The Sebastopol City Council, Planning Commission, and Design Review Board met in joint session on May 23 to receive an update on the Northeast Area Specific Plan, and to provide their thoughts and comments on Plan issues. It was a productive session. Members provided comments on the consultant's list of draft 'emerging agreements' as well as issues needing more discussion, that will help set policy direction for the draft Plan. The emerging agreements list was intended to reflect the consultant's understanding of consensus or majority viewpoints that have been expressed in the planning process. The guidance provided at the joint session will result in revision of several components of the draft list.

At the joint meeting, members confirmed fundamental support for the idea of doing the Plan, and agreement that change in the area is likely. A list of key issues that were discussed, as well as draft minutes of the meeting will be posted on the City web site next week.

On June 22 at 7pm there will be a community meeting to present preliminary plan concepts for community feedback.

-Kenyon Webster, Sebastopol Planning Director