KOWS-LP, 107.3 FM, is a new low-power community radio station for Occidental and west Sonoma County. Our studio will shortly be operational and we are seeking volunteer programmers, and other volunteers.
KOWS has been on the air since May, but, lacking a studio, has been playing only recorded music. Our new studio is located above Howard’s Station restaurant in downtown Occidental.

We have the opportunity to experiment-- so you are welcome to think outside the box of commercial, or even non-commercial, radio. After all, Edgar Bergen was immensely successful doing ventriloquism on the radio. New ideas are welcome.

For music programming, what we are looking for is primarily music that is not heard on commercial radio and, maybe, not even heard much on non-commercial radio. You do not have to devote a program to a specific type of music (such as blues, jazz, etc.), electic offerings are fine-- yes you can haul your whole record collection down and play whatever you like.

For talk programming, we are looking for wide-ranging, intelligent, open-minded discussion of issues and events, including a spectrum of viewpoints. We are not looking for folks who have a rant and want a soapbox.

And we are hoping to emphasize local west county, or at least Sonoma County, culture in much of our programming.

But don't be bound by the above music/talk dichotomy. Format-bending, open-ended, and experimental ideas are welcome and appreciated. (Though we reserve the right to say no.)

If interested, please contact [email protected]