...The widely-respected Council of Nineveh issued a statement from the Brussels Tribunal that was ignored in the western media but is worth reiterating here:

“The truth of what is happening in Tal Afar of the extreme use of force and the use of internationally forbidden weapons of poison gases, cluster, microwave, and napalm bombs, we demand that autopsies be carried out on the corpses of our sons who fell in the barbaric aggression to verify the inhuman practices carried out by the American forces and the (Iraqi) militias that participated in the massacre of Tal Afar.”
"The strategy that worked so well in Tal Afar did not emerge overnight -- it came only after much trial and error. It took time to understand and adjust to the brutality of the enemy in Iraq. Yet the strategy is working." George Bush 3-20-06

Read article here:https://www.informationclearinghouse...ticle12440.htm