White Light Technology
Free Intro and Demo
with Lynn Kirkham and Dr. Norm McVea

Friday - March 12th - 7PM-9PM
Please join us for another fascinating informational and experiential session using the most simple, innovative and effective emotional and physical transformational tools on the market today.

During the experience, most people report feeling:
•Lighter and happier
•More focused and invigorated
•Positive about themselves, others and life
•Free from specific issues/patterns

Come learn about the science behind White Lite Technology

You will learn how this profound healing technology was developed (which by the way could be used in the next Dan Brown novel) AND will quite likely release emotional stressors or perhaps even physical pain. SPECIAL BONUS! Dr. McVea will lead us through an experience designed to clear the individual and collective issue that we mutually decide on together.

He will also teach us how to use these amazing tools when other stressors, symptoms or situations arise!

White Lite Tools can: •Alleviate blockages that cause pain, symptoms and suffering
• Enhance body, mind and spirit
•Activate peak energetic functioning of organs and systems
•Increase clarity, concentration and connection
•Improve awareness, perspective and attitude

Afforable, portable, calibrated and scientifically validated tools for holistic well-being.
Location: Crystal Chalice - Gratitude Power Store
1930 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Fairfax
(415) 785-7119 - RSVP please

Cost: $20 or Donations