The Devil's Advocate

Submitted on 2005-01-11 21:03:17 I can’t believe it. The man, nominated for the Homeland Security Chief has a name, which means ‘The Devil’s’. Yes, people, not Damien Thorn, but Michael Chertoff is the one. Look at his face, folks, be prepared. Yep, Chertoff comes from ‘Chertov’, of Russian origin. ‘Chert’ means The Devil in Russian and ‘Chertov’ is adjective, meaning ‘The Devil’s’. As Mike is at least literally a Judge, here comes The Devil’s Advocate. Looks like our Pres is listening with both ears and the one, which is prone to the Prince of Darkness is certainly more attentive.
The Russians are coming. Of course, the same institutions need the same people. Cadres decide everything, like Stalin liked to say. Homeland SS- security, NKVD, here we go again. Guess what? The man, who was in charge of NKVD in 1937-1938 had a remarkably similar name. His name was Nick Yezhov, which means ‘The Hedgehog’s’.
What a treat! There was the whole Yezhov subculture: Yezhov’s ‘gloves’, that is the ones which squeeze the blood out of the enemies; Yezhov’s care, where they send the enemies of the people, Yezhov’s eyes, those piercing eyes of the all – knowledgeable Homeland Security, Yezhovka- the nickname for the very bitter vodka, which is bad for you. We will have the same: Chertoff’s island- that would be Gitmo, Chertoff’s bench, that would be the electric chair, Chertoff’s alert, that is when you jump through orange and yellow every 15 minutes, ChertoffACT will be PATRIOT Act and maybe Chertoffka, that would be the special psychotropic ‘ truth’ cocktail for the detainees and anyone designated as enemy combatant. There will be plenty of those. Mr. Yezhov had squeezed the blood out of about 1 million people through his short but memorable tenure. Why short? Oh yes, the chickens come home to roost. After he did his dirty job he was himself accused of excess bloodthirstiness, treason and deceit. He disappeared without a trace. Phew, and he was gone. The biggest trick the Devil ever pulled is to convince the people that he didn’t exist. He exists, all right. Came to squeeze right here. Stupidity is his favorite sin. Edit Bio

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