Seeking people who do not feel comfortable or satisfied enough with any past or present existing or proposed religion, society or philosophy of life. People who have the experience, grace and courage to practice the New Realism:

* tanding for Reforms to our social system which would mandate “Transparency”: Mandatory inescapable accountability/responsibility for everyone. This includes the Leaders and the People, no exceptions. “Inescapable accountability/ responsibility” means that laws are passed which make it physically impossible to engage in Profiteering & Corruption and Crime on any kind of large scale, while still guaranteeing every citizen the right to get relatively rich by Merit. This is not Libertarianism, it’s something new—the New Realism.

* Standing for Reforms that would make it possible to use/eat animal products while knowing for certain that obtaining them never caused the animals from which they came any fear and pain.

* Loving and standing for Goodness, without claiming to know its source or relative strength to Darkness. A partial working definition for Goodness might be: Genuine truth seeking and honoring. A partial working definition for Darkness might be: Ill-willful ignorance posing as grace.

* Despising and standing against Darkness, without claiming to know its source or relative strength to Goodness.

If you live by all these principles, please contact us.