Dear People, As you probably have heard, Chris Caswell, American Celtic Bard and harp builder, died Jan 21 at his home. His last concert was at the Occidental Community Center on Dec. 16 and was a tribute to his musicianship and courage. A group of friends, calling themselves his "Karmic Allies" have developing an on-on-line fund raising project. The CDs produced will be sold to help with medical bills. That way the music lives on while doing good.
Here is information and a link to the page on IndieGoGo.THE CHRIS CASWELL LEGACY CD PROJECT
Music is the most generous art, for it gives freely to all who hear.
Chris was a master musician on many instruments, but he dedicated himself to playing and building the Celtic Harp for over four decades. Over the years, Chris has recorded many hours of brilliant music of all kinds at concerts, festivals, fairs, music camps and other gatherings. His plan to go into the recording studio was interrupted by his swiftly moving illness. Chris passed on January 21, 2013 and is deeply mourned. We can’t let him go.
We, his friends, want to collect these wide-ranging recordings, remastering them to produce a double CD album with liner notes filled with Chris’ stories, historical and musicological lore. We want the CD to retain the richness of a live concert and the humor of his conversations with his audiences.
To that end, we have put up a page on IndieGoGo, a site for fund raising similar to Kickstarter. Any amount, $15 to $1000 or more, will help preserve Chris’ ecstatic genius for future listeners and learners. There are attractive perks as well. You’re invited to join in by donating and also by spreading the word to your lists and connections. We have less than two months to make our goal for the double CD set and also to republish “Holy Wood” and “Celtic Tidings” as the manufacturer has gone out of business. We have an experienced team of publicity, marketing and sound engineering people and music business people who will work as volunteers to preserve the music and let it live on. Later, the sales of the CD will provide continuing funds to defray his remaining medical expenses and harp shop costs. The team will be designing a multi-level distribution system as well.
So please visit to see information about the project, the perks, and the people who have raised the site, for more information or to volunteer, email: [email protected] .
Please help us preserve and care for Chris’ legacy of great Celtic and World Music.
“A life lived for music is an existence spent wonderfully.”
L. Pavarotti