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  1. TopTop #1
    Ernieman's Avatar

    Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down
    by Ernieman

    A secret and small committee ofCounty personnel known as the Ad Hoc Committee on Medicinal Marijuana and headed by lame duck Supervisor Valerie Brown, Supervisor Shirley Zane and the District Attorney Jill Ravitch will make some really bad recommendations to the fullBoard of Supervisors, Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at 2:30pm. If you care: BeThere!

    Theyare recommending significant changes to the current Medical Marijuana protocols.The three recommendations are:
    (1) reduce the number of plants that are legalfrom 30 to 6
    (2) adopt penalties for growing in an unoccupied house and
    (3) establish a (regulatory) Marijuana Task Force to develop “sustainable and defensibleregulatory and enforcement programs to reduce marijuana impacts.”

    The Agenda material is now on the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors website here. It is item 58.The arguments are way contrived. Somehow the fact we have a higher percentage of young people who smoke than the State average means we should reduce thenumber of medicinal plants? Most young people I have talked to take their marijuana from their parent’s stash. So the Board of Supervisors in a County where probably 30% of the people smoke marijuana, which had a 20,000 vote plurality voting to legalize it (Prop. 19) in 2010, where a 62,000 plurality for compassionate care in 1996 is now becoming our parent and following the lead of a lame duck Supervisor to turn ordinary citizens and medical marijuana patients into criminals.

    Who says we need stronger limitations as the Report states? In fact, we should decriminalize and legalize marijuana rather than increase the penalties. The hard approach has been tried and it has failed. Mainly, minorities and youth are the victims of over aggressive suppression.

    The report quotes an increase inmarijuana arrests as one basis for further limiting possession to six plants. Huh? So the answer to increased arrest is to criminalize more medical marijuana patients? If a citizen pays no attention now, how is he or she going to treat the new limits?

    Another part of the report says organized crime comes here and grows because we are too liberal. Huh? Organized crime is going to go along and limit their operations to six plants? The report states that we spend $2,000,000 per year on marijuana enforcement and they need another $250,000 in 2012 to start the new regulations. If the County wants tobust everyone who has over six plants that budget will go to $4,000,000 per year. And, how are they going to get convictions in a jury trial?

    I am rather shocked to see the Board elevate medical marijuana to a punitive overregulated issue. Apparently the Committee was asleep when both the discussion on effects of Prohibition of alcohol and past Sonoma votes on marijuana tookplace. The Committee is silent on accidents and arrests from winery tasting rooms. If they applied this marijuana logic to the wine industry, there would be recalls. They’d also find out there are more problems associated with alcohol than marijuana.

    Firstly, they have not adequately defined a problem. Secondly, the unintended consequences have not been discussed and this includes increased enforcement cost and making criminals out of citizens. The County did not bother to involve the current legal clinics and growers in the discussion. Most importantly, what about patients’ rights? Patients are being thrown in with drug cartels in theCounty’s mind. What are they thinking?

    In short call the Board of Supervisors (565-2242) and leave a message that this cracking down on medical marijuana is a waste of time and taxpayers money. Better ,attend the meeting Tuesday afternoon at the Board of Supervisors.
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  2. Gratitude expressed by 11 members:

  3. TopTop #2
    Peacetown Jonathan's Avatar
    Investigative Reporter

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    This is shocking! And as you suggest, exactly the OPPOSITE of how We, the People, the vast majority of those in this County, want to see our tax dollars used. Please CALL the supervisors! Let them know how YOU feel about them spending $2M a year and proposing to double that to destroy people's lives over growing marijuana, at the same time, somehow not managing to find enough
    resources to fund County libraries, WHICH CUT HOURS BY 25% in all 12 county libraries LAST YEAR FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY TO SAVE $650,000.

    Let's do the math: these drug warriors, who NEVER campaigned on this platform (Ravitch??) , wan tto spend $2M more a year reducing the number of plants people can own by incarcerating them, terrorizing them with a militarized plice force, removing parents from their children, etc, but they choose NOT to fund our libraries for the first time ever.

    They, as elected reps, make choices. And how many of us would support the choice of escalating the war on backyar4d pot growers while keeping our libraries closed?

    The electeds will whine that this is not the choice they are making, but it is. Let them know how you feel about it!
    Question to Emieman: how many votes will they have for this and has our rep, Efren, taken a position on this.
    Call him, fellow constituents.
    (707) 565-2241
    Tell him if you want him to fund our libraries instead of increasing the war on citizens who use and grow marijuana.

    Sheesh. This police/prison industrial complex is like whack-a-mole. That is it popping up here in one of the most progressive counties in America is absurd. We need to take our power back and make sure whomever supports this never gets out votes, or support, again.
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  4. Gratitude expressed by 7 members:

  5. TopTop #3
    Remember1's Avatar

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    Most dispensaries are highly concerned with patient's rights and encourage patients to advocate for themselves and their health. Many times, they are the first to encourage patients to voice their concerns and opinions and be involved in the political processes that shape our communities.

    I will be at the meeting, and encourage all community members, patients and non-patients alike, to attend the meeting and use their voice or just be present in support of patients and civil rights.

    There is also an online petition to the BOS here:

    any concerned citizens are meeting at the Arlene Francis Center at 2pm on December 11th, and will then carpool over to the BOS meeting when the agenda item is close to being called. I hope that all of you will consider sharing this information with your friends and family, and encourage them to sign the petition and if at all possible, attend! The BOS needs to understand that the citizens of these communities will not be left out of the process and that we have voices that must be heard!
    Last edited by Barry; 12-08-2012 at 08:49 PM.
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  6. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  7. TopTop #4

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    This issue is of particular interest to me. Back in the early to mid 90s, I believed I was on the forefront of the medical marijuana campaign. I worked with Mr. Dennis Peron and the brave folks at the Cannabis Buyers Club out of San Francisco. I helped bring "Brownie Mary" to my college campus. I was a member of the Hemp Club and Global Awareness In Action aka GAIA. I marched down Mendocino Avenue holding a beautiful hand-painted sign in support of Proposition 215. I spoke eloquently on the subject. I swayed public opinion. I was a beautiful hippie college activist with a cause... on a mission. I was right! When the California voters passed proposition 215, I was elated.

    Fast forward 16 years (my how time flies) and I am truly disappointed with many aspects of the medical marijuana community. The freedom-seeking weed I so passionately wanted to liberate from the disguises of our tomato patches moved indoors under energy-sucking grow lights. Growing marijuana plants in hydroponic systems requires the use of chemicals that contain all of the nutrients necessary for healthy vigorous plant growth. The General Hydroponics Flora Series (according to their website) uses up to 8 different grow chemicals. For those who may like "studies" Evan Mills of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, estimates that pot growing uses 1 percent of U.S. electricity and creates 17 metric tons of carbon dioxide each year. That means each joint equals two pounds of carbon emissions.

    What happened to this environmentally friendly, easy to grow weed that could be grown by anyone-- organically-- in the summer? How can this community be so passionate about how and where their food is grown, while turning a blind eye to the ethics, sustainability, growing standards, environmental impacts, public safety and working conditions surrounding the growing of their pot? How can we ignore the carbon footprint of a joint? The Jennifer of 16+ years ago was telling everyone it was green. I'm afraid I was wrong.

    Now to be honest, I don't know where we should go from here. I don't know if the politicians and the cops will move us in a greener and safer direction. I think those of us who brought this initiative before the people should re-group and try to shape a standard that is more inline with the ideas we had when we drafted the proposition. Back then, were you all thinking grow-lights, chemicals in plastic bottles, west-county rentals burning down due to faulty electrical hook-ups, turkey bags, diesel generators... Damn! It is hard to look at, and many might be defensive about any criticism of medical marijuana because we worked so very hard to get favorable legislation passed. But I'm not thrilled that there is a grow-house in my neighborhood, and when I see the "growers" I kind of want to flip them off... but I'm punchy like that and I digress.

    This is important medicine folks, we don't want to loose the legality of it, nor the spirit of it.
    How can we clean it up?

    Jennifer Branham

    (While I am posting under the Laguna Farm name, as a co-owner of Sebastopol's largest CSA farm [ that grows food -- year round in a flood-plain -- outside! ] These views probably do not reflect the general consensus or viewpoints of everyone associated with the farm -- including it's membership. I am writing as myself-- TOTALLY sticking my neck out there in support of that idealistic hippie chick that was once me, and still is a part of me... so many years later.)
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  8. TopTop #5
    Glia's Avatar

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Laguna Farm: View Post
    This is important medicine folks, we don't want to loose the legality of it, nor the spirit of it.
    How can we clean it up?
    Good news: the 'dirt and sunshine grow' is becoming popular again! Some of the medical pot groups to the north are doing "grow it in the sun" campaigns for the reasons you mentioned.

    One of the incentives to grow indoors is to protect the crop from being stolen, either by thieves or the DEA. Ultimately all of the problems with MJ cultivation (and trafficking and use) are a result of the federal prohibition on all forms of cannabis. The solution: get the feds out of the cannabis/marijuana regulation business, and let states regulate and tax it like they do booze and tobacco.

    The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, along with all of our local and state elected office-holders, should be lobbying the feds to de-list cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act, and let the states deal with it as they see fit.
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  9. Gratitude expressed by 11 members:

  10. TopTop #6
    Peacetown Jonathan's Avatar
    Investigative Reporter

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    Hey fellow citizens,

    I just got off the phone with County District Attorney Jill Ravich's office. I told her assistant Mary how upset I feel about her Ms. Ravich recommending an expansion of our County's war on my fellow citizens who choose to use and grow marijuana, at a cost of $2 million when we cannot afford $650,000 a year to keep out public libraries open on Monday (the recent 25% cut in library hours was the first in our County's history, brought on my an economic crisis--which I view as a crisis in good and representative county governance!

    I was told I was the first call the first caller for , at (707) 565-2311. Please consider picking up the phone and letting our publicly elected DA know how you feel.

    I also left a message for our County Supervisor, Efren , at 565-2241. He is against this proposition. LET'S CALL HIM and let him know we support his position!

    54% of the voters in Sonoma County voted for FULL LEGALIZATION with Prop 19 in 2010. Marijuana arrests by our taxpayer financed Sheriff's dept (which received more than $100 MILLION a year) have increased 250% since 2006, according to the latest county stats.

    It's time for We, the People, to remind they, our elected officials being paid by our tax dollars, what we think of the choices they are making. If you have time, please call them, or show up tomorrow. I hear pub.lic comment is about 3:30 pm for a couple of hours on this subject, at tomorrow's full Board of Supervisors meeting, at

    Last edited by Peacetown Jonathan; 12-12-2012 at 02:42 PM.
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  11. Gratitude expressed by 9 members:

  12. TopTop #7
    tezor's Avatar

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    I called Efren's office, talked to his aid, she stated he doesn't support the ordinance at all, and is angry about it. I also called the DA's office and talked to an aid. I stated that I was not in support of this foolishness, that I had voted for the DA, but wouldn't at the next time she would be up for election, due to this issue. I was told she isn't swayed by threats. I never thought of my vote as a threat. It is my voice to my representatives in government. It is my choice. But a threat? And just where is this money coming from? Why aren't we putting those funds into education, the libraries, senior centers, or after school music and sports programs? It is an incredible waste of funds, effort, and time better spent going after real criminals. Go after the cartels polluting the creeks, stealing electricity. or water from the fish, native plants, and animals. Those using weapons, intimidating hikers, and landowners. Those whose paperwork to grow isn't in order. These law's are already there. No need to reinvent the wheel. Cutting back on medical users allotments is chickens*it, we the people have voted in no uncertain terms. When polled the majority of support is on the side of making it totally legal. Tax it, regulate it, but get over trying to stop it. It's a weed that cannot be removed. It would cause way less trouble than alcohol. Years ago on a fire call, while we were cleaning up yet another alcohol fueled fatal wreck, I remember a deputy saying he'd never been to a domestic disturbance caused by marijuana. Prohibition didn't work on alcohol either, just made money for people willing to do stupid things to fuel the demand. Left a lot of people dead, or in someway wounded. However the feds seem to shove there heads where the sun don't shine, when they think about it. Same thing, different time and product. Make those calls... with the best of intentions. B
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  14. TopTop #8
    tezor's Avatar

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    One more thing I learned is that the Library's budget is a Joint (funny word for this thread) Powers Agreement or JPA completely separate from the county's budget, it has it's own direct source of dwindling funding base, so that aside, I stand by my prior post. I call all available folk to attend if possible, sorry I can't. Go see government in action or is that an oxymoron? B
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  16. TopTop #9
    Peacetown Jonathan's Avatar
    Investigative Reporter

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    I know about the library finding mechanism. It is simply a mechanism, a technicality easily remedied. There is nothing to stop the Board of Supervisors from adequately voting to fund our libraries. This excuse is a cop out for them. They should be held accountable for failing to adequately fund our libraries while spending millions on an unpopular war on our fellow citizens who choose to grow and use marijuana.
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  18. TopTop #10
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    According to Marty Roberts who attending the BOS meeting:

    "Resolution has been tabled. The public was heard. Good work!"
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  20. TopTop #11
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    It was actually a very good example of democracy at work. And hats off to Supervisors Zane and Brown for being willing to change their minds. There will be some sort of advisory committee to bring in all stakeholders to work on a solution to the violent crime and environmental issues of illegal marijuana growing. And they will revisit the recommendation to outlaw growing in unoccupied residential homes. But the speakers made their case very well and I learned a lot.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    According to Marty Roberts who attending the BOS meeting:

    "Resolution has been tabled. The public was heard. Good work!"
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  22. TopTop #12
    Peacetown Jonathan's Avatar
    Investigative Reporter

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    The vote I hear was 5 to 0 in favor of tabling it. DA Jill Ravitch should be ASHAMED of herself. She is unfit for her public office by proposing this in the final hour and trying to sneak it in. She never mentioned that she favored expanding the County's war on people who grow medicinal marijuana when she ran for office. Hopefully someone will challenge her next election and we can vote in someone who believes that smashing people's doors down in the middle of the night and terrorizing people for choosing to grow pot is not the best use of public funds.

    A big change has happened in our civil society and progressive community, friends. A few folks noted tonight that there was not a SINGLE person speaking in favor of this under the radar attempt to expand the war on marijuana. Scores spoke against it, and hundreds of us crowded the room.

    It was an accountability moment . That is what is new and exciting here. Unresponsive punitive government withers and dies in the sunlight, with transparency.

    We, the People stood up tonight. And the drug prohibitionists and their enablers in government withered and died.

    The next step is to take the offensive and see how many of these supervisors wants to continue spending $2 million per year in Sheriff's costs enforcing marijuana laws (as well as probably the same amount in court and probation and prison costs), INSTEAD OF finding the $650,000 it will take to restore library hours from their 25% CUTBACK last year and NOW for the first time in Sonoma County history/

    Fund libraries? Or hooded, militarized police raids on medicinal marijuana backyard growers. What choice do We, the People, who pay these supervisors and DA's and Sheriff deputies, want out "public servants" to make?

    It's time to take our power back over our city and County budgets, and over those we elect and pay to oversee them!
    Last edited by Barry; 12-12-2012 at 09:20 AM.
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  24. TopTop #13
    Shepherd's Avatar

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    Yesterday's Board of Supervisors public hearing on changing medical marijuana guidelines was a great success for the many of us who were there to testify against the proposed changes. The PD article follows. It mentions the tactful, generous comments by Sebastopol Vice-Mayor Robert Jacob, as well as comments by Occupy Sebastopol's Tim Ryan, and Sebastopol's Angie Monnet. It was a real display of direct democracy and pushing back elected officials.

    Repeal of medical marijuana guidelines rejected by Sonoma County supervisors

    Direct Link:

    By Julie Johnson
    Last Modified: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 8:31 a.m.

    Two members of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors failed to push through a proposal to repeal the county's guidelines on medical marijuana cultivation and possession.

    After listening for nearly two hours to medical marijuana lawyers, patients and advocates lambast the lack of outreach on the repeal effort, the board voted 5-0 to set it aside.

    The hearing was the last for Supervisor Valerie Brown, who with Board Chairwoman Shirlee Zane led an ad hoc committee that crafted the proposal to change the guidelines, in place since 2006, to reduce the permissible amounts.
    Brown, after the impassioned and at times rowdy hearing, gave an emotional apology.

    “I just flat out failed you and I'm sorry,” said Brown. “I want to thank all of you for coming forward — the majority of you I agree with.”

    But the supervisors voted to move forward with two additional proposals made by Brown and Zane. They agreed to have the committee craft an ordinance that would prohibit the use of unoccupied residential buildings to grow marijuana.

    They also voted to establish a “working group” to help the county shape its medical marijuana policies that would include patients, law enforcement and a wide range of people involved in the issue.

    The board's 2006 resolution permits patients to have 30 plants or 100-square-feet of cultivation space and 3 pounds of dried pot per year.

    Brown and Zane said they set out to revise the county's guidelines to address a spike in pot-fueled crime. They suggested adopting the state guidelines, which permit patients to have six mature plants or 12 immature plants and 8 ounces of dried pot.

    Physicians can prescribe marijuana in amounts beyond state and county guidelines.

    The more than two-hour-long hearing came before a packed audience that spilled into the hallway with rows of folding chairs set up to accommodate the crowd.

    Audience members included noted medical marijuana attorney Omar Figueroa, Sebastopol vice mayor and dispensary founder Robert Jacob, dispensary owners and dozens of medical cannabis patients.
    Many in the audience wore pink stickers that read, “Don't Criminalize Patients.”

    Name:  cheer.jpg
Views: 1950
Size:  28.3 KB
    Medical marijuana supporters show their support for a speaker
    Tuesday during the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors meeting.
    Photo credit: Christopher Chung/The Press Democrat

    Brown and Zane tried to reassure a sometimes hissing crowd that they did not intend to make it harder for patients to access medicine.

    “We're not talking about a criminal offense where someone is carrying a little bit of dope in their car,” Zane said. “We're talking about real violent crime and real offenses.”

    Brown said, “I still believe in the use of medical marijuana that compassionate use is appropriate, real and productive.”
    But that message was not heard by many at the hearing.

    Supervisor Efren Carrillo led the charge criticizing the process with a statement on Facebook the day before the vote that he was “livid and appalled with the lack of public engagement on this issue between stakeholders and the Board.”

    Carrillo took a softer tone at the hearing, and said that although he believed Zane and Brown had good intentions, he had “serious concern” that medical marijuana users weren't consulted.

    “Never at any point did we discuss the repeal of the 2006 decision, I don't recall ever having that discussion,” Carrillo said.
    Among dozens of speakers one of the primary concerns was that Brown and Zane consulted law enforcement but did not consult medical marijuana patients.

    Speakers said that reducing the amount of pot would affect patients fighting illness and pain, do nothing to combat illegal drug trafficking and flood the courthouse with petty pot possession cases.

    “If you repeal this ordinance, it will be a relief act for me, there will be chaos in the court system as you've never seen before,” Santa Rosa criminal attorney Chris Andrian.

    “Not one person has spoken in support of ad hoc committee,” Tim Ryan, 24, a Sonoma County Junior College student who said a doctor recommended he use pot to manage pain from compressed vertebrae.

    “Noted,” Zane said.

    Angie Monette of Sebastopol waved the registration papers she filed earlier in the day to start a committee to oppose the repeal effort called “Citizens for Responsible Access.”

    “I've raised about $1,000 an hour since I filed those papers today,” Monette said.

    Brown and Zane said they were motivated to combat an image drawing criminals to Sonoma County that it's easy to get away with illegal marijuana cultivation here.

    During the hearing, Sheriff Steve Freitas that since 2007 the county has experienced a rise in violent crime associated with marijuana.

    “There is a perception, real or not, which is bringing people to Sonoma County, of permissiveness,” Freitas said.
    Supervisor David Rabbitt said the board needs to balance fair access for patients with quality-of-life concerns facing neighbors unwillingly surrounded by backyard pot gardens.

    “There are people in the county who have a whole separate set of beliefs, those who show up don't necessarily dictate the county,” Rabbitt said.

    Also at issue was the proposal to develop a marijuana task force modeled after the county-wide methamphetamine task force.

    Many people who walked up to the podium said they were insulted by the comparison. Supervisor Mike McGuire recommended using the terms “collaborative working group” instead of “task force.” After the hearing, District Attorney Jill Ravitch said that she was critical of Brown and Zane. “We could have avoided such a contentious hearing and so many concerned citizens if we had preceded by having a robust conversation,” Ravitch said. Still, others took a more generous view.

    Jacob, who runs the Peace in Medicine dispensary in Sebastopol and was elected this November to the City Council, said that he opposed repealing the 2006 guidelines but felt it was time to discuss them. Brown “did not fail today,” Jacob said. “She took a very important decision to the next step.”

    You can reach Staff Writer Julie Johnson at 521-5220, [email protected] or on Twitter @jjpressdem.

    Last edited by AshleyM; 12-12-2012 at 12:03 PM.
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  25. TopTop #14
    Ernieman's Avatar

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    Last night around 7:30 p.m., the Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 to leave the medicinal marijuana regulations as is. There are still problems as identified by the County like growing in abandoned houses and with large scale outdoor grows but these problems will be handled separately from the current grow regulations in place. Instead, those regulations remain in tact as adopted in 2010.

    This was due to the fact the proposed changes were unworkable and would have many unintended consequences increasing court costs, arrests, legal battles, criminalization and all at a time when the trend is going toward legalization. After a hearing that lasted nearly four hours, Valerie Brown, at her last Board meeting as a Supervisor, had to leave to catch a flight out of town. Many people waiting to speak were angry when Chairman Zane abruptly cancelled public input. Yet to the surprise of most all medicinal marijuana pundits and Board watchers, after a short discussion, the Board voted 5-0 against the Ad Committee recommendations of Supervisors Brown and Zane. The Committee ended up voting against their own recommendations.

    Most important was the incredible public turn out and excellent testimony. Pre-eminent criminal attorney Cris Andrian waited three hours to take two minutes to tell the Board that the changes would be disastrously expensive for the courts, poor people and throw the system into disarray, removing guidelines that all in the court system used. Patients came to the podium with oxygen, expert growers with clarifications on tricky questions about canopy, patients, and Medicinal clinic operators. The proceedings are most likely on the Board of Supervisors web site. Very good stuff.

    The proposed changes were only discovered last Friday. There had been no public input or notification of the proposed changes. With the guidance of Robert Jacob, Peace and Medicine founder, and several high powered political consultants, local political leaders, advocacy groups and including the author, meetings were held and a strategy was developed to alert the public and to address this on-the-way out of office attempt by Supervisor Brown to change the guidelines. One person testified that an election Committee had been established and registered with the Secretary of State for a referendum if the resolution had been passed. Several attorneys had started working on language and all the legal crafting for a referendum. A bank account had been opened. Petitions would have been on the street over Christmas as it had to be done in thirty days. Thankfully, this was all avoided.

    In fairness, kudos to Supervisor Carrillo for getting it right and leading the Board to turn down the Ad Hoc Committees recommendations. He sliced and diced the issue and the Committee with both kindness and purpose. He took the lead in getting it off the table. An oddity is that the open meeting law ( Brown Act) kept the Ad Hoc Committee from talking to other Board members so they did not know what was being proposed. The other Supervisors were surprised by the recommendations of the Committee. Probably a few choice words were uttered when they got the agenda.

    Lastly, the District Attorney and the Sheriff were put on the spot having to stand before the Board and answer questions and agree with the Ad Hoc Committee. Boy, talk about being on a spot, The District Attorney, Jill Ravitch, was asked by the Chairman of the Board to support the Ad Hoc recommendations when the two members vote on her budget and while three hundred medicinal advocates wearing little red stickers looking on. To her credit, she didn't flinch but she didn't give the right answers either. She had no problem supporting the measure.

    One supposition of the staff report was that since Sonoma County was so lenient on pot growing people were coming here from Alabama and Oklahoma to grow. The Sheriff was brought before the Board and packed house to substantiate this. Humm. The public after a long period of time hearing staff reports, lectures from Supervisor Zane on how much she had learned while on the Ad Hoc Committee and defending her actions, really carried the day. They answered all the questions and enlightened the Board on the problems this change would cause.

    As a side bar, it was disclosed in an exchange between Supervisor Carillo and Supervisor Zane that she had jumped out of a helicopter in a SWAT raid on a big commercial out door grow. She excitedly told of the event but I was not certain but what the question was not but a very polite gig. Perhaps of her self proclaimed expertise in drug law and policy. Supervisor Carrillo was also forthright in holding the Sheriff and District Attorney to substantiate several assumptions in the report.

    We all agree that there are some problems in the marijuana arena. Yes I want to walk on public land without fear and I don't like chemical use and any abuse of waterways. I wouldn't like it if someone converted my rental into a grow house without permission. There is a need to address these issues.The Board in the final analysis did the right thing and voted against more draconian marijuana rules in Sonoma County.

    The big loser was Supervisor Shirley Zane kind of a liberal who after setting on a Committee for two years still didn't get it. Supervisor Brown left her last meeting to fly off into the night. It should have been a better send off for her. Jill Ravitch didn't win any friends. Hope she realizes she doesn't have to be so hard on marijuana. After all it was the liberal constituency that elected her. We can stand down for the time being.
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  26. TopTop #15
    Shepherd's Avatar

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    I want to appreciate Ernie for his strong and humorous presence at the hearing last night, helping keep the good energy going. His early posting of this pending public hearing at Wacco was what organized me to go. I also want to echo his criticism of Supervisor Zane. She was anti-democratic in many ways, often yelling at people. Ernie was one of the early people to arrive and put in a speakers' card. He was there at about the same time as I was, but I was allowed to speak in order, early on, whereas Ernie was put too late in the list to speak, since he had to leave for other commitments.

    I also want to appreciate Occupy Sebastopol's Tim Ryan for speaking up; he was one of the youngest people to bravely speak truth to the power of the Supervisors. He is both quoted in the PD and his picture is in the paper, along with those of others in the full house. Be sure to see that front page picture, above the fold. It is important to have such victories as this in the ongoing struggle against the 1% here is Sonoma County, which is run by the wine industry which seems to run many on the Board of Supervisors. This was a major victory for not only medicinal marijuana advocates, but also for democracy. But we have to remain vigilant on this important issue.
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  28. TopTop #16
    Peacetown Jonathan's Avatar
    Investigative Reporter

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    I want to join Shepherd in thanking Ernie for this role in alerting and mobilizing our community over this 11th hour attempt to expand our County's militarized police war on our fellow citizens who choose to use and grow marijuana. (Ernie waited for four hours to speak, asked to speak before he had to go to another appointment, had this request refused by Zane, even though Ernie's request came as a substitute for someone who was not there, and then was called to speak just three minutes after he left).

    I also want to thank Efren Carillo. Given that it is the working class Mexican American community that experiences a a majority of the militarized police pain inflicted by the war on marijuana (because they are less able to afford expert legal representation) it is exciting to see our youngest Supervisor stand tall and loud against this assault on all of our rights.

    Lastly, I want to call out a big THANK YOU! to Barry and Waco BB for providing our community with an open forum to express and share views about issues like this one, which those in power (like the Sheriff, DA and Ms. Zane) use the many levers they have to stack the deal against We, the People. The morning before this 5 to 0 victory for Sonoma County's people happened, the Press Democrat lead editorial SUPPORTED this initiative. Had they, the Drug Prohibitionist dinosaurs, been able to expand their terrorizing war on marijuana without the notice supported by WaccoBB and other leading progressive networks (like Robert Jacob's Peace in Medicine and Americans for Safe Access and others), the public might not have mounted a sufficient challenge last night.

    But we did. We came together as a grassroots community to support responsive, responsible, and compassionate government! And our elected officials heard us.

    I am thankful for this.
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  29. Gratitude expressed by 10 members:

  30. TopTop #17
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    I think it was really too bad that former Supervisor Carpenter was not allowed to speak. I don't know what order the speakers were chosen in, but he put in a card at 2:30 and I'm sure others that came later were allowed to speak. Ernie waited until 6:30 and still did not get to speak! I think people should put the time they arrive on the card and the cards should be called in that order the same as if you were standing in line - which is how it used to be.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Ernieman: View Post
    Last night around 7:30 p.m., the Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 to leave the medicinal marijuana regulations as is. There are still problems as identified by the County like growing in abandoned houses and with large scale outdoor grows but these problems will be handled separately from the current grow regulations in place. Instead, those regulations remain in tact as adopted in 2010. .....
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  32. TopTop #18

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shepherd: View Post
    I also want to echo his criticism of Supervisor Zane. She was anti-democratic in many ways, often yelling at people.
    I've been speaking at the SC BOS meetings for nearly 10 years on many issues; I've done the same at several other city's council meetings, Marin and SF BOS meetings as well. I have never witnessed such abuse of chairmanship as Shirley Zane, someone I was once friendly with. More often than not, I've been the target of her abuse.

    Zane deserves to be recalled; but Carillo must be jailed.

    Here's a bit of why, from Dec. 4th when they were taking up agenda item #8: nominate Mr. Efren Carrillo, Director, Sonoma County Water Agency, for appointment to the Region One Board of Directors and as Vice-Chair of Region One of the Association of California Water Agencies.

    The facts: on Nov.14th in Santa Rosa, someone I've know since 2006, a Lobbyist who's been well connected with development and the wine grape industry, and watershed protection told me he was directed by Doug Bosco to use his relationship with a college buddy now involved in law enforcement in San Diego to get Carillo's felony assault charges dropped. He said Bosco was one of the dirtiest people he's known, and it was making him sick.

    My friend said it wasn't a fight, there was only one punch, it was by Efren; it landed the male victim unconscious and in the hospital.

    With Bosco as one of the new owners of the Press Democrat, do you think for a second these kinds of people will deliver unbiased, investigative reporting? Regarding Efren, do you want a criminal in charge of your natural resources, roads, etc., rules and regulations? Just because he's "pot friendly" is not enough. Preservation Ranch will not be the last forest threatened by vineyard development with Carrillo and Zane in control.

    This is the tip of the iceberg of corruption by Carillo, Bosco & company. These entities, the DA and SRPD prevented justice from being delivered in the case of the 4 crimes committed by my daughter's father. If he'd been properly investigated and jailed, she would be alive. His drugs were found in her body. There is much more to this that links people on the County's payroll and in the wine grape industry to this injustice.

    You looked the other way when I cried out for help for over 3 years. Will you be the next target, or will you join together as you did for your pot ordinance victory, and remove from office those who are not serving us, but are serving the agenda of the 1%, PG&E, Station Casinos, etc.; and demand Carillo serve his time in jail for his crimes?

    No matter what your opinion of the FBI is, this kind of corruption is their duty to investigate. Considering how protected Doug Bosco and his accomplices are; it's going to take a massive effort by our community to overcome the sickness of these folks.

    After what happened with Judi Bari, (, the FBI could use some good karma. Maybe the recent investigation of Petraeus was an indication they can do more than just bust medicinal marijuana growers and dispensaries. Only the force of the majority's will can overcome the culture of corruption from current and former politicians, and focus the priorities of law enforcement on what really matters most.

    At 5:30 AM last Sunday as I was driving to get coffee, I found out a contractor for PG& E had cut into a gas line next to my Sebastopol condo community on Covert Lane and Pacific Market; we weren't even notified much less evacuated.

    After this and so much more, can't help but wonder if the PG&E and casino lobbyists, who are now also the new owners of the PD, want to do further harm to me. Perhaps they don't appreciate they way I speak out in favor of municipal control of our power production, and against Smart Meters, or the statements I make to entities such as San Francisco's Board of Supervisors saying the person-hood status of Citizens United should require the equaled responsibility, such being held liable for involuntary manslaughter for their negligence in San Bruno, not just fined.

    The question remains, will you be outraged enough to get justice delivered; or resign yourself to accept business as usual for well protected crooks in our midst? They are counting on you to ignore this, it's a pivotal moment for the 99% of Sonoma County to take a stand on something much bigger than just pot.

    We have so much to lose, our rights, quality of life, and safety. United we stand, divided we fall.

    Please take a stand with me for the sake of integrity in: elected officials, law enforcement and reporting of the news.

    Thank you!
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  33. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  34. TopTop #19
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Peacetown Jonathan: View Post
    I want to join Shepherd in thanking Ernie for this role in alerting and mobilizing our community over this 11th hour attempt to expand our County's militarized police war on our fellow citizens who choose to use and grow marijuana.
    Me too! It was Ernie who first gave me the heads up! Thanks Ernie!

    Quote I also want to thank Efren Carillo. ... it is exciting to see our youngest Supervisor stand tall and loud against this assault on all of our rights.
    Yes, thank you Efren, too! It's good to see Efren getting some credit when credit is due. He certainly gets blame when it's due (by some users estimation).

    Quote Lastly, I want to call out a big THANK YOU! to Barry and Waco BB for providing our community with an open forum to express and share views about issues like this one, which those in power (like the Sheriff, DA and Ms. Zane) use the many levers they have to stack the deal against We, the People. The morning before this 5 to 0 victory for Sonoma County's people happened, the Press Democrat lead editorial SUPPORTED this initiative. Had they, the Drug Prohibitionist dinosaurs, been able to expand their terrorizing war on marijuana without the notice supported by WaccoBB and other leading progressive networks (like Robert Jacob's Peace in Medicine and Americans for Safe Access and others), the public might not have mounted a sufficient challenge last night.

    But we did. We came together as a grassroots community to support responsive, responsible, and compassionate government! And our elected officials heard us.

    I am thankful for this.
    You are most welcome! Thank you all, especially all those of you who showed up at the meeting, signed the petition and helped spread the word! I'm proud to say that WaccoBB was the first media outlet to publish this important and time critical information. Power to the people!
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  36. TopTop #20

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    OMG! Tears are in my eyes, reading your thoughtful gratitude! It's people like you who make this community one of common unity... I U 4 that!! I am thankful for this.

    And I most certainly agree with all you had to say to all concerned!

    Praying for Peace,
    Rev. BE

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Peacetown Jonathan: View Post
    I want to join Shepherd in thanking Ernie for this role in alerting and mobilizing our community over this 11th hour attempt to expand our County's militarized police war on our fellow citizens who choose to use and grow marijuana. (Ernie waited for four hours to speak, asked to speak before he had to go to another appointment, had this request refused by Zane, even though Ernie's request came as a substitute for someone who was not there, and then was called to speak just three minutes after he left).

    I also want to thank Efren Carillo. Given that it is the working class Mexican American community that experiences a a majority of the militarized police pain inflicted by the war on marijuana (because they are less able to afford expert legal representation) it is exciting to see our youngest Supervisor stand tall and loud against this assault on all of our rights.

    Lastly, I want to call out a big THANK YOU! to Barry and Waco BB for providing our community with an open forum to express and share views about issues like this one, which those in power (like the Sheriff, DA and Ms. Zane) use the many levers they have to stack the deal against We, the People. The morning before this 5 to 0 victory for Sonoma County's people happened, the Press Democrat lead editorial SUPPORTED this initiative. Had they, the Drug Prohibitionist dinosaurs, been able to expand their terrorizing war on marijuana without the notice supported by WaccoBB and other leading progressive networks (like Robert Jacob's Peace in Medicine and Americans for Safe Access and others), the public might not have mounted a sufficient challenge last night.

    But we did. We came together as a grassroots community to support responsive, responsible, and compassionate government! And our elected officials heard us.

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  38. TopTop #21

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    Shepherd, I want to appreciate you for always being one whose opinions and considerations make sense to me. Thanks!
    Rev. BE

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shepherd: View Post
    I want to appreciate Ernie for his strong and humorous presence at the hearing last night, helping keep the good energy going. His early posting of this pending public hearing at Wacco was what organized me to go. I also want to echo his criticism of Supervisor Zane. She was anti-democratic in many ways, often yelling at people. Ernie was one of the early people to arrive and put in a speakers' card. He was there at about the same time as I was, but I was allowed to speak in order, early on, whereas Ernie was put too late in the list to speak, since he had to leave for other commitments.

    I also want to appreciate Occupy Sebastopol's Tim Ryan for speaking up; he was one of the youngest people to bravely speak truth to the power of the Supervisors. He is both quoted in the PD and his picture is in the paper, along with those of others in the full house. Be sure to see that front page picture, above the fold. It is important to have such victories as this in the ongoing struggle against the 1% here is Sonoma County, which is run by the wine industry which seems to run many on the Board of Supervisors. This was a major victory for not only medicinal marijuana advocates, but also for democracy. But we have to remain vigilant on this important issue.
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  40. TopTop #22
    Glia's Avatar

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    Before criticizing/screeding Supervisor Zane, watch the video of the December 11th BoS meeting, which is now available online at

    This was, not surprisingly, a contentious meeting with people exceeding their time allotment, several rude people, and an unfortunate time constraint due to Sup. Brown having to leave at 7PM. After the public input on the medical marijuana issue, they went into a closed session. All told the meeting ran close to 12 hours with only a lunch break. If you were up there dealing with all that crap for 12 hours, you'd probably be getting a bit cranky too.

    I live in Supervisor Zane's district; yesterday I called her administrative assistant about this issue. She asked me what I would have said if I had a chance to speak. We discussed the federal prohibition on all forms of Cannabis as the root cause of all of these problems and that it has been nothing but an utter failure. She said that Supervisor Zane had made exactly that observation at the beginning of the medical MJ ordinance discussion. Why has that not been mentioned here on Wacco?

    There definitely was some funny business with Ernie Carpenter's speaker card. Keep in mind that Chairperson Zane was not the only person to handle the stack of cards.

    I'm really glad that Shirlee Zane is our supervisor. She's a quantum leap improvement over Tim Smith, who was there for 12 years too long. Her heart is in the right place and she operates from the progressive values. Her human services background is a refreshing change to the usual professional politicos, lawyers and businesspeople who end up there.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Peace Voyager: View Post
    I've been speaking at the SC BOS meetings for nearly 10 years on many issues; I've done the same at several other city's council meetings, Marin and SF BOS meetings as well. I have never witnessed such abuse of chairmanship as Shirley Zane, someone I was once friendly with. More often than not, I've been the target of her abuse.
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  42. TopTop #23
    alanora's Avatar

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    Thank you to Ernieman for your post alerting me to the item up for discussion at the board of supervisor meeting. Due to this notification, a mere 5 days before said meeting, we were able to gather enough folk to have an impact on the proceedings.
    I do not know generally how much time is given for notification re agenda of the board meeting, I think it needs to be longer than 5 days public notice.

    Ernie, you were called up immediately after you walked out, I thought you might have heard your name from the speakers in the lobby and returned, the timing was such.

    Was emotional for me when Valerie Brown apologized to her constituency for failing them.

    All in all, glad to have witnessed democracy in action, and to have delayed further draconian measures in the war against a very helpful, healing plant. Mindy Elias.
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Ernieman: View Post
    Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down
    by Ernieman

    A secret and small committee ofCounty personnel known as the Ad Hoc Committee on Medicinal Marijuana and headed by lame duck Supervisor Valerie Brown, Supervisor Shirley Zane and the District Attorney Jill Ravitch will make some really bad recommendations to the fullBoard of Supervisors, Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at 2:30pm. If you care: BeThere!....
    Last edited by Barry; 12-14-2012 at 12:47 PM.
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  44. TopTop #24

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    I followed the link in the previous post, but could only find video for the morning session of the Board, not the afternoon (when the ordinance was discussed). If the video is out there somewhere, I would highly recommend watching for an inspirational display of community strength.

    "Before criticizing/screeding Supervisor Zane, watch the video of the December 11th BoS meeting, which is now available online at
    https://supervisors.sonoma-county.or...d=1001&id=1002 "
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  46. TopTop #25
    Magick's Avatar

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    I remember the board making a decision not to show the video of public comment for items not on the agenda but don't recall them making any decision about not showing the rest of the afternoon session. We should find out and object to this censorship. I am sure the video exists, and we have a right to see it.

    It was an awesome meeting!

    Also, this introduction of signing cards to speak is being used in an undemocratic way. Speaking order is not by who comes first, and was used in a discriminatory way. Ernie was there early and not allowed to speak, as was I, and I was never called.
    Secondly, we do not have to fill out those cards, they have to let the public speak on items up for discussion.

    Third, people often prepare for weeks to make their comments within the 3 minute limit, only to have it cut down by how many want to speak.Therefore if we refuse to turn in the cards they won't have a count and can't justify cutting our time.

    Also, the Frequently Asked Questions handout was unsigned and not at all objective, passed out just before the item came up to discourage comment. That's why when Shirley asked if we everyone got the handout I replied, "yes, we got the propaganda". Process is often how are democracy is stifled and marginalized and we need to address it as well as the issues we are concerned about.No need to stay inside the paradigm of "speaking truth to power", all power is already ours if we claim it!

    Just so you all know, Efren loves to score points on items like this that won't hurt his financial backers, but wait until Preservation Ranch and Artesa comes up, where they want to cut down mountaintop trees the size of 8 football fields, to put in vineyards that will scrape those forests off and ruin the creeks, kill wildlife and steal more trees that are meant to be here for future generations. Everyone that knows Efren's backers knows he has been told how to vote on this one.

    I have tried repeatedly to get him to take a stand about the real preservation of this land in Gualala and he won't, even though the people are up-in arms in opposition. He is prepared to tell how much land they will perserve to rationalize the devastation, so we turn the other way when they do irreparable damage to our forests. Does anyone think we need more vineyards?

    TIme to have the real miracle of turning WINE back into WATER!

    Go to to get the real story about corporate plans to pillage for profit by Preservation Ranch and Artesa people who have a total disregard for our earth.

    In memory and solidarity with Judi Bari, who died a slow death, at the hands of the state, Earth First!
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by prana: View Post
    I followed the link in the previous post, but could only find video for the morning session of the Board, not the afternoon (when the ordinance was discussed). If the video is out there somewhere, I would highly recommend watching for an inspirational display of community strength.

    "Before criticizing/screeding Supervisor Zane, watch the video of the December 11th BoS meeting, which is now available online at
    https://supervisors.sonoma-county.or...d=1001&id=1002 "
    Last edited by Barry; 12-16-2012 at 01:20 PM.
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  48. TopTop #26
    sambacat's Avatar
    Supporting member

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    Surely Shirley, along with Mike and Susan (hurray for her victory!) will outvote Efren and David on the Devastation Ranch issue. Yes, here's to a real hero of and martyr for the planet, Judi Bari -- she is greatly missed.
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  50. TopTop #27
    Valley Oak's Avatar
    Valley Oak

    We need pot smoking candidates to run for Sup!

    We need people who are public and proud of smoking. The Sups who betrayed Sonoma County residents were like wolves in sheep's clothing.

    I would like to see a candidate run for the Board of Supervisors who I KNOW smokes pot. I'm not saying that there is no one that does not smoke who can be trusted. But I am saying that I would like to see someone who smokes and exercises the same freedom that we do if they are going to represent us in government.

    Another thought: Is anyone here willing to run for the BOS to defend our rights and our freedoms, to fight for our right to choose our medicine and our health?

    Thank you!
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  52. TopTop #28
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    I've split off the recent "lifestyle" discussion to it's own thread: Is there a Pot Smoking Lifestyle? What is a Lifestyle anyway? I look forward to seeing your comments there!

    Let's keep this thread focused on the Board of Supervisors recent action, including Edward's recent request for a pot-smoking supervisor. Sounds good to me!

    I think Robert Jacob (who one might surmise fits that bill) may well be that person! I was very impressed with his campaign and I'll be watching how he grows into his new job on the Sebastopol City Council.
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  54. TopTop #29
    Valley Oak's Avatar
    Valley Oak

    Re: We need pot smoking candidates to run for Sup!

    To re-emphasize a little on what I was trying to say: I don't see Ravitch, Zane, or Brown smoking at home. Does anyone here?

    I see all three of these people coming from relatively conservative backgrounds. Sure, they might consider themselves Democrats and vote Democrat at election time but the Democratic Party is very conservative on a lot of issues, which is a good reason to vote for the Green Party, at least in local elections.

    How can we expect someone to defend our rights if they don't believe in practicing those same rights and freedoms themselves in their daily, private lives? My feeling is that all 3 of those Sups tiptoed around the issue of medical marijuana as if it were an eggshell because they felt uncomfortable with it. And they felt uncomfortable with it because they personally believe that there is something wrong with smoking it.

    We need to elect our allies to public office. One of us. Asking someone else to protect our rights is almost like asking wolves to protect our sheep. Some of us, someone from our community, with our same interests, needs to run, maybe someone right here in this forum.


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Edward Mendoza: View Post
    We need people who are public and proud of smoking. The Sups who betrayed Sonoma County residents were like wolves in sheep's clothing.

    I would like to see a candidate run for the Board of Supervisors who I KNOW smokes pot. I'm not saying that there is no one that does not smoke who can be trusted. But I am saying is that I would like to see someone who lives the lifestyle and exercises the same freedom that I do to represent us in government.

    Another thought: Is anyone here willing to run for the BOS to defend our rights and our freedoms, to fight for our right to choose our medicine and our health?

    Thank you!
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  56. TopTop #30
    tezor's Avatar

    Re: Alert: Board of Supervisors to Turn Marijuana Ordinance Upside down

    Thank you Barry, now if I can look in the mirror before I leap (to see if I have foot in mouth dis-ease) I would have my gratitude, and maybe more compassion as well. Peace to all in the New Year. I hope to leave the nasty comments here, in this year, and will try to follow my higher inclinations in the next.
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