Hi folks,

Over a year ago I lost my favorite cat .. he was actually taken off of the property by a mentally ill tenant ... he's a large orange tabby, just in case you've seen him ...

This prompted me to start a yahoo group called "Sonoma County Stray Pet Network". It's an on-line way to connect to the community when needing help with a stray pet problem ... perhaps you've found a stray pet on your property, or you've lost your pet, or you have feral problems in the neighborhood ... the applications are endless ...

We now have 87 members and many of these people are active "animal rescue" volunteers so there's a wealth of knowledge and a network of connections to be realized on this group. I started this group with hopes of finding lost pets but I now realize that it's an excellent way to connect with other animal lovers in the county to talk about the issues and concerns that we face as a community.

If you're an animal lover and an animal supporter then we need you. We need your eyes to watch for the recent strays in your neighborhood ( someone might be missing them ), we need your digital cameras to take photos of the lost pets that you see, we need your wisdom to deal with the problems that our stray animals face, ... we need your heart to care about these problems enough to actually participate ...

Here's the link ...


On behalf of the animals, ... THANK YOU !!!!