I hope that somebody can phone me in order to tell me if there is any group that is putting out effort to keep Wal-Mart out of Santa Rosa. My phone # is (707)525-4995
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Hi All,
The best place (I think) to inquire about efforts like this in Sonoma County is www.grassrootswest.org . ut I do know that the Santa Rosa Democratic Club will be talking about WalMart at their Monthly gathering on Wednesday evening , Here is the info from their website:
The hidden cost of Wal-Mart
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Behind Wal-Mart’s “everyday low prices” lurk hidden costs—from the exploitation of workers in the U.S.and around the world, to increased sprawl and pollution that we end up paying as consumers, taxpayers, workers and citizens. Join those of us who are opposing Wal-Mart’s destructive business model.
CALVIN SIMONS, member Alliance for Democracy in Sonoma County, will introduce the film, “Wal-Mart, the High cost of Low Prices.”
BILL STECK, General Manager of SEIU, Service Employees International Union, will explain the impact of Wal-Mart on unions and the local economy.
MILES EVERETT, PhD in U.S. History, member Peace & Justice Centerr, will speak on the business methods and operations of Wal-Mart, how they deal with employees, suppliers, and the public to achieve their goals.
The speakers will respond to questions from the audience.
This event is free to all, but if you want to take advantage of the full dinner it cost $10.
Event Location:
Santa Rosa Veterans’ Memorial Building
135 Maple Avenue, Santa Rosa
Posted in reply to the post by Mr. Natural:
I hope that somebody can phone me in order to tell me if there is any group that is putting out effort to keep Wal-Mart out of Santa Rosa. My phone # is (707)525-4995