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  1. TopTop #1
    occupied95472's Avatar

    Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    Please sign the petition to stop shopping at CVS.
    When it comes to J P Morgan CHASE and CVS money talks.
    Please do not spend your hard earned money at CVS until they withdraw their application to move downtown.

    Please help us get the message out. Tell your friends and share this message on Twitter and Facebook.
    Thank you!

    Occupy Sebastopol
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  2. Gratitude expressed by:

  3. TopTop #2
    caverly's Avatar

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    Please sign this petition appealing to CVS to STOP : . AND place on your FACEBOOK page , pleaseeeeee.

    They are destroying villages all over USA with their new project of invading villages with their mini-malls ; these villages rightfully complain that it is contrary to the Village Plan of pedestrian friendly and will cause serious traffic problems .
    Of course CVS's location plan is to place their mini-mall right in the middle of the village where the traffic is the most intense already .

    Here are some other towns who have been invaded , like by a horde of locusts , by Armstrong Development : Alameda , Byram N.J. , Carrboro NC , Ossing NY , etc . and the news :

    Byram NJ Planning Board sued over CVS approval Byram , NJ.
    Suit says , “ is inconsistent with future development goals and restrictions.”
    "This development is contrary to the Smart Growth concept that the Township has spent so many years creating," "be protected from strip or big-box development, and to create a pedestrian-friendly village center easily accessible from neighboring residential areas."

    ALAMEDA Planning Board okays CVS

    In 2008, city leaders approved a strategic plan for revitalizing Park Street north of Lincoln. Its goals were to erase the “auto-oriented feel” of the Island’s former auto row and to etch in a new, pedestrian-friendly shopping district that would look and feel like an extension of the historic building-lined blocks that trail south.

    Others called on the board to ensure that the new development is pedestrian-friendly, as envisioned in the Gateway plan.

    Protest lobs ‘seed bombs’ at planned Carrboro N.C. CVS site
    Alderman has concerns the proposed CVS is out of scale with the surrounding mill houses.

    Briarcliff Manor, Ossining residents decry CVS plans
    while nearby residents continue to express worries about traffic and over-development related to the new construction.
    there have been concerns from residents in both communities about noise, traffic and quality-of-life issues about the expansion plan. A group of residents have been calling attention to what they believe will be significant changes to the community.

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  4. TopTop #3
    Eileen M.'s Avatar
    Eileen M.

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    Remember "Move Your Money"? ........ Well, how about "Move Your Prescription"?

    Still here, Still local:
    There's Forestville Pharmacy, Lark Drugs in Guerneville, Tuttle's in Santa Rosa, Dollar Drug in Santa Rosa.

    Oh, and don't forget to sign the petition
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  5. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  6. TopTop #4
    occupied95472's Avatar

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    Here's an update:
    We are off to a great start with over 150 signatures on the electronic petition. Each time the petition is signed another e-mail goes to Larry Merlo, the president and CEO of CVS Caremark.
    The comments are right on. Please tell your friends to stop shopping at CVS and sign the petition.

    Thank you Wacco's!

    Additionally, another 35 or so people signed a hard copy at the Farmer's Market yesterday!

    Economic pressure is one strategy. Occupy SEBastopol has more up our sleeve. Stay tuned for some traditional Direct Actions and maybe a surprise or two.

    Peace and Solidarity,
    Occupy Sebastopol
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  7. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  8. TopTop #5
    occupied95472's Avatar

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS


    CVS isn't built yet!
    Occupy Sebastopol invites you to join your neighbors in a Direct Action this Thursday the 13th.

    What: Informational Protest: stop shopping at CVS
    Where: Corner of Hyw12 and 116
    When: Thursday Sept. 13th
    Meet at Occupy Seb Tent 3 pm make signs, have some laughs.
    Protest 4-6 at the corner

    Spread The Word

    Peace and Solidarity,
    Occupy Sebastopol

    Have you signed the petition yet?

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  9. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  10. TopTop #6
    Magick's Avatar

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    I'll be there! Next let's take to the front door of CVS!!!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by occupied95472: View Post


    CVS isn't built yet!
    Occupy Sebastopol invites you to join your neighbors in a Direct Action this Thursday the 13th.

    What: Informational Protest: stop shopping at CVS
    Where: Corner of Hyw12 and 116
    When: Thursday Sept. 13th
    Meet at Occupy Seb Tent 3 pm make signs, have some laughs.
    Protest 4-6 at the corner

    Spread The Word

    Peace and Solidarity,
    Occupy Sebastopol

    Have you signed the petition yet?

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  12. TopTop #7
    occupied95472's Avatar

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

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  13. Gratitude expressed by 5 members:

  14. TopTop #8
    Gary Abreim's Avatar
    Gary Abreim

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    The only way that seems real for me that may result in CVS/Chase not happening is for there to be a massive exodus of customers now. If their business shows a drastic drop then that may result in an in an 'uh oh' moment for them and they decide not to go forward. I don't have high hopes that the litigation will be successful.
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by occupied95472: View Post
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  15. Gratitude expressed by 3 members:

  16. TopTop #9
    Magick's Avatar

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    Friends don't let friends shop at CVS or bank at Chase, Move your prescription, move your money. There are credit unions and local banks, there is a pharmacy in Forestville, and even Rite Aid is better for now.
    Let's support all efforts, including the lawsuit.
    Chase CVS OUT!!!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Gary Abreim: View Post
    The only way that seems real for me that may result in CVS/Chase not happening is for there to be a massive exodus of customers now. If their business shows a drastic drop then that may result in an in an 'uh oh' moment for them and they decide not to go forward. I don't have high hopes that the litigation will be successful.
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  17. Gratitude expressed by 3 members:

  18. TopTop #10
    caverly's Avatar

    Re: Please sign this petition : NO CVS

    Name:  1=2cvs.jpg
Views: 1457
Size:  34.7 KB
    Friends ~ so far we have 253 people signing this petition to CVS and over 70 wrote in comments - Awesome.
    We need 97 more to reach a goal of 350 . Please sign , encourage your friends and share to Facebook. Thanks again.

    CVS Caremark: Withdraw your plan to move into the HEART of Sebastopol

    by Occupy Sebastopol

    Last edited by Barry; 09-16-2012 at 05:14 PM.
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  19. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  20. TopTop #11
    Shepherd's Avatar

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    I think that Gary's idea of "a massive exodus of customers now" from CVS is a good one. I also think that any of the following could contribute to blocking Chase/CVS from building downtown:
    1) Move your money from Chase to another financial institution.
    2) If you live within city limits, vote for Robert Jacob and John Eder for City Council and put signs up in your yards. Even if you cannot vote, you can donate money to their campaigns.
    3) Attend the meeting hosted by CVS champion Councilmember Kathleen Shaffer tomorrow, Mon., Sept. 17, for the "Invest Local Week" from 7 to 8:30. It will be at the Sebastopol Entrepreneur Project at 500 N. Main. I plan to go and hope people will join me to point out the contradictions between saying you are for local business and then inviting in such anti-local businesses.
    4) Lobby Caltrans to deny Chase/CVS permission to have a left turn off Hiway 12 into the development.
    5) Continue to have street demonstrations against the development.
    6) Write comments to Wacco, the PD, Sonoma West, Bohemian, and Sonoma County Gazette, lifting your voice in your words against this development.
    7) Sign the petition that is being sent to CVS that already has over 200 signatures.
    8) Support the lawsuit, which could block the development, on the grounds that the traffic it would bring would be environmentally hazardous.

    So instead of thinking that there is "only" one way "to skin this cat," as the old saying goes, I think that there are many ways, including those not listed above. I do have "high hopes" that is enough of us do enough of these things, as well as other helpful things, we can win this one and preserve the soul and heart of our delightful small town.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Gary Abreim: View Post
    The only way that seems real for me that may result in CVS/Chase not happening is for there to be a massive exodus of customers now. If their business shows a drastic drop then that may result in an in an 'uh oh' moment for them and they decide not to go forward. I don't have high hopes that the litigation will be successful.
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  21. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  22. TopTop #12
    Gary Abreim's Avatar
    Gary Abreim

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    I greatly appreciate how our community comes together on important issues. The different ways to block this development as mentioned by Shepherd are all worthy and just may do the trick. One additional thought is to have protests in front of CVS/Chase at the Redwood Hill Center right where their customers come in or as legally close as possible.

    Thanks all for your dedication and perseverance.
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  24. TopTop #13
    photolite's Avatar

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    Don't recall seeing where Kathleen Shaffer ever "invited" CVS to our town. Could you show us that invitation please.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shepherd: View Post
    I think that Gary's idea of "a massive exodus of customers now" from CVS is a good one. I also think that any of the following could contribute to blocking Chase/CVS from building downtown:
    1) Move your money from Chase to another financial institution.
    2) If you live within city limits, vote for Robert Jacob and John Eder for City Council and put signs up in your yards. Even if you cannot vote, you can donate money to their campaigns.
    3) Attend the meeting hosted by CVS champion Councilmember Kathleen Shaffer tomorrow, Mon., Sept. 17, for the "Invest Local Week" from 7 to 8:30. It will be at the Sebastopol Entrepreneur Project at 500 N. Main. I plan to go and hope people will join me to point out the contradictions between saying you are for local business and then inviting in such anti-local businesses.
    4) Lobby Caltrans to deny Chase/CVS permission to have a left turn off Hiway 12 into the development.
    5) Continue to have street demonstrations against the development.
    6) Write comments to Wacco, the PD, Sonoma West, Bohemian, and Sonoma County Gazette, lifting your voice in your words against this development.
    7) Sign the petition that is being sent to CVS that already has over 200 signatures.
    8) Support the lawsuit, which could block the development, on the grounds that the traffic it would bring would be environmentally hazardous.

    So instead of thinking that there is "only" one way "to skin this cat," as the old saying goes, I think that there are many ways, including those not listed above. I do have "high hopes" that is enough of us do enough of these things, as well as other helpful things, we can win this one and preserve the soul and heart of our delightful small town.
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  25. TopTop #14
    amalia's Avatar

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    I stopped shopping at CVS a year ago.
    There is enormous power in our shopping decisions.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Gary Abreim: View Post
    The only way that seems real for me that may result in CVS/Chase not happening is for there to be a massive exodus of customers now. If their business shows a drastic drop then that may result in an in an 'uh oh' moment for them and they decide not to go forward. I don't have high hopes that the litigation will be successful.
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  26. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  27. TopTop #15
    wildinspired's Avatar
    Supporting Member

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    I have recently pulled completely out of CVS. We need to come back to the power speak of money!
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  29. TopTop #16

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    i believe the invitation was for supporters of cvs moving to attend a council meeting. is this really ethical? now the word is shaffer doesn't like the move, wishes there was a better plan for the site. just voted for it because they followed the rules. she looks and acts like a zombie!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by photolite: View Post
    Don't recall seeing where Kathleen Shaffer ever "invited" CVS to our town. Could you show us that invitation please.
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  31. TopTop #17
    photolite's Avatar

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    Do you know for certain it is CVS she supports as opposed to fair and equitable application of the law?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rossmen: View Post
    i believe the invitation was for supporters of cvs moving to attend a council meeting. is this really ethical? now the word is shaffer doesn't like the move, wishes there was a better plan for the site. just voted for it because they followed the rules. she looks and acts like a zombie!
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  32. TopTop #18

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    well, being that my metaphor for her actions is zombie i am not sure what motivates her. zombie's follow a very simple set of rules which are not applicable to humans. what does she really believe? i remember you as mourning the cvs move while celebrating rule of law. would you use your elected power to stack the meeting for something you don't really want to hold the law above all living?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by photolite: View Post
    Do you know for certain it is CVS she supports as opposed to fair and equitable application of the law?
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  33. TopTop #19
    robert777's Avatar

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    The prices at CVS are exorbitant. There are many fewer customers than when the store was a Long's.

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  34. TopTop #20

    Re: Hey Sebastopol Don't $hope at CVS

    When CVS took over Long's in Kona, Hawaii several years ago, prices went up and familiar products disappeared and we hardly recognized the place we'd shopped at for so many years. It was not a good experience!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by robert777: View Post
    The prices at CVS are exorbitant. There are many fewer customers than when the store was a Long's.

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