Are you feeling dissatisfied with your relationships? Do you want to go deeper with your current partner or to explore alternatives to conventional heterosexual monogamous marriage? Do you want to be more authentic?

I can help you explore what you want in your relationships and work with you to develop the communication tools to create the kind of intimacy that you desire. I encourage you to become incarnational allies with your friends and lovers, helping each other grow and flourish and giving each other support in difficult times. I assist you in becoming conscious in your interactions, helping you to observe yourself with compassion while you're becoming aware of your tricks and foibles.

To discuss improving your relationship (or deciding to move on), give me a call. I use a variety of approaches depending on the situation and the people. I teach communication and decision-making skills. I support people to make mindful decisions about their sexuality and their relationships. I help people who wish to examine alternatives to conventional relationships, encouraging them to find the lifestyle that works for them, whether monogamous or not.

Sometimes the issues aren't about polyamory or your alternative lifestyle, but having a poly friendly counselor helps keep the focus on the real issues.

Cascade Cook, M.A.
See my thesis related to polyamory at, along with other articles and resources.