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  1. TopTop #31
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross ( Beware of Imposters)

    No, I'm saying that I doubt the story that I was told by the supposed fire fighter that I encountered ... this was a person that contacted me about a different matter and then went on to tell me all about the Lake county fire ... we shall see if he is able to verify any of this story or if he is willing to speak out publicly about it ...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Thad: View Post
    Are you saying you doubt Rebecca Rowan's words?
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  3. TopTop #32
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross ( Beware of Imposters)

    I'd be interested in finding out more about the imposter cops arrested ... I'm not finding that information when I search for it ... one would think that it would be big news ...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Stargazer: View Post
    This story sounds way over the top. The people that are presenting themselves as Red Cross volunteers could be imposters. Unless these volunteers are just power hungry and not mentally healthy, this story sounds far fetched. Disasters can and do attract predators that prey on the weak when they are in crisis. Whoever the people may be that are blocking genuine rescue efforts appear to be representing their own interests. This is my interpretation of a story that does not seem to make much sense.

    I would suggest having real authority figures intervene immediately. There are remedies for this kind of behavior. Why would any dedicated fireman just walk away from a disaster site? Is he really a fireman? This does not sound like fireman behavior. Within the last week, five people have been arrested in Lake County who were charlatans (imposter) cops. I have to wonder why many people are of so afraid to stand up and push through difficult situations when they can clearly see a great need. Now if their judgement is way off and they are exhausted or otherwise, that could be a valid reason. When people or animals are in harms way, by all means get them the help they need. Do not tolerate bullies or imposters who are blocking and benefiting from any tragedy. I suggest pushing through these barriers when important tasks must occur. One cannot just have a badge or a uniform. Proper ID must be proved if one is representing the Red Cross or the fire or police dept.
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  4. TopTop #33
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    I was very interested to read of your stats re the Red Cross. Where did you get your info from? As someone who has worked with non-profit grantors and therefore is familiar with independent, reliable rating sites, I accessed those re the ARC. Per these sites (three of them) I came up with the reverse of what you say. Per these independent rating sites, the ARC gives 90+/-% to programs and just 8+% goes to admin and fund-raising.
    I look forward to your sharing where you sourced your info.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    ...I only just discovered that the Red Cross only gives 8 cents of every dollar to help disaster victims. ...
    Last edited by Barry; 09-26-2015 at 02:20 PM.
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  5. TopTop #34
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    I'd like to add also that in spite of the ARC's ratings as quoted in my earlier response, the investigation into the ARC after Hurricane Sandy is ongoing. The ARC officials continue to defend themselves against any allegations of wrong-doing. DO I believe them? Not exactly.

    I worked in Canada as a consultant for United Way of Canada shortly after THEIR big scandal and resulting investigation broke. The truth was, they had many of the problems that the ARC is currently accused of. They had to clean up their act, and if the ARC is to survive and serve, to the extent it is guilty, it too, will have to change and return to living its values and mission. (Of course, the investigation is not concluded yet, so we really don't know. What I do see from these reports that mirrors the wildfire disaster experience was more direct lack of customer service. An issue that has to be addressed with the ARC.)

    Does this make them "no better than the mafia?" No. United Way was pilloried for its mistakes and for the people who made these mistakes. They were able to grow and learn from being held accountable and continue to play a vital role in society for the people who need them the most. Let's hope that the ARC grows and continues to serve, and that while we hold them accountable, we do so fairly and with support to help them change. Their mission and the service they can and have provided, is too important to just bash them because we are mad.

    Last edited by Barry; 09-26-2015 at 02:20 PM.
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  7. TopTop #35
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    I got these stats from several sources, but I'm not going to go back and research them. There is a copy of the bloated salaries that were posted on WaccoBB, days ago. What is actually more important to me are the eye witness reports of victims and donors at ARC sites. Also, the reports about actual relief efforts after serious disasters, as in Haiti (where half a billion was raised, and 6 houses were built). Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina also bring suspicions about spending.

    We know that large corporations, funded by the public and the government, have plenty of ways to hide facts, which they usually do. Greed is a powerful force.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    ...I was very interested to read of your stats re the Red Cross. Where did you get your info from?...
    Last edited by Barry; 09-26-2015 at 02:22 PM.
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  9. TopTop #36
    Sara S's Avatar
    Sara S
    Auntie Wacco

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    From The Press Democrat today:

    Red Cross alternatives
    EDITOR: The Red Cross label guarantees nothing in terms of high quality disaster response. As a Red Cross volunteer in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, I was appalled by the disorganization and waste in that organization’s operations and vowed that I would never again contribute money or time to it. When a disaster strikes, there are usually alternative groups — often local, even informal — that will likely make better use of aid resources.
    Last edited by Barry; 09-26-2015 at 02:23 PM.
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  11. TopTop #37
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    Surely the sources for these stats are important and not easily forgotten, given the dramatic and highly negative stats you quote?
    Impugning the integrity of any organization or person surely asks of us as ethical people, to be willing to supply our sources.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    I got these stats from several sources, but I'm not going to go back and research them.
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  12. TopTop #38
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    I don't have to provide anything, and if you want to believe that they have integrity, and don't cheat and steal from victims, that's your right. Maybe you could join them, and be a proud volunteer, like the ones at our Valley Fires. Or did you volunteer as a concerned citizen?

    Surely, you've done your research, and know about the ongoing investigation into the ARC? Also, there are many, many reports on this "out of integrity" organization. I'm not the only one impugning their ? integrity. You can see it all, if you do a search. Here's one that fairly current:

    Last edited by Barry; 09-27-2015 at 03:40 PM.
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  14. TopTop #39
    tommy's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    I'm feeling sadness, to see all the appeal in bashing the American Red Cross.
    Last edited by Barry; 09-27-2015 at 03:42 PM.
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  15. TopTop #40
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    I've been feeling great sadness for the past two weeks, following the Valley Fire destruction of homes, animals, and lives. I'm unable to turn away from the devastating losses, as I use my time to share information and resources. The truth of the Red Cross actions should not be buried; sometimes bashing is necessary to bring the truth of damage and victimization. Would you consider bashing criminals, murderers, pedophiles, etc? Or would you just feel sadness for them? Bashing is a form of striking out in anger, when we feel powerless. Have you ever bashed your government, or do you just feel sadness? If you were victimized by the Red Cross, how would you feel? Sad? Angry? What would you do? Nothing? Anything? Have you ever been victimized by any organization? Do you remember how you felt?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by tommy: View Post
    I'm feeling sadness, to see all the appeal in bashing the American Red Cross.
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  17. TopTop #41
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    Obviously, this organization has a great deal of power to "take over" in any disaster situation ... if they are dysfunctional or disorganized then this must be made public so that changes can be made ... my sorrow has to do with people in need who don't receive help because of all of this ....
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  19. TopTop #42

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by tommy: View Post
    I'm feeling sadness, to see all the appeal in bashing the American Red Cross.
    Name:  post no evil.png
Views: 1852
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    How awful!! People trying to quick educate donaters/fund raisers to make sure their heartfelt efforts are funnelled directly to those they're making the effort for instead of the Red Cross black hole of secrecy with it's history of corruption and serious income/distribution unaccountability..... when it's so much more pleasant to ignore all the threats to the pretty wonderland in your mind and pretend government agencies are only well meaning.

    I thought we were just reminded again that where there's smoke there's fire and warnings are very worth our time.
    Last edited by Barry; 09-28-2015 at 04:42 PM.
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  21. TopTop #43
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    I also realized a lot of sadness from all the money our community gave through the Red Cross that will never help anyone in the Valley Fires. The bashing came too late to stop the flow into their black hole of secrecy. I can only hope that any future fund raisers know not to give to the Red Cross, or the Redwood Credit Union. If anyone plans on giving through auction or meal purchases, ask where the money's going. Don't assume anything!
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  23. TopTop #44
    Stargazer's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    I will track the funds that were raised today @ SCC for the "Valley Fire Victims." No worries folks. I understand numbers and am not intimidated by any bureaucracy or institution. What an incredible turnout today for the benefit of the Valley Fire Victims. I am very impressed and relieved to know that there are so many kind well meaning and generous loving people in this community who are on the right track for a better world willing to help their fellow man.

    For all of the people that showed up at the Sebastopol Community Center today,Sunday. 9/27, I would like to let each and every one of you know from all of my heart how much it meant to me to witness the love, the generosity and the pure heart intentions I felt. Let's not sweat the small stuff."United we stand, divided we fall."

    Let us all be proactive by stonewalling anyone or any organization that supports destruction and exploits victims in all realms. This includes disabled people, abused people of all ages, victims of disasters and animals that must be helped and rescued. We all must do our part, no matter how big or small. It all counts and adds up to a grand total.

    I am feeling overwhelmed with gratitude and relief more than I can express as I write this posting. This is a beautiful community. No worries. I am committed to making sure these funds go to where there are supposed to go. Great Blessings to you all. With much love and peace to each and everyone of you that made this benefit for the Valley Fire Victims an overwhelming success today at SCC. You know who you are. Let us stay strong as we unite our positive intentions. Never give up helping and caring about one another. Wishing you all Many Fine Blessings. Stargazer.
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  25. TopTop #45
    Dorothy Friberg's Avatar
    Dorothy Friberg

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    These policies also occur locally. A few years ago Santa Rosa parks and rec planned to shut down the Bennett Valley Senior Center in spite of our loud protest. Our SOS committee through fundraising, gathered 3,000 signatures of protest and $25,000 only to have the director of the department swoop in to demand the $$$$$$ for the general fund. At least we got their attention. The final result was that the senior center got hours cut to half time and they got to keep the $$$$$. Don't let 'em grind you down, keep protesting.
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  27. TopTop #46
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi;195704...[B:
    I can only hope that any future fund raisers know not to give to the Red Cross, or the Redwood Credit Union. ...[/B]
    I've seen various allegations against ARC, but I haven't seen any complaints about the RCU fund. What have you seen to warrant this??

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  29. TopTop #47
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    Thanks Barry for your post. As I've said before, I think it's important that we not indiscriminately bash organizations without presenting solid facts. I am reminded of 9/11 and Cantor Fitzgerald, who in the early days pledged to care for the families of their fallen. The problem was, their entire HR department was killed as well as a total of almost 700 people. There was no way they could fulfill the expectations of these anguished bereaved. Rancor ensued and the media picked up on it, CF was pilloried and demonized. But the truth was, by getting back on track and pledging profits and advocacy to the families, they honored their pledge.

    This is just one example of why am so bothered by unchecked sources and "bashing without balance."
    Last edited by Barry; 09-29-2015 at 12:16 PM.
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  31. TopTop #48
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    I read that the RCU was giving the money to the ARC, but I haven't checked with RCU, but it should be public information, just like we should know how much money actually goes to the Valley Fire victims from ARC. People who support the ARC should be able to show evidence of what they've provided to victims in disasters. Where's the accounting of the half billion received for Haiti? Where did that money go? Where will the money go that was given for Valley Fire victims?
    Last edited by Barry; 09-29-2015 at 12:16 PM.
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  33. TopTop #49
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    RCU's Fire Relief page says "100% of your donations will go to aid those impacted by the Lake County fires".

    Now that may be to subsidize their 0% loans offer. I suppose that counts.
    Last edited by Barry; 09-29-2015 at 12:17 PM.

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  34. TopTop #50
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    Yes, that's how they aid fire victims: from their Fire Relief page:

    Lake County Fire Victims Financial Assistance Programs

    If you're impacted by the Lake County area fires, RCU has special financial assistance programs including:

    • 0% loans. (up to $5,000 for 1 yr.)
    • Special low loan rates on autos & RVs for those who lost vehicles and homes in the fires.
    • Payment relief and more. ?
    Have any fire victims used RCU to assist with their needs? Please share details.
    Last edited by Barry; 09-29-2015 at 12:17 PM.
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  36. TopTop #51
    tommy's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    Bashing the American Red Cross is very similar to the bashing of Planned Parenthood!
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  38. TopTop #52

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    no. i've known people who have worked and volunteered for both organizations. they are not similar at all. pp is way more professional, accountable, and transparent. arc is a vulture feeding on disaster, not that they don't do good things, often they are essential when the tragedy is small, like families displaced by residential fire. pp fights consistent critics in the battlefield of reproductive health, stressful to work for, efficient operation. different critics, different focus, different problems, no comparison.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by tommy: View Post
    Bashing the American Red Cross is very similar to the bashing of Planned Parenthood!
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  40. TopTop #53
    wildflower's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross/Wrong Category

    This appears to be a discussion, therefore it belongs in a different category, right?
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  41. TopTop #54

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    Nationally they are known to pay .08 cents on the dollar for actual help. The rest is their promotions, staging costs and salaries I guess. Millions for the CEO. And to think Redwood Credit Union is receiving a million local dollars in its Valley Fire Relief Drive - all of which will go to the Red Cross - don't they vet their non-profits?
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  42. TopTop #55
    Stargazer's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross & Sen. Mike McQuire's phone lines that do not work & more

    Unbeknownst to many, including myself, until I personally have been attempting to work through Sen. Mike McQuire's office for several pressing issues this year that affect our underserved population and others, I must address my findings in a public forum in some way. The phone lines at Sen. McQuire's office continually ring busy. They appear to be or are "Out of Order" and are not working for many weeks now.

    The pressing issues that I am committed to addressing are in regard to the many victims of disasters which include victims of abuses that come in many forms. My major focus and efforts have been devoted to working and advocating for special needs individuals who are people who do not have a voice or a choice in their lives.There is no excuse to not be continually available to do your job that you are compensated for not when you are elected and paid to represent a large number of humans. There is no excuse to not do your job even if you are not elected and choose not to be a politician. If being a paid representative is more about hanging out with family & friends or doing fund raises to continue to stay on your path for your special interest groups, this is why many politicians do not accomplish or solve enough pertinent issues in today's challenging times.

    We must ask some questions. We must have a better check and balance system. We must strive for accountability. It is time to stand up and pay attention before it is too late and all chances have passed us by. I have found this "BUSY" excuse to be the new acceptable norm now, seemingly used by many not just by our elected officials.." Busy doing what, one must be willing to ask of others as well as themselves?" Accountability and responsiveness seems to be an outdated trend.

    Getting back on topic I must ask this question. Why do we not have more civilian review boards made up of regular common type folks? Senator's are our elected representatives. Sen Mike McQuire is the head of "human services." I am a strong committed advocate for many, including developmentally disabled adults who are clients of our CA Regional Centers. (Perhaps a new thread can be started for this topic at another time.) I do not get paid for what I do. Actually, it costs me money to do what I do. It is too much trouble and takes too much time. I do not have enough time to organize a non profit for the causes I work tirelessly for. I just do it, because these causes are important to me. I do what I do because I stand by my core values. I see a need very clearly that is not being addressed or recognized by many.

    Since the "Valley Fires" have occurred the phone lines ring busy at the senators office all the time. The senators office is located in the "State" building on "D" between 1st and 2nd streets, downtown Santa Rosa. No matter what time one tries to call their offfice, even if their office is closed before or after hours, their phone lines ring "BUSY." I was told when I stopped by their office in person recently, they have three phone lines and are hard at work. I observed a few individuals just sitting at their desks doing pretty much nothing. When I've sent a friend in their office on my behalf to ask the employees who work for the state at the senator's office what was going on with their phone lines, he was told the same thing as I was told. What he did notice though, was a plant being slowly pruned by one employee and lots of sugar candy in many places in their office around in bowls. If they are so busy helping out due to the fire victims, are they really that busy?

    Take a look for yourself at all our our representatives. What do they do with their time? When I attempted to make an app't with Sen McQuire a few months ago regarding the extreme level of abuse that occurs in group homes and residential facilities, I had to keep calling back (when their phones were working) to get any kind of an an answer. Then finally I was told, "Oh the senator has a busy schedule and cannot meet with you." I had a Medical Doctor(MD) who was willing to fly to Santa Rosa from Los Angeles to accompany me to this proposed meeting to assist me in presenting my facts that I know to be true and have wintessed." I must ask: If someone like myself who is committed to changing laws to stop the many conflicts of interest within our legal system that allow our disabled population to continually be abused and dehumanized why are we in this very sad state of affairs? When our representatives are to be busy to address factual provable data something is very wrong.

    When I can prove how the taxpayers funds are being wasted and many services are not available because these certain elitists pay themselves well while many others needlessly suffer. I can not find any manyof the people who are in power who are paid to listen and can action but will not. Try calling some of these people. You will get a voice mail. You may or may not receive a call back. If you do get a response, you are passed off to some other agency or told to fill out a form and to get the form of some website. When the victims of all kinds of abuses are put in situations where their perpetrators are allowed to continue to abuse their victims and our representatives are not interested in having a meeting regarding these issues for one hour of their time, what are their priorities?

    When I've attempted to meet Congressman Jared Huffman and Sen Mike McQuire at a recent ribbon cutting event for a new school for Autistic children at the Wells Fargo Center neither one of these representatives were present. They were both listed on the schedule to be present at this celebratory event for the milestone and significance of this gathering of families of Autistic children and other interested concerned involved supporters like myself.

    The excuses that were announced ten minutes before the ribbon cutting was to occur for both of these representatives, were "One had a prior family committment and the other was at Howarth Park at a campaign function. They were both very sorry that they could not attend. When one is continually persistent as I am for the rights and lives of "human beings not to mention all of the animals that need rescuing," when I show up in person at the senators office, I am given a sheet of paper with a few pointless questions to fill out and told to come back some other time. .More "busy work and another stalling tactic to get me to go away for awhile"

    Never mind the long detailed document I have already submitted for the legislative committee to review in Jan, 2016 to put some new effective laws on the books. I have spent countless hours drafting a detailed document together with an attorney specifying the amount of wasted taxpayers funds and conflicts of interest that exist in the State of CA. This document specifically addresses certain situations that are factual and easily provable. Now the Children's Village is slated to be closed in addition to Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC) in Eldridge near Glen Ellen. I say it is high time to get to the bottom of why our representatives are not available to help the our most vulnerable population which really is everyone in some way and of course many to a noticeable extreme. The ones that need the most services are disposal in our modern culture. We are all vunerable. That's a reality. We are all aging. Many can have health issues that require proper services.

    In simple terms: Anyone could be born with or develop a "BRAIN INJURY." for a multitude of reasons. I am seeking positve changes. I want to see more accountablitiy. I want the priorities in Sonoma county to be based on what really matters and effects all of us that live here. Do we want to put individuals of all ages, including children and our elders in a system that puts them in harms way? Are we going to stand around and allow this?? Ask yourself this question and see what you want to do. I am heading many of these efforts up by myself. I work many hours and at all times. I do not get paid. Yes I used to work for the over priveledged who generally displayed little gratitude and lacked compassion for others. I have learned through the many years I've committed and sacraficed my personal time and energy, that "most people" do not want to hear, see or know the truth. I was at a gathering today of what one would refer to as "progressive thinkers." Yes many of those people were certainly accomplished and intelligent from their endeavors of many different sorts."

    When I mentioned to one individual that I would consider to be rather outspoken and opinionated on most every issue, that I was going to court this week to advocate for a disabled person, then I proceeded to say to him "I am looking forward to a social gathering on the weekend in "west county" that I was invited to, he said to me "Hope you do not bring your baggage with you." I responded in a non reactive calm way. My response to him was "No I was not planning on bringing any baggage to a fun social gathering. The only baggage I have is carrying this heavy chair and my nap sack that I have strapped to my back." I silently laughed at him while reflecting on his comment which is a common deflection of many l have noticed. Denial, Ignorance, Indifference, Judgement and Arrogance is not the solution to the complexities we face as a society today.

    The smartest person I had encountered at this gathering I had attended was a 13 year old boy. Him and I had some very interesting dialogues we had addressed. I had asked this young boy some very poignant questions. He was sharp and quick witted. He had his own perspective on everything from the internet to video games to politics and more. I jokingly said this young person, "would you ever consider being President of this country if you were 21?' He quickly responded to my question and said "NO, it would take too much of my energy that I do not have to do the job right." No matter how small or big your influence and positive intention for solution is, stand up now and do what you can. If you want to live in a better world, learn COMPASSION for others while displaying gratitude for the simple pleasures many of us are blessed with and take for granted.

    When you wake up in the morning and are breathing. When you are able and are aloud to make your own choices, realize how fortunate you really are. Walk your talk. Take positve steps to create positive results. Stop the battle. Do not fall prey to the design for destruction. Be proactive for positive solution and change. Walk through your fears. Face your life and yourself. Live in the now. Learn to forgive and let go of what has happened. Help yourself. Stay strong. Help others. Many of us do this already.

    My point in putting this message out to this community is to help raise awareness and influence more people in taking more personal responsibility. Roll up your sleeves.Get into whatever has significance, meaning and purpose to you. Save a life, save yourself. Be part of the solution, not the problem. A big THANK YOU if you are already proactive and are doing your part as best as you can. With many Blessings and much Gratitude for a healthier world. Peace. Stargazer
    Last edited by Barry; 10-12-2015 at 01:18 PM.
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  44. TopTop #56
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross & Sen. Mike McQuire's phone lines that do not work & more

    I forced myself to read through your long statement, and want to suggest that if you separate subjects into paragraphs, more people will read them. I did it only because it's a priority interest. People may start to read it, and give up, which you don't want. It's very difficult on the eyes to try to read a huge block of type. Our eyes need white space for relief.

    I empathize with you, and applaud your dedication. I also commiserate with the lack of concern for others in our county (and beyond), from those who have what they want and need.

    I subsist on social security, and if I do happen to bring in a little cash from an EBay sale, it's put into a small fund to help friends who are mentally or physically ill. I've been helping one person for 25 years, and started when I had a good job. Now, I can't help as much, and there are more friends becoming desperate to avoid
    homelessness, mostly senior women.

    I would get some official help from the TV station that does this kind of thing. I can't recall the name, but it's an investigative resource. You may know it.

    Also, you may want to affiliate with a "non-profit fiscal sponsor". You don't have to start a non-profit, and being
    under a fiscal sponsor gives you non-profit status. It can happen very quickly. I volunteer for MOTHER non-profit, a fiscal sponsor for community projects.
    We got our first application for a community project involving horse rescue, and grant funds have been applied for by the organizer.

    The things you mention about Denial, Ignorance, Indifference, Judgement and Arrogance are realities, even amongst the "higher consciousness" people in our community. This is a sad commentary on our community, even though there are people like ourselves who do "compassion in action". Most of the giving is done by those who have little, not those who have a lot. I too, have worked for wealthy people, and seen the addiction to more and more things, while their own children starve for attention, while being given Ritalin, and whatever thing they want.

    I've only worked for one wealthy Sebastopol couple who gave generously to charities, and individuals that worked for them. They are both gone now, and I hold them in my heart as true examples of compassion in action. All of their employees were left money in their will. Unheard of in my experience!

    I have doubts about being able to transform the hearts of those in denial. Maybe if they're afflicted personally, a change is more likely. Something has to crack their hearts open, and it's usually not words, but personal crisis.
    Some people may be changed with words from people like Martin Luther King, Kennedy, etc.

    I appreciate all that you do, and it's not even all listed here. There's much more I could say, but mainly just want you to know that there is someone who thinks and feels with you.

    I'm planning to go to the Wacco picnic, though I've never attended before. My friend has encouraged me to go.
    I've been posting on Wacco since 2005 when it started. I must have 1200 or more posts, though most members are strangers to me, except for their written expressions. I became disabled in 2007, and have been living on social security since then. I don't go out much, but prefer to do my activism from my desk, with my words and networking. I don't look disabled, but have severe arthritis in hips, feet, and hands that has slowed me down. I'm 73, and have recently started a networking group for senior women to connect for shared housing. I'm also a Cat Advocate, and have a new FB page for that.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Stargazer: View Post
    Unbeknownst to many, including myself, ...
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  45. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  46. TopTop #57
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    The RCU has been investigated, and it's posted somewhere here, that they distributed funds to local non-profits, and NONE to the ARC. I was very glad to know this, since I hadn't received a response from my inquiry on how much was collected and how it was going to the fire victims.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Abidan2: View Post
    Nationally they are known to pay .08 cents on the dollar for actual help. The rest is their promotions, staging costs and salaries I guess. Millions for the CEO. And to think Redwood Credit Union is receiving a million local dollars in its Valley Fire Relief Drive - all of which will go to the Red Cross - don't they vet their non-profits?
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  48. TopTop #58
    Stargazer's Avatar

    Issues with our systems. How Quality of Life is No longer a Priority for Some.

    I have not had time to review much of anyone's comment's. I know I need to separate my paragraphs and correct spelling errors. I work tirelessly and right now at all hours during the night. I am preparing for a court case. I only have one more day to do so. Today is a holiday for the courts, so they are closed. I believe that I will prevail on Wed @ 9 AM. Please PRAY as hard as you all can that I will PREVAIL for a very serious case regarding abuse. Best Blessings for all. Peace. Stargazer
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  49. TopTop #59
    Stargazer's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    Then it is day one, today, Monday that their phones lines are open again. Thanks. Stargazer
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  50. TopTop #60
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Issues with Red Cross

    I'm sharing a recent FB post from the group, "I love Northern California" which is a group focused on photography, but this has to do with the ARC, so I'm sharing it:

    Shared post from "I love Northern California":

    "A lady up here, HVL, has 2 sons who are firefighters..both lost their apartment in the ‪#‎ValleyFire‬....So..they go to Red Cross for help...This is what happened!!!!..Just Unbelievable!!!!

    ......."Teresa Pinckney Welter: ...."Ok more reason to NOT support The Red Cross. 1st hand experience of the SCAM that it is! So Anthony Welter and Andrew Welter both received a debit card in the amount of $125 from them due to the loss of their apartment in the Valley Fire. As they are now living back at home until they find a new place they are saving the donations until they need them for replacing their losses. Well Anthony received a call two days ago telling him that he had only a couple of days left to spend the money on the card or it will "expire" and they "will not be able to reissue the funds."

    I read everything that comes with the card including the card itself which says the expiration is 3/20 meaning 2020 as in 5 years from now and there is NOTHING that says this ANYWHERE! So even though I think this is crap we drove down to the ATM tonight to withdraw the cash (as it was stated in the message was okay to do) and you guessed did NOT work and then we tried to make a purchase and it did NOT work.

    So apparently your DONATIONS EXPIRE! Anthony was issued this card only four weeks ago (tomorrow) and the money EXPIRED! So YES The Red Cross IS indeed a COMPLETE SCAM! Please SHARE this post. This is UNACCEPTABLE!"
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