Hello Web Designers or Employers of Web Designers,

I am in the process of getting funding to send myself to school for Web Design. I need to get 5 informational interviews with Web Designers / Developers who are currently working. The caveat is that you can't have a college degree.

The intention for the interview is for me to find people who are actually employed doing what I want to be trained for and that you have the same amount of school / training that I will have after I take the Web Design certification classes at the JC. Once I have the certificate, I need to prove that there are employment opportunities in our area for someone with this certification.

So, I am asking the community for some help. If you KNOW of a web designer that is currently employed
(self employed or within a company) AND the designer does not have collage training, will you please ask them to contact me? It is a short interview and won't take much time. We can do it on the phone, or if they want, I would love to treat you to a lunch and have a real conversation.

If you are a company who EMPLOYES web designers who do not have a college degrees, will you please contact me? I just need to prove there is amply job opportunities for a Web Designer without a college degree.

Many Many THANKS!
Amy ( who is in the process of believing I can re-invent myself after the age of 50, can you say, you go girl? )