Hello everyone,

First of all I just want to give a very BIG HEART FELT THANK YOU to everyone for their support for the FREE OKILI event. Thank you to Everyone who helped make it happen, from Volunteers, friends, and family who have stood and continue to stand by my side from April 20 to this day, to all of the tons of people who came forward with fabulous Auction donations, food donations, beer donations, wine donations, drink donations, flyer donations, physical help and sweat donations; thank you to all the wonderful entertainers and people who spoke on the stage, the stage crew and sound people and Videographers; thank you to the Auction coordinator, stage coordinator, Volunteer coordinator, Food coordinators, caterers and cooks and BBQers, coordinators of the massage station and the masseurs, door people taking the money, bar people serving the beer / wine, checking ID's etc, people who helped with start up money in the form of initial donations so we could actually rent the Community Center. I want to list peoples names, but then I'm afraid I'll leave someone out, and don't want any hurt feelings. You know who you are, and I highly appreciate you, as does Okili, and all of our friends / family who love us, appreciate you very much. There were lots of people who I didn't even know, or whom I barely knew who came through in very big ways that were just amazing; including all of the monetary donations that have come through the mail, the PayPal account, direct deposted to our bank account, and the extra donations at the Free Okili event. Thank you to all of the Press people and Radio and Media people who helped to really get the word out (Press Democrat, The Bohemian, KBBF, KRCB, KRSH, KGGV, KKUP, The Santa Rosa Media Center, WaccoBB.net, INGA News, Many wonderful friend's blog lists, and mailing lists, and any others I was not aware of). And, with all this thank you said, we are not through with this yet, and when it's all over and we have the big welcome home party, there will be an even bigger thank you!

For those who were unable to attend the event or who got there late and missed what I'd said as far as the current situation:

US Senator Mike Thompson's staff are my Heroes: I told a wonderful turn out of people on Friday night (May 22, '09) at FREE OKILI how my good and long time family friend Marylyn Motherbear (aka Marylyn Brandon / Marylyn Scott) had had the connection with a friend in US Senator Mike Thompsons office up in Humboldt, (Heidi) whom I spoke to and told the whole story to who immediately had Melissa Rodezno in Mike Thompsons Napa office call me and listen to the whole story; and, without ANY red tape (oh, you've gotta fill out this form, etc) just asked for Okili's full name, Alien Reg # , and where he was being held. Friday AM she called the ICE Congressional contact number in Eloy, AZ and asked them about his case. They first told her that he was on a final order of deportation and that they'd never heard of the class action law suit he qualifies for and were not recognizing it. She then proceeded to demand (which a Congressional office has the right to do and not me or the lawyer) when they exactly plan to deport him, i.e. a date. They got back to her by that afternoon with an answer. I believe because of the fact that it was a Congressional office calling they thought twice about just giving a deportation date, and told her he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, because they now see that they
must take a closer look at the Class Action law suit. Thank God/dess! Thus, I do believe the deportation has been interrupted! Yay! (knock on wood). THANK YOU MIKE THOMPSONS OFFICE!

What this means is that the lawyer will be able to ask for a hearing again, which he probably will be able to get by the first week of June. Then he will not only be asking to have deportation proceedings dismissed and for a bail bond, but also will be presenting our I-130 application for spousal relative (by me) so that hopefully our family will be recognized! I swear, the laws in the new Homeland Security Dept. of US CITIZENSHIP and IMMIGRATION SERVICES have laws that are like giant Boulders in an avalanche: Each boulder, like the steps and forms we must fill along the way, must be lifted with great effort, in order to get to, or even be able to see the beautiful jewels beneath (our family, etc). I'll keep you tuned in on this.

Regarding Dianne Feinstein's office: I still did not get an actual phone call that I know of for sure from Feinstein's Martha Flores. But I did get a letter from her yesterday stating that the Senator's office will NOT be able to intervene in my husbands case because of his pending final order of removal (deportation). This is a bunch of crap and I intend to respond; letting them know that all Senator Mike Thompson's office had to do was make a phone call inquiring about the dates of intent to remove my husband, and it's getting them to take our case more seriously, and hold back the deportation from taking place anytime soon. THANK YOU MIKE THOMPSONS OFFICE!

Feinstein's office commented in their letter that "Attempts to reach [me] by phone..." were "unsuccessful". I received NO messages, and the number I have rolls over to my cell phone. There was ONE call that came in from an "unknown" number while I was on the air interviewing with Milo (John Chapman) on KGGV; the phone was ringing loudly through the airwaves, and I did not know how to turn it off in that moment. I quickly picked it up to stop the ringing and said to someone quickly " Can't talk now, call me back" and hung up. I did hear a woman say "Hello?". I do not know who it was, they did not call back, and it could have been Martha Flores, for all I know.


On Friday, May 22, '09 we held the FREE OKILI fundraiser which was a tremendous success. We managed to clear (NET) a little over $10,000 after all expenses, which gives us a little security as far as the costs for Legal fees go (I've already spent $4000 prior to raising this money). I'd say there were at least 300 people in there (capacity is 400), and the entertainment, the silent auction, and the dinner were all awesome. I also managed to get about 60 signatures of people who want Okili free (I should have been more active getting more signatures, but I was too on overwhelm). We also had the event video taped by another donation made by Silverhawk Entertainment, in which they also had personal interviews w/ folks for their personal messages to Okili.

Speakers: There were a few speakers that came, including someone from The Immigrants Rights Project, and another speaker of whom unfortunately did not get a chance to speak; I think I forwarded everyone the Press Release put out by Big Man (Elbert Howard) one of the original founding members of The Black Panther Movement, and the President of PACH. It was just a small oversight on the part of all of us not to grab him out of the crowd between entertainers. But I wanted everyone to know his presence was there, and that he had fully intended to have a chance to say a few things based on the Press Release that I'd sent you.

Music: The music was awesome, with MANY featured entertainers including a spontaneously making of a true United African Band: Amadou Camara of Guinea, Baba Shibambo of South Africa, Onye Onyemaechi of Nigeria, Sandor Diabankouezi of Peoples Republic of Congo, joined by also Mapanda Mwela and Ken Zanga of Democratic Republic of Congo, Victor Hall, Robert Evans, John Chapman, Brian Skinner and Andre Russell of the African Americas, Kim Atkinson - Brazilian and other type percussionist, Olembe Nguebari, Congolese American and Okili's son, and hopefully I'm not leaving someone out! They JAMMED in an amazing show of their talents w/ no prior practice. Other entertainers performing were Mendozone, Sang Matiz, Midnight Sun, Inna Riddims, Dusty Wroten, Amy Trussell, and the 11/10ths. We fell a little behind schedule and unfortunately were unable to squeeze in Hoytus who had graciously offered to perform his music as well. But alas we had to stop by 12 midnight to get out by 1:00AM.

Presence of Spirit - There was definitely a wonderful quality of love and spiritual unity throughout the auditorium - many moved by the large crowd and outpouring of community cooperation and support. My Mom, Farida Fox, also led a beautiful meditational prayer to spirit through mother Earth, calling on all of the ancestors and helpful spirit energies to make Okili free; and not only him, but others held back by the walls of oppression.

Dinner, Auction, and Massage: The dinner was a very tasty success w/ smoked Chicken, beef brisket made by Bruce Rhodes, and / or African inspired Beans w/ hint of Ginger made by Baba Chai, w/ Salad (primarily all donated by a community garden in Santa Rosa, The French Garden, and Laguna Farms), Rice , and amazing Breads donated by Wildflour Bakery; also numerous people donated amazing home baked desserts, and there was donated Guayaki Yerba Mate, Baba Chai, Lagunitas Beer, and several unique small production wines donated, as well as purified waters from Melissa Weaver. If I've left ANYONE out here, I apologize!

All night long I saw the Massage tables Full, and the Auction, I believe, had over 100 items donated. Most all were sold.

TONIGHT - If anyone wants to hear Baba Shibambo w/ Amadou Camara and Olembe Ngeubari and he's trying to get Onye Onyemaiche, Victor Hall, and some of the other performers to perform at a last minute performance at Aubergine in Sebastopol starting at 7:PM (with the inspiration of what came together spontaneously at FREE OKILI) - this is not an Okili fundraiser, but just support of several of the musicians who'd graciously donated their time Friday.

Love, Sabrina