three people in my family showed up with ulcerative colitis, two brothers and my 12 yr old daughter. a couple of yrs later, the same showed up for me, a vegetarian for yrs, very health-oriented, doing purifications twice a yr, etc. After ten yrs of dealing with a long list of possible remedies, none of which created a cure, i began a macrobiotic healing diet under the direction of a 30+ yr macrobiotic mentor. within 8 months i was winning via the diet over the disease. it has been 10 1/2yrs and i am still free of the disease and consistently improving on all levels, as physical affects emotional / mental, spiritual.
Brown Rice is a major theme for this way of eating. We use short grain brown rice, due to its more yang nature. Cooking with a pressure cooker enhances its properties. Any whole grain as opposed to white grain has its original nutrition intact, which includes fiber. Fiber is like a brush or a scrubber that cleans as it moves through the system. Vegetables do the same. Both provide adequate protein, clean protein.
Yang energy is a contracting energy. in this way yang foods act to squeeze, wring out like one does with a wash cloth, unwanted residues, excess substances, such as excess protein, sugar, pharmaceuticals, metals, even supplements (which are typically of a yin nature).
Brown rice is an amazing staple. One does need to eat sauerkraut and daikon pickle, alternately, with the grain for digestive support. Both these foods are probiotics, which enhance protect against negative bacteria in the intestinal tract. Gomasio, roasted sesame seed and a certain amount of roasted salt, are also eaten in a small quantity daily to aid the digestion of grain.
Brown rice has a ph between 7 & 10. this range matches the range of the body's ph. for this reason, the energy of these matching ph foods, specific vegetables and grains, the body can begin to do its intended and innate job, which is to keep the body clean, thus healthy. eating these foods, grains and vegetables, one experiences this, typically accompanied by excess weight loss. it is just natural and automatic for the body, enabled by the matching ph of the foods, to begin taking care of the health of the body.
There is more to the macro diet, of course. it has worked to heal a disease the medical profession has not yet found an answer to. Simply via vegetables and grains. It has saved my life and greatly enhanced its quality.
i am available if support is needed for starting this way of eating and healing. and can be contacted through my website: www.innerpiecepeace.