I am livid over a recent "Thumbs down" editorial in the Press Democrat slamming of our City Council about last week's vote to express our city's widely supported opposition to fluoridating county water.
What most bothers me the most is that the editorial stated that the reason our Council voted 5-0 to send a letter to Cotati to support their opposition to fluoridation was because they thought it was a "communist plot."
Unlike the editorial page editors of the PD, or its reporter, I was there that night, and one of about 15 citizens who spoke against fluoridating water, including two dentists.
This editorial is entirely inaccurate and the PD owes our City Council and citizens an apology for the snarky editorial (that I am copying below). Not one citizen or Council member mentioned a "communist plot." This is simply untrue. It is also obnoxious, and offensive.
Yet to the thousands of readers of that column, this biased, false characterization is the yet another example of how "crazy radical" we are in Sebastopol.
Seriously, does anyone out there at Wacco have a theory about why the PD's editorial page is so intent upon maligning our City and its progressive City Council? Therapists, pundits and tea leaf readers welcome to chime in as a reply to this. I am baffled...
For the record, as I reported here last week, more than a dozen citizens presented compelling evidence about why we stood unanimously against water fluoridation. Our Council members themselves provided additional rationales. Yet the PD's editorial page ignored reality, and instead, the decades old "communist plot" trope was trotted out, like a sick donkey being ridden by a lazy editor, to explain the vote. Along with a parroting of industry-provided, false "facts" about the efficiency of fluoridating water.
The editorial:
Press Democrat "Thumbs Down" Editorial Monday February 10, 2014
Let them stop eating cake What is it that San Jose, San Francisco, New York and 72 percent of the nation's population know that Sebastopol doesn't? It's that fluoridation is not a communist plot and actually helps reduce tooth decay, particularly for children. Nonetheless, the Sebastopol City Council voted 5-0 on Feb. 5 to oppose plans to fluoridate Sonoma County Water Agency supplies. The county has been looking at fluoridation since a 2009 report found this region is experiencing “a staggering burden of suffering and a growing oral health divide between rich and poor.” Fluoridation has been shown to decrease cavities in kids up to 40 percent. Studies also show that every $1 invested in fluoridation saves an estimated $38 in dental care. But here's the kicker: Sebastopol doesn't even get its water from the county. Furthermore, the council voted before even reading the final reports. Apparently that well of junk science and conspiracy was just too tempting to resist.