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  1. TopTop #1

    NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    For anyone not familiar, a bill was introduced in the Senate on February 18th to mandate/force vaccines on all children in California. This would apply to all children whether in public, private or homeschool. This is about personal freedom and CHOICE. Whether you agree with vaccines or not, we should demand liberty in our state, to make our OWN medical decisions. If you are concerned about herd immunity, it is covered with the 97.5 vaccination rate (herd immunity - if even legitimate - requires 95%)

    We have been fighting it since it was introduced, but there are MANY people in our state who are not aware of the bill. So I am writing today to inform you of it and to let you know what you can do to fight it if you choose to do so. If you are interested in daily action plans and ongoing updates you can join our group at:
    Other things you can do:
    • Call, write and email our representatives in this area. Ask for an appointment and let the know your stance. Find your representative here:
    • Pass out informative flyers (I uploaded one here). And talk to people to let them know this is happening.
    • the bill had been assigned to 3 committees for hearings. Call, write and/or email the members of those committees to let them know your stance.
    • City councils and School boards have been putting the item on their agendas for review to take an official stand on it. Take a preemptive action and let them know your stance.
    • Show up at the capitol for the first hearing in the Health Committee on April 8th to show your support. (Hearing is at 1:30 - we will be there at 9:00 to rally)
    Key talking points:

    A. Remove parents’ rights to personal & religious vaccine exemptions for their children, and violates a parents right to informed consent

    B. Remove parents’ rights to a modified vaccine schedule for their children.

    C. Mandate full vaccination of any minor, from daycare through secondary school in order to attend school, whether private, public, or home school.

    D. Permit the addition of any new vaccines that may be added to the schedule at any time, which already includes annual flu shots.
    Great talking points from Sally Fallon at WAPF for when we all are contacting our senators and representative.

    1) Your body and your children’s bodies do not belong to the state. You want to be free to choose how you nourish and keep yourselves healthy.

    2) Vaccines are recognized by the US Supreme Court to be “unavoidably unsafe” and to cause injury and death in some recipients. The US government has paid out more than $3 billion to the victims of vaccine injury. Hundreds of thousands have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination. No one knows in advance who will be harmed by a vaccine.

    3) Vaccines fail even in fully vaccinated people and no one knows who will not respond to a vaccine nor how quickly the vaccine’s protection will wane if it did provoke a response in the first place.

    4) Vaccinated individuals can spread disease for several weeks after receiving a live virus vaccine.

    5) Vaccine makers and the healthcare providers who administer them bear zero liability for vaccine injuries and deaths. Vaccine makers have no incentive to make vaccines safe.

    6) Most of the vaccines given today are for diseases that are either rare or mild. For example, there have been no deaths from measles during the last 10 years, but 108 deaths reported after the MMR vaccine during the same time period.

    7) It is immoral to force a person to inject a pharmaceutical product into their body, or anything for that matter, even more so when that product could injure or kill them.

    8) There are many other ways to stay healthy: a healthy diet, adequate rest, sunshine and exercise, etc. without any risk of vaccine injury.

    9) If we mandate vaccines, will we also mandate other medical procedures, such as fetal ultrasound, mammograms and colonoscopy? Will we dictate medical procedures based on genetic testing? Will we have a medical police to determine whether someone can leave the house with a cough?

    10) Children today receive 69 doses of vaccines for 16 different viral and bacterial illnesses which more than doubles the government childhood schedule of 34 doses of 11 different vaccines in the year 2000. A vaccine exemption is filed regardless of whether it is for one dose or all doses. Thirty-five doses and 5 more unique vaccines have been added to the schedule in the last 15 years. Those supporting forced vaccination are being dishonest by not acknowledging the exploding vaccine schedule while sounding alarms over small increases in overall non-medical exemptions.

    11) There are hundreds of new vaccines in development including some of the following in clinical trials: HIV, herpes, E. coli, dengue fever, avian influenza, smallpox, tuberculosis, typhoid, norovirus, cholera, smoking cessation, syphilis, and gonorrhea. If vaccine manufactures and others who profit from forced vaccination convince legislators to take away our right to delay or decline a vaccine now, what will our future look like?

    12) In the past 5 years, drug makers have paid the U.S. Government 19.2 billion in criminal and civil FRAUD penalties. Skepticism of the pharmaceutical industry is well deserved.

    13) Physicians, in the American Medical Association Code of Ethics, affirm philosophical and religious exemptions for themselves. See Opinion 9.133 Routine Universal Immunization of Physicians. Parents should have that same right.
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  2. TopTop #2
    kpage9's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I just this issue REALLY worthy of so much excellent, articulate, energetic attention?? There are people dying of stupid violence, suffering with terrible thirst and hunger, women who really want to go to school. There is a killer of a widening income gap. There's a planet that's going to dry up and send us into something unknowable, possibly unknowably awful. There's racism seeping through our society still and so toxic. There's THE FRICKEN TEA PARTY THAT SEEMS TO HAVE TAKEN OVER THE RUNNING OF OUR COUNTY.

    Vaccines? Choice? Freedom? In the face of so much science about the massive benefit and nonexistent harm? iS THIS really the thing you want us all to focus on??



    Quote Posted in reply to the post by joyma: View Post
    For anyone not familiar, a bill was introduced in the Senate on February 18th to mandate/force vaccines on all children in California...
    Last edited by thedaughter; 03-23-2015 at 12:20 PM.
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  3. Gratitude expressed by 6 members:

  4. TopTop #3
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    You're right, there are many terrible things happening on our planet; all those you mention and more. I see this as a focus on "freedom", which we're losing more and more of day by day. Personally I can't do much about the violence, thirst and hunger (except to share a few dollars with the homeless in my path), women's inequality, toxic racism, animal abuse, the widening income gap or the Tea Party, except to sign petitions that come my way. But I'm glad that there are real activists who are speaking up, and acting to save our freedoms, what little we have left.

    Did you notice No.13 on this list?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by kpage9: View Post
    I just this issue REALLY worthy of so much excellent, articulate, energetic attention??...
    Last edited by thedaughter; 03-23-2015 at 12:21 PM.
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  6. TopTop #4
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Thank you Joyma, I've requested to join your group on FB. Sandy Murphey
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  8. TopTop #5

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I certainly noticed #13 on the list. "They" don't have to take mandatory vaccines themselves, just like politicians have special rules that give them advantages "over and above" the common man or woman, whatever that may mean.
    Rev. BE

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    ...Did you notice No.13 on this list?
    Last edited by thedaughter; 03-24-2015 at 12:56 PM.
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  10. TopTop #6
    kpage9's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I guess i see it this way. Yes there are freedoms, and freedom is certainly worth protecting. But just because we are free to do something--because we have the legal right--doesn't mean we SHOULD do it--that's reserved, in my mind, for what's morally right.

    so--because we CAN refuse vaccination, because it is one of a gazillion rights we actually do have--is that a freedom worth fighting for? i mean: there are freedoms and there are freedoms, no? the freedom to carry an assault rifle--yep it's a freedom, so we should go to the mat to protect it just because it's our legal right ? What about the moral right, the ethical right, the societal consequences?

    I also have to say I don't share your view that our freedoms are so imperiled...i do see much of america's wielding of them as increasingly selfish and stupid...maybe causing my own fealty to civil liberties to erode a little

    sorry i didn't notice #13--i will go back and find it, although it would have been helpful if you had included it...


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    You're right, there are many terrible things happening on our planet; all those you mention and more. I see this as a focus on "freedom"...
    Last edited by thedaughter; 03-24-2015 at 12:57 PM.
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  11. Gratitude expressed by 3 members:

  12. TopTop #7

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Brakes on cars: mandatory, to stop crashes and accidents.
    Vaccinations in people: mandatory to stop spreading diseases.
    Get a grip you selfish anti's.
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  13. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  14. TopTop #8

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Bravo, ericvonk, for regurgitating the tired Fox News response to those who question the safety and actual efficacy of toxic injections created by, promoted by, and profited by a TRILLION dollar industry.

    People who have actually researched and are actively questioning the motives and practices of the world's largest pharmaceutical corporations are FIGHTING to maintain "a grip" on their right to say NO to having their children injected with toxic vaccines that may or may not "stop spreading diseases."

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by ericvonk: View Post
    Brakes on cars: mandatory, to stop crashes and accidents.
    Vaccinations in people: mandatory to stop spreading diseases.
    Get a grip you selfish anti's.
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  15. Gratitude expressed by 10 members:

  16. TopTop #9
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Do brakes stop crashes and accidents? Yes, some, but there are still many that happen even when brakes are applied. It's a little different when we're talking about mandatory drug use.

    There are many things that could be mandatory to prevent harm, illness, disease, and even death. One thing I'm thinking of is to mandate a way to actually prevent people from using cell phones while driving. Laws and fines aren't doing it; I still see many people with cell phones in their hands. This is a weapon that maims and kills.

    What about mandating these things? Flu and pneumonia shots? Colonoscopies, mammograms, prostate exams, no smoking in public, no homeless people (oh, that's already mandated as a criminal offense in some areas), no cannabis growing or smoking or using it as a medicine. I could go on, but it won't really help. It's good to know that some people care so much that they rely on being "mandated" by the government as a way to divest themselves of personal freedom and responsibility, and depend on "mandates" to keep them safe and healthy.
    Although we know that vaccines have caused horrible reactions and death in many.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by ericvonk: View Post
    Brakes on cars: mandatory, to stop crashes and accidents.
    Vaccinations in people: mandatory to stop spreading diseases.
    Get a grip you selfish anti's.
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  18. TopTop #10
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    no.13) Physicians, in the American Medical Association Code of Ethics, affirm philosophical and religious exemptions for themselves. See Opinion 9.133 Routine Universal Immunization of Physicians. Parents should have that same right.

    I wonder why.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by kpage9: View Post
    ...sorry i didn't notice #13--i will go back and find it, although it would have been helpful if you had included it...
    Last edited by thedaughter; 03-24-2015 at 12:59 PM.
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  20. TopTop #11

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Today is the opening day of the new Wacco Category The Red Pill Roundtable, a category meant exactly for situations like what is happening in this vaccine thread, like the others before it.

    Many crucial issues and questions have been posed here again but are quickly dismissed, ridiculed and lost in lieu of having to respond to people blanketly overriding them with declarations that vaccines are all harmless - period - with an attitude of 'you're wrong and even dangerous, go away'.

    The phrase 'nonexistent harm' was even flatly declared about any and all vaccines despite the US Vaccine Injury Compensation Board having already admitted paying $3,000,000,000.00 (billion) in damages.

    Those who share the valid questions can now go away to The Red Pill Roundtable and actually continue to address them without interference.

    I have begun the category with a thread on vaccines to be able to continue moving forward and leave closed minds behind called Serious Vaccine Questions and Ramifications here

    Pursuing answers to valid questions about crucial issues is not wrong.
    Looking forward to meeting with other open-minded questioners at the Red Pill Roundtable.
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    Last edited by Barry; 03-24-2015 at 08:14 PM.
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  21. Gratitude expressed by 5 members:

  22. TopTop #12
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Shandi you are not being rational. Read your history of disease and you will understand why vaccines are essential. Meanwhile, ranting from ignorance is an embarrassment to you.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    Do brakes stop crashes and accidents? Yes, some, but there are still many that happen even when brakes are applied. It's a little different when we're talking about mandatory drug use.

    There are many things that could be mandatory to prevent harm, illness, disease, and even death. One thing I'm thinking of is to mandate a way to actually prevent people from using cell phones while driving. Laws and fines aren't doing it; I still see many people with cell phones in their hands. This is a weapon that maims and kills.

    What about mandating these things?...

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  24. TopTop #13

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Shandi is being VERY rational and has NOTHING to be embarrassed about. The "history of disease" you refer to is written by those who profit from disease and the control of pharmaceuticals, including vaccines. Those who think that vaccines are safe just because Big Pharma and their minions at the CDC say so should be embarrassed, not those who question authority, especially when authority is so clearly controlled by money.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    Shandi you are not being rational. Read your history of disease and you will understand why vaccines are essential. Meanwhile, ranting from ignorance is an embarrassment to you.
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  26. TopTop #14
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Your response seems unkind, but we are all entitled to our opinion. Sorry for your embarrassment. Make sure you get all the vaccines you want and deserve.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    Shandi you are not being rational. Read your history of disease and you will understand why vaccines are essential. Meanwhile, ranting from ignorance is an embarrassment to you.
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  28. TopTop #15
    comodin's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    There is one consideration which is bulletproof and final:

    If vaccines work as claimed, then the vaccinated have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated.

    That should end accusations of the "selfishness" of those who refuse vaccinations. It should also end the call for mandatory vaccination.

    But further: there is a ton of evidence (look on the web) that vaccines not only don't work, but in some cases actually infect people with the disease they were supposed to prevent.
    Last edited by Barry; 03-25-2015 at 12:18 PM.
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  30. TopTop #16
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Very intelligent point!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by comodin: View Post
    There is one consideration which is bulletproof and final:

    If vaccines work as claimed, then the vaccinated have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated.

    That should end accusations of the "selfishness" of those who refuse vaccinations. It should also end the call for mandatory vaccination.

    But further: there is a ton of evidence (look on the web) that vaccines not only don't work, but in some cases actually infect people with the disease they were supposed to prevent.
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  31. TopTop #17
    creekfeet's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Dr Jamie Deckoff-Jones' most recent two blog installments are worth reading, regarding vaccination and safety.

    Starting with a look at the current debate, The Myth of Vaccine Safety cites published research and also draws on first-hand experience as a doctor and a parent.

    The doctor is not an anti-vaxer but suggests an anti vaccine injury movement, outlining in Vax to the Future how we might move forward from here.

    I appreciate these articles for being so well-researched, and for offering a calm and reasonable approach for progress, where elsewhere the vaccine discussion has degenerated into a mud-slinging, name-calling street fight.
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  33. TopTop #18
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    have a look at this factual information ...
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  35. TopTop #19
    Valley Oak's Avatar
    Valley Oak

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I was tempted to agree with you on this but there is a serious problem with it. What about the children who die or are severely handicapped for life because of the stupid decisions made by their insanely foolish parents?

    Children have rights too and they need to be protected from grossly irresponsible parents. I strongly support the mandate. I hope it passes; the sooner the better. People do not have a right to hurt or kill their own children. Religion, ignorance, or anti-government hatred are not excuses.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by comodin: View Post
    ...If vaccines work as claimed, then the vaccinated have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated...
    Last edited by thedaughter; 03-26-2015 at 11:39 AM.
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  37. TopTop #20
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    First of all my reply to Shandi was private so I am not sure how it got printed publicly-but I take full responsibility for pushing the wrong button. And I apologize to Shandi for therefore saying publicly when I intended to admonish in private as part of a dialogue..

    As for where I get my information, it is not from "Big Pharma" or any other usual suspects but from a critical examination of historical facts and reading of history through the last 2 centuries including the present.

    While no public undertaking is perfect---and this includes vaccines, I suggest that wholesale opponents and conspiracy theorists look beyond their own POV and look at the issues objectively---from all angles, using critical thinking skills. Gather your facts from ALL angles--not just the one s that suit your beliefs.

    I for one am always interested in an objective, statistical argument. So far, these rants have failed to
    provide that.

    May the dialogue continue!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    Shandi you are not being rational. Read your history of disease and you will understand why vaccines are essential. Meanwhile, ranting from ignorance is an embarrassment to you.
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  38. TopTop #21
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I suggest everyone interested in this subject watch the episode on FRONTLINE (PBS) called Vaccine Wars.

    [Video included! it's HD so zoom to full screen and sit back! Note that it is from 2010 - Barry ]

    Last edited by thedaughter; 03-26-2015 at 11:40 AM.
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  40. TopTop #22

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    i think the vaccine discussion is better served by diversity rather than just among those with rpr assumptions. and just about every other topic too : ) i read that you think the depth of sharing will deepen but, i am not clear why? my experience in life is that i learn more with people who don't share my assumptive framework, like taking in news from sources whose policy advocacy i don't agree with. could you explain further why you think the rpr would be a superior format for mutual learning? some of the assumptions you list as important to participate i either don't share or i don't think they are meaningful. i love your 3 bill factoid, new to me and makes me think enough to check it out. of course i am a vaccine careful person, (ie no more for me and some of my children have received some shots). and i hate that these vacists are pushing to take away medical choice!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Alex: View Post
    Today is the opening day of the new Wacco Category The Red Pill Roundtable, a category meant exactly for situations like what is happening in this vaccine thread, like the others before it...
    Last edited by thedaughter; 03-26-2015 at 11:43 AM.
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  42. TopTop #23
    comodin's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Children do indeed have rights and of course they need to be protected.

    But as I said, there is a ton of evidence that vaccines are quite dangerous, largely ineffective, even counter-productive. In which case the children's deaths or severe handicaps for life are more likely to result from parents' decisions to vaccinate them. I know just such a person — handicapped for life because of vaccinations in infancy. And her mother is not "insanely foolish," she merely followed the recommendations of the physicians. You could call it a "stupid decision," since it was the wrong one, but in those days no one knew any better.

    As you say, ignorance confers no right to hurt or kill your children. Therefore we have an obligation to dispel our ignorance. Anyone who claims to know that vaccines are good for children simply has not done their homework. Ten minutes on the web will give some idea of the wealth of research on this question.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Edward Mendoza: View Post
    ...Children have rights too and they need to be protected from grossly irresponsible parents. I strongly support the mandate...
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  44. TopTop #24
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Do you really watch news from sources you don't agree with? Please share those with us. Seems like there's hardly enough time to watch those sources that we most likely agree with. Do you read all the information presented here on WaccoBB that are in opposition to your beliefs? Can you share those, and what you've learned?

    Are you checking out the information listed by ArtHunter?: For example: (this is just the latest one)

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rossmen: View Post
    ... in my experience in life is that i learn more with people who don't share my assumptive framework, like taking in news from sources whose policy advocacy i don't agree with...
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  46. TopTop #25
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Because PBS presents it doesn't mean it's true, or in our best interests.

    The pharmaceutical company Pfizer doesn't have a great reputation. Take a look: Still trust them with your vaccines?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    I suggest everyone interested in this subject watch the episode on FRONTLINE (PBS) called Vaccine Wars....
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  48. TopTop #26

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rossmen: View Post
    i think the vaccine discussion is better served by diversity rather than just among those with rpr assumptions...
    The quick answer - the RPR community is tired of back and forth with people who won't take the time to really understand the gravity of the questions we put on the table.

    How many toxic adjuvants, their confirmed damages and ramifications of no required standard testing of long term effects before mass inoculation are you able to discuss intelligently? Have you even bothered to look at adjuvant issues before injecting yourself or your child with them? The pro-vaxxers don't want to talk about it.

    The posts anti-vaxxers have made here aren't just quick fished copies of things that support a rebellious point of view that our egos need to defend. It's questions born of serious homework and great concern that point to an even bigger picture of greater concern. Our questions are ignored by pro-vaxxers and stagnate from having to deal instead with their condescending responses that vaccines are 'harmless', that harm is 'nonexistent' and we are 'embarrassing ourselves' for asking.

    Then the pro-vaxxers post links to mainstream media propaganda - that we don't want or need to argue about anymore either - because it ALSO ignores our questions and we see through it. This pattern happens over and over in all controversial subjects and we don't see this repeating scenario as productive 'sharing' so we want our own club to be able to move forward.

    I think it will become apparent over time that the RPR community will actually make much more balanced, comprehensive progress inclusive of ALL data by ourselves because we really do ignore nothing. Time will tell.
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  50. TopTop #27
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Thanks Barry for providing the video!
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  52. TopTop #28
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Thank you again for an intelligent answer that sums up the two positions. I wonder if there are any "pro-vaxxers" that can refute this, intelligently. Or if there are any who are "open minded" on the issue. Maybe they wouldn't call themselves "pro-vaxxers", but may just be "on the fence". Anyone still researching, and discovering that vaccines are "harmless", even with the billions paid out by for Vaccine Compensation? Maybe they believe that this is fabricated by the anti-vaxxers?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Alex: View Post
    The quick answer - the RPR community is tired of back and forth with people who won't take the time to really understand the gravity of the questions we put on the table.

    How many toxic adjuvants, their confirmed damages and ramifications of no required standard testing of long term effects before mass inoculation are you able to discuss intelligently? Have you even bothered to look at adjuvant issues before injecting yourself or your child with them? The pro-vaxxers don't want to talk about it.

    The posts anti-vaxxers have made here aren't just quick fished copies of things that support a rebellious point of view that our egos need to defend. It's questions born of serious homework and great concern that point to an even bigger picture of greater concern. Our questions are ignored by pro-vaxxers and stagnate from having to deal instead with their condescending responses that vaccines are 'harmless', that harm is 'nonexistent' and we are 'embarrassing ourselves' for asking.

    Then the pro-vaxxers post links to mainstream media propaganda - that we don't want or need to argue about anymore either - because it ALSO ignores our questions and we see through it. This pattern happens over and over in all controversial subjects and we don't see this repeating scenario as productive 'sharing' so we want our own club to be able to move forward.

    I think it will become apparent over time that the RPR community will actually make much more balanced, comprehensive progress inclusive of ALL data by ourselves because we really do ignore nothing. Time will tell.
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  54. TopTop #29
    Goat Rock Ukulele's Avatar
    Goat Rock Ukulele

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I couldn't agree more. My mind was made on the issue when I did a job for a couple who at one time were against vaccines. They had a ten year old son who in the 1980s right here in Santa Rosa got polio at the age of 3 or 4 His body was basically a round ball, he couldn't stand too much light, he was a real mess and always would be thanks to the foolishness of his parents. You talk about heartache they lived it every day as they attended him.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Edward Mendoza: View Post
    I was tempted to agree with you on this but there is a serious problem with it. What about the children who die or are severely handicapped for life because of the stupid decisions made by their insanely foolish parents?

    Children have rights too and they need to be protected from grossly irresponsible parents. I strongly support the mandate. I hope it passes; the sooner the better. People do not have a right to hurt or kill their own children. Religion, ignorance, or anti-government hatred are not excuses.
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  56. TopTop #30

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    So . . . . what about the children, and the parents of the children, who are permanently maimed by vaccines? Are you going to tell them that they made the right decision (to have their child vaccinated)? If you haven't already, I would encourage everyone to take a close look at this lengthy, partial list of actual cases during which it was determined by a court decision that vaccines caused irreparable harm to these children.

    But, beyond the increasingly heated debate about whether vaccines cause more harm than childhood diseases is that Big Pharma, the CDC, and other government agencies are actively working together toward eliminating freedom of choice regarding any vaccine for children AND adults that they deem "necessary."

    Public health officials have unveiled a new plan to launch a massive nationwide vaccination promotion campaign involving private business and non-profit organizations to pressure all adults to comply with the adult vaccination schedule approved by the Centers for Disease Control - See more at:

    This NOT just about vaccines -- it is about our government, which is controlled by huge corporations and huger banks, deciding what THEY think is best for our health and our children's health. Yes, the same government that says that ketchup is a vegetable and that aspartame is good for you.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Goat Rock Ukulele: View Post
    I couldn't agree more. My mind was made on the issue when I did a job for a couple who at one time were against vaccines. They had a ten year old son who in the 1980s right here in Santa Rosa got polio at the age of 3 or 4 His body was basically a round ball, he couldn't stand too much light, he was a real mess and always would be thanks to the foolishness of his parents. You talk about heartache they lived it every day as they attended him.
    Last edited by Barry; 03-27-2015 at 02:41 PM.
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