    At this table we sing with joy, with sorrow. We pray of suffering and remorse. We give thanks.

    Perhaps the world will end at the kitchen table, while we are laughing and crying, eating of the last sweet bite.

    - Joy Harjo
    Last edited by Barry; 11-24-2016 at 10:08 AM.
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  47. TopTop #3146
    Timothy Gega

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Larry Robinson: View Post
    Perhaps the World Ends Here...
    What a beautiful poem for today. Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Namaste
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  49. TopTop #3147
    Ronaldo's Avatar

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

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  51. TopTop #3148
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson


    Among wilting flowers
    legumes and fruits
    the little ones
    busily twitter
    skirt and scoot
    about this season
    of seeds

    signaling it is nearing Thanksgiving.

    of eucalyptus
    while blue jay
    hoarsely proclaims—
    It's always

    - Raphael Block
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  53. TopTop #3149
    Larry Robinson's Avatar
    WaccoBB Poet Laureate

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    Contemplating the Sioux Treaty of 1868 at Thanksgiving 2016
    for the Standing Rock Sioux and allies protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline set to run through their tribal lands

    Countrymen, we have reneged on agreements,
    retreated from treaties.
    Now we try cheating on physics
    which insists: seawaters will rise, coastlines
    dissolve, ice caps melt.

    At my safe distance, I conjure
    the young, the native, the brave
    whose faith the path of the pipeline dishonors.
    Whose lakes and rivers we may foul.

    The protesters brace for water cannons in 20 degrees.
    Still, on behalf of us all, they stare down monster storms,
    tear gas in their eyes.
    Safe at my supper,
    I send them this message of thanks.

    - Phyllis Meshulam
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  54. Gratitude expressed by 5 members:

  55. TopTop #3150
    Timothy Gega

    Re: Poem for the day from Larry Robinson

    I'm with you, Phyllis. The Revolution has begun. This cannot wait. For EVERY American citizen. Prayers for the Natives and the Protestors, in the name of Love. Blessings to them ALL.
    Last edited by Barry; 11-26-2016 at 07:29 PM.
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