The header may make you think I am an old softy and a vegan into animal rights. No, I am not. In fact, I used to make fun of the dead squirrels I would see along the road heading down to Forestville. I would often crack jokes about it.

One day I was riding with my ex-girlfriend in her car to Lucky Mojo's for a laugh. I was remarking to her about "BAD LAND MARKS"(i.e. moving random land marks that are just random people, funny cars and animals, by places we pass. She was easily amused by this).

Well All of a sudden she sees a dead squirrel on the side of the road and says "ahh the poor thing." Without missing a beat I go into a spiel about why the squirrels were dropping like flies. I start going on a tangent about a disease and popping Squirrels. She immediately spits out her kombucha and starts hysterically laughing. "There's another one!" as one just happened to be in the middle of the road. We almost got into an accident and she pulls over on the side of the road still laughing and punching me in the arm for making her laugh so hard.

It became our little inside joke no one got but us. Now we hardly ever talk anymore. Today, I was driving to work and I saw a dead squirrel in the middle of the road. My eyes began to well up and I had to pull over. I cried like a little baby (something I haven't done in a very long time and did not do over the break up.) I can pretend all I want that I am over her, but sometimes happy memories of the past can turn on the waterworks.