If any of you folks are thoroughly pissed off about all this financial mess, Please consider changing your banking to a local bank or Credit Union that supports local enterprise (I like Redwood).

The major toxic mess we have was caused by the big 5.

The five are, in declining order of importance: JPMorgan Chase which holds a staggering $88 trillion in derivatives (€66 trillion!). Morgan Chase is followed by Bank of America with $38 trillion in derivatives, and Citibank with $32 trillion. Number four in the derivatives sweepstakes is Goldman Sachs with a ‘mere’ $30 trillion in derivatives. Number five, the merged Wells Fargo-Wachovia Bank, drops dramatically in size to $5 trillion. Number six, Britain ’s HSBC Bank USA has $3.7 trillion.

Consequently I think it would be great if we could hurt them where it counts, and go local to support our local economy and vote with our dollars.


For more info-
sebeconforum : Sebasptopol Economic Forum
Geithner’s ‘Dirty Little Secret’: The Entire Global Financial System is at Risk