Da 9-11 Truth Campaign™ To End 59 Years Of Mass Murder and Plunder For Imperialist Agenda.
Jan. 24, 2007 © Abuse News #2824 by John Jenkel, da 9-11 Bounty Hunter, Graton, CA , 800-500-7083

U.S. Senator Joseph Biden plays a game of mass murder.
He and the Senate must call for a cease fire in Jihad!
Will Andrew S. Ross and Hearst Newspapers help
we the abused people stop 60 years of mass murder in
undeclared wars of choice by encouraging
Senator Biden to save about 460 lives TODAY?

9-11 Non-Commander George w. Bush is ordering 21,500 more troops into the undeclared "war of choice, not necessity" in Iraq. On January 10, 2007, Andrew S. Ross, Foreign Editor at the San Francisco Chronicle, wrote, "Even UC Berkeley professor John Yoo, one of the hardest core legal supporters of virtually untrammeled presidential authority to wage war, agreed that Congress possesses the ultimate power of the purse."

According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the synonym for the word "trammel" is hamper. Therefore, according to editor Ross, 9-11 Non-Commander and attempted wife killer George w. Bush has unhampered or unchallenged "authority to wage war."

This is a sea change observation by a significant member of the corporate-owned media. To date, nobody but 'da 9-11 Truth Campaign has challenged Congress for giving "I'm a [undeclared] war president" and impostor commander in chief Bush unhampered power to order mass murder in the undeclared war in Iraq.

The ultimate power in Congress is not "of the purse." The ultimate power is of we the people of the United States who empower Congress. We granted Congress the power "to declare war." Professor Yoo and every member of Congress corruptly ignore the fact that we the people NEVER empowered Congress "to wage war," and certainly we never intended for the legislative branch to give the corporate-owned executive branch the sole "authority to wage war."

Congress got started on this treasonous track by the corrupt War Powers Act of 1973. This act fraudulently claims "to fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution of FOR the United States and insure that the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities, ..."

Congress grants the President the use of military force in Public Law 107-243, the undeclared war act of 2002. We the people never granted Congress "the use of military force." Therefore, Public Law 107-243 is voidable in any constitutional court of law. The problem is, there are no constitutional courts of law.

When it comes to declaring war and, thereby, calling the President into actual service of the United States as commander in chief, Congress gives lip service to the Constitution FOR the United States, that same document that is ordained and established by we the people since September 17, 1787 to empower them.

All members of Congress took an oath to support and defend the Constitution FOR the United States without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. The problem is no member of Congress honors their oath or contract for which we the deceived people pay them.

All members of Congress, and disgustingly all state and local public officials including judges, tolerate use of military force in Iraq under Public Law 107-243 without due process of a declaration of war. Consequently, EVERY DAY about 460 congressionally betrayed Iraqis and 2-3 congressionally betrayed and fraudulently misled U.S. troops are deprived of live without due process of constitutional law in violation of the 5th and 14th Amendments.

Our country has declined to the point where even outstanding corruption fighters like U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy and California's new Attorney General Jerry Brown will not honor their oaths and uphold their contracts with we the people by simply agreeing publicly that undeclared wars violate the 5th and 14th Amendments by depriving persons of life, liberty, or property without due process of a congressional declaration of war. Until they do, we the people of the United States face unlimited corruption, tyranny, and fascism.

A classic example of protecting this dirty status quo was the staged hanging of Saddam Hussein on December 30, 2006. Apparently this deception was a last ditch effort to get House Republican Leader John Boehner elected as Speaker of the 110th House of Corruption on January 4, 2007. It almost worked. Top Democratic Plunder-funder Nancy Pelosi won by only 31 votes out of 435. Raw abuser of power Pelosi raised over $500 billion of public blood debt for undeclared wars, in Afghanistan for ChevronTexaco/Unocal and Communist China, and in Iraq for Big Oil.

In her acceptance speech, Nurse of Death Nancy was forced by the enclosed treason complaint filed by 'da 9-11 Truth Campaign to talk about the American people "rejecting an open-ended obligation to a war without end." But her ass covering was ridiculous! It is a "war of choice, not necessity" as U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer told the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco on July 6, 2005.

Speaker Pelosi could end this undeclared war of choice within hours by saying "Cease fire in Jihad," but avoids serving we the people at all costs. She serves 'da Chinese Brown/Green Wine, War, and Sex Machine.

A cease fire in Jihad is THE only solution to the the "mess in Iraq," again quoting California's undeclared war opponent Senator Boxer. Unfortunately, Senator Boxer gets over shadowed by California's other U.S. Senator, undeclared war exploiter Dianne Feinstein, China's Doll. Her bottom feeding husband's outfit, URSuckers Inc. holds a $600 million contract for "training people to dismantle weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, according to Chronicle staff writer David R. Baker in the attached article "Army contract for Feinstein's husband" published on April 22, 2003.

This corrupt award was a month AFTER congressionally betrayed U.S. troops were treasonously ordered into harms way by an impostor commander in chief, and two months after Israel's first Astronaut, Payload Specialist 1, Ilan Ramon, on board the space shuttle Columbia, found no evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. This was probably why the 28 round trip work horse Columbia was destroyed.

It would help we the people correct this 220 year immoral development that led to Public Law 107-243 and its legalizing the murder of over 650,000 Iraqis and 3,050 U.S. troops in the undeclared war in Iraq IF Hearst Newspapers would start talking about any of this. Perhaps its San Francisco Chronicle has started this painful uncovery process by its foreign editor Andrew S. Ross coming out with the significant words, "virtually untrammeled presidential authority to wage war."