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  1. TopTop #1
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    New site is ready! Please try it out!

    Hey Everybody!

    At long last the new website for is ready!
    (or at least I think so!)

    Before opening it up, I'd like to have a bunch of people run it through its paces so we can see if there are any problems. I especially would like Mac users, since I have done most of the development on a Windows machine.

    There's lots of new features... see what you can find!

    I left a few sample posts on that system, but its different database. You'll need to register again there, and any posts you make will not be ported to the real system after the upgrade.

    When the time comes to do the upgrade (in a few days?) all user and post information will be ported over and noobody will need to re-register.

    Please post your comments on the new site on the new site!

    Here's a link to the test site:


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  2. TopTop #2
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: New site is ready! Please try it out!

    OK, So its almost 10pm and only 1 person has registered there and nobody has posted.

    Let's go folks! So you really want to find out if it works for you (and everybody else) when I put it into production? If something goes wrong then, I'll need to back out the system, losing all posts after the upgrade, not to mention a whole bunch of extra work for me. So how about it? Please take a minute or two to poke around and POST something on the new site!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry:

    Hey Everybody!

    At long last the new website for is ready!
    (or at least I think so!)

    Before opening it up, I'd like to have a bunch of people run it through its paces so we can see if there are any problems. I especially would like Mac users, since I have done most of the development on a Windows machine.

    There's lots of new features... see what you can find!

    I left a few sample posts on that system, but its different database. You'll need to register again there, and any posts you make will not be ported to the real system after the upgrade.

    When the time comes to do the upgrade (in a few days?) all user and post information will be ported over and noobody will need to re-register.

    Please post your comments on the new site on the new site!

    Here's a link to the test site:


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  3. TopTop #3
    mykil's Avatar
    A Really Cute Guy

    Re: New site is ready! Please try it out!

    Hey barry; the log in dosn't work on that page, are we suppose to register again? The colors are outstanding, I really think it looks nice!
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  4. TopTop #4
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: New site is ready! Please try it out!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by mykil:
    Hey barry; the log in dosn't work on that page, are we suppose to register again? The colors are outstanding, I really think it looks nice!
    Thanks! Yes, those of you who are kind enough to give the test system a try will need to register again there, however once the system moves into production, all current users will not need to register again. The re-registering is just for the test system. Thanks!
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  5. TopTop #5

    Re: New site is ready! Please try it out!

    I just tested this on a Mac....a new macBook running tiger. everything look fabulous. really nice. I even liked how certain items/links when clicked opened up a new window or pop up. The functionality and interface was great. Can't wait to use it in real time.
    Last edited by Barry; 02-14-2007 at 12:08 AM.
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  6. TopTop #6
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: New site is ready! Please try it out!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Clancy:
    I tried registering and it said my birthday was invalid.
    What did you enter? Reply privately if you like...
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  7. TopTop #7
    Leslie's Avatar
    Supporting Member

    Re: New site is ready! Please try it out!

    Hi Barry,


    It looks great:goodjob:

    You sure have put a lot of work in here
    I cannot find any thing outa place or unuseable.. :Coflick:

    it is very friendly to this MAC user

    hope to see you at the SYP

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry:

    Hey Everybody!

    At long last the new website for is ready!
    (or at least I think so!)
    Last edited by Barry; 02-14-2007 at 04:52 PM.
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  8. TopTop #8
    Helen Shane's Avatar
    Helen Shane

    Re: New site is ready! Please try it out!

    Hi Barry. I have nothing to say just yet, so I didn't post. But I'm on a Mac and the new website is just fine. Thanks for all your work. Helen
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  9. TopTop #9
    Tars's Avatar

    Re: New site is ready! Please try it out!

    First, Barry - thanks for your hard work. I know what hard work it is to set up and run one of these boards.

    I'm a Windows XP user & it worked fine for me. Looks great - looking forward to participating there.

    Not a negative comment, but.... visually, the main difference is that there are more ads on the new site. Is that really necessary? Isn't one ad per page enough? Apologies, I'm probably being petty about that, after all, it's free. But my curmudgeonly personality makes me visit a site in inverse frequency to the number of ads displayed there.
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  10. TopTop #10

    Re: New site is ready! Please try it out!

    Maybe I don't have a full understanding of how this whole WebMaster thing works, but I DO know that advertisers are needed to pay someone who's not being privately funded (like public radio or TV---no commercials, but they have their "pledge drives" to enable them to survive, pay expenses, salaries, etc). I think it's a small price to pay (seeing more ads---they're all local small businesses who are paying minimal fees for exposure to hundreds of people in their target region) in order to have all the benefits from the Digest. You don't have to read the ads, just skip on down to the digest postings.

    I'm one of the digest advertisers, and since I'm new to this area, this is an affordable way for me to spread the word about my veterinary house call practice to folks in this part of Sonoma County. I think Barry deserves to make a profit from all the work he does to keep WaccoBB going & growing---and improving, as the new web site shows (that's a lot of work!).
    Paula (Vet to Pet)
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Tars:
    First, Barry - thanks for your hard work. I know what hard work it is to set up and run one of these boards.

    I'm a Windows XP user & it worked fine for me. Looks great - looking forward to participating there.

    Not a negative comment, but.... visually, the main difference is that there are more ads on the new site. Is that really necessary? Isn't one ad per page enough? Apologies, I'm probably being petty about that, after all, it's free. But my curmudgeonly personality makes me visit a site in inverse frequency to the number of ads displayed there.
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  11. TopTop #11
    Tars's Avatar

    Re: New site is ready! Please try it out!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Vet to Pet:
    I think Barry deserves to make a profit from all the work he does to keep WaccoBB going & growing---and improving, as the new web site shows (that's a lot of work!).
    {curmudgeon mode on}
    Well, I certainly don't want to be a humbug to anyone who has the gumption to start up a small business. I operate a self-started business of my own (I'll resist the temptation to use this post to plug that business).

    I've been enjoying WaccoBB because it's felt like a community place to me. When I visit here I visualize a bunch of locals gathered to converse in the town square. I surely don't mind an ad at the top of the screen. I assumed it was there, as in many public service forums, to help defray the cost of operating the site. In fact, I make sure to click them occasionally in case the site operator gets some kind of click-thru revenue. I like the forums for business listings & services; I check there first when I'm in need.

    As requested, I tried out and evaluated the new forum site. I don't know what your monitor displays. As for mine, it shows that the new site is approximately 30% ad space - the old site is more like 7-10%. The way it's set up, one can't scroll down past it, as you suggested. This affects my impression of WaccoBB as a community space - now it's more like being in Time Square - yeah it's a "community" space, but there's all that neon advertising poking and pushing for attention.

    I feel again that I should thank the system operator for making these forums available. Now that I see it's a business venture, more than a public service, I'm less enthusiastic about participating though. Can I get some of that ad revenue please, for providing content?

    Bottom line for me, I'll probably continue to participate. On the other hand, if someone else comes along, with forums that're more community and less commercial, I'll be very tempted to visit there first, and the place loaded with ads second, if at all.
    {curmudgeon mode off}

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