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    Sara S's Avatar
    Sara S
    Auntie Wacco

    The Politics of War


    In today's excerpt - one legacy of the Civil War was that America was cemented into
    a two-party system as never before, with the Republican Party dominating in the
    afterglow of victory and the legacy of Lincoln. The Republican Party of the 1870s
    and 1880s, however, was different than that of today, since it concerned itself
    primarily with enacting protective tariffs for business, promoting big government
    initiatives for internal improvements such as railroads, and doling out the self-serving
    spoils of power. It was a period of unprecedented growth and the very period in
    which America's industrial might led it to world ascendancy. Yet in 1890, on the
    heels of increasing tariffs yet again, an uneasy electorate overturned the Republican
    hegemony with landslide victories for the Democratic Party:

    "The self-serving cynicism of the Republican leaders, however, had far stronger
    roots than mere cynicism. Ultimately it rested on a belief shared by all Republicans
    of note that the Republican Party was not merely superior to the Democrats but that
    it alone was entitled to rule the Union it had formerly saved. The capacity of the
    Republican Party for sustained, active, and insolent self-serving stemmed in great
    measure from that belief and precisely because it was not entirely hypocritical.
    In the long political history of mankind the moments of glory have been few. Fewer
    still are the moments of glory for which a political party can claim credit. The
    Republican Party, the party that had raised to the presidency one of the noblest
    figures in history, which had saved a sundered Republic, which had emancipated a
    nation's slaves and established them, if only briefly, on a footing of political
    equality with their former masters, had written one truly glorious chapter in the
    political history of mankind. Legitimated by the party's historic glory, the Republicans'
    belief in their title to rule America was readily understandable. ...

    "This passionate attachment to party, little known before the Civil War, had been
    forged by the Civil War itself. If was as if, in the cauldron of civil strife, every
    American had been melted down into one or the other of two elementary political
    particles, one Republican, the other Democrat. To its massed and devoted partisans
    the party was a church, whose creeds and slogans supplied men with their political
    principles, whose celebrations supplied them with their holiday outings. To its
    massed and devoted partisans the party was also a standing army perpetually arrayed
    for battle, an army whose orders men gladly obeyed, whose rudest tricks its partisans
    cheered, as patriots will cheer the night raids and ambushes of the nation's fighting
    men. Identifying themselves with a party, Americans looked on their chosen party
    as a kind of end in itself; its victories were their victories, its prosperity
    their prosperity. For themselves they asked little, for the identification with
    party was strong and passionate. In the Middle West in the 1880s, 'the Republican
    Party,' recalled the urban reformer Brand Whitlock, 'was not a faction, not a group,
    not a wing, it was an institution ... a synonym for patriotism, another name for
    the nation. One became, in Urbana and in Ohio for many years, a Republican just
    as the Eskimo dons fur clothes.' If the Democrats' supporters did not harbor such
    grandiose sentiments, their attachment to the Democracy was nonetheless deep, in
    part because the self-vaunting Republicans treated their party rivals with arrogant

    "Because the party was a church, questioning one's party's creed was looked upon
    as heresy. Because the party was a standing army, rebellion within a party stood
    condemned as base treachery and was almost unknown. ... Independent voters aligned
    to neither party were looked upon either as boodlers -'floaters' who voted for the
    party that offered the larger election-day bribe - or self-important cranks. ...

    "For the post-Civil War party leaders the advantages of what Whitlock called 'those
    days of silly partisanship' were many. The electorate's fidelity to party enabled
    the leaders to pursue on the state and local levels corrupt and self-serving policies
    in the certain knowledge that exceedingly few of their supporters could stomach
    the prospect of voting for the rival party. It enabled them to overawe independent-minded
    politicians with crushing assaults on their disloyalty to the party that had chosen
    to advance them. Most important, it allowed the two national parties, for almost
    a generation, to keep significant economic issues out of the political arena -
    issues that might split a party organization and weaken its hold on the voters'
    elected representatives, As long as men adhered to their party on the basis of Civil
    War passions, as long as they 'voted as they shot,' the two major parties could
    refight the Civil War in their election campaigns and leave the electorate reasonably
    appeased. Since both parties benefited by keeping Civil War passions alive, both
    parties cooperated in doing so. ...

    "[Yet] the voters in 1890 [rose] up in wrath against the Republicans' vaunted instrument
    for promoting industrial expansion, the protective tariff. The public anger was
    understandable. Throughout the 1880s it had become increasingly clear that the
    prevailing high duties on imports had completely lost their original purpose, protecting
    'infant' American industries from destructive overseas competition. By 1890 America's
    industries had not only ceased to be infants, they had become so efficient that
    American manufacturers were prepared to undercut their European rivals in the markets
    of the world. The Republicans' best vote-getting argument for protection, namely
    that it protected the American wage earner, was losing its factual basis. If American
    industrialists could pay so-called 'American wages' and still compete abroad,
    then obviously they could do so at home without any need for high tariff walls.
    The only just and sensible tariff policy was a reduction in the prevailing rates,
    since every unnecessary penny of duty meant unearned windfall profits for the protected

    Author: Walter Karp

    Title: The Politics of War

    Publisher: Franklin Square Press

    Date: Copyright 1979 by Walter Karp

    Pages: 10, 5-6, 8

    Politics of War: The Story of Two Wars Which Altered Forever the Political Life
    of the American Republic
    by Walter Karp by Franklin Square Press
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