I recently interviewed well-known West County personality, Shepherd Bliss, on my Shrink Rap Radio podcast. We discussed a book he is working on: "In Praise of Sweet Darkness." It's a wonderful conversation and you can listen to it on your computer or download it to an mp3 player. Just go to show #82 at www.shrinkrapradio.com/shows.htm
The Shrink Rap Radio psychology podcast by Dr. Dave (aka David Van Nuys, Ph.D. Prof. Emeritus, Sonoma State University) is a more or less weekly show involving interviews with fascinating people in*and around the broad world of psychology.* The series is designed to appeal to*professionals, university psychology students, and the general public.
Recent topics include:
Developing Intuition
The Hero's Journey and Dreams
Psychedelics, Meditation, and Art
Mythic Views of Aging
Jungian Psychology
Mayan Shamanic Healing
Psychology and Politics*
The Death of Psychology
Dream Work
Political Psychology
Attitudinal Healing
Islamic Psychology
Consumer Research
and more...
Interviews include such luminaries as:
Dr. Charles Tart
Dr. Stanley Krippner
Dr. Alberto Villoldo
Dr. Gerald Jampolsky
Dr. Ron Alexander
Dr. Philip Tetlock
Dr. David Gordon
and more...
More interesting shows are on the way!
You will find it at https://www.shrinkrapradio.com or in the iTunes music store with a*
search on Shrink Rap Radio.* You can listen to the shows live on your computer or*
download them to your hard drive and transfer them to any MP3 player.
For more info, feel free to call or write me
David Van Nuys, Ph.D.
[email protected]
(707) 585-7363