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  1. TopTop #361
    farmerdan's Avatar

    Re: Prog Sebastopol agrees that Hopkins is less likely to be beholden to donors than Evans

    'and on the national level, non-career politician, the best example, is what we get- Trump!
    no experience, in deep do-do..what a mess.'

    This is a point well taken but I would offer another thought: if Donald Trump was not a complete, absolute and total disaster, he would easily beat Hillary Clinton, who brings LOTS of baggage as a career politician. In fact, I would hazard to say that ANY of the other Republican candidates would have beaten Hillary. While I think a lot of her baggage is 'trumped up', we can only be grateful that the Donald is who he is and trounced the other GOP candidates.
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  2. TopTop #362
    kpage9's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Well...just to report in from the peanut gallery, you two made MY evening ever so much more excellent. I'm happy to bask in your civility.


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by mouse: View Post
    It's just as well that you made me review what I wrote. (I get fired up, and could probably stand to reel it in sometimes. )

    Have an excellent evening, sir.
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  4. TopTop #363
    kpage9's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    "deemed" by exactly whom?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by photolite: View Post
    ... Hopkins is both smart and a bit more moderate and deemed more than worthy as a candidate.
    Last edited by Barry; 10-17-2016 at 12:40 PM.
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  6. TopTop #364
    Sieglinde's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    I went to their last forum that was held at the Sebastopol Community Center. Frankly, I did not see much difference between their positions. The conversation was friendly, civil and they both were well informed. I think whoever wins this race will make a fine supervisor for the 5th district.
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  8. TopTop #365
    Sara S's Avatar
    Sara S
    Auntie Wacco

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    from The Press Democrat, 10/16:

    Where’s Waldo?
    EDITOR: Tuesday’s article made clear what we all suspected — Noreen Evans has always fought for the people of Sonoma County and has the record of service to prove it (“Candidates push Sheriff’s Office transparency”).

    Evans is the one candidate with a solid plan to produce the urgently needed housing, now in such critically short supply: “To address housing, Evans said she would require a portion of all new development to be affordable for low- and middle-income residents. She also voiced strong support for rent control and other tenant protections.”
    Lynda Hopkins, on the other hand, promises to further enrich developers by “reducing permit fees and creating other incentives to encourage developers to build more.”
    We now know where Waldo is and where our votes need to go. Vote for housing for all, vote for Noreen Evans for Sonoma County 5th District supervisor.
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  10. TopTop #366

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Strange that you claim to have grown up in a union working class home but your post shows that you can't seem to differentiate the very basic difference between Rod Dole as (MANAGEMENT) making a six figure pension and the average SEIU1021 worker pension which is 33K a year. It also seems funny that someone raised in the working class would not know about this very common and very basic tactic of anti- union rhetoric of conflating Directors and Managers salaries with those of workers and then using those figures to attack the union and create a 'pension crisis'.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by farmerdan: View Post
    ...I know who SEIU is but don't understand what if any role they have in this election. Does it have to do with county pensions? I have been appalled at some of the pension practices in the county and state. When Rod Dole retired at a young age, he was making a lot more on his pension than he ever made in his job. This never made any sense to me.
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  11. TopTop #367
    Peacetown Jonathan's Avatar
    Investigative Reporter

    Lisa M: Please provide the public with the big picture pension numbers that make your case

    Lisa: You know a great deal about pensions and salaries and the Big Picture; a lot more than the 99% of us (I know that does not make you THAT 1% :).

    You have heard me express this sincere request before but you did not respond to it:

    I am sure you will correct me if I am wrong, but here is what I understand:

    On behalf of your employer, the SEIU, you make the case that critics of the County pension costs unfairly lump rank and file SEIU pensions with other, more gold plated pensions programs (as per your response to Dan).

    Specifically, I believe. there are three main categories for County employees: SEIU employees, "Directors and Managers "( referenced below) and law enforcement (sheriff, probation and county jail employees).

    My request is that your union crunch and present to the public ballpark figure data showing what portion of our County budget's pension payments, and obligations, derive from EACH of these three categories, and what the average pension benefit, obligation, and compensation (including retirement and health costs) there are for EACH category, and the number of County employees for each each.

    I suggest this sincerely, Lisa, as someone who has some understanding of the situation, and a financial journalist's sense that there is some degree of merit to your argument, but an awareness that the media and our citizen taxpayers do not have this data crunched snapshot available.

    Rather than attack or dismiss people like Dan. or Lynda Hopkins, or Tom Lynch, or myself, as being ignorant, or anti-Union stooges, or anti-working people, none of which is true, then shine some light on the larger picture to help voters make a more informed choice.

    The Sonoma Independent's non-profit parent is called Informing to Empower, and that's what I feel we need more of: Empowering Information. Grassroots community groups like our Progressive Sebastopol Voter Guide would also greatly benefit from having such figures available as we asses the records of various political candidates.

    Providing information to counter arguments that you think are incorrect will go a lot further in our community than hurling insults and accusations.

    I write this with sincerity, respect, and hope for a bridge to understanding, Jonathan

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Lisa Maldonado: View Post
    Strange that you claim to have grown up in a union working class home but your post shows that you can't seem to differentiate the very basic difference between Rod Dole as (MANAGEMENT) making a six figure pension and the average SEIU1021 worker pension which is 33K a year. ...
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  13. TopTop #368
    Icssoma's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    your points are well taken in terms of unions/political baiting.
    think they would have been more effective posted clearly, simply, and with out the bold.
    we need to remember in much of the political/social change work we do, that we are not the enemy. "we are always closer" than those who we truly oppose. west county may be progressive, but it is a long way from the "groovy peace town" terminology some like to use.
    is this truly how we want to communicate with members of our community ?
    would hope that all will think, what does it mean when a small community gets so riled, so angry that are posts vent that anger towards each other.
    there is an edit button.
    i certainly have lost it over politics more often than i think to remember, but rarely does it move me closer to my goal.
    i support Noreen, but most of my reasons have been well documented in the last month.
    the discussion seems almost irrelevant here.
    i am saddened that my remarks haven't moved us towards an amicable tone.
    believe caring communities are desperately needed.
    discouraging that these threads seem to regress.
    would love it if others have ideas on maintaining an amiable tone. believe that the circle would open, and more would participate.
    thanks for your time and good thoughts on these basic and confounding issues.
    susan jan
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  15. TopTop #369
    farmerdan's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Lisa Maldonado: View Post
    Strange that you claim to have grown up in a union working class home but your post shows that you can't seem to differentiate the very basic difference between Rod Dole as (MANAGEMENT) making a six figure pension and the average SEIU1021 worker pension which is 33K a year...

    Your Point is very well taken!
    Rod Dole is obviously not your average worker, this only points to self serving at the administrative level.
    That being said, I have friends who have been school administrators and they are also retiring with more than they were earning.

    So a few questions:

    1) How long does someone have to work for the county to be qualified for full pension?
    (When I worked for the state, it was 20 years and a lot of people were double dippers having gotten a military pension and then a state one.)

    2) What are the unfunded pension liabilities that the county has at present (if any)?

    3) What are the biggest financial challenges the county now faces?
    (Pensions are usually the biggest for any municipality.)

    What we see in our society is that people are living much longer than we ever planned for, which has created a huge problem for municipalities of all kinds as well as Social Security. If you are fully funded after 20 years, and you start work for the county at 30, you can retire at 50 with a full pension. Now you might not be making a lot in your pension, but you are likely to collect it for another 30 years (current life expectancy in the US is 79.3), 10 more than you worked and if you get another job, you are now making two incomes. (Obviously this does not work for everyone.)

    Now I am not arguing that county workers are getting a good deal, only that counties are in a bind because of the demographics if they have a 20 year pension plan. The average life expectancy used to be 65 so having Social Security kick in at 65 made a lot of sense. (If you were one of the lucky ones to get to 65, you got to retire with a little money.) Since we are now living to 80 (actually if you make it to 65 and are in good health, you will live to 90+), we do have to rethink how we fund 'old age.'

    I have thought a lot about this with Social Security, which in my view should be means tested (don't pay to people with wealth) and have a higher retirement age. (You can collect at 62 now, though at a lower rate.)
    I have no solution for municipal pensions other than to have a 30 year requirement. (This may already be the case so please enlighten me.) My personal experience is that we need to keep people in the job market longer not only because we can't afford to fund their fishing trips but we need their experience and expertise.

    Check out this Ted Talk to hear more on this topic:

    But whatever the situation, having SEIU be the biggest contributor to a candidate who will vote on pension issues leaves me a little cold. (I am assuming here that no one has come close to the SEIU donations so I could be proven wrong very easily if this is not the case.)
    Last edited by Barry; 10-18-2016 at 01:25 PM.
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  17. TopTop #370

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    After reading your "musing" and list of questions (sorry I don't have time to do your homework) I am even more sceptical that your profile is real. But I will answer your anti- Seiu question - NO we are not the biggest contributer to this election. Business developers and gravel miners supporting Lynda Hopkins have donated six figures to this race.
    See the attached thumbnail for a list of their big money Political Action Committees. These are from the Sonoma Business Alliance and North Coast Builders Exhange and other developer and anti rent control PACS. But as someone raised in a working class union household you know doubt are familiar with how Big Business buys elections.....and are trying very hard to buy this one for Lynda- one need only look at her daily mail that is flooding the mailbox. It costs a lot of money to look that folksy #followthemoney #greenwashing #astroturf

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by farmerdan: View Post
    So a few questions:......
    Attached Thumbnails (click thumbnail for larger view) Attached Thumbnails (click thumbnail for larger view) Expand  
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  19. TopTop #371

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Susan, thanks for your feedback. I am sorry you find my 'bold' font offensive. Really its just because i have a very time reading this clunky old interface on this sight and its hard for me to see which is the reply and which is the post being replied to. What does bold font mean to you? Its not all caps which i know means shouting - it's simply a device for me to see my statement. I meant no offense by it. As a woman sometimes I get faulted for being too direct and emphatic- if you notice there are a great many men on this thread who are much more brusque and biting than I. I appreciate your feedback.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Icssoma: View Post
    your points are well taken in terms of unions/political baiting.
    think they would have been more effective posted clearly, simply, and with out the bold.
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  21. TopTop #372
    farmerdan's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Lisa Maldonado: View Post
    After reading your "musing" and list of questions (sorry I don't have time to do your homework) I am even more sceptical that your profile is real. But I will answer your anti- Seiu question - NO we are not the biggest contributer to this election. Business developers and gravel miners supporting Lynda Hopkins have donated six figures to this race....

    Yow! I only asked a few simple questions that you certainly know the answer to.
    If you are too busy to answer, no problem I'll look elsewhere.
    Last edited by Barry; 10-17-2016 at 09:30 PM.
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  23. TopTop #373
    Sara S's Avatar
    Sara S
    Auntie Wacco

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    from The Press Democrat 10/17:

    A matter of experience
    EDITOR: An excellent Oct. 10 article about the 5th Supervisorial district candidates brought up an important point: Lynda Hopkins, to her critics, “is an untested novice with no record to show how she will address and vote on a range of county issues, from divisive land-use proposals including winery development and marijuana regulation, to county spending on roads and employee pensions” (“High-stakes battle for seat”).
    Those voting for Noreen Evans know her record from 20 years in public service. Hopkins is unproven. She has never held public office. How can voters take a risk with someone with such little experience? To think she is qualified for the most powerful and important job in this county seems rather naive.
    This is a complex county and an enormous district. We need a leader who can hit the ground running and has experience we can trust. That leader is Noreen Evans.
    Santa Rosa
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  25. TopTop #374
    jenielson's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    I agree that Lynda Hopkins currently lacks the temperament that is needed for a Supervisor, the County's highest elected office. I do hope that she can develop a less shrill response to criticism as she matures. I can attest that maturity, and following better examples, help to damp a tendency toward emotional outbursts. Her children are likely to benefit from that also—mine certainly did!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by sohemi: View Post
    ...On a personal level, I like Lynda Hopkins. However, based on personal observations during the initial campaign, I do not believe she has the temperament, maturity or experience, to be representing me on the BOS. I would like very much to see her remain active in County politics. I believe she has much to add to the dialogue.
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  27. TopTop #375
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Here is a great open letter to Eric Koenigshofer - the one who is running the hate campaign against Noreen - posted in a different thread on Wacco.
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  29. TopTop #376
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Lisa Maldonado: View Post
    I am sorry you find my 'bold' font offensive. Really its just because i have a very time reading this clunky old interface on this sight ...,
    I also find Lisa's bold font out of place and I generally remove it before the post goes out in the digest.
    Clunky, eh? Hmmm...
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  31. TopTop #377
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Lisa Maldonado: View Post
    .... But I will answer your anti- Seiu question - NO we are not the biggest contributer to this election. Business developers and gravel miners supporting Lynda Hopkins have donated six figures to this race....
    The data you provided is a diverse set of business and development interests, each with it's own agenda. The largest of which, "California Real Estate Political Action Committee" (which is itself a consortium) gave a total $40,000, less than half of the SEIU's over $81,000 independent expenditure.

    I haven't reviewed all the contribution and expenditure reports, but I challenge you to document a single entity that has spent or contributed more than the SEIU.
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  33. TopTop #378
    Icssoma's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    hi Lisa!

    it is i! worked in the battered women's movement for almost 15 years. my words here have strong threads to my work then. now focus on horse rescue, & the healing ability it has for the equines and people involved.
    learned much about attacking your own there ("battered by the battered women's movement"). the work, the perspectives, some great mentors, along with the personal attacks, moved me forward on my journey to do meaningful work each day, and to try to do it clearly, and when possible, with kindness. (no question that this is a life's work).
    my years in domestic violence clarified for me, how few people feel they have a voice/power in this society. we have much to do to change that. it is likely why i work so hard to avoid participating where the exchanges aren't respectful. no one wants to waste their time/efforts; evaluating if a dialog has possibilities to change minds/lives is critical. (good to find the exit, or here, unsubscribe to the thread).
    glad i didn't get to the 2nd step, today. excited to here of connections to old friends who served in the trenches with me. Coni, and many others, played a huge part in what we were able to accomplish then, and what i strive to accomplish each day.
    if vision is an issue, think you want to use a larger font.
    will write you personally to connect. excited.
    great to make smaller worlds and revitalize old connections.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Lisa Maldonado: View Post
    Susan, thanks for your feedback. I am sorry you find my 'bold' font offensive. Really its just because i have a very time reading this clunky old interface on this sight and its hard for me to see which is the reply and which is the post being replied to. What does bold font mean to you? Its not all caps which i know means shouting - it's simply a device for me to see my statement. I meant no offense by it. As a woman sometimes I get faulted for being too direct and emphatic- if you notice there are a great many men on this thread who are much more brusque and biting than I. I appreciate your feedback.
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  35. TopTop #379

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Again its interesting that Barry, Johnathan and Dan are afraid of unions (which are simply working people in collective action) standing together and aggregating their individual interests as workers- to participate in politics; but you are not concerned about corporate wine and corporate industry buying an election. Indeed you seem to have no problem dismissing them as a 'consortium of interests" However that's all a union is - a consortium of interests. We are public interest fighting for better lives for all workers - unlike private industry which is solely interested in making profits for their shareholders.

    And had you bothered to read our voter mail you would see that it's all indivdual donations (see below). I find it interesting when people who call themselves progressives or environmentalists believe that that big corporate wineries and gravel mining interests and real estate pacs have every right to put big money in a race- but then try to create fear about unions and workers doing the same.

    There is a reason that Bernie Sanders is a HUGE supporter of unions and it is exactly this- he sees that we are the only activists fighting against corporate greed and oligarchy. You are out of step with Bernie and the district in choosing to side with Big Winery and Corporate power over workers and unions. So please forgive me if I don't take the bait and continue to engage in answering your attacks on unions.

    Name:  Capture SEIU1021 disclaimer.GIF
Views: 1352
Size:  12.2 KB

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by farmerdan: View Post
    ...If what I read is true, SEIU is likely the largest contributor in this race BY FAR and away.
    I like unions too but when they buy loyalty from politicians with union dues one has to wonder.
    Would it be true to say that no other contributor has given/spent as much as SEIU?
    Last edited by Barry; 10-17-2016 at 09:34 PM.
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  37. TopTop #380
    photolite's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Deemed by the plurality of primary voters.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by kpage9: View Post
    "deemed" by exactly whom?
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  38. TopTop #381
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Lisa Maldonado: View Post
    Again it's interesting that Barry, Jonathan and Dan are afraid of unions....
    That sure sounds to me like you acknowledge that the SEIU is the LARGEST single contributor or expenditure organization to the 5th district Supervisor's race.

    You seem to be handy with the campaign financing reports, Lisa. Why not document that this is not the case? Or explicitly acknowledge this? Or is this something you are not proud of? Might it raise a bit of concern?

    It's not that I am not concerned corporate contribution as well. It's just that in an election where the key charge against Lynda Hopkins is that she has received a lot corporate contributions from a variety of business interests (with varying agendas), it still remains that the SEIU is the single largest contributor/expenditure organization. And it just so happens that the Supervisors will have to negotiate with the union on any changes to union pensions.
    Last edited by Barry; 10-18-2016 at 01:27 PM.
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  40. TopTop #382
    O.W.'s Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Lynda's campaign has huge bucks to send all these mailers out and hire national poller's like Rand Corporation who have called my home twice now. First time was for rating our concern over the coast and second time rating issues. Each time new mailers came out from the Hopkin's campaign that were directly made from the polling. You are being marketed for your vote with the expectation you won't take a look at the candidate who has NO EXPERIENCE. They are tailoring the campaign to say whatever they need to do. The good ole boys are very, very worried they won't retain control of the county.

    Remember the Groundwater Sustainability Act I wrote about earlier? Those panels are being formed right now and it is turning into a political instrument to get the wineries, tourism business and real estate interests control of our water as Hopkins will be the swing vote. So all those idealists out there wanting to vote for Hopkins, when you get your house condemned (panel has imminent domain powers) and get that huge tax assessment for capital water projects (also part of their powers and everyone pays for it), I will remind you that you voted for a novice that had enormous backing from the folks that have the most to gain.

    It is not a fluke that since watering of vineyards began in 1970, the tonnage per acre has doubled. The Hopkins's donors will say and do anything to get that water as it means big profits for these huge corporations and the state has already denied their request to be on all 5 basin panels. Lynda is Plan B.
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  42. TopTop #383
    beshiva's Avatar

    Re: Prog Sebastopol agrees that Hopkins is less likely to be beholden to donors than Evans

    i'm trying to imagine the seating up on the BOS chambers,depending on who wins. and where the heck would they place Lynda Hopkins?...i would guess she would just have to sit next to Gore, the Other Wine Guy, always for the Wine Industry, and he can best show her the ropes- and she will try to act like she has it all down only to be quickly reprimanded and put in her place...slowly she will look like a deer in the headlights...and her loudmouth, overly confident demeanor we see now will slowly fade.

    Noreen Evans wins, and oh dear where to seat her in the Chambers? I have to guess she must be put next to Susan Gorin because she might be the only BOS member who doesn't, obviously, try to scratch anyone's eyes out....

    Shirlee Zane is simply too Zaney, pretty distracted most of the time and Rabbit bites, and Gore is the i'd guess Noreen will do just fine against seasoned Gorin--quite the conservative but still won't bite and never acts threatened..kinda like it's always a game with her and don't take anything too seriously.
    i wish Noreen the best of luck but i know she can handle herself just fine. One of the best and nicest things about her winning is that the other BOS members might have to work a little harder.
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  44. TopTop #384

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by O.W.: View Post
    ...Remember the Groundwater Sustainability Act I wrote about earlier? Those panels are being formed right now and it is turning into a political instrument to get the wineries, tourism business and real estate interests control of our water as Hopkins will be the swing vote. ...
    So your writing that the groundwater panels and regs coming down are a plan that includes a Hopkins win? But Evans is proud she helped sign them in! So Evans experience is what will keep the water for people not vino?

    We live in a representative democracy. Only our continued attention keeps the ball rolling in the peoples direction. The best vote is for the the woman who listens. To critique a candidate for taking the money given and polling to adjust her campaign ignores what we are given. Is your goal to shut the pumps of vineyards for residences, or to control the pumps so we don't suck all the water out of the earth?

    I met noreen tonight at another posters urging, talked one on one a little, then asked a question in front of everyone; why do city folks get to vote for county supervisors? I have no idea if she heard me since she did not respond... of course i have a guess. Part of which is that lynda would.
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  46. TopTop #385

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Correct me if i am wrong. Evans claims credit for coastal commissions actions as member of legislative oversight. Kone slams evans for not attending meetings. Politics as usual?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by scamperwillow: View Post
    Here is a great open letter to Eric Koenigshofer - the one who is running the hate campaign against Noreen - posted in a different thread on Wacco.
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  47. TopTop #386
    jenielson's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Yes, you are quite wrong.
    Evans represented Sonoma County on the Commission, as a Santa Rosa City Councilmember, and is a strong supporter. BUT. The current spurious accusations against her are about a different body, the state-funded Coastal Conservancy. As a legislator she was a member of the Legislative Oversight body, which verified the way the Conservancy programs and finances were administered. She performed that job well, according to former Conservancy staff members. She was not concerned with making policy or programmatic decisions, and was not expected to attend meetings.

    The interesting thing about the false accusation being circulated is that people are likely to see Coastal Conservancy and think Coastal Commission. That is the clever thing about it—you are intended to make that mistake.

    The people putting out this clever slander are Lynda Hopkins' supporters. I do have to judge her by the company she keeps, because they will not stop trying to use her, if elected.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rossmen: View Post
    Correct me if i am wrong. Evans claims credit for coastal commissions actions as member of legislative oversight. Kone slams evans for not attending meetings. Politics as usual?
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  49. TopTop #387

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Ok, yeah unions, cool. NOT BEING SARCASTIC. My question is; why is the seiu 80k+ into evans? Contract negotiations, contract labor agreements? Furch, then etard (vs carpenter, burned), you know more than anyone here lisa. Be vulnerable and honest, feel the love ; )

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Lisa Maldonado: View Post
    Again its interesting that Barry, Johnathan and Dan are afraid of unions ...
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  50. TopTop #388

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Yeah, i love it! What is the difference between the commission and the conservancy? Please educate me ; ) what are we all writing about? Isn't the conservancy also state funded? How did kone get it wrong?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by jenielson: View Post
    Yes, you are quite wrong.
    Evans has never claimed credit for Coastal Commission actions, although she is has represented Sonoma County on the Commission and is a strong supporter. The current spurious accusations against her are about a different body, the state-funded Coastal Conservancy. As a legislator she was a member of the Legislative Oversight body, which verified the way the Conservancy programs and finances were administered. She performed that job well, according to former Conservancy staff members. She was not concerned with making policy or programmatic decisions, and was not expected to attend meetings.
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  51. TopTop #389

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    This is your stuff. I brought my 4 yr old child to a meeting about electing a county supervisor tonight. Emotion is an important part of parenting!!!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by jenielson: View Post
    I agree that Lynda Hopkins currently lacks the temperament that is needed for a Supervisor, the County's highest elected office. I do hope that she can develop a less shrill response to criticism as she matures. I can attest that maturity, and following better examples, help to damp a tendency toward emotional outbursts. Her children are likely to benefit from that also—mine certainly did!
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  52. TopTop #390
    riverosprey's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Anyone know how to stop this unethical propaganda, making it appear that I endorse Noreen Evans? Lisa M. did you're techie genius's do this? How can Noreen's camp make it appear that Jennifer Neeley and I endorse Noreen?

    Tom Lynch :0P
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