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  1. TopTop #61
    santoshimatajaya's Avatar
    Supporting Member

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    three people in my family showed up with ulcerative colitis, two brothers and my 12 yr old daughter. a couple of yrs later, the same showed up for me, a vegetarian for yrs, very health-oriented, doing purifications twice a yr, etc. After ten yrs of dealing with a long list of possible remedies, none of which created a cure, i began a macrobiotic healing diet under the direction of a 30+ yr macrobiotic mentor. within 8 months i was winning via the diet over the disease. it has been 10 1/2yrs and i am still free of the disease and consistently improving on all levels, as physical affects emotional / mental, spiritual.

    Brown Rice is a major theme for this way of eating. We use short grain brown rice, due to its more yang nature. Cooking with a pressure cooker enhances its properties. Any whole grain as opposed to white grain has its original nutrition intact, which includes fiber. Fiber is like a brush or a scrubber that cleans as it moves through the system. Vegetables do the same. Both provide adequate protein, clean protein.

    Yang energy is a contracting energy. in this way yang foods act to squeeze, wring out like one does with a wash cloth, unwanted residues, excess substances, such as excess protein, sugar, pharmaceuticals, metals, even supplements (which are typically of a yin nature).

    Brown rice is an amazing staple. One does need to eat sauerkraut and daikon pickle, alternately, with the grain for digestive support. Both these foods are probiotics, which enhance protect against negative bacteria in the intestinal tract. Gomasio, roasted sesame seed and a certain amount of roasted salt, are also eaten in a small quantity daily to aid the digestion of grain.

    Brown rice has a ph between 7 & 10. this range matches the range of the body's ph. for this reason, the energy of these matching ph foods, specific vegetables and grains, the body can begin to do its intended and innate job, which is to keep the body clean, thus healthy. eating these foods, grains and vegetables, one experiences this, typically accompanied by excess weight loss. it is just natural and automatic for the body, enabled by the matching ph of the foods, to begin taking care of the health of the body.

    There is more to the macro diet, of course. it has worked to heal a disease the medical profession has not yet found an answer to. Simply via vegetables and grains. It has saved my life and greatly enhanced its quality.

    i am available if support is needed for starting this way of eating and healing. and can be contacted through my website: www.innerpiecepeace.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Goat Rock Ukulele: View Post
    Anyone ever tried this greatly lectin reduced diet? That's a weird one. But some things are interesting in that eating brown rice as a staple actually lowers the blood level of certain minerals as compaired to eating white rice as a staple.
    Last edited by Barry; 01-06-2018 at 06:42 PM.
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  3. TopTop #62
    sharingwisdom's Avatar

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    I agree that detoxing is so important... and glad your change of diet helped you so much! Yet it might not help everyone as we are each individual in our digestion and issues. Rice also tends to absorb arsenic more readily than many other plants.

    Regular exposure to small amounts of arsenic can increase the risk of bladder, lung, and skin cancer, as well as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Recent studies also suggest that arsenic exposure in utero may have effects on the baby’s immune system. Lundberg rice has made statements about this in having its rice tested.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by santoshimatajaya: View Post
    ...Brown rice has a ph between 7 & 10. this range matches the range of the body's ph. for this reason, the energy of these matching ph foods, specific vegetables and grains, the body can begin to do its intended and innate job, which is to keep the body clean, thus healthy. ...
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  5. TopTop #63
    wisewomn's Avatar

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    Well, thanks for sharing, Sharingwisdom, although it seems almost sacrilegious. :-) I do have to ask about those populations where rice is a mainstay in the daily diet, like most of Asia. They eat mostly white rice, I believe. Are those health risks you mention prevalent there? Which raises another question: are white and brown rice equally arsenic absorbent?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by sharingwisdom: View Post
    ... Rice also tends to absorb arsenic more readily than many other plants. ...
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  7. TopTop #64
    santoshimatajaya's Avatar
    Supporting Member

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    I can only report on my ten plus years experience
    and that of so many others

    i cannot refute all the different information

    i can only speak
    and share in a helping way
    based on the miraculous and profound healing
    in the face of the medical profession

    in case this interests, appeals and resonates with others
    seeking healing
    and wanting an amazing weight control balanced way of eating

    Best Wishes to All
    on Learning how to Eat
    & Build Immunity
    as there are many paths to the mountaintop

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  9. TopTop #65
    eyemusic's Avatar

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    In addition to being an excellent way to take off unwanted pounds, I also found fiber the key to curing ulcerative colitis. Following Dr. John McDougall's starch based way of eating has brought me 14 years of freedom from colitis. Highly recommend The Starch Solution to achieve optimum weight as well as to reduce and prevent chronic diseases common in the US.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by santoshimatajaya: View Post
    three people in my family showed up with ulcerative colitis, ...
    Last edited by Barry; 01-09-2018 at 02:42 PM.
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  10. TopTop #66
    santoshimatajaya's Avatar
    Supporting Member

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    Fiber is what is the cleansing, scrubbing agent in vegetables and grains
    i was referring to
    which is also referred to as 'clean protein'

    when eating vegan
    and getting one's protein from vegetable and grain sources

    happy to hear of your healing expereince and its lasting effects~

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by eyemusic: View Post
    I also found fiber the key to curing ulcerative colitis. Following Dr. John McDougall's starch based way of eating has brought me 14 years of freedom from colitis. Highly recommend The Starch Solution.
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  12. TopTop #67
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    I'd like to keep this thread focused on weight loss diets.
    You are welcome to a new thread regarding various health concerns diets.

    Anybody else out there have a weight loss diet you'd like to recommend?
    Or any comments about a weight loss diet?
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  13. TopTop #68
    wisewomn's Avatar

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    Well, Barry, I don't think the recent comments on this thread are unrelated to your original question. Weight-loss diets only seem to "work" in the short-term. People generally regain the lost weight within a year, as you yourself have experienced. So the real question/solution is to find a diet/way of eating for a lifetime, not just for weight loss. If it's the right way of eating for you, I'm pretty sure you will lose weight and keep it off effortlessly. And don't forget the exercise component, too.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    I'd like to keep this thread focused on weight loss diets....
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  15. TopTop #69
    Mary C's Avatar
    Mary C

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    The food plan that has helped me lose weight and keep it off is one that involves mind, body and spirit, not just the body. Food Addicts Anonymous has a particular food plan (which is modified depending on the person) that is primarily no sugar, no flour, weighed and measured meals and nothing in-between. That alone will lead to weight loss, but for most people, just changing the food without addressing tangential issues or primary causes will only treat symptoms and relapse is probable if not inevitable. For me, I find the 12 Steps to be a powerful way to work out the demons of the past, heal the causes of weight issues, and align myself spiritually to remain in a frame of mind that is conducive to self-care and self-appreciation.

    Throughout my life I've tried every "diet" you might be able to name, yet this is the first and only thing that has offered a lasting solution.
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  17. TopTop #70
    Goat Rock Ukulele's Avatar
    Goat Rock Ukulele

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    There is always "nothing good to eat plan" aka "Id rather go hungry plan"

    That's where the only things you buy and bring home are good for you but you don't really like them all that much. For me it's dairy, If I have cheese around, or yogurt or icecream I will goggle it. If it's not in the house I lose weight.
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  19. TopTop #71
    santoshimatajaya's Avatar
    Supporting Member

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    macrobiotic way of eating
    almost always creates weight loss

    the most long lasting and trusting weight loss i've ever experienced
    and that has been an issue all my adult life

    so i'd say it qualifies
    and i totally agree with Wisewoman's Insights on this~

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by wisewomn: View Post
    Well, Barry, I don't think the recent comments on this thread are unrelated to your original question. ....
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  21. TopTop #72
    markwjam's Avatar

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    well, my favorite diet that i never did (well, i did something close to it, inadvertently, but more later) was something I saw as the cover story in the Ladies' Home Journal eons ago, and it cracked me was this: UNLIMITED COFFEE AND ICE CREAM FOR WEIGHT LOSS....yup....and, I'll bet it was "guaranteed for weight loss".

    so, my inadvertent doing of something similar, came several years before I saw that story: after close to a year in Mexico and Guatemala, at a point when I was direly sick, and not able to tolerate much food, I found myself in Belize..eating lots of Cadbury chocolate in this former British colony....with occasional fact, I quickly became a full fledged chocolate junky....ate pretty much nothing but chocolate for two weeks, and had the shakes in between my that point, I went "uh oh, very much"...and just quit...(it helped that by then, I no longer liked the taste of chocolate).....came back to the USA, ate better, got better...
    so, ok, there's the lurid tale of a macrobiotic influenced vegan....
    Last edited by Barry; 01-12-2018 at 02:41 PM.
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  23. TopTop #73
    sharingwisdom's Avatar

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    I have been on Metabolic food plan for 3 years, initially doing it to gain weight after losing 22 lbs from metabolic syndrome, to detox, and balance my insulin levels. The plan will help people let go of weight faster than gaining it. Weight release happens in the first week but the reset can take 2 weeks to several month depending on what the issues were in entering. It took me over a year to gain back 12 lbs which feels fine for me to be less than when the massive weight release occurred.

    And I've stayed on it, because it helped reset my system, balanced my insulin levels better bringing my A1C way down, basically got rid of Hashimoto's, remineralized a few cavities that would have needed filling, strengthened my bones and helped me in many other ways along with the resistance weight training (just 15 minutes/week at a very slow pace). I had a coach for the program, and still have a trainer at Santa Rosa Strength.

    The plan is specific to each individual. There are 8 basic rules that I continue to follow. I had to have a blood test so the plan could be created just for me with the labs being sent to Germany. I found it very intuitive after my body reset. I know immediately when a food doesn't work for me or I've eaten too much protein. I am disciplined in what I find that works for me, and motivated to feel good.
    Last edited by Barry; 01-12-2018 at 02:43 PM.
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  24. TopTop #74

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    Oh! Can you guide how to start the HCG?
    Do i need to follow any pre-medical tests before starting the HCG?
    Last edited by Barry; 01-30-2018 at 10:25 AM.
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  26. TopTop #75
    markwjam's Avatar

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    though I had written a somewhat humorous post earlier, about the Ladies' Home Journal ice cream and coffee weight loss diet.....the truth is, that the experience below with macrobiotics healing ulcerative colitis, echoes my own experience decades ago....I was hospitalized several times during my teens and early 20s..none of the drugs did any good, and some were clearly the point doctors wanted to do surgery, I said no thanks, dropped out of the medical system (at a time when info about alternatives was very rare)..I did not know what I would do, and was in quite dire shape...after awhile I connected with a macrobiotic mentor, and in 10 days went from utter exhaustion, pain, and fear, sleeping 14-16 hours a day, afraid to eat because of the way my body was being high energy, sleeping 6 hours a night, pain free, no more to start doing strenuous work and exercise.....I am still very thankful for that, and appreciate hearing another story of success with this challenge

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by santoshimatajaya: View Post
    three people in my family showed up with ulcerative colitis, .... After ten yrs of dealing with a long list of possible remedies, none of which created a cure, i began a macrobiotic healing diet under the direction of a 30+ yr macrobiotic mentor. within 8 months i was winning via the diet over the disease....
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  28. TopTop #76

    Re: What's your favorite diet?

    Seefood diet, every time I see food I eat it. And as an old aunt of mine used to say: "whatever does not poison you, will fatten you up".
    Last edited by Barry; 02-01-2018 at 01:09 PM.
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