For the past two years, Sebastopol has been in a battle over the relocation of a CVS pharmacy. All across America, this corporation targets abandoned buildings on prime locations to infiltrate and dominate downtown cores; in our case, a defunct car dealership. Our City Council was cornered into approving the move or face a lawsuit the city could not afford. Similar fights against CVS are being waged in Byram, NJ, where a 200 year old landmark will be razed - in Dundee, Nebraska, where CVS is attempting to demolish 75% of an historic neighborhood – in Carrboro, NC, where they’re marching in the streets.
With November elections looming, a group called Sustainable Sebastopol has formed a PAC to help developer-friendly candidates get re-elected. Corporate America is on the brink of buying an election from a community of about 8,000 citizens.
The Supreme Courts decision to grant corporations “free-speech” has effectively removed it from the individual. In Sebastopol, it could essentially grant developers a seat on our city council. It could see our locally run downtown core plowed under by chain stores. How about an Applebee’s replacing the tractor business across from Screaming Mimi’s?
We’ve crossed the Rubicon, folks; I’m afraid, “by the people, for the people” could be a thing of the past.
Please – Vote for Sebastopol - Vote for John Eder and Robert Jacob for City Council.