Spot marker on Jive-way 44
I apologize for my taking long to reply to your response on other posting. Seems someone finked/ratted on me about sending out coded 0’s & 1’s on the edumacashun on the oath of office issue and lack of compliance on government code(s) and how it applies to our/the freedom/safety in this land. It is important for/to me/us to understand how we are being cheated out of what is truly ours--- a free system of love and fair administration of justice forgiveness and the blessing of our Father, and right to pursue happiness, this includes not having fear of being singled out for the benefit of a few rotten tomato/apple types.

So I will try me best to type out the following post on this tiny keyboard. We were able to jailbreak a PDA and wire into the main frame to attempt to get these coded 0’s & 1’s out to you ASAP! As-a-matter-of-fact, we had to reverse the 0’s & 1’s so the firewall would not lock it out. So if something seems out of whack, just squint your eyes and it may seem clearer to you. LOL For sure discuss it with others and figure out if fairness is something you wish/want?

Now buckle-up and hold on as here we gooooo.... (click)

Hi Fellow Wacco,

I wish to start the new thread as proposed/discussed on another posting. I also wish to thank you for your reply, gives me a chance to have a starting point for this entertainment piece. I wish only for you-all to have fun, if it offends; then avert your eyes/mind as this is going to get you involved. I mean, some say I have an attitude, and yes that is true. I want to follow the Truth and Word and believe in justice, freedom, with pursuit of happiness protected as a given/blessed right/gift. If this is against your personal wants, then that too is O.K.

It will drag the rest down in our overall blessings/gifts, but we can survive such follies, I am sure. Why someone would do this is answered long ago, but forgotten longer ago, yet. It was said, “…you are of your father, the first murderer/liar…” or something like that. But as that guy said: “ those that don’t get the past gonna get it in the future…” or something like that, most do not know of what has happened and cannot understand/perceive that history is repeating: the people asleep at the wheel not knowing their heritage and not knowing how far they have strayed from the Creator’s love and blessings.

Some response came as “…separation of church and state…”, and I agree. But that is not what I am trying to clarify here. I am stating by observation of the facts that this nation and the governing process is based on the writing of the original manuscripts. WHAT?!?!

Think about it and please read the two cites I wish to make as a starting point for this issue. In the original contract it states, “We hold… all are created equal…” or something like that, and in the manuscripts it states “ …; male and female created he them.”. Now, in state separate from church, you cannot be made to believe this, but as a basis of our foundations, we hold it to be true (period/amen) You may not believe it, but it is the TRUTH/WORD as written long ago. Check it out. Would you like another sample/example?

“These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates: And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for all these are things I hate, saith the Lord”--- this sounds like exactly what the nation's laws read. Check it out!

Before I asked a question about fairness, but no answer has come.

I was hoping for at least a ‘I don’t know’, then a quick ‘what is THAT rule?’, but it did not appear. I’ll print it for you and give a site you might locate it on. But, again I wonder, are you going to follow through or not? I am not a lawyer or such and do not give legal advice, but only try to share my opinion based on observation of the record/facts and want others to join in protecting that fought-so-hard-for by our ancestors--- love, blessings, freedom and justice, forgiveness and most importantly, His love.

Now, we have learned that a fool can be a fool, and can stop being a fool, as supported in the Word and in court rulings. This can mean a fool has right to counsel which means, a business and professions code comes into play here. Very important to completely understand this issues here in that it builds on to the rest, that being a fair and just administration of the courts/gates. We do not allow those who are part of administration to defeat the process and not give ALL the same treatment This is copied from the web-site, I DID NOT make this up. In-other-words, the peoples’ reps made the law for us as a way of life, not a religion/fad/experiment to be followed by those claiming power-of-the-office system of government we enjoy here in these here United States of America. The system is telling the truth and nothing but, so help you God. Remember these long ago heard echoes of the words our mothers and dads spoke of many wars ago. Remember?

;;; 6064.1. No person who advocates the overthrow of the Government of
The United States or of this State by force, violence, or other
unconstitutional means, shall be certified to the Supreme Court for
admission and a license to practice law.

I think this is very important. Do you agree with stuff like this? I mean, does it work; Is it reasonable to expect this fair treatment ALL across the US? Do I have to fear those in west part of the north quad of the south central east area, which do not follow rule one, two or any they wish not to follow? Or do I know we respect the law and the Creator.

Now the person helping has to also be under oath, and here lies the rub! The group has been trying to keep this secret from the public as a way to get more from those not aware of how to protect the freedoms they have. That has been the plan long ago put into place and executed with the results leading to today’s headlines. So if you personally know one, ask to see their lic & oath on the back.

:::: 6067. Every person on his admission shall take an oath to support
The Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the
State of California, and faithfully to discharge the duties of any
attorney at law to the best of his knowledge and ability. A
certificate of the oath shall be indorsed upon his license.

Think you’ll see one? Hope you put it on the BB so we know whom it is in compliance with the law. These are the pillars we will look to and need to help keep us free. I hope you-all are starting to understand my desire here. Yes I have an attitude, by God!

NOTICE: The following maybe hazardous to your being, look away and do not read; because it is going to blow the lid off the whole secret. Remember that this info is not made-up by me--- it is off the Republic in California website displaying current rules and such. It is easily available off any reasonable search program.

What I do have is ‘questions’ and hope someone can answer. Not personally, I mean, but through this BB thread hereby trying to be established. Get it, yet?

Being in an action ‘under color of law’ can have punishment under the law, and this is why no one wants to spill the beans (pun intended as racial wisecrack) and expose the secret operation. Get it? I am as of this moment in danger because I am prompting you to THIMK for yourself. Otherwise, (place Miranda Act here) and go with the game (not the WAY OF LIFE set up for us here now) and drag us along with you, I am sure we can survive such follies. But, WHY? All it takes is verifying the compliance with the law before they are in office. What is so difficult? If one believes in this nation, why dump on it, why not take the correct oath as required for the job you are claiming. In-other-words, outlaws do not apply! If you got by the system, then change your ways/repent and become upstanding from this moment on. Why not? How can someone not in compliance with the first rule that applies to them, now come looking for others to take away their/your rights, freedom, and property? Why would you stand for such treatment when all it takes is asking for compliance to the law on the part of ALL public servants/officials/officers?

So bottom line for now is, I’m in danger, so are you and we can get out of it simply by verifying “oath-of-office” for all public employees. And I feel we should find a way to let others know who is right and honest, not a crook coming out the gate. Communication in action to save our nation; OR, let it ride I am too busy for now. Your choice!

The truth is hidden from you, until now (read you were not looking for it/not looking in the correct place) so brace your self/mind for it. I am not responsible for any reaction/action as a result of your knowledge of same. Good luck & may God bless.

In-other-words, if you put two and two together and don't like the answer, please don’t take it out on me/us.

This has been nothing compared with the following: GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 1360-1369
Where the truth will never be admitted to about the one’s in compliance with the law.

Why? Maybe because they would have to give back everything they ever bought with the pay from the employer. Huh??? Check this out again, I did not make this up.

>>>>1367. No compensation nor reimbursement for expenses incurred shall
be paid to any officer by any public agency unless he has taken and
subscribed to the oath or affirmation required by this chapter.

What a way to balance the budget--- have all the $ taken under false pretense, returned.

Any person in compliance should have no problem, but, any not in compliance should worry. Why? They took public $ without following the rules first. I hope you are starting to see the picture here. That is why many are stopped/molested/pulled over to make the public think they are on duty of office. L.A. police under Gates had a program to stop and bother selected groups, known as The HAMMER. Does this sound fair? Is this what we want in this wonderful land? Just ask for compliance of oath to office.

Government Code sec.1360 requires claimants to office to file an oath as prescribed in California contract, @ some article and @ some section, which is law (in this case constitution) and is defined by actual quoted wording. At the close of the last quote, one part sticks out to me and maybe, I can’t get the meaning of this sentence---

And no other oath, declaration, or test, shall be required as a
qualification for any public office or employment.

What does this mean? Is it “not two oaths” or “another other than the one just described in detail”? Is there maybe yet another meaning? We-all would need to figure this out, first.

If it means two oaths, O.K., simple! If it means “something else than”, then there is the rub-a-dub-dub , because your verification would be to compare the prescribed/set forth in oath wording to the one filed by/from the claimant. Simple is it not? But we have a bigger question now. Why are they not in compliance? Do they not know the first rule that applies to them as a result of the work they chose, before going on duty? Why not?

I hope/pray you can now understand my POV and passion to try and help others with this simple switch in your thinking and your place in the people-power equation & history. I also encourage action on you-all’s part in establishing a data-bank of those in compliance so we can turn to them for honest assistance/help when ever we run into outlaw cowboys (read those acting under color of law) misbehaving and violating/molesting the people in concert with other outlaws.

Again, these are my opinions, based on observation of the facts/record, and look forward to your action to protect our/the nation.

Well, the end is near. All I have to ask is: Are you going to help? Verify the info and then verify the oath. Make it you life’s work. The following segment is for those interested in more information. I do not know if links will work, I tested and they seemed fine. The info on those sites are not mine, but someone else. Good luck and good hunting! May God speed.
State web-site:

Find California Code


CA Codes (gov:1360-1369)


SEC. 3. Members of the Legislature, and all public officers and
employees, executive, legislative, and judicial, except such inferior
officers and employees as may be by law exempted, shall, before they
enter upon the duties of their respective offices, take and
subscribe the following oath or affirmation:

"I, ______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support
and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Consti-
tution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign
and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the
Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the
State of California; that I take this obligation freely, without
any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will
well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about
to enter.
"And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate,
am I a member of any party or organization, political or other-
wise, that now advocates the overthrow of the Government of the
United States or of the State of California by force or violence
or other unlawful means; that within the five years immediately
preceding the taking of this oath (or affirmation) I have not
been a member of any party or organization, political or other-
wise, that advocated the overthrow of the Government of the
United States or of the State of California by force or violence
or other unlawful means except as follows:
(If no affiliations, write in the words "No Exceptions")
and that during such time as I hold the office of ______________
________________________________ I will not advocate nor become
(name of office)
a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise,
that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United
States or of the State of California by force or violence or
other unlawful means."
And no other oath, declaration, or test, shall be required as a
qualification for any public office or employment.
"Public officer and employee" includes every officer and employee
of the State, including the University of California, every county,
city, city and county, district, and authority, including any
department, division, bureau, board, commission, agency, or
instrumentality of any of the foregoing.


There you have it. In a nutshell all it takes to start the shift to a better world. One step at a time, the first step is--- verify oath to office compliance. Most that see this ask: Are you crazy?

I can say, YES. Why? I have a PhD in psychoanalysis and I have diagnosed myself. Now I have a recovery plan in place that started with identifying and then establishing a procedure to create a benefit to end the situation/problem/issue.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2009 & 2010!

May YHVH continue His love and blessing with warmest regards