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  1. TopTop #1

    Ebola Propaganda Watch Thread

    Expand(following instructions to make a sad long face as he lies.. or is it guilt?)

    THE PATENTS No. CA2741523A1, 20120251502 A1 AGENDA

    H1N1 failed to succeed in spreading or scare/entice everyone to take the vaccination, they're trying Ebola. There is ZERO accidental about how Ebola is going to be introduced into America and the rest of the world.

    The full steam ahead propaganda began yesterday. The intention is to spread it enough to have plausible deniability to pass a law to force everyone to get the vaccination. The intention is to get to the point where they can deny your ability to buy food, gas or other necessities if you don't show proof of the vaccination.

    The vaccination will have little to do with preventing Ebola deaths, the more natural-selection-already-weak-useless-eaters that die the better. The primary contents and purpose is that it will contain nanobots for the monitoring and controlling of your mind and god knows what else for future trigger/implementation. The biochip is the proverbial mark of the beast.

    We are electric/mathematical beings and all our functions, diseases and cures have long ago been mapped. The technology probably also already exists to insert the virus electronically without direct exposure and without any possible detection of the source.

    I spent many years delivering radio news. I can see the exact stories chosen/ignored and exact wording slant that is always deliberately chosen from countless other slants that would imply something completely different.

    (my arbitrary date assignments, but yesterday was obviously the American soil beginning)
    Ebola inserted into Africa, months of fear mongering news stories to seed American awareness and set the stage.

    Order matters. Yesterday, first story and wording in the TV news, followed by the first lengthy report on Nightline: "THE FIRST EBOLA CASE HAS HIT THE UNITED STATES."

    They didn't say, "a traveller from Liberia was found to have Ebola after arriving in the US". Saying the 'first' implants the hint and fear that it is the 'first' of many to come.

    The stories included "the CDC will certainly isolate this, Americans don't have to worry...... but by the way, here's everything you need to know about Ebola..."

    It's more likely NO ONE from Liberia has the virus in Texas and A LIE. CDC is refusing to release flight data or victim name.Name:  flight itin.png
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  3. TopTop #2
    dzerach's Avatar

    Re: Ebola Propaganda Watch Thread

    You guys - you DO know that they haven't developed a vaccine, right? That's what all of "the fussing" has been about nationally (!)?

    Vaccine: "a preparation ... that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease."

    There isn't a cure. Yes, the few people here have been recovering - so far - w/assistance of what medical profession loves to call "supportive treatment."
    Last edited by Barry; 10-04-2014 at 02:27 PM.
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  4. TopTop #3

    Re: Ebola Propaganda Watch Thread

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by dzerach: View Post
    You guys - you DO know that they haven't developed a vaccine, right? That's what all of "the fussing" has been about nationally (!)?

    Vaccine: "a preparation ... that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease."

    There isn't a cure. Yes, the few people here have been recovering - so far - w/assistance of what medical profession loves to call "supportive treatment."
    Yes, those are the unverifiable mainstream news stories. But I have no doubt that a 'finally finished! whew!' vaccine savior will suddenly appear ..or... marital law in the guise of mass movement rules/quarantines/then the vaccine if they succeed in propagating this in a plausible deniability way.

    But many...many average people are putting 2+2 together - feeling the propaganda of this and much more, but not able to say exactly what/why. I'm not just saying that to paint some false justification for myself. I am no different than this average guy expressing what his gut is noticing and feeling betrayed...

    Name:  avg guy yt.png
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