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  1. TopTop #241
    HolisticKids's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Well apparently you know what you're talking about, so I hope you feel good about yourself.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by podfish: View Post
    believe it or not, I'm sympathetic to those of you who feel disempowered by the government taking coercive action. I don't think that means they were wrong to do so. And I think your vision of home schools as a place to learn critical thinking isn't backed up by the facts - unless you mean 'critical' in the sense of 'in opposition' as opposed to being guided by evidence. You true believers are unshakable in your conviction that your research gives you insight into a truth that the rest of us are either to ignorant or lazy or bought-off to understand. Maybe so, but the other explanation is that the 'popular wisdom' is based on more evidence than are the fringe points of view - which statistically, the anti-vaxxers are.
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  2. TopTop #242
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Marching and saluting shall due time.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by HolisticKids: View Post
    Well apparently you know what you're talking about, so I hope you feel good about yourself.
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  3. TopTop #243
    HolisticKids's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    For those of us who live in the North Sonoma Coast area - you may want to know that both our legislators - Jim Wood and Mike McGuire - not only voted for the bill, they both were co-authors. Remember that next election.
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  5. TopTop #244
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by HolisticKids: View Post
    Well apparently you know what you're talking about, so I hope you feel good about yourself.
    well let's hope so, because that seems to be the way this issue's playing out.

    re-read some of the other posts - "Marching and saluting shall follow..", "...Forced toxic injections from the most corrupt government in history - Hitler would be smiling.", "We now live in a fascist state...", "...measures that seek to erode our rights to bodily sanctity", "...many people think that it is the People who must serve government..."

    Primal Jade or whatever the hell that exercise they're doing in Texas better be as good as they say, or it may look like all this hyperbole wasn't justified. 'Cuz this discussion sure has taken a turn away from discussion and toward apocalyptic predictions about the end of freedom as we knew it. The last coming has taken way too long to arrive and I think many people now don't believe it'll get here anytime soon after all - maybe this predicted social disaster will overcome us before Obama's gone.
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  7. TopTop #245

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    FYI, this bill goes into effect July 1, 2016. A lot can happen between now and then, especially with so much urgent motivation to so many for either the legal angle, the actual truth of the health dangers angle or both.

    The creator of this bill Senator/Dr. Pan actually said yesterday the justification for this bill was that "people don't have the right to infect others." Where do you draw that line? Millions of people walk around with contagious sicknesses possibly deadly or debilitating to the random/vulnerable around them. I sure don't like standing in the grocery line next to someone looking sick as hell, in great discomfort with a obviously contagious runny unknown affliction and sneezing without covering. Do we enact laws to identify, quarantine, punish or arrest all contagious people in public?

    Almost half the people who caught the Disney measles were vaccinated, vaccinated kids will encounter 1000's of unvaccinated or contagious vaccinated other people in the world for life, and newly vaccinated kids are extremely contagious for the few days right after some of these shots. Looking at this bigger picture in a world of 7 billion makes this law illogical, ludicrous madness. Remember - this is strong-arming and guilt-tripping uninformed, gullible and lazily unquestioning parents into putting untested toxic cocktails into a child's bloodstream without any safety guarantees, without any manufacturer accountability or liability and without any guarantee of even working.

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    A Voice For Choice, Inc. Releases A Statement Supporting Doctors’ and Parents’ Rights

    MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA, June 29, 2015- Governor Jerry Brown signed SB 277 into law, which mandates a full vaccination schedule to attend public or private school unless a child receives a medical exemption. Governor Brown did this without consulting with any opponents to this bill. In his signing statement, he states: ‘whenever the child’s physician concludes that there are circumstances, including but not limited to, family medical history, for which the physician does not recommend immunization. SB 277 explicitly provides an exception when a physician believes that circumstances-in the judgement and sound discretion of the physician-so warrant.’ On its face, that sounds rational, but digging just a bit beneath the surface the real, and serious flaws in SB 277 are abundant.

    The reality is that on June 8th, The American Medical Association (AMA) issued a thinly veiled threat to Physicians across the nation: AMA Supports Tighter Limitations on Immunization Opt Outs. Although the AMA’s code of ethics clearly states “A physician shall respect the law and also recognize a responsibility to seek changes in those requirements which are contrary to the best interests of the patient,” this directive alone will create a disincentive to doctors to exercise their independent judgement as to whether or not to grant a medical exemption irrespective of their experience and familiarity with a family and their health history.

    CA children are guaranteed access to a free and public education by our Constitution. Yet SB 277 denies that right without any justification. In fact, the vaccination rates in California are at an all-time high and our school children have never been at a lower risk of possible exposure to the diseases SB 277 portends to address. . This law also denies CA families’ Constitutional right to Religious freedom – since vaccine ingredients often contain fetal human and animal biological agents – something that violates many faiths’ teachings.

    CA now has the dubious honor of joining the ranks with WV and MS who allow for only medical exemptions rather than looking to states like Oregon, Washington, Maryland and Maine who have struck down bills similar to SB 277 and instead provide parents with a say in medical procedures for their children. As a result of SB 277 becoming law in CA, Parental Rights will be violated and families will no longer have a choice to accept or decline medical treatment for their own children. There are real and documented risks associated with vaccinations. No real pre-screening is done before a child is vaccinated. There are no studies proving safety and efficacy or how disease is spread from recently vaccinated individuals in communities. Yet these same vaccines are being forced on our children by SB 277.

    SB 277 declares that homeschooling is a viable option if parents choose to not expose their children to the health risks they fear vaccines present to their children. Homeschooling as an alternative to public or private education is a choice, but rarely a feasible choice for many Californians. The financial impact of forcing a family to homeschool will be enormous. As a result, this law imposes an unnecessary and extreme hardship on families in CA, harming single parents, dual income households, and non-English speaking parents. In addition, the financial impact on CA schools is also a dangerous unknown.

    While there is a broad medical exemption in CA, the reality is that the AMA has made their stance very clear. Doctors who write these exemptions will be highly scrutinized at the risk of losing their membership in their professional organizations or potentially even the loss of their license to practice in CA, irrespective of whether or not they believe their patients should have a say in the medical procedures they receive.

    The fact is that insurance companies incentivixe for doctors to push their patients to fully vaccinate - and the profits to medical professionals who follow the insurance company “suggestions” are very lucrative. SB 277 is really about profits and not community health or children. When the government mandates medication, we lose our freedom. Everyone has an inalienable right to make their own healthcare decisions. There is NEVER a compelling enough government reason to force medication on anyone - especially not medication where there have been documented injuries caused from that medication, such as vaccines.

    There are so many vital and important factors that were not thoroughly considered as this bill was fast-tracked and signed into law in an unprecedented and unwarranted pace. It is a sad day for the thousands of parents who exercised their democratic right to voice their concerns about SB 277 over and over again, only to be ignored by Governor Brown, and so many Legislators.

    Christina Hildebrand, A Voice For Choice, Inc.
    A Voice for Choice, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for people’s rights to be fully informed about the composition, quality, and short- and long-term health effects of food and pharmaceutical products.

    Contact: Christina Hildebrand
    Voice For Choice, Inc.
    [email protected]
    Last edited by Alex; 07-02-2015 at 12:34 AM.
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  9. TopTop #246
    sharingwisdom's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    It's interesting that you have continually stated only your opinions on the vaccine issue but seem to dismiss, discount and attempt to ridicule others if it's anything that isn't censored media and Big Pharma propaganda. You have patterned this over and over on many topics.

    Doctors are given a two week course on vaccines but years of corporate salespeople who visit them. Enough vaccine and pharmaceutical whistleblowers have come forth to say this.

    So when are you lining up for your 48 vaccines? I've asked you and the other pro-vaccinators this over and over and never an answer. I mentioned before that since you're afraid of needles, you can do it in batches of 7. It will only take 7 times. Perhaps you'll do better because you're not 14 lbs like the babies who died from this. In case you missed your doses, you can check the CDC's recommendation especially the HPV.

    In health and wellness to you!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by podfish: View Post
    well let's hope so, because that seems to be the way this issue's playing out.

    re-read some of the other posts - "Marching and saluting shall follow..", "...Forced toxic injections from the most corrupt government in history - Hitler would be smiling.", "We now live in a fascist state...", "...measures that seek to erode our rights to bodily sanctity", "...many people think that it is the People who must serve government..."

    Primal Jade or whatever the hell that exercise they're doing in Texas better be as good as they say, or it may look like all this hyperbole wasn't justified. 'Cuz this discussion sure has taken a turn away from discussion and toward apocalyptic predictions about the end of freedom as we knew it. The last coming has taken way too long to arrive and I think many people now don't believe it'll get here anytime soon after all - maybe this predicted social disaster will overcome us before Obama's gone.
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  11. TopTop #247
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    one man's opinion about the gravity of this legislation ....
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  12. TopTop #248
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Interesting comment ...

    Perhaps you are not a victim of "the end of freedom as we knew it", but I know many who are ... I won't bother to name all of the Constitutional rights which have been shredded, because I've said it all before ... I won't list all of the victims who are truly suffering from this because it would take me far too long ... but to pretend that it's not happening? ... what?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by podfish: View Post
    well let's hope so, because that seems to be the way this issue's playing out...
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 07-02-2015 at 10:37 AM.
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  14. TopTop #249
    HolisticKids's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Please share this with parents who are needing help with this:

    Excellent article on getting medical exemptions: Couldn't agree more that we need to educate doctors.

    2. Tim Donnelly has filed the paperwork for a referendum. As we learn how we can all help gather signatures, we will share that with you. Here's some info re. the referendum:

    Tim Donnelly files referendum to overturn California vaccine bill

    Conservative former assemblyman wants to nix state’s new mandate

    Proponents have 90 days to collect at least 365,880 valid signatures

    If signatures obtained, law is suspended until November 2016 election
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  16. TopTop #250
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by sharingwisdom: View Post
    It's interesting that you have continually stated only your opinions on the vaccine issue but seem to dismiss, discount and attempt to ridicule others if it's anything that isn't censored media and Big Pharma propaganda. You have patterned this over and over on many topics. ..
    Doctors are given a two week course on vaccines but years of corporate salespeople who visit them. Enough vaccine and pharmaceutical whistleblowers have come forth to say this.
    (patronizing sigh.. maybe finally giving in and getting closer to ridicule) ok, re-read my posts. For example:

    " You true believers are unshakable in your conviction that your research gives you insight into a truth that the rest of us are either to ignorant or lazy or bought-off to understand. Maybe so, but the other explanation is that the 'popular wisdom' is based on more evidence than are the fringe points of view - which statistically, the anti-vaxxers are."

    I mean, I wrote it so I could be expected to know what it meant to say, but unlike some of my more off-the-cuff, poorly-edited rants, this post seems pretty clear. The weak "attempt at ridicule" maybe should be seen as an observation that on many issues, including this one, there's way too much certainty and way too little questioning of credentials that support a chosen point of view, finding opponents tainted by conflicts of interest while simultaneously embracing random "whistleblowers" as totally credible. I fully agree that doctors aren't fully authoritative voices, I hope I've never said differently. They're trained in process more than they're trained in scientific research. In fact I know damn well I've written that outlier views are valuable in context. To reiterate: vaccines have benefits. They have dangers. Many people have and continue to examine them for efficacy and safety. The general verdict is in favor of wide-spread, even compulsory use of them. Those that disagree aren't being very effectively silenced, but hell yes, they're not winning either the hearts-and-minds of the majority or the policy battles in government.

    That may change, because on occasion widely-held scientific beliefs are found wrong. That happens far less often than most people think - what happens instead is that over-simplified views of scientific concensus are replaced by different over-simplified views of a slightly modified concensus. It's pretty unlikely that anyone's going to say "oops, C02 never did have much to do with global warming" or "sorry 'bout that, vaccines never worked - it was some wacky placebo effect we forgot to account for".

    Quote So when are you lining up for your 48 vaccines? I've asked you and the other pro-vaccinators this over and over and never an answer. I mentioned before that since you're afraid of needles, you can do it in batches of 7. It will only take 7 times.
    why does that even come up? Assuming that I'm actually totally hypocritically writing my posts, secretly terrified that they'll be polluting my precious bodily fluids if I got immunized, why would that matter? (unnecessary disclaimer: I'm not worried at all). But I have no idea whether I've had 48 or 480 or 4.8 of my vaccines and sorry you can't shame me into caring... if I re-enter kindergarten I'm sure they'll check then. Maybe they'll check when they institutionalize me for something more age-appropriate, and they're welcome to load me up then.
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  18. TopTop #251
    HolisticKids's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I don't waste my time arguing with this sort of nonsense, and I suggest we all just let it go. I'm here to help parents protect their children and keep them as healthy as possible. I post as much as I can for the people who want and need this info, and ignore people who are just trying to stir things up with no real knowledge about the situation.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by sharingwisdom: View Post
    It's interesting that you have continually stated only your opinions on the vaccine issue but seem to dismiss, discount and attempt to ridicule others if it's anything that isn't censored media and Big Pharma propaganda. You have patterned this over and over on many topics.
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  20. TopTop #252
    sharingwisdom's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Your continued sarcasm says little but continued sarcasm. Your devil-advocacy doesn't make for a more educated stance on the state of emergency that has presented itself in California and soon the whole country. As far as I'm concerned (and perhaps others), you have not shown any important information in what is happening in this country around our rights being taken away, our bodies used as experiments, the deception and lies that are so blatantly obvious to those who can see past a Monsanto sign...and basically defend it...while then throwing in a tidbit of support.

    I don't do crumbs laden with spinning wheels. I'm wasn't even attempting to be sarcastic when I mentioned about lining up for your shots. I wanted to know straight out. If you think vaccines are the pancea to health and defend the corporations and CDC/FDA, which go right to Wall St and more, then I think you and the rest of those who believe this need to be in the front of the line as models of care and well being. But you won't. And we know it. And neither will Pan and his cohorts...he'll just sacrifice the little ones so he can get his financial payback for the corporations.

    And what you say has little basis on what is beyond censored media. This thread has shown researched information over and over, and what we hear back is often, "We don't really read takes too much time." OR "They aren't credible or science-based." OR "It's another YouTube. Why isn't it an article?" And then we show articles that are from censored media, and we are told that they don't count and who is being discussed is a quack. It's been consistent in the way this thread has patterned, and it's all about opinions of people who are not willing to do the research that is separate from the gov't agencies with their corporate backings.

    So why is there no liability for injuries from corporations that occur from vaccines? And there are thousands and thousands and thousands of children and adults...including in my family. Impunity and unaccountability to damaging future generations doesn't sit well with me. You've not answered this which has been asked over and over.

    Former Big Pharma Rep, Gwen Olsen, says they are trained to misinform…drugs are dangerous

    So why have 3 doctors been murdered recently around this issue?
    Merck created “hit list” to destroy, neutralize or discredit dissenting doctors

    A Doctor’s Dilemma: When Crucial New-Drug Data Is Hidden
    Goldacre further describes how drug companies hide data about medication risks that affect children, how they attempt to intimidate the employers of researchers who produce results they don’t like, and how they routinely withhold safety data in various other ways that do harm to patients.

    I'm writing a book on the healing of childhood abuse, a trauma paradigm, and am complete with this thread. I welcome reading those who are supporting a change in this worldly paradigm and restoration of our freedoms in a better, healthier and sustainable way that goes beyond the structures that are corrupt, new ways which means accountability, transparency, truth-sharing, courage, caring, and real depth understanding of what is going on. These are the virtues that will help shift what is going on now, and not discussing it further with you.

    And deep gratitude to Jane, Alex, Shandi, Arthunter... and to others who don't want to be public and have written me privately. I know how courageous you are and how you care. This will make a difference, and we are growing stronger.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by podfish: View Post
    (patronizing sigh.. maybe finally giving in and getting closer to ridicule) ok, re-read my posts...
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 07-03-2015 at 10:28 AM.
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  22. TopTop #253
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Slightly off topic, I know, but related .... folks, it is REALLY time to wake up and pay attention ...

    3 Alternative Health Doctors Found Dead In the Last 2 Weeks After Run-Ins With The Feds

    the first doctor mentioned had linked vaccines to autism ...

    and ...

    Study: Democracy on the Retreat in More Than 96 of the 193 UN Member States

    this article doesn't even mention what's happening in US, UK, Canada, Australia, and other countries where freedom of speech and freedom of choice is under attack ....
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 07-03-2015 at 10:28 AM.
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  24. TopTop #254

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by podfish: View Post
    ... You true believers are unshakable in your conviction that your research gives you insight into a truth that the rest of us are either to ignorant or lazy or bought-off to understand...
    Yes, it feels like an annoying fly that won't go away when someone who is ignorant of
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    what he's criticizing - totally incapable of explaining exactly why the anti-vaxxers he's ridiculing have these convictions beyond any shadow of a doubt.... keeps buzzing and buzzing with pithy smug comment after pithy smug comment from behind a cloudy teeny hole of perspective.

    Anti-vaxxers fully understand all pro-vax arguments, but you or any pro-vaxxers can't explain what 100,000's from all walks of life find so substantial and why it's so convincing. A quickly growing mass of very concerned and educated people are now feeling forced to surface who all share the same convictions for the same reasons due to having taken the time to sort the gigantic mess of puzzle pieces and are uniformly horrified by the truth.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by podfish: View Post
    Maybe so, but the other explanation is that the 'popular wisdom' is based on more evidence than are the fringe points of view - which statistically, the anti-vaxxers are.
    Giving weight to 'popular wisdom' is a logical fallacy Bandwagon Argument, and backhandedly alluding to 'more evidence' for your opinion is a cheap and dishonest exaggeration unless you can back it with the perspective of what all this evidence is... which needs to include both sides of all valid data. You have shown no ability to do so which again contributes nothing of substance to this extremely important thread. I need a fly swatter.

    A 'logical fallacy' or 'logically flawed argument' is what people resort to when they have zero substance to put on the table.
    Last edited by Alex; 07-03-2015 at 10:36 AM.
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  26. TopTop #255
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    You continue to share the wisdom of diligent research, along with the handful of others you mention. Personally, I think it may be best to let this go. There's no convincing someone with facts when they are hooked on fallacies promoted by mainstream media. It's easy to push an agenda on someone else, while refusing to do what is being forced on others. It's the old position of "do as I say, not as I do".

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by sharingwisdom: View Post
    Your continued sarcasm says little but continued sarcasm. Your devil-advocacy doesn't make for a more educated stance on the state of emergency that has presented itself ...
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  28. TopTop #256
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Here's some more "end of freedom as we knew it" for you ...

    Adults Targeted as Federal Government Prepares to Track the Unvaccinated
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  30. TopTop #257
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Autism Rates Explode In Asia After Introducing Western Vaccines
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  32. TopTop #258
    sharingwisdom's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Here is something for anyone who has contacts and a few minutes to let other MD, DO, DDS,OD, ND, TCM, DC who are opposed to mandated vaccinations in any state or country.

    Please have them contact Michelle Veneziano, DO. at [email protected]. She and others have OVER 200 docs signed on and growing rapidly.
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 07-05-2015 at 10:24 AM.
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  34. TopTop #259
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    86 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link

    "*The list has been updated and now contains 100 citations.

    Media reports have claimed that there is no scientific evidence supporting the link between vaccines and autism. Here we provide for the reader research that demonstrates the link between vaccines and autism, and the mechanisms by which vaccines can cause autism."

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  36. TopTop #260
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    The problem with providing 100 or 1000 research papers for those who are convinced that vaccines "do no harm", is that they are not likely to change those beliefs until one of their own loved ones or friends are affected. Even then, they may attribute the health issue to something else. We don't easily give up our beliefs in the benefits of vaccines no more than we would give up our beliefs in heaven and hell. Faith is the basis of belief in what we hope to be true. From this position our minds are never prepared to accept the "difficult truths". Only those who have an "open" mind may consider evidence that is contrary to their beliefs. Some people don't need research papers to believe, they hold the evidence in their arms as they gaze helplessly at their child whose life is forever changed, or taken from them.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by arthunter: View Post
    86 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link

    "*The list has been updated and now contains 100 citations.

    Media reports have claimed that there is no scientific evidence supporting the link between vaccines and autism. Here we provide for the reader research that demonstrates the link between vaccines and autism, and the mechanisms by which vaccines can cause autism."

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  38. TopTop #261
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I think that you have a point here, Shandi, but I also think that times are a changing .... most of us do not want to believe that our professionals would hurt us, we don't want to believe that our governments would lie to us, we don't want to believe that our media would mislead us ... but ... as time goes on one starts to realize that things might not be as they seem ... bad laws, brutality, censorship, poverty, pollution, injustice, corruption... the knowledge is cumulative, constantly chipping away at our beliefs ... at the moment I see most things being questioned ...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    The problem with providing 100 or 1000 research papers....
    Last edited by Barry; 07-09-2015 at 12:28 PM.
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  40. TopTop #262
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    As you say, most things may be questioned, as we watch the overall injustice of a system we once looked to as benevolent. Although, I doubt if it ever really was. Our historical records have been crafted to control and manipulate our perceptions of our country, our religions and our corporations. Truth was never the intention. How many of us in writing our life story would include criminal behavior that could have sent us to prison? Would we even share it with those closest to us? Would we reveal that to anyone?

    As I share some "difficult truths" with people around me, I see disbelief. Some welcome the information, but many show doubt. Maybe it's because I live with a generation that never questioned authority. Some people actually say "Don't tell me; I don't want to know".

    The 60's generation started to crack the egg that had been incubating for so long. Once the truth spilled out, there was no confining it again. It seeped into every crevice, and touched even those whose beliefs had once offered protection from realities they could never imagine.

    I'm glad to see that the youth are asking questions about the topics you named. They are also bringing solutions to some problems that we, in our youth, could never have imagined. As the old corrupt ones in power die off, my hope is that there will be a tsunami of new energy to destroy systems that have sucked our life blood for too long. Each of us who question, add a few drops to the wave that's been building for a long time.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by arthunter: View Post
    I think that you have a point here, Shandi, but ...
    Last edited by Barry; 07-09-2015 at 12:29 PM.
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  42. TopTop #263

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Courtesy posting by request of intheflow88 and representative Christine Hildebrand with my full support.

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    As most of you probably know, SB277 is not the only bill going through the CA legislature that will mandate vaccines. SB792 as currently written will mandate the measles, pertussis and flu vaccine, which really means MMR, TDaP and influenza, for all child care workers (day care/preschool/afterschool) and does not provide non-medical exemption for the MMR and TDaP (does for the flu vaccine). This is the first bill of its kind in the US. Texas has a child care worker law that is similar, but has a personal belief exemption. Even health care workers and doctors currently have personal belief exemptions for vaccines.

    Given that there have been no outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases in child care facilities and given that we do not have any idea of what the current vaccination rates are in the child care worker population, the opposition feels that mandating vaccines with criminal consequences and without a non-medical exemption is unwarranted at this time.The bill has passed the Senate and is now in the Assembly and along the way has been significantly amended – it used to include the whole CDC Adult recommended vaccine schedule! However, we still urge a NO vote, but that is unlikely to happen, so we are asking for amendments to make it more palatable.

    Please email or fax the Human Services Committee and fax the committee members a letter requesting their no vote unless further amended.

    Human Services Committee – email: [email protected]; Fax: 916.319.2189
    Kansen Chu (Chair) – Fax: (916) 319-2125
    Chad Mayes (Vice Chair) – Fax: (916) 319-2142
    Ian C. Calderon– Fax: (916) 319-2157
    Patty López – Fax: (916) 319-2139
    Brian Maienschein– Fax: (916) 319-2177
    Mark Stone– Fax: (916) 319-2129
    Tony Thurmond– Fax: (916) 319-2115

    Our two greatest concerns are that non-compliance with the way the bill is currently written is a criminal act and that there is no non-medical exemption available for measles and pertussis. We are requesting the following amendments:

    · Add a non-medical exemption for all required vaccines, which would allow compliance and decriminalize non-compliance.
    · Add a fee if the employee files this non-medical exemption.

    · Add a fee in the same amount to the child care facility licensing fees.
    · Add a statement to the posting information if a child care facility has one or more employees with a non-medical exemption

    The addition of the non-medical exemption would allow child care workers to opt out, but the addition of the fee and posting information requirements, if a child care worker signs the non-medical exemption, would deter employees from abusing the non-medical exemption. Note: we have requested a non-medical exemption for all without the fee and posting requirements and it has been rejected).Please email and fax asap. The Committee hearing is Tuesday at 1:30.
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  43. Gratitude expressed by 3 members:

  44. TopTop #264
    HolisticKids's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Thanks for posting this. Shameful, though, since it will get passed and, like SB277, is not going to protect anyone.

    I just want to mention that this is not true:
    Even health care workers and doctors currently have personal belief exemptions for vaccines.

    Doctors in private practice can do what they want, of course, no one would know. But nurses and other health care workers do not have personal belief exemptions, and even medical exemptions are extremely hard to get since most hospitals won't accept them. It's only the flu vaccine that they might possibly be able to refuse and then they have to wear a mask every day for 6 months. Nurses who refuse the other required vaccines are fired and unable to work in the industry. I know several people who really want to go into nursing, but are not because of this policy. These are people who would make the best nurses and we are losing them.

    It's not a law, it's hospital policy, and the reason it's policy is because the federal government gives hospitals monetary compensation for high vaccine rates. Sick system.

    If anyone thinks that this policy will keep patients from getting sick, you should know this:

    It's the doctors and nurses that have gotten the flu mist vaccine (live virus) up their nose that are spreading the flu virus around. It's right there in the vaccine package insert that it's a live virus and it sheds for several weeks. And the latest CDC estimate is that the flu vaccine is around 23% effective. How's that for great protection?

    Ironically, the only good thing about wearing the mask might be that it might protect them from the nurses who have had the flu mist vaccine.

    Same stuff will happen with day care workers. We'll lose the good ones who understand what's happening and care about their health.

    It's not about public health or good science. If it was then public health officials would be mandating appropriate doses of vitamin D and breastfeeding, rather than vaccines. But that doesn't do anything for the pharmaceutical companies. Sick system.

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  46. TopTop #265

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Christina Hildenbrand says that because SB277 is not constitutional, it should not go to a referendum.

    Please see

    Excerpt: The case for SB277’s unconstitutionality and that of a similar law revoking the secular choice exemption in Vermont needs to be argued correctly to effectively maximize the possibility that these laws will die and never return from the dead.
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  48. TopTop #266
    HolisticKids's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    from Wendy Silvers, Million Mamas Movement

    Since Gov. Brown signed SB277 into law, there have been many questions and concerns about what are we to do, where are we to go. I have spent a lot of time in thought and conversation about what is our next steps. We want to let you know where the Million Mamas Movement stands. We are in this to win this! The Million Mamas Movement is dedicated to empowering mamas and ensuring that all mamas, all children, all families thrive. This means that this is a multi-prong campaign, a group effort, not just one thing. However, it must be well thought out and executed, and, undergirded by a consciousness of potential and possibility. We are committed to upholding and revealing truth - that is the charge here.

    As I was quoted saying on KABC-TV, this is a People's Revolution - a spiritual and cultural revolution. In order to move the needle, we must coalesce through our actions and shift the perception in the public's mind about who we are. As has been evidenced through what we've witnessed with SB277, most of the mainstream public has bought the pr campaign that is highly visible everywhere you turn via media and advertising.

    As a former entertainment publicist who brought high visibility to many celebrities, films, tv and music projects, books, and executed many successful special events and premieres, I have experienced the success of a strategic public relations and marketing campaign. Case in point of a strategic public relations and marketing campaign is the indoctrination of the mainstream public into believing and staunchly, almost violently, supporting the belief that all vaccines are safe when the current ingredients are proven to be dangerous and deadly, that they are necessary for the continuance of our greater good and that anyone who questions this is fringe. That is the result of consistent public relations.

    Imagine getting the pharmaceutical companies to spend alot of money cleaning up the current vaccines. Our goal: inform the public and transform the mindset that exists.

    That being said, It is the Million Mamas Movement plan to support our doing many things, not one, as there is not one thing that will prove to be THE solution. One of the most important things to do is to EDUCATE, EDUCATE, EDUCATE. This occurs through a unified message.

    So, this means YES to YES to lawsuits, YES to town halls, YES to events such as Million Man March on 10/10/15 - how about a MILLION MAMAS going to that, YES to the CDC event on 10/24/15 with a MILLION MAMAS and PAPAS, YES to social media, YES to boots on the ground talking with neighbors and all over, YES to meeting with our elected officials, YES to supporting each other, YES to prayer circles.

    This is an ongoing, wholistic project and requires all talents, all hands, all hearts, on deck. If this speaks to you, and you'd like to become more actively involved, there are many ways to do so. The Million Mamas Movement is interested in adding to to our strategic team to support our collective efforts. Please PM me or email: [email protected].

    Many blessings, and,
    as MMM advisory board member, Michael B. Beckwith says,
    Wendy Silvers, Founder, Million Mamas Movement
    Last edited by Barry; 07-21-2015 at 02:20 PM.
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  49. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  50. TopTop #267
    HolisticKids's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Alan Phillips is a vaccine attorney who wrote this letter stating that the referendum is our best chance. I agree with his line of reasoning.


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by intheflow88: View Post

    Christina Hildenbrand says that because SB277 is not constitutional, it should not go to a referendum.

    Please see

    Excerpt: The case for SB277’s unconstitutionality and that of a similar law revoking the secular choice exemption in Vermont needs to be argued correctly to effectively maximize the possibility that these laws will die and never return from the dead.
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  51. TopTop #268
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    BRAVO! I appreciate these efforts, and am willing to participate in networking it, in my neighborhood community, on my FB page, and other places..... wherever I can. I hope to see many in our Wacco community willing to participate with their most appropriate action, to support their words. This is an important call to stand in mutuality, for what we believe.

    Stand now, or stand line for your forced vaccines.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by HolisticKids: View Post
    from Wendy Silvers, Million Mamas Movement
    Last edited by Barry; 07-21-2015 at 02:21 PM.
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  52. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  53. TopTop #269
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I don't recall if this was already posted on this thread so forgive me if I'm repeating information ...

    Bought movie - the Truth Behind Big Pharma, Vaccines and your Food ... free viewing ...
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  54. TopTop #270
    HolisticKids's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Is anyone in Sonoma County collecting signatures for the referendum to stop SB277? And what are the places and times that we can sign?

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