John Lennon's "Imagine" and Designing the Future of the Earth Collectively.
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How useful would John Lennon's "Imagine" be for designing the future of the Earth?

John Lennon in "Imagine" asks us:

1) To imagine things that should not be in an ideal world:

" ... there's no heaven ..."
" ... No hell below us"
" ... there's no countries ..."
" ... And no religion too ..."
"... no possessions ..."

2) To imagine things that would be in an ideal world:

" ... all the people living life in peace ..."
" ... brotherhood of man ..."
" ... all the people sharing all the world ..."

("Imagine" lyrics from .)

For a good design it is needed to know what should be in it; if we think of things that should not be a part of the design, then we have think of what should be in it immediately.

The components of the design have to be presented as clearly as possible into the smallest detail. Anything vague and too general--things that could be construed in different ways by different people--has to be made clear, past any ambiguity.

John Lennon's " ... all the people living life in peace ...", " ... brotherhood of man ...", and " ... all the people sharing all the world ..." are too vague notions of being usable in a design of a world that would be a good home to all that would share such a world.

John Lennon inspired us to start yearning for a better world, many people started doing just that ...
But for a truly good world for all of us to live in, we have to start defining what John Lennon's " ... all the people living life in peace ...", " ... brotherhood of man ...", and " ... all the people sharing all the world ..." should look like "on the ground" in every small detail--without this a good world could never become a reality.

More on designing the future of the world collectively at ModelEarth.Org .

Thank you, Hearthstone.