Date: WEDNESDAY, July 28, 2010
Time: 6:30-7:00PM Networking
7:00-9:30PM Meeting (with break)
Admission: $5 - $20 (sliding scale)
Place: Oaks Room
Novato Oaks Hotel
215 Alameda Del Prado, Novato

There are several common things just about everyone wants to have; peace of mind, happiness, joy, self-respect and love. Yet few people actually possess all of them. Often, the only reason we don’t have what we want is because of mental blocks that hold us back.

At this presentation, you will learn the basics of Progressive EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) aka Pro-EFT, and Progressive Emotional Release (Pro-ER). The Progressive form of tapping goes beyond the scope of traditional EFT or other meridian therapies, utilizing enhanced techniques that increase the efficiency and effectiveness of Meridian Tapping.

These powerful techniques can be used not only to neutralize negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, shame, guilt, grief and more, but also to eliminate limiting beliefs and fears that can hinder you from living an ideal life.

It may be that your experiences, beliefs and fears could be all that is holding you back in life…not the economy, your education or someone else. And your beliefs may be the only things keeping you from having joy and peace of mind. Even your belief that that’s not possible can be a limiting belief!


Most people don’t know that their subconscious resistance to change is far more powerful than their conscious will. In this participatory presentation, you will learn meridian tapping and muscle testing. With these powerful techniques, you will have the opportunity to exercise the power of your subconscious mind to eliminate limiting beliefs and fears.

Together, we have a lot to accomplish in a short period, but if you are open-minded to what you might learn, and if you believe in possibilities - this night could change your mind and your life!

How It Works

There are actually several Meridian or energy-based therapies available today. The umbrella term of “Meridian Tapping Techniques” encompasses all of them; Pro-ER, BASF, EMDR, TFT, EFT and others. Unlike acupressure, you simply tap or touch very lightly on specific meridian points, mostly on the upper body and face, sending tiny shock waves or soothing pulses throughout the meridian system.

By performing this systematic stimulating or tapping of the meridian points, (about 14 in all), while addressing a specific problem, the emotional issue gradually disappears. This simple process balances and re-energizes the system, often in a matter of minutes, clearing blockages and dissipating the negative emotions as you do so.

Other Applications of Pro-EFT and Pro-ER

Meridian Tapping Techniques have been successfully used for stress, headaches, asthma, phobias, allergies, anxiety, frustration, grief, ADHD, hate, resentment, anger, migraines, and just about any negative emotion or belief you can imagine. Meridian Tapping Techniques work when other techniques have failed. They are fast, effective and gentle. The basics are easily learned by anyone and can be self-applied for simple issues.

About Lindsay Kenny

Lindsay is an EFT Master and Law of Attraction expert with over 35 years of experience helping others. She is also a Life Coach, a “Meridian Tapping Technique” (MTT) Master Trainer, a certified “Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Therapy” (AAMET) trainer and the Founder of the National Alliance for Emotional Health (, a resource guide with training materials and links to practitioners in energy medicine, energy psychology and mind-body based complimentary therapies, tools and techniques.

Lindsay facilitates Pro-EFT and Pro-ER workshops in the Bay Area, and online webinars and teleclasses worldwide. She has worked one-on-one with over 2,000 clients in her private practice, and has trained thousands of students through her workshops, webinars and teleclasses. Her website is Life Coaching with Lindsay.

Lindsay lives in San Rafael, California with her husband Jack of 21 years, her two cats, and Mackie, her ‘special needs’ rescue dog.