[This discussion erupted within the thread about Leaf Blowers and has been spit off to it's own thread. Please join the discussion! - Barry]
I'm afraid channeling yourself is not cosmic enough to attract any "green energy", Claire. But the good news is that you can claim to channel absolutely anybody or anything besides yourself, such as a 30,000 year-old entity from Lemuria, or for that matter, claim any kind of "healing" or divinatory power, and the New Age bliss-ninnies of West Sonoma County will line up at your door with their money in their hands. There is no claim so bizarre or so thoroughly unsupported by any logic that people around here won't pay good money for it.Don't forget to use words like "sacred" and "quantum", and make sure to get a booth at the Harmony Festival. And Barry will happily let you fish for suckers here on WaccoBB no matter how bogus your "service" is--as long as it's not sexual in nature, which for some reason is verboten here on "progressive" WaccoBB.