'Da 9-11 Truth Campaign To End 61 Years of Mass Murder and Plunder for Fascist Gain by Shock and Shame.
Oct. 23, 2008, Abuse News #3884 em by John Jenkel, write-in candidate for president, 800-500-7083, [email protected]

Fixing America
by ending organized crime in Congress, and liberating a fascist-owned media

On October 21, 2003, 9-11 Truth Campaigner Mary E. Morrison told the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, "I'm a Korean war baby. The Korean war and the Iraq conflict, and all of the unconstitutional wars in between, were not for we the people. The way to end them is through local councils. Right?" She was then wrongfully held in Sonoma County jail isolation for 22 days to ensure the election carriage horse killing cover boy Gavin Newsom as Mayor of San Francisco.

On October 21, 2008, five years later, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors held public comment at an unheard of early time of 3:15 p.m., preventing 9-11 Truth Campaigner Morrison from publicly addressing the SF board. She and other Campaigners traveled 60 miles to San Francisco after they made the following sensitive public comment to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors at 2 p.m.

After all other business, the SF board held a two hour hearing on the "impacts of the economic crisis." Speakers addressed the pending national depression but never the organized crime that caused the problem: federal cutbacks to finance U. S. mass murder and plunder in unconstitutional wars which board members are under oaths and contracts to prevent without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.

No speaker or board member mentioned that strike-first Congress raised another $1.253 trillion more U.S. blood debt to Communist China for more mass murder and plunder in optional conflicts in 2009 during the $700 billion bailout side-show.

The author, 'da 9-11 Bounty Hunter, John Jenkel, was the only speaker to address organized crime in Congress and offer a solution. A cease fire in Jihad will end 61 years of 140 unconstitutional undeclared U.S. wars of congressional choice that have murdered over 10 million earth neighbors. Here is what Sonoma County heard:

Senator Barack Obama: Your grandmother and we the congressionally betrayed people of the United States want a president who will NEVER use deadly military force against our earth neighbors, regardless of what your warmongering sponsors want. We also do not want congressionally betrayed and impostor commanded American volunteers redeployed from one unconstitutional war in Iraq for Big Oil, to another unconstitutional war in Afghanistan for energy starved U.S. creditors Communist China, Japan, and South Korea. You are spending over $188 million to hide highest level organized crime and corruption on 9-11 and in undeclared wars.

Senator John McCain: Save our country from fascism, save hundreds of lives and over $2 billion more U.S blood debt each day, and maybe save your presidential campaign, by calling for a cease fire in an undeclared war of your wrong choice, never necessity. Admit that Osama bin Laden did not kill "3,000 people," as you told Dave Letterman. Enron desperation, NORAD, the USAF, and greed did.

Senator Joseph Biden: You took an oath to support and defend the Constitution without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. The undeclared war in Iraq that you and Senators McCain, Reid, and China Doll Dianne Feinstein mistakenly corruptly authorized violates the 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments. You all violated your oaths and breeched your contracts to give aid and comfort to your domestic enemy sponsors who profit from human misery in 61 years of Hoover Institute-advised and CIA-produced unconstitutional wars of congressional choice.

Senate Leader Harry Reid: Why are you not correcting "the worst foreign policy mistake in the history of this country" that you and Senators McCain and Biden made in strike-first Public Law 107-243, which authorizes an attempted wife killer and mass murderer to use deadly military force "as he determines to be necessary."

Former President Bill Clinton: Tuesday night in a delayed broadcast, you told Dave Letterman that you are working with "philanthropists Bill Gates and Warren Buffett." 9-11 insurance scammer, Enron speculator, NetJet controller, and See's Candy man Buffet, who met with Bush in Omaha 3 hours after the Enron-sponsored crimes of 9-11, gave the Gates Foundation $32 billion for protection, not for good.

Senator Barbara Boxer: Please say Iraq IS an unconstitutional war of congressional choice, NEVER necessity, instead of "Iraq was a war of choice, not necessity?"

Governor Sarah Palin: Your son is in harms way because Senators McCain, Biden, Feinstein, Orin Hatch, and 369 other members in the 107th Congress treasonously authorize 9-11 attempted wife killer and Flight 93 destroyer Bush to use deadly military forces in Iraq "as he determines to be necessary." We the congressionally betrayed people do not grant any person the power to use deadly U. S. force on foreign or domestic soil without due process of law or probable cause.

California Senate President Don Perata: Why is the California legislature not holding public hearings where 9-11 Truth campaigners can inform California about Congress cutting back grants to all states, counties, and cities in order to fund more mass murder in unconstitutional wars of congressional choice, NEVER necessity?

Former President George H.W. Bush: Thank you for saving the life of your daughter-in-law Laura Bush on 9-11. Unfortunately, saving our first lady from your sons' last minute treachery, assisted by 1st companion Condoleezza Rice, led to the 41 minute delay of United Flight 93 so a white NetJet could trail it and USAF Major Rick Gibney could shoot it down on President Bush's order. This delay caused 2,629 unplanned New York murders during controlled demolitions of the Twin Towers by WTC principal Larry Silverstein and investor Lloyd Goldman.

Intended 9-11 target, anti Enron Energy Czar Dick Cheney: For whom are you going to vote for president: Enron-sponsored Senator McCain who tried to cover up your attempted assassination by desperate Enron builder Ken Lay as an "act of war;" or Senator Obama who wants to redeploy congressionally betrayed and impostor commanded American volunteers in good faith from one unconstitutional war to another in order to build the pipeline that you have been blocking across the sacred Hindu Kush Mountains to serve Communist China and Japan, represented in this country by your arch enemy, "very articulate black man" Willie Brown? Had President Bush taken his former librarian wife with him to Florida to hear second graders read about billy goats, as had been planned "for weeks," Wizard of Deception Willie would probably have been appointed to your vacant office.

Colin Powell: Why do you support a presidential candidate who would "never hesitate to use" deadly U. S. military force on innocent third world neighbors?

Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey: Why are you hiding from your constituents that Congress passed $1.253 trillion more United States blood debt to Communist China in S.3001 and H.R. 2638 under the cover of bailing out lenders in H.R.1424?

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: Why are you hiding from your constituents that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi forced you to pass bail-out bill H.R. 1424 after you and Representative Woolsey refused to pass the first Bush Spin bail-out bill, H.R. 3397?

Congressional Candidate Cindy Sheehan: Why are you hiding from San Francisco voters that Nurse of Death Nancy Pelosi whipped up over $500 billion dollars of public blood debt to Communist China for mass murder in an optional conflict that killed your son and 4,180 other congressionally betrayed and impostor commanded sons and daughters for Big Oil, certainly not for the abused people of San Francisco?

Judge Arnold Rosenfield: Why are you forcing a justifiably angry 9-11 Truth Campaigner who hates mass murder and corruption in undeclared war of congressional choice, NEVER necessity, to take 15 sessions of anger management before allowing her to exercise her 1st Amendment right to file documents for her and her child's protection so she can restore full custody of her victimized child in a well documented domestic violence case against an undeclared warmonger agent?

Judge Gary Nadler: Why are you evading your duty to compel Secretary of State Debra Bowen to perform her to duty to disqualify Joseph Biden, John McCain, Barack Obama and 19 federal officers from California, including Duncan Hunter, Jerry Lewis, and Ellen Tauscher, from holding ANY office under the United States because of their treason? You are giving aid and comfort to their domestic enemy sponsors and laying yourself wide open for a death sentence under California Penal Code Section 37, IF we the betrayed people can find one court of constitutional law.

Da 9-11 Truth Campaign To End 61 Years of Mass Murder and Plunder for Fascist Gain by Shock and Shame.
October 23, 2008, Abuse News #3837 by John Jenkel, write-in candidate for president, 800-500-7083, [email protected]

Congress can't cover up funding more mass murder

The 2 year old foreclosure "crisis" can be solved by lenders issuing credits to buy down post 9-11 mortgage loans for borrowers trapped by the Bush administration's easy money coverup of 2,629 unplanned New York murders on 9-11. Reduced mortgages would lower payments and help keep troubled borrowers in their homes. The Enron-owned Bush administration kept interest rates low to create an artificially robust economy in order to hide the Enron-sponsored crimes of 9-11 and continuing mass murder in unconstitutional wars triggered by 9-11. We the Internet informed and election realities are putting 'da squeeze on Enron-owned 9-11 attempted wife killer and Big Oil brat George w. Bush and his invisible first companion Condoleezza Rice, a Hoover Fellow and former Chevron director. Not even California's phantom governor Willie Brown can help these Big Oil operatives.

The "bailout" tug of war in Congress is a fascist distraction to facilitate Congress raising $1.3 trillion more blood debt to Communist China and Japan to fund more optional mass murder and plunder on foreign soil in 2009 in unconstitutional wars of congressional choice, NEVER necessity, just before the 2008 election.

All government officers are under oath and contract to prevent unconstitutional wars without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. Corrupt Congress has forced the undeclared warmonger-controlled United States into debt slavery to Communist China. The weapons and addiction industries exploit U.S. murder of its earth neighbors to plunder Arabian and Caspian natural resources for Big Oil.

The $1.3 trillion more public debt of congressional choice was authorized under S.3001, the National Defense Offense Authorization Act of 2009, and fraudulent H.R. 2638, the 2008 Homeland Insecurity funding bill. Both passed the House during the bailout side show for H. Res. 1517, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 which was buried in H.R. 3997, an old amendment to the IRS Code, that failed.

S.3001 = $630.0 billion for mass murder in unconstitutional wars in 2009
H.R. 2638 = $62.9 billion for Katrina gentrification and Homeland hush money
$487.7 billion for Dept. of Defense corrupt offense in 2009
$72.9 billion for suicidal veterans in 2009, totaling at least
$1,253.5 billion, all for Big Oil greed at the expense of we the people.

On Oct. 3, 2008, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her pals in organized crime forced Representatives Mike Thompson and Lynn Woolsey to saddled we the dumbed-down people with $700 billion more blood debt for lender welfare in H.R. 1424, making over $2 trillion optional, unnecessary public debt, due to our trusted public servants. San Franciscans: Do not re-elect Nurse of Death Nancy.

On Nov. 4, we the angry people should vote for candidates who pledge to call for a cease fire in Jihad and a repeal of the use of force in Public Law betrayal 107-243.