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  1. TopTop #61
    "Mad" Miles

  2. TopTop #62
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Rosa Koire: View Post
    Hey, Larry. This is a smear article, can't you tell? Anyone who objects to this project is a 'tea party person' whether they are or not.
    that's the second article on this issue you've categorized as "smear". In the immortal words of Inigo Montoya, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

    The PressDemo article wasn't flattering, I'll give you that. However, they made a point of giving names to your critics, as well as using specific quotes from them. Having named critics say uncomplimentary things about you isn't a smear- it puts the critics credibility on the line as well.
    And you're being overly broad again - just because all dogs are animals, not all animals are dogs! Sure the article talks about what "activists with ties to the tea party" are doing. It's up to you whether you want to claim that role; I haven't seen you talk about the tea party at all, though it certainly seems like you share some of their goals. So?? Is the "tea party" such a fearful thing to be associated with, even if incorrectly?? I wouldn't think so. Where's the smear? If anything, it spends a lot of time outlining the criticisms made by Agenda-21 opponents. Is it just the tone you dislike? What was unfair here?
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  4. TopTop #63
    theindependenteye's Avatar

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    >>>Hey, Larry. This is a smear article, can't you tell? Anyone who objects to this project is a 'tea party person' whether they are or not. Did you catch the way the government plans to handle objections in the future? They'll remove the microphone and the podium. The officials are so confused "I just don't understand what they want." This is a containment article. Why, Larry, would you be able to see this clearly if it were about, say, a nuclear plant protest, or a anti-war protest? Please, look at the issues and not the disinformation campaign. The government is fully invested in distracting you from seeing that this is an inventory and control plan with a green veneer.

    If we are to believe that major environmental initiatives are actually a UN plot coordinated by the masters of the world to enslave us, why should we not believe that the anti-Agenda 21 meme permeating the ether isn't a plot by the funders of Tea Party reactionaries to discredit the environmental initiatives? The "research" touted by various posters here is no more definitive than my "research" — we could all post dozens of links to what we believe to be true. It's just that my logic leads me to a different cast of monsters in the monster movie, and leads me to a different notion of what to do about the monster problem.

    But I do appreciate the foes of "communitarianism" for standing up for my right to build my backyard tannery, drain the aquafir for my vineyard, and blow my shit into the atmosphere. [Pardon if this is an exaggeration, but I don't see it as one. What's characterized above as a "disinformation campaign" I just see as common sense.]

    -Conrad Bishop
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  6. TopTop #64
    theindependenteye's Avatar

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    >>>Because if we can't even freely collect the rain that falls all around us, then what, exactly, can we freely do? The rainwater issue highlights a serious overall problem in America today: diminishing freedom and increased government control.

    For me this story of the Utah no-rainwater-collection law recalls the attempt by the previous Bolivian government, in cooperation with Bechtel, to privatize the national water supply -- accurately documented in the fictional film Tambien la Lluvia (Even the Rain). The ordinance described here, as I understand it, was on the city or county level, as that's where the case was resolved, so I'm not sure it was quite comparable.

    But the article, for me, simply documents one thing: people make stupid laws, and sometimes they're changed. The anti-regulatory movement, however, takes any instance of regulatory over-reach or bureaucratic bumbling that happens anywhere in the country or world and amplifies it into the definitive Epiphany of Leftist Totalitarianism.

    I value my private property and freedom to do the stuff I do; I sure do have issues with government policy on all levels; and I think there are some really serious threats to Constitutional freedom in this country. But the anti-Agenda 21 arguments, for me, are in the realm of video games. YM certainly MV.

    The capacity of corporations to use bogus "pro-community" arguments to their own ends is nothing new. The Teapot Dome scandal of the 1920's had to do with leasing huge oil deposits on federal land to a favored oil company for drilling, on the basis of a falsely documented claim that other drillers were siphoning the oil and thereby betraying the public trust. Not that different, in my view, from Chevron sponsoring greenie-feel-good commercials on NPR while poisoning whole nations. To the Libertarians, this is an argument that Chevron is hand-in-glove with Environmentalism and that by removing all environmental controls from them we'll frustrate their plot of world domination. To my mind, this is spin worthy of the latest subatomic particle.

    Right now, I might be kinda pissed that county regulations don't allow me to put a toilet in my studio without paying a ton of money, but I realize they can make a legitimate argument for that, and in the meantime I don't feel as if I'm living under Pol Pot (no pun intended).

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  8. TopTop #65
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Quote >>>Because if we can't even freely collect the rain that falls all around us, then what, exactly, can we freely do? The rainwater issue highlights a serious overall problem in America today: diminishing freedom and increased government control.<<<<

    ... the article, for me, simply documents one thing: people make stupid laws,
    and like so many things, when you look deeper into it the issue isn't as simple as it sounds. This is another case revealing that the history of settling the west (of settling marginally habitable areas) is the history of the fight over water rights. Just like you can't dam a creek that passes through your property, because of the rights of the people downstream, you can't capture water that otherwise would flow off your property to downhill neighbors - or prevent it from recharging the water table so people's wells don't go dry.
    I doubt most people would consider their property rights include the right to pump as much water out of "your" well as you'd like. This is oddly enough essentially the same thing.
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  10. TopTop #66
    Rick Spencer

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    I'm a Democrat that is well-informed about UN Agenda 21. *There have been a number of silly arguments made here by people who are not well-informed on the subject, however. *The main point which is often overlooked is that an international effort to govern all people is well underway. *It's been 20 years since the Action Plan was adopted by 178 nations including our own. *At the upcoming Rio+20 Conference this year they are continuing their work to achieve the full plan in 10 more years. *Implementation of Agenda 21 is clearly spelled out.

    One of their most cherished goals is to create a giant world-wide data base that has information compiled on everything on earth, both living and inanimate. *Information is being gathered from all sources available to them including satellite data supplied by NASA. *The United States government is a major player and funding source for their efforts at total information and surveillance. *No matter how good all the environmental rhetoric sounds, they are attempting to gain control over all activites that relate to the environment in any way. *That means everything, including people.

    Who wants to stop being an American and instead be part of an international community controlled by an international government that includes Russia and China. *China is part of the UN plan and has allegedly been buying votes at the UN. *In the United States we have rights, or we thought we did. *The UN Agenda 21 Sustainable Development plan is a direct threat to our country's sovereignty and the rights of our people. *

    The American lifestyle has been deemed unsustainable by UN Agenda 21. *We have too much money, use too much energy, own property and must be reduced to some kind of global average in order for things to be fair. *That is the message and that is why we are on the losing end of the social equity movement. Social equity is one of the three pillars of the UN Agenda 21 plan. *UN Agenda 21 seeks to rectify this "problem" by regulating our rights away. *Private property rights are now under constant attack for instance. *Auto travel is under attack, single-family homes may become obsolete and so on. *Rural property owners should be put on the endangered species list.

    The One Bay Area Plan is in full compliance with Agenda 21 Sustainable development goals. *This plan calls for *most if not all new housing to be built next to train stations for the next 25 years. *They don't want people driving to work. *There are various schemes being developed to penalize those who commute by car and reward those who will live in those government subsidized smartgrowth developments next to the trains. *

    Sonoma County wants over 80% of their rural roads to fall into ruin. *They voted for this already. *UN Agenda 21 has another plan called the Wildlands Project that is creating vast wilderness areas all over the country. *These areas have people living there now. *They will be moved off their properties until these zones are fully de-populated. *So you can forget about the moving back to the land idea. *It's not in the plan. *What you will end up with is public-private partnerships with giant corporate farmers growing food in a ring around the smartgrowth "sustainable" human habitats, or urban villages. *The go local movement is a joke. *Just the opposite is actually happening. *We are facing a top down corporate/big government planning revolution in which individuals have few rights and must give up their individual rights for the common good. *This is no joke. *Our elected officials are giving us over to the globalist plan and seem to have little concern for the American people. *It's all for the homeland, the collective, the common good. *

    It's depressing to know that our government officials and planners have kept this dirty, dark secret out of the public's view for the last 20 years. *They're throwing all of us under the bus. *And if you think that you are one of the good go along to get along people that's all green and good, forget it. *They don't care about you either. *You're just a number in their data base and another person to manage. *World takeover bids always end badly. *It's only a matter of time until the guns come out. *I'm afraid the Occupy movement is causing the guns to come out sooner rather than later. *Take away the microphones and podiums for public comments? *They probably got that idea from the Chinese. *They just shoot people over there if they don't go along. *

    We are screwed if we don't stop the globalists from achiving their goals of total world domination. *That's what UN Agenda 21 is really about. *Of course they try to make it sound good. *How else could they have gotten this far without a fight? *Rosa Koire is a local hero in my book, her bravery is clear for all to see. *Who else will also step up to the plate to fight this? *What will you do?
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  12. TopTop #67
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Rick Spencer: View Post
    ... The main point which is often overlooked is that an international effort to govern all people is well underway. ...... Who wants to stop being an American and instead be part of an international community controlled by an international government that includes Russia and China.
    the mistake is to think this is somehow unusual, or secretive, or equivalent to a Klingon takeover. A society of people will be "governed". Even pack animals, like lions and wolves, have a rudimentary form of it. The idea that we'll somehow have small pockets that self-govern with no form of "governance" over that is silly. I know you're not saying that explicitly; but just as silly is extrapolating attempts at coordinating human activity over the planet to a all-encompassing "international government that includes Russia and China". All through the history of mankind there has been efforts to find the appropriate balance between the individual, the local/tribe, and the whole population. In such an interconnected world, the definition of "whole population" is literally the whole population. There's no reason to think this will become a settled issue, or that it'll end up with no local control in favor of international overlords.
    Quote The American lifestyle has been deemed unsustainable by UN Agenda 21. *We have too much money, use too much energy, own property and must be reduced to some kind of global average in order for things to be fair. *
    do you want to argue that it is in fact sustainable?? that's a new and different argument. I think it's not one you can win, either.
    Lumping together little factoids that don't contradict the core assertion - that an international cabal wants to take us over - isn't the same thing as proving it. For example, the decay of the roads has many causes, to my mind the biggest is inadequate public funding. Creating a chain that attributes ultimate causation to the intentions of the UN may be possible, but isn't particularly convincing. I find it more convincing to build the chain from negligence and short-term thinking; maintenance funding isn't a sexy thing for a politician to fight for, so it gets neglected in favor of anti-tax arguments or its funding gets diverted to short-term needs, again to avoid taxing people to pay for it.
    Our political environment isn't directed by the UN; it's much more impacted by co-opting of politicians by far more parochial sources, and by the inability of voters to resist proposals of easy solutions.
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  14. TopTop #68
    Dixon's Avatar

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Rick Spencer: View Post
    Who wants to stop being an American and instead be part of an international community controlled by an international government that includes Russia and China.
    Ooh, me, me, me! I actually have considered myself a citizen of the world for years now. One planet, one human race! Separate countries were a natural part of human evolution, but now that we have nearly instantaneous global communication, it really is one integrated organism. Separate nations are little more than criminal gangs, fighting over turf, power and resources. Wouldn't it be better to operate as one unified species fighting against ignorance, disease, war, and, yes, environmental collapse instead of squabbling with each other like pathetic junkies fighting over the last of the heroin? Nationalism is a form of bigotry, like racism and sexism.

    Of course in any community the ones with the most power, especially if they're misusing that power rapaciously, don't want to be subject to the rule of law. Criminals like the Crips and the Bloods don't want laws and cops to exist; they want to be "free" to exercise their "rights" to pillage and rape as they desire. Likewise, the ruling class of a rogue empire like the USA doesn't want to be subject to international law. That's why, for instance, Dubya withdrew us from the World Court, so he and his buddies could commit lucrative war crimes with impunity.

    Quote The UN Agenda 21 Sustainable Development plan is a direct threat to our country's sovereignty and the rights of our people.
    The "American lifestyle", as you call it, is a direct threat to the sovereignty of other countries and to the rights of their people. We're the only country big, bad and ruthless enough to invade some helpless little country every few years and slaughter, maim and displace thousands (or millions) of innocent men, women and children for financial and political profit. Another example: citizens of some low-lying island nations have begun evacuating their homelands because the sea level rise caused by global warming is swamping their homes. Per capita, USAmericans like you and me are the biggest cause of that problem, because we're the ones whose profligate lifestyle creates the most global warming (and pollution and waste) per capita. We're a threat to the rest of the world because we refuse to restrain our behavior. So why shouldn't they enact laws and policies to enforce such restraint?

    Quote The American lifestyle has been deemed unsustainable by UN Agenda 21.
    Well, duh! Is it unclear to you that that's true, Rick? If everyone on the planet used as much resources and created as much global warming, pollution and trash as we do, we'd need a couple more earths to sustain everyone. That's called "unsustainable".

    Quote We have too much money, use too much energy, own property and must be reduced to some kind of global average in order for things to be fair.
    Except for the property ownership issue, I'd have to agree with this.

    Quote That is the message and that is why we are on the losing end of the social equity movement.
    When the rule of law is asserted, the biggest crooks have the most to lose. Do you think the USA has a god-given right to own and use (and waste) waaaaay more than its share of the world's resources, even if we have to rob and kill people to get those resources, while others starve, or slave away in totalitarian regimes which we create so the dictators will help us bleed the wealth from those countries? Let's hear it for the American lifestyle!

    Quote UN Agenda 21 seeks to rectify this "problem" by regulating our rights away. *Private property rights are now under constant attack for instance.
    Which rights? And are they really rights, or are they privileges which you think you can't live without?

    Quote Auto travel is under attack...
    Do you not see the good reasons for that, Rick? Are you one of those who thinks anything that's uncomfortable for you must be wrong?

    Quote ...single-family homes may become obsolete...
    Yeah, it looks like that's the trend. Do you have a better plan for addressing the post-peak-oil changes--besides denial?

    Quote Rural property owners should be put on the endangered species list.
    News flash: the human race will be on the endangered species list if we don't make some pretty radical and uncomfortable changes pretty quickly.

    Quote The One Bay Area Plan is in full compliance with Agenda 21 Sustainable development goals. *This plan calls for *most if not all new housing to be built next to train stations for the next 25 years. *They don't want people driving to work. *There are various schemes being developed to penalize those who commute by car and reward those who will live in those government subsidized smartgrowth developments next to the trains.
    Good ideas! Or do you have a better plan for addressing the increasingly urgent problems of energy waste, global warming and environmental collapse?

    Quote We are facing a top down corporate/big government planning revolution in which individuals have few rights and must give up their individual rights for the common good....It's all for the homeland, the collective, the common good.
    I don't want to give up any real rights, Rick, but much of what you seem to consider rights simply aren't rights. There is no right to live unsustainably if it destroys the livability of the planet for our (or anyone's!) grandchildren.

    Quote They're throwing all of us under the bus.
    Wake up and smell the exhaust, Rick--we're throwing the entire planet under the (fossil-fueled) bus.

    Quote World takeover bids always end badly. *It's only a matter of time until the guns come out.
    Does this mean you join me in calling for an end to USAmerican imperialism?

    One more thing, Rick--you may want to get your keyboard fixed. It's sprinkled your post with more pointless asterisks than there are roaches in a cheap motel.
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  16. TopTop #69
    Joseph Askren's Avatar
    Joseph Askren

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Let's replace the fears with love. Love always wins in the end and who wants to die scared? Not I . Maybe we should contact the Love choir and sing for peace and love for mankind? Can we die without fear and love the one's who are killing us? Let Love Rule

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Dixon: View Post
    Ooh, me, me, me! I actually have considered myself a citizen of the world for years now. One planet, one human race! Separate countries were a natural part of human evolution, but now that we have nearly instantaneous global communication, it really is one integrated organism. Separate nations are little more than criminal gangs, fighting over turf, power and resources. Wouldn't it be better to operate as one unified species fighting against ignorance, disease, war, and, yes, environmental collapse instead of squabbling with each other like pathetic junkies fighting over the last of the heroin? Nationalism is a form of bigotry, like racism and sexism.

    Of course in any community the ones with the most power, especially if they're misusing that power rapaciously, don't want to be subject to the rule of law. Criminals like the Crips and the Bloods don't want laws and cops to exist; they want to be "free" to exercise their "rights" to pillage and rape as they desire. Likewise, the ruling class of a rogue empire like the USA doesn't want to be subject to international law. That's why, for instance, Dubya withdrew us from the World Court, so he and his buddies could commit lucrative war crimes with impunity.

    The "American lifestyle", as you call it, is a direct threat to the sovereignty of other countries and to the rights of their people. We're the only country big, bad and ruthless enough to invade some helpless little country every few years and slaughter, maim and displace thousands (or millions) of innocent men, women and children for financial and political profit. Another example: citizens of some low-lying island nations have begun evacuating their homelands because the sea level rise caused by global warming is swamping their homes. Per capita, USAmericans like you and me are the biggest cause of that problem, because we're the ones whose profligate lifestyle creates the most global warming (and pollution and waste) per capita. We're a threat to the rest of the world because we refuse to restrain our behavior. So why shouldn't they enact laws and policies to enforce such restraint?

    Well, duh! Is it unclear to you that that's true, Rick? If everyone on the planet used as much resources and created as much global warming, pollution and trash as we do, we'd need a couple more earths to sustain everyone. That's called "unsustainable".

    Except for the property ownership issue, I'd have to agree with this.

    When the rule of law is asserted, the biggest crooks have the most to lose. Do you think the USA has a god-given right to own and use (and waste) waaaaay more than its share of the world's resources, even if we have to rob and kill people to get those resources, while others starve, or slave away in totalitarian regimes which we create so the dictators will help us bleed the wealth from those countries? Let's hear it for the American lifestyle!

    Which rights? And are they really rights, or are they privileges which you think you can't live without?

    Do you not see the good reasons for that, Rick? Are you one of those who thinks anything that's uncomfortable for you must be wrong?

    Yeah, it looks like that's the trend. Do you have a better plan for addressing the post-peak-oil changes--besides denial?

    News flash: the human race will be on the endangered species list if we don't make some pretty radical and uncomfortable changes pretty quickly.

    Good ideas! Or do you have a better plan for addressing the increasingly urgent problems of energy waste, global warming and environmental collapse?

    I don't want to give up any real rights, Rick, but much of what you seem to consider rights simply aren't rights. There is no right to live unsustainably if it destroys the livability of the planet for our (or anyone's!) grandchildren.

    Wake up and smell the exhaust, Rick--we're throwing the entire planet under the (fossil-fueled) bus.

    Does this mean you join me in calling for an end to USAmerican imperialism?

    One more thing, Rick--you may want to get your keyboard fixed. It's sprinkled your post with more pointless asterisks than there are roaches in a cheap motel.
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  17. TopTop #70

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Manufacturing -- Controlled -- Dialectics

    which link, behind the text, up close, looks like this:


    When you spin & type the word “conspiracy” into the Google Search box, no matter what subject you may be researching, you are going to get a smaller set of hits than when you simply type the “Generic Subject” itself {in quotation marks, if it is a phrase} into the box.

    People who do this - who habitually place the word ”conspiracy” in the mix when they Google a subject – whatever it is; be it “chemtrails” or “U.N. Agenda 21,” will find, when the Results come up, that they are always going to get a smaller set of hits. A smaller set of hits, forced through the filter that eliminates every source that does not contain the word “conspiracy.”

    For some people, this has become a habitual way of researching, dealing with, sifting, processing, and presenting political data. They are always looking for, and willing to go the distance to expose “conspiracy theorists,” in a manner very similar to the way the H.U.A.C. used to go after “commies” and "fellow travelers." In fact, it is quite clear, and obvious, if you step out of your body, and take a look at the political landscape of the present, that the new outlaws - the new outré - are folks who either are, or have, or hold (or are presumed to hold - or are rumored to hold) any positions in common with others who are deemed to be “right-wing conspiracy theorists.”

    It’s all done by guilt-by-association; and hacks like Chip Berlet, lead the pack and are the worst offenders in promulgating this new species of thought-form; which, I have to say, is very prevalent these days in Green and New Left circles ...

    Shunning “conspiracy theories” has become the new Shibboleth, and litmus of “political correctness” in current New Left & Green circles. As an old-left Paleo-progressive, I consider this form of New Left “progressivism” {there are pockets of it also in New Age} to be a kind of political Pseudomorph. I perceive it as a kind of new-left McCarthyism.

    As an old left Paleo-progressive, {in Politics, radical; in Economics, socialist; in Social Theory, libertarian; but Culturally, conservative} I reserve the right to be wary of any & all directives that come down from the Olympian heights of the central committee @ the United Nations. I also remember what Lenin said about the old League of Nations; that it was a “British Imperialists’ Den of Thieves.”

    Although I am not a Marxist-Leninist, I concur with Lenin on this particular point; since the League of Nations –and its successor, the post-WWII United Nations - are both the projects / products of the Rhodes Trust, i.e., the Round Table; Chatham House, in London, a very real { not imaginary } group of wicked, racist, oligarchs & Malthusian, genocidal maniacs, if there ever was one. In truth, it is quite accurate to describe the United Nations as the soft cop of Anglo-American global imperialism.

    As an old left Paleo-progressive , I do not forget the class war. Because, as the father used to tell his son, in E.L. Doctorow’s very great work, The Book of Daniel, “It’s still going on, Denny.”

    Don’t swallow the Globalist cool-aid, even though it has a green tint. The green tint is an aniline dye. Here's a link :

    Mark Walter Evans

    Last edited by Iolchan; 03-08-2012 at 12:03 AM.
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  19. TopTop #71
    "Mad" Miles

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Chip Berlet is a well known and respected researcher with a Leftist political affiliation. He's been doing it since the early seventies. He's my Facebook friend and provides well documented assessments about various groups and individuals from across the political spectrum, with a focus on the Right. Here's his organizations website.
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  20. TopTop #72
    Rick Spencer

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    "The removal of the obvious anti-communist underpinnings assisted left wing conspiracists in creating a parody of the fundamentalist/libertarian conspiracist critiques. Left wing conspiracists strip away the underlying religious fundamentalism, antisemitism, and economic social Darwinism, and peddle the repackaged product like carnival snake oil salesmen to unsuspecting sectors of the left. "
    Chip Berlet

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Mad" Miles;147580][SIZE=3][FONT=times new roman]
    Chip Berlet is a well known and respected researcher with a Leftist political affiliation. He's been doing it since the early seventies. He's my Facebook friend and provides well documented assessments about various groups and individuals from across the political spectrum, with a focus on the Right. [URL="
    Here's his organizations website[/URL].[/FONT][/SIZE]
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  21. TopTop #73

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    From the website of Chip Berlet :

    [1] State Citizenship: Patriot Ties To White Supremacists And Neo-Nazis

    by Tom Burghardt,

    “… Paranoid conspiracism takes many forms: the belief that U.N. troops are poised to invade the U.S.; closed AMTRAK stations have been transformed into concentration camps; supermarket bar codes are emblems of the Satanic "mark of the beast" that will usher in the New World Order; menacing "black helicopters" are everywhere; or that undocumented workers, African Americans and women "are stealing our jobs". All are danger signs that a mean-spirited white backlash has slipped over into racist scapegoating -- and violence. As absurd as such theories appear on the surface, these are the core values that lead to dictatorships, pogroms and genocide. In many respects, we are witnessing the birth of an armed fascist nucleus throughout North America. Is a mass movement of home-grown Brownshirts "only a demagogue away," as one researcher writing in the current issue of Covert Action Quarterly suggests?

    For many followers of the movement, Jews are the controlling agents behind the "conspiracy" who operate through a number of front organizations such as the United Nations, the Trilateral Commission, the Council On Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve Bank, etc. Christian Identity, the "religion" of white supremacists and neo-Nazis, has been able to expand its outreach and actively recruit from the social layer attracted to the Patriot movement…”

    A New Face for Racism & Fascism

    by Chip Berlet

    “…"Aryan" or "White" as used by Identity ostensibly refers to persons of Nordic, Anglo-Saxon or Germanic stock, or at the very least, persons stemming from Northern or Middle European ancestors. The Identity definition of "Aryan" is more closely related to mythological or operatic reality rather than any scientific or anthropological definition of Indo-European peoples. Aryan actually is a term used by linguists to trace the common roots of the Indo-European languages.

    Christian Identity borrows paranoid conspiratorial beliefs from reactionary groups such as the John Birch Society. Birchers claim that secret cabals run most world governments under orders from wealthy elites such as the Rockefeller family acting through groups such as the Trilateralist Commission, the Bilderberger banking conference, the Council on Foreign Relations, and officials of the Federal Reserve Bank...”

    [3] Clinton, Conspiracism, and the Continuing Culture War :
    The Conspiracist Worldview

    “… Within the hard right and the far right, a considerable amount of the information being circulated is undocumented rumor and apocalyptic conspiracist theory. Right-wing conspiracist movements in the US grow from a belief that common citizens are held down by a small network of secret elites who manipulate a vast legion of corrupt politicians, mendacious journalists, propagandizing schoolteachers, and nefarious bankers. This conspiracist subculture has a long historical pedigree and periodically appears on the US political scene, usually accompanying a right-wing populist upsurge such as we are currently experiencing. Conspiracism is not merely a marginal "extremist" phenomenon, but is deeply imbedded in our culture.

    An alarming number of our fellow citizens saw symptoms of secret conspiracies afoot during the 1990s. These symptoms include restrictions on gun ownership, government abuse of power, federal health and safety regulations, abortion, homosexuality, the feminist movement, sex education, new age spirituality, modern educational curricula, environmentalism, and rock or rap music, to name just a few. The conspirators are many: politicians and law enforcement officials above county level, game wardens, internal revenue agents, judges, lawyers, bankers, journalists, unionists, leftists, the Rockefellers, the UN, the Trilateralist Commission, the Bilderberger banking discussion group, the Council on Foreign Relations, Federal Reserve bank officials, Jews, Blacks, Latinos, Arabs, and Asians...”

    This is the litany, repeated over and over again by Chip Berlet, and his colleagues at public eye, & his friends on facebook : Neo-Nazis, Racists, anti-Semites, Posse Comitati, & even your garden variety “hard” or “far-right” critic of Bill Clinton, are delusional “conspiracy theorists” whoclaim that secret cabals run most world governments under orders from wealthy elites such as the Rockefeller family acting through groups such as the Trilateralist [sic] Commission, the Bilderberger banking conference, the Council on Foreign Relations, and officials of the Federal Reserve Bank.” So Watch Out !

    The subliminal message is this : if you want to be “politically correct” and not be associated in any way with that which is not PC, then lay off “… the Rockefeller family, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Federal Reserve Bank .“

    Another corollary to this, is: Anyone who questions the intentions of the Rockefeller family, or any of these Institutions: the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Federal Reserve Bank, is in danger of being associated with the mindset of Neo-Nazis, Racists, anti-Semites, Posse Comatati, as well as your everyday run-of-the-mill garden variety “hard & far right” conspiracy theorist wackos.

    This form of diatribe / polemic – which is the ” modus operandus” of Chip Berlet, and his “facebook friends” - is McCarthyism, pure and simple. It is guilt-by-association; it is the McCarthyism of the New Left; a pseudomorph that stands in the ruins of the authentic, old Left. The Paleo-progressive tendency of the old Left was informed about the reality of the Class War, and able to discern the nuances of the many & varied Machiavellian tactics & techniques of the Ruling class.

    The "New Left" – which includes, today, various “Green” tendencies, is a Pseudomorph of the old, authentic Left, inasmuch as it was spawned originally, from a grant of ten million dollars from Jimmy {James Paul} Warburg {on the Board of Directors of the Chase-Manhattan Bank } to Marcus Raskin, Saul Landau, and Richard Barnet, to form the Institute for Policy Studies, in 1962, on Du Pont Circle in Washington, D.C.

    The I.P.S., which became the mother-ship for the whole gamut of New Left tendencies in the 1960’s, is the kept left; hooked into a big boodle of Tax-exempt Foundation grant money from the Ford and Singer Foundations, and in the pay of the Chase Manhattan Bank <- the Stillman/ Rockefeller Bank.

    In the early 1970’s, David Rockefeller himself, the Chairman of the Board of the Chase-Manhattan Bank, bestowed a similar grant of ten million dollars upon the N.C.L.C, the National Caucus of Labor Committees {a faction within the Rump S.D.S.} – who are known today as “the LaRouche group.” This can be documented. As of today, February 10, 2012, there are at least two people / witnesses that I am aware of, who are still alive, who can attest to this.

    Nor should anyone be surprised at the amazing variety of political tendencies among all the projects upon which the Chase-Manhattan Bank has bestowed its monetary largesse, over the years. The oligarchy / power elite / plutocracy / 1% do this all the time. It is part and parcel of their “modus operandi"

    Spread the money out; buy a whole mess of tendencies. Divide and Rule.

    { This is what is known, colloquially, historically, as "the Venetian method" }

    Quote Rick Spencer wrote:

    "The removal of the obvious anti-communist underpinnings assisted left wing conspiracists in creating a parody of the fundamentalist / libertarian conspiracist critiques. Left wing conspiracists strip away the underlying religious fundamentalism, antisemitism, and economic social Darwinism, and peddle the repackaged product like carnival snake oil salesmen to unsuspecting sectors of the left. "

    Chip Berlet

    Well, i guess that nails me. Only thing is, with me, it's not a matter of a "repackaged product." I learned about the class war as a child, from my beautiful, wise, socialist, Jewish grandmother, Edith Fleischer Liggett, from Flatbush. She taught me a whole lot, for which I will always be grateful. Bless her.

    Mark Walter Evans

    Last edited by Barry; 02-11-2012 at 10:43 AM.
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  22. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  23. TopTop #74
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Iolchan: View Post
    ... Neo-Nazis, Racists, anti-Semites, Posse Comitati, & even your garden variety “hard” or “far-right” critic of Bill Clinton, are delusional “conspiracy theorists” whoclaim that secret cabals run most world governments under orders from wealthy elites such as the Rockefeller family acting through groups such as the Trilateralist [sic] Commission, the Bilderberger banking conference, the Council on Foreign Relations, and officials of the Federal Reserve Bank.”
    uh, I think -you- added the part about racists, anti-Semites and garden-variety critics.
    I don't think it's very much of a reach to claim neo-Nazis, Posse Comitati, and the other organizations he mentions (Christian Identity, the John Birch Society) do refer to secret cabals running things from behind the scene.

    So sure, if someone does think the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, or the Fed is a malevolent influence on our societies, they have some rough company. For that matter, I've got some friends who count as rough company too. Sometimes I may get lumped in with them, whether or not I share their ideas. But attacks on them aren't attacks on me; for that matter, descriptions of them aren't descriptions of me.

    Do you dispute his characterizations of those organizations? If the whole package doesn't fit, why not help highlight the separation? Just like you aren't a Marxist if you support taxing the wealthy more than we do, you're not a racist skinhead because you do believe the Trilateral Commission is pulling the strings behind our government.

    One reason I come back to these threads is that despite the wildly divergent opinions about the forces underlying our political scene, there's a big commonality in the feeling that it's been hijacked and it's not serving any of us well.
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  25. TopTop #75
    Jim Bennett

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    My friend Rosa and a couple folks told me about the site. The Agenda 21 topic was my motivation for getting on. Actually A21 resistance motivates much of my waking life now.
    Those close to me will ask; 'are you doing more political stuff again?'
    Now my response is; "you mean this humanity stuff'?'
    As many are realizing, that Left/Right, Democrat/Republican paradigm is distraction and charade.
    ALL-ALL-ALL (three's a charm) that is wrong with our whole world and our Countries history can be connected to the hundreds that make up this dark cabal and their complete plan for complete control; Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. It seems that somewhere along the line of their uninterrupted lineage they decided that the world is their oyster.
    It's resources, it's land, and it's people.
    They manipulate the entire landscape to a relationship of their profit, their control, and our oppression.
    The way they include our community in their sphere of influence is largely through ICLEI, a 'charter' that our public officials secretly belong to.
    They are accountable to, take directive from; International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives or Local Governments for Sustainability as they are now referred to, I guess international was a little too telling.
    They provide software, training, the planner's bible; a complete municipal template of oppression. All under the 'green guise'.
    Top down, bottom up, most effectively inside out. The inordinate empowerment given to our planners is enough to decimate property rights and neuter small business in and of itself.
    They provide measurable, chronological goals.
    Much based on the biggest lie of the 21st century, contrived as an instrument of our oppression; that our activities are causing the atmosphere to warm.
    They socially engineer our decline; fiscally, civilly, deliberately crashing our coffers, restructuring our traditional incentivizing and funding mechanisms. Crash the old, usher in the new (world order).
    These globalists employ the same carrot and stick extortion with Greece as Cotati.
    There are more 'events' coming our way, not the least of which will likely be the crash of the dollar (guess who?). Right now is the time, we are the ones.
    It's time for real information, real goods, real resources and real community.
    Not some collective, 'greater good', 'social equity' 'ism'. Real accountable old fashioned community.
    If there is an achilles heal to their 'Plan', it is local implementation.
    My purpose in life is to purge our community of this municipal cancer.
    We are spearheading a movement coming to be known as THE QUESTION.
    The ICLEI question. Many questions actually.
    It is being posed to our public officials, and to ourselves.
    What is the public's benefit to our secret allegiance with this globalist NGO?
    Will they do like several other communities have done, and drop their membership?
    The question we have to ask ourselves is about love. Yes love.
    Do we love each other enough?
    Do we love what we had enough?
    Do we love the kids enough?
    Do we love and trust ourselves enough to stand up for our freedoms and our ongoing? Are we worthy?
    Or will we be stuck in the constrictive, paralyzed place that oppressors thrive in...fear?
    We didn't come here to be impoverished serfs.
    Join us on Valentine's day (how fitting) in front of Santa Rosa's City Hall at 3:00 as we demonstrate our resolve for our request that this be an item on the Council's Agenda.
    This is not about civil unrest.
    It is an intervention.
    To understand this huge multi-faceted socially engineered oppression is to understand why things are so screwed up.
    Time to produce our own movie...unless you like their script.

    Jim Bennett Public Relations Director; Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition
    Democrats Against UN Agenda 21
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  27. TopTop #76
    theindependenteye's Avatar

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    >>>My friend Rosa and a couple folks told me about the site. The Agenda 21 topic was my motivation for getting on. Actually A21 resistance motivates much of my waking life now.

    Jim, I don't question your motives or your dedication. I just wish there was a little more originality in the arguments posed by the swarm of anti-government libertarian deregulators who've been descending on this website. Friday, driving to Arcata for a performance, I heard the same terms, the same citations, the same talking points on a right-wing Evangelical radio talk-show -- the only difference being that they brought God into the picture and warned us that the Agenda 21 guys were putting Mother Nature ahead of God, concerned that this was hoodwinking even some well-meaning Evangelicals who were struggling with the notion of "good stewardship."

    In my view, the manufacturers of this intellectual meme seem to have packaged it in multiple languages. Use Gaia vs. God for the Fundies, use Power Elite Conspiracy on the liberal sites, use Marxist/Soros to the reactionaries -- and then say "It's not about party politics or Left vs. Right any more." But the bottom line, as far as I can tell, is the vehement desire to turn the clock back to 1890 so that we all can assert our liberty to be raped by Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Agro, Big Buggery, along with the Earth that's the only precious mama we've got. I remember the horrible scene in the Italian film Two Women, where mother and daughter are raped together.

    I wish I could believe you, or I wish you could believe me, but neither seems to be happening. So I hope you've got some other good stuff to motivate your waking life.

    Peace & joy--
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  29. TopTop #77

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    iolchan wrote:

    This is the litany, repeated over and over again by Chip Berlet, and his colleagues at public eye, & his friends on facebook : Neo-Nazis, Racists, anti-Semites, Posse Comitati, & even your garden variety “hard” or “far-right” critic of Bill Clinton, are delusional “conspiracy theorists” whoclaim that secret cabals run most world governments under orders from wealthy elites such as the Rockefeller family acting through groups such as the Trilateralist [sic] Commission, the Bilderberger banking conference, the Council on Foreign Relations, and officials of the Federal Reserve Bank.”

    Quote podfish wrote:

    uh, I think -you- added the part about racists, anti-Semites and garden-variety critics.

    I don't think it's very much of a reach to claim neo-Nazis, Posse Comitati, and the other organizations he mentions (Christian Identity, the John Birch Society) do refer to secret cabals running things from behind the scene.

    So sure, if someone does think the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, or the Fed is a malevolent influence on our societies, they have some rough company. For that matter, I've got some friends who count as rough company too. Sometimes I may get lumped in with them, whether or not I share their ideas. But attacks on them aren't attacks on me; for that matter, descriptions of them aren't descriptions of me.

    Do you dispute his characterizations of those organizations? If the whole package doesn't fit, why not help highlight the separation? Just like you aren't a Marxist if you support taxing the wealthy more than we do, you're not a racist skinhead because you do believe the Trilateral Commission is pulling the strings behind our government.

    One reason I come back to these threads is that despite the wildly divergent opinions about the forces underlying our political scene, there's a big commonality in the feeling that it's been hijacked and it's not serving any of us well.

    Go back and read the selections from public eye that I have enclosed in the boxed text. You will find that I have made an accurate distillation & rendition of the meaning and drift intended by the authors of those passages.

    As to the veracity of the typification of the litany of such groups, as the Aryan Nations, the Birchers, “Patriot” networks, Militia groups” etc., as promoting such a cast of Institutions as “the enemy,” yes, it is quite so; they do. That is their modus operandi

    I simply contend that all such groups are subsidized – usually in a covert manner - by money from the bond-holding class { i.e., the class cronies of Rockefeller & Co., } for whom the C.F.R. and the Trilateral Commission are the big guns, and for whom the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is the chief holding company, & means of doing business.

    I also contend that all of those entities, i.e., the Rockefeller family, the Council on Foreign Relations {the New York wing of the Rhodes Trust & the Royal Institute of International Affairs,} the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, and the Federal Reserve Bank are quite legitimate targets and objects of analysis from the old Left standpoint of a classical “class analysis.”

    The power elite sponsor All of the anti-Semitic, white supremacist, and other hate group tendencies listed in the litany Chip Berlet is continually prating about. The ruling class (i.e., families like the Rockefeller family ) use cracker hate groups as shills in order to discredit All of their critics, and in order to protect their class interests, that are vested in the institutions Chip always mentions: , i.e., the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, and the Federal Reserve Bank. For such Institutions, the fact that odious hate groups like that rant about them as the enemy, is a form of protection - another moat around their castle & keep. Capishe?

    This whole scenario is a very elaborate Kabuki Theatre of sorts, complete with Sound & Gongs. The prime example of your “controlled dialectic.” An inside/outside job –involving the financing of groups all across the political spectrum in order that the oligarchy / plutocracy /power elite / 1% can continue their game of Divide & Rule from their perch “above it all”, in their offices on the top floors of Bankers’ Trust, the Waldorf Astoria Towers & the Rockefeller Center.

    From their seat "above it all" on the top floors of the Rockefeller Center, the 1% effectively control the dialectic; and they generally get what they want.

    They are the Wise Men. Get wise yourselves, folks... Don't drink their Globalist cool-aid.

    Mark Walter Evans

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  31. TopTop #78
    geomancer's Avatar

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Jim, what you take as evils (sustainability, green planning) I take as social goods necessitated by the excessive numbers of people now living in California and on the planet. Misused for sure at times by corporations and developers, but better than nothing, especially when there is community input.

    The gulf between your fear-based world view and my own (relaxed and rather sardonic) perspective is so profound that there is no purpose in extended dialogue. Since I don't share your fears, and nothing I say can calm them, I'm not going to waste your time or mine trying to put lipstick on that pig (does no good and really annoys the pig).

    BTW, I'm continually amazed and troubled by the extraordinarily high level of ambient fear that clouds the minds of many of the more energetic posters to WACCO exhibit - chemtrails, Agenda 21, vaccinations, smart meters, and now the Marxist (sic) Illuminati! Crap, kick over a rock and a really boring 911 truther likely will leap up from beneath. Oy.

    You fearful people seriously need to chill. Perhaps a close shave with Occam's Razor is in order.


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Jim Bennett: View Post
    My friend Rosa and a couple folks told me about the site. The Agenda 21 topic was my motivation for getting on. Actually A21 resistance motivates much of my waking life now.
    Those close to me will ask; 'are you doing more political stuff again?'
    Now my response is; "you mean this humanity stuff'?'
    As many are realizing, that Left/Right, Democrat/Republican paradigm is distraction and charade.
    ALL-ALL-ALL (three's a charm) that is wrong with our whole world and our Countries history can be connected to the hundreds that make up this dark cabal and their complete plan for complete control; Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. It seems that somewhere along the line of their uninterrupted lineage they decided that the world is their oyster.
    It's resources, it's land, and it's people.
    They manipulate the entire landscape to a relationship of their profit, their control, and our oppression.
    The way they include our community in their sphere of influence is largely through ICLEI, a 'charter' that our public officials secretly belong to.
    They are accountable to, take directive from; International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives or Local Governments for Sustainability as they are now referred to, I guess international was a little too telling.
    They provide software, training, the planner's bible; a complete municipal template of oppression. All under the 'green guise'.
    Top down, bottom up, most effectively inside out. The inordinate empowerment given to our planners is enough to decimate property rights and neuter small business in and of itself.
    They provide measurable, chronological goals.
    Much based on the biggest lie of the 21st century, contrived as an instrument of our oppression; that our activities are causing the atmosphere to warm.
    They socially engineer our decline; fiscally, civilly, deliberately crashing our coffers, restructuring our traditional incentivizing and funding mechanisms. Crash the old, usher in the new (world order).
    These globalists employ the same carrot and stick extortion with Greece as Cotati.
    There are more 'events' coming our way, not the least of which will likely be the crash of the dollar (guess who?). Right now is the time, we are the ones.
    It's time for real information, real goods, real resources and real community.
    Not some collective, 'greater good', 'social equity' 'ism'. Real accountable old fashioned community.
    If there is an achilles heal to their 'Plan', it is local implementation.
    My purpose in life is to purge our community of this municipal cancer.
    We are spearheading a movement coming to be known as THE QUESTION.
    The ICLEI question. Many questions actually.
    It is being posed to our public officials, and to ourselves.
    What is the public's benefit to our secret allegiance with this globalist NGO?
    Will they do like several other communities have done, and drop their membership?
    The question we have to ask ourselves is about love. Yes love.
    Do we love each other enough?
    Do we love what we had enough?
    Do we love the kids enough?
    Do we love and trust ourselves enough to stand up for our freedoms and our ongoing? Are we worthy?
    Or will we be stuck in the constrictive, paralyzed place that oppressors thrive in...fear?
    We didn't come here to be impoverished serfs.
    Join us on Valentine's day (how fitting) in front of Santa Rosa's City Hall at 3:00 as we demonstrate our resolve for our request that this be an item on the Council's Agenda.
    This is not about civil unrest.
    It is an intervention.
    To understand this huge multi-faceted socially engineered oppression is to understand why things are so screwed up.
    Time to produce our own movie...unless you like their script.

    Jim Bennett Public Relations Director; Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition
    Democrats Against UN Agenda 21
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  32. Gratitude expressed by 7 members:

  33. TopTop #79

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    On the etiology of the phrase "conspiracy theory"

    The C.I.A. dealt with their perceived problem of containing public awareness about the assassination of John Kennedy {after the cat was out of the bag, & a significant number of Citizens began to realize that the Warren Commission Report was a cover-up} by starting a little cottage industry of their own, churning out one conspiracy pot-boiler after another; paperback after paperback. All of the massive C.I.A. - generated disinformation about who killed J.F.K. held scraps of validity, but, in the aggregate, it was all wrong, and off the mark. The purpose was to generate confusion. It was black propaganda.

    Then the C.I.A. coined a handy little phrase. It caught on. They said: "Oh, that's just another conspiracy theory." That, to my knowledge, is the authentic, historical etiology of the phrase "Conspiracy Theory."
    If it is not the precise origin of the term, it most certainly is the point at which the phrase entered History with a vengeance.

    It's still going on. One of the more clever ways that the Company continues to "cover up" issues that they wish to contain - like the U.N. Agenda 21, 9/11, or chemtrails, or the various covert
    applications & uses of their new generation of microwave beam weapons - is by generating a plethora of disinformation and black propaganda on the subject in question, in order to muddy the water. Then, the whole subject - the whole field - can be neatly dismissed with a single phrase: "That's just another conspiracy theory."

    In this specific case - of U.N. Agenda 21 - it is being dismissed as a "libertarian conspiracy theory" by the psychologically dis-empowered Greens. Critters fighting for scraps of empowerment under the table of the Duopoly. Mair Divide and Rule.

    Mark Walter Evans

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  35. TopTop #80
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Iolchan: View Post
    On the etiology of the phrase "conspiracy theory"
    I'm trying to find a companion aphorism for "even paranoids have enemies"; however, most that they identify as such, aren't.
    So what's the aphorism here? "not all conspiracies are imaginary"? however, most that are identified as such, aren't.
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  36. TopTop #81

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Questioning the Beneficence of U.N. Agenda 21 & I.C.L.E.I.

    Last Friday night I attended the showing of the film “THE BATTLE OF SEATTLE” at the Arlene Francis Center in Santa Rosa. Besides seeing a good film, the realization was borne home to me that, even in recent years, the Left has sometimes been spectacularly correct about certain institutions that are dressed up as “Liberal” or “Progressive” and garnish protective coloring precisely because they are part of the apparatus of the supposedly “liberal” United Nations.

    The Left was correct in 1994 through 1996, when they got behind Global Exchange’s Fifty Years is Enough campaign, in an attempt to pull the plug of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund – a two-horned beast, {head-quartered in Geneva} that serves the interests of the oligarchy even while it enjoys “liberal cover” as a part and parcel of the working machinery of the United Nations.

    The Left was correct, in 1999, to discern that the World Trade Organization { W.T.O. - a Globalist Institution under the panoply of the United Nations } is - in Reality - a front for the multinational cartels and multinational corporations, who operate, collectively, out of the corporate Shangri-La of Geneva, Switzerland.

    And then, in 2000, the Left was correct again when they got behind the movement – started by a group of South African churchmen - to call for the Year 2000 to be a Year of Jubilee, for the repudiation and elimination of all International Debt. This was a natural and logical progression of thought from the Fifty Years is Enough campaign, inasmuch as Debt servicing is done, on a global level, by the Institution known as the International Monetary Fund, a front for the Prime Banks of the G-7 Nations; said to be the “capital pool” of the World Bank & I.M.F.

    So I ask you, why is it, in this benighted, awful, and dangerous Year of 2012, that the Left – or what remains of it - is preparing to embrace as some wonderful, cuddly, green stuffed toy animal, the imposition of the principals of “Global governance” {again, from Geneva,} over our very lives, homes, & neighborhoods – through U.N. Agenda 21 & I.C.L.E.I.???

    Now there’s a Mystery for you; deep, dark, and truly magnificent & terrible.

    O, I know how it's done; Really, it's Simple: the manipulators of the dialectic just tar the opposition as "conspiracy theorists."

    Mark Walter Evans

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  37. TopTop #82
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Iolchan: View Post
    O, I know how it's done; Really, it's Simple: the manipulators of the dialectic just tar the opposition as "conspiracy theorists."

    Mark Walter Evans

    For Mark:
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  39. TopTop #83

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Of Shepherds, Sheep, Sheeples, and Sheep-dogs...

    That Cartoon/Photo & its legend are not apropos to the current situation that we [plural] find ourselves in, and to this one, i.e., myself – and for several reasons:

    A) I, personally, don’t have a problem with either the shepherd or the sheep-dog, or with the institution of shepherding & keeping sheep...

    B) I, personally, do not consider myself a “sheep.” Instead, I am the sheep-dog in the picture. The Shepherd is my personal friend and master. And yes, the dog and the man work together; and it is a good thing, too. There are predators in the woods, and the sheep need to be in the sheep-cote at night.

    C) The Real problem is off-camera; it is wolves. In this case – as in every case concerning which I have weighed-in as a poster on this website, & have warned all you sheeples - the wolves are busy, engaged in class war; either as the “Masters of War” {plutocrats,} or as their henchmen.

    D) The Class War is not a “conspiracy theory” kids. Instead it is the one, sure, diamond Truth that one may still salvage from the wreckage of Marxism; a keeper.

    E) There are currently several fronts in the class war that you sheep have a hard time recognizing as battle-zones {fronts} on which the troops {& planes} of the plutes are advancing:

    F) ”Debt Collection” – whether done by the I.M.F. for the World Bank, or by the I.R.S., for the Federal Reserve Bank, is one Front. This is not a conspiracy theory, kids, it is Systemic. It is the systemic looting of the People/ Sheeples by the bond-holding class of your hard-earned cash & energy.

    G) “Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering,” aka, “chemtrails” is another Front upon which the People at large are being assaulted. On this Front, the plutes seem to be winning – since you Sheeples refuse to believe that any organized group of people could be so technically clever
    - or wicked - as to utilize the magnetosphere of the planet to influence your very thoughts. Also, you are in denial that anyone could possibly want you Dead, or regard you as “useless eaters.”

    I suggest – just suggest - that you all read Rosa Koire’s book, and then weigh in on the real issue of this here thread = U.N. Agenda 21 = before you all gang up and ostracize me. On the other hand, I'm plenty tough; so go ahead - if it makes you feel any better...

    Rosa Koire wrote:

    "We have to stand and fight for private property rights, for personal rights, civil rights, human rights. The real rights, not the ones that are manipulated and manufactured by the smooth talking directors of 'our common future.' Communitarianism is that international law that says that you can't hold any land or water as an individual because it is inequitable. Any private ownership is inequitable. This is an incremental movement away from private land holdings.

    "We may be old enough to finish our lives without seeing the complete end of it, but 2050 is the drop dead date, and it is actually slated for 2035. I wish that I was making this up. Ownership of property includes that of your own person. This is the truly terrifying element of this plan, and is exemplified by the increased surveillance and acculturation toward invasive technology. Look how easy it is to monitor every exchange we have now."

    "Awareness is the first step in the Resistance.
    Thanks for the note. Glad to have the discussion. "


    I just finished reading Rosa Koire's book, "Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21" - which is available, for $16, postage included, from the website:

    I recommend it, highly. Well worth the money - to stay informed. Good, old-fashioned muckraking.
    A very important, timely, well researched, and well written book.

    Don’t swallow the Globalist cool-aid, even though it has a green tint. The green tint is an aniline dye. Here's another link :


    - Mark

    Last edited by Iolchan; 03-02-2012 at 05:52 PM.
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  40. TopTop #84

    One Bay Area....California’s adoption of UN Agenda 21 regionalism

    One Bay Area…….California’s adoption of UN Agenda 21 regionalism and the attempts to neutralize County Sheriffs

    March 6, 2012 by ppjg

    Marti Oakley copyright 2012

    Follow @MartiOakley


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    Labeled as “tin foil” conspiracy theorists, called crazy and lambasted for the inclusion of Tea Party property rights activists and repeatedly told that they were imagining things, California property rights advocates may not be so crazy after all. The continual maligning of opponents who have exposed the ongoing implementation of Agenda 21 sustainability, smart growth, ICLEI, stack & pack housing, non-human habitat zoning and the effective end to property rights, are and have been right all along.

    Conspiracy [theories] are theories only so long as you have no facts, only assumptions. Having facts to back up your suspicions does not lessen the conspiratorial act. It simply affirms the fact that the conspiracy does exist and this group of activists has that proof.

    In the case of the attempts by UN Agenda 21 supporters and promoters who had for years successfully painted anyone who opposed their intentions to surrender portions of California (and the entire US) to UN Agenda 21 stack & pack housing and the ending of rural property rights, these characterizations mentioned above were quite successful. Those who opposed handing any portion of the state over to UN controlled regionalism were [tin foil hat conspiracy theorists]. They were simply right-wing extremists, violent liberals (depending on which side of the political spectrum was under fire at the moment), wing nuts, and a host of other commonly used metaphors to describe anyone who does not voluntarily submit and comply to the United Nations plan to deconstruct the United States.

    According to promoters of Agenda 21, the 1992 agreement signed by Bush 1, did not mean anything. These same promoters claimed that Agenda 21 was an [old] obscure document and that efforts to highlight the link between this insidious agreement and the current trend of forcing rural/agricultural property owners off their land, particularly in Northern California was simply not true.

    Heather Gass did a little searching of her own and came across this curious tax return for the 510c3 non-profit for ABAG (Association of Bay Area Governments). Not only did she locate the 1997 ABAG tax returns but also policy statements from 1997 showing a Federal grant in the amount of 1,704,537 funneled into UN Agenda 21, ICLEI planning and initiatives and this has been in effect and carried forward since that year. And, with this funded initiative has come the continual attacks against property rights hidden behind ridiculous arguments over salmon populations, wild lands and biodiversity programs and other so-called [environmental] concerns. The UN hides its most despised programs behind contrived environmental concerns.

    The attacks on property rights are facilitated by dangerous changes to land use codes and zoning, rending many property owners unable to enjoy the full use of the land they are paying taxes on. The object is to make land ownership so untenable, so useless to the individual, that the idea of property ownership will be out of the question.

    According to Heather Gass: The ICLEI Tax return (1997) clearly states on page two that it is involved with Local Agenda 21 and specifies the budget for it. I also included a copy of the ICLEI Local Agenda21 Planning guide front cover.

    The ABAG joined the Bay Area Alliance for Sustainable Development in 1997. This doc is off of their website It states that this Alliance and it’s members adopted the UN’s definition of Sustainable Development. This all happened in 1997. Why do they keep lying to us and telling us that One Bay Area and all of this is NOT part of the UN, ICLEI, Agenda 21 and that this plan is a result of a law from 2008 SB375?

    And lie they do! Even when confronted with the facts, proponents of Agenda 21 and their non-stop efforts to end property rights continue to deny any connection to this unconstitutional agreement. Sustainability, Smart growth, Smart Cities, Biodiversity, non-human habitat zones, land use codes, Going Green, and other assorted buzzwords and catch phrases all come from UN Agenda 21 and are used liberally by those who are promoting this overthrow of private and individual land ownership and control. Consider it a form of conditioning to facilitate peaceful compliance to the surrender of all US land to control of the United Nations.

    These claims that opponents are tin foil hat conspiracy theorists are a bit harder to maintain in light of this CSPAN video documentation of the 1992 meeting of the US House of Representatives, found by another of those tin foil hat wearing activists:

    Make sure and slide the player control to the 11:43:30 mark and watch until the 11:51:48 mark…H.C.Res. 353: A bill expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States should assume a strong leadership role in implementing the decisions made at the Earth Summit by developing a national strategy to implement Agenda Twenty-One and other Earth Summit agreements through domestic policy and foreign policy, by cooperating with all countries to identify and initiate further agreements to protect the global environment, and by supporting and participating in a high-level United Nations Sustainable Development Commission. (CSPAN video located by Darin Moser)

    The plan for One Bay Area is ground zero for the implementation of the first United Nations Region within the United States. The UN divided the country into 10 mega regions under Bush 1, and our own government under Obama, established the Council of Governors by Executive Order.

    This Council is intended to eventually supersede local and state governments although it currently is supposed to be only the conduit for Homeland Security interference within the states.

    Key to all of the efforts to render privately owned rural lands as unusable by the current owners, is the interference, harassment and intimidation of ranchers and farmers by the US Forestry Service the BLM, the EPA, and even NOAA. The focus of their efforts is to make rural land ownership so untenable that farmers and ranchers will leave voluntarily after many have been deprived of the full use of their own land by restrictive land use codes, arbitrary Federal regulations and rules and the intentional destruction of the rural economy.

    Neutralizing the power of the Sheriff’s offices

    Before any federal agency/agent can conduct any investigation or trespass onto private property, coordination with the county sheriff’s office must be conducted. The sheriff has the power and authority to deny the federal agency access. In most states and in most cases the sheriffs fail to act to protect property owners from federal harassment. In fact, most sheriffs across the nation willfully ignore the rights of their county residents and pander to the federal agencies.

    In California……….not so much!

    There can be no doubt the recent public statements from Sheriff Jon Lopey, Sheriff Gil Gilbertson, Sheriff Palmer (southern Oregon) and five other sheriffs, to the effect that they would defend the Constitutions, both state and federal, and by extension, the rights of property owners in their counties, upset the federal apple cart. So use to violating property rights without interference and so accustomed to having it presumed they were the highest and final authority when they showed up, it must have come as a shock to see these sheriffs honoring their oaths. After all, how many public officials do that these days?

    In an effort to neutralize the authority and power of the county sheriffs, this MOU/MOA is being quietly schlepped around behind the scenes in California counties and communities. Reading this [agreement], you would never know these communities had a sheriff’s office or that the sheriff already has the power and authority to coordinate with federal agencies. In fact, the sheriff is never mentioned or even acknowledged.

    From the DRAFT:


    It is agreed that with the implementation of this MOA;

    A. The governing body of each county that chooses to participate in this MOA shall

    designate a county contact for the USFS and BLM. This contact can be a

    “position” such as “County Planner,” rather than a specific individual

    This agreement is only in effect for counties that choose to participate by officially

    designating a county contact.

    [The counties already have a contact “person”.......they call him [sheriff]!]

    B. For each participating county, the USFS Regional Forester shall designate a USFS contact from each forest that contains land within that county. This contact can be a “position” rather than a specific individual.

    [This is an obvious attempt to make sure that whomever this [contact person] is, will be some hack carefully placed into position to throw the doors wide open to the feds.]

    C. For each participating county, the BLM State Director shall designate a BLM contact from each field office that contains land within that county. This contact can be a “position” rather than a specific individual.

    Again…….they already have a person of contact…the sheriff. This document is an attempt to coerce counties into dis-empowering the sheriff, the rightful and lawful agent to engage in coordination with federal agencies, and to give that authority to a carefully selected and appointed individual or office. This is nothing more than an unlawful attempt override the authority of the elected office of sheriff.

    There is no doubt northern California, along with parts of Oregon and other western states are under attack from foreign agents. The United Nations is a foreign agent that is attempting to sequester and hold off-limits major portions of valuable lands, much of which is privately owned at this time and they are being helped and facilitated by federal agencies and politicians. It is unfortunate that not only are residents and activists having to fight the plans of the UN, but more so that they are faced with battling other US citizens who have aligned themselves with dangerous and malicious federal agencies and who work against their own communities in efforts to implement these unconstitutional plans.

    In my opinion, any community leader, commissioner, planner or whatever title an individual holds, that signs onto this agreement should be removed from office immediately. Secondly, consider revoking any corporate contracts with federal agencies and then proceed to take your land back under eminent domain.

    The federal government has no business owning, managing or controlling lands within the geographical boundaries of any state. It is time the states took back what rightfully belongs to them.

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  42. TopTop #85
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: One Bay Area....California’s adoption of UN Agenda 21 regionalism

    neutralizing Sheriffs! that sounds bad!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by ubaru: View Post
    One Bay Area…….California’s adoption of UN Agenda 21 regionalism and the attempts to neutralize County Sheriffs ... Labeled as “tin foil” conspiracy theorists, called crazy and lambasted for the inclusion of Tea Party property rights activists and repeatedly told that they were imagining things,... The continual maligning of opponents who have exposed the ongoing implementation of Agenda 21 ....
    ....... Those who opposed handing any portion of the state over to UN controlled regionalism were [tin foil hat conspiracy theorists]. They were simply right-wing extremists, violent liberals ... wing nuts,
    ok, victimhood established. Now for the big buildup:
    Quote Heather Gass.. came across this curious tax return for the 510c3 non-profit for ABAG ... Not only did she locate the 1997 ABAG tax returns...The UN hides its most despised programs behind contrived environmental concerns. ...The attacks on property rights are facilitated by dangerous changes to land use codes and zoning, rending many property owners unable to enjoy the full use of the land they are paying taxes on. The object is to make land ownership so untenable, so useless to the individual, that the idea of property ownership will be out of the question. ...
    and lots more verbiage. Now the big reveal!
    Quote According to Heather Gass: The ICLEI Tax return (1997) clearly states on page two that it is involved with Local Agenda 21 and specifies the budget for it...
    and some more equally incendiary stuff like that.

    Sorry, but really this is only compelling to those already committed. If you already feel that the crusades around opposition to Agenda 21 and ICLEIAOU are way overblown (as I do) there's not a thing here that challenges that impression. The 'connections' between the UN and local policy here are still weak and incidental; they're no stronger than the connection ABAG has to Kevin Bacon.
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  44. TopTop #86
    Dixon's Avatar

    Re: One Bay Area....California’s adoption of UN Agenda 21 regionalism

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by podfish: View Post
    The 'connections' between the UN and local policy here are still weak and incidental; they're no stronger than the connection ABAG has to Kevin Bacon.
    Aha! I thought Kevin Bacon was behind this plot to take away our property rights! This proves it!
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  46. TopTop #87

    Re: One Bay Area....California’s adoption of UN Agenda 21 regionalism


    I've seen you take partial parts of people's quotes multiple times to derail or take the power out of the message. I'm not enjoying it and your arguments lose my respect by taking this underhanded approach. How about not using that tactic any more?

    This is the full text, with the important parts you left out...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by ubaru:
    Labeled as “tin foil” conspiracy theorists, called crazy and lambasted for the inclusion of Tea Party property rights activists and repeatedly told that they were imagining things, California property rights advocates may not be so crazy after all. The continual maligning of opponents who have exposed the ongoing implementation of Agenda 21 sustainability, smart growth, ICLEI, stack & pack housing, non-human habitat zoning and the effective end to property rights, are and have been right all along.

    Conspiracy [theories] are theories only so long as you have no facts, only assumptions. Having facts to back up your suspicions does not lessen the conspiratorial act. It simply affirms the fact that the conspiracy does exist and this group of activists has that proof.
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  47. TopTop #88
    theindependenteye's Avatar

    Re: One Bay Area....California’s adoption of UN Agenda 21 regionalism

    >>>I've seen you take partial parts of people's quotes multiple times to derail or take the power out of the message. I'm not enjoying it and your arguments lose my respect by taking this underhanded approach. How about not using that tactic any more? This is the full text, with the important parts you left out...

    The problem for me with the conspiracy you and others have posited here is that the relation between the facts you put forth don't, in my mind, hold. Here's a fact, there's a fact, and the UN published a paper some time ago, and that PROVES that my problem with some Sonoma County building code is part of a global plot to enslave us -- well, cling to the belief if you must, but I wish you wouldn't force us to defend ourselves from the charge of being mindless sheep by charging *you* with being mindless sheep.

    Rather than succumb to that, I guess I'd just better admit, yes, I'm a mindless sheep that has to ignore the incontrovertible evidence presented in order to drag my ass thru the day. You've convinced me: I'm dumb. I had a hard enough time with Kant & Hegel, but your logical acuity is way beyond that.

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  48. Gratitude expressed by 6 members:

  49. TopTop #89
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: One Bay Area....California’s adoption of UN Agenda 21 regionalism

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by ubaru: View Post

    I've seen you take partial parts of people's quotes multiple times to derail or take the power out of the message. I'm not enjoying it and your arguments lose my respect by taking this underhanded approach. How about not using that tactic any more?

    This is the full text, with the important parts you left out...
    sorry you don't like it, but it's not an "underhanded approach". In a BBS format you can't even really claim it's out-of-context quoting. Unlike other forms of media, the verbose version is right there for reference. It never occurred to me that it "takes the power out of a message"; in fact my point was that the message itself lacks power - that small observations are being pumped up as if they were major discoveries. I think my analysis of the structure of that post was accurate, and the parts I excerpted were intended to show the source of my conclusions. There's a good dramatic structure to the post, but it's not an argument intended to convince anyone who's not already in that camp.
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  51. TopTop #90

    Re: A Must Read--U.N. Agenda 21

    Quote theindependenteye wrote:

    The problem for me with the conspiracy you and others have posited here is that the relation between the facts you put forth don't, in my mind, hold. Here's a fact, there's a fact, and the UN published a paper some time ago, and that PROVES that my problem with some Sonoma County building code is part of a global plot to enslave us -- well, cling to the belief if you must, but I wish you wouldn't force us to defend ourselves from the charge of being mindless sheep by charging *you* with being mindless sheep.

    Rather than succumb to that, I guess I'd just better admit, yes, I'm a mindless sheep that has to ignore the incontrovertible evidence presented in order to drag my ass thru the day. You've convinced me: I'm dumb. I had a hard enough time with Kant & Hegel, but your logical acuity is way beyond that.
    Conrad, I don't consider U.N. Agenda 21 to be a "conspiracy." Rather, it is only part and parcel - and symptomatic - of the various kinds of directives that descend down to the commons from the lofty heights of Geneva, Switzerland - the home of the World Bank / I.M.F., and the headquarters of every multinational cartel and multinational corporation on the planet. Is Geneva itself a "conspiracy?" Hardly. It is merely a center where business is done, Globally. It is one nerve center of a System - end game capitalism.

    Again, I suggest - just suggest - that, rather than engage in name-calling, [i.e., "mindless sheep", "conspiracy theorists",
    etc.; or calling yourself "dumb"] how about doing a little reading?

    That way we can have an intelligent dialog, with a little more input of data...

    As I wrote,
    "I just finished reading Rosa Koire's book, "Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21" - which is available, for $16, postage included, from the website:

    I recommend it, highly. Well worth the money - to stay informed. Good, old-fashioned muckraking.
    A very important, timely, well researched, and well written book."

    - Mark
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