Dear Community,

Please join me in requesting this urgent call to action.

Thank you!


December 5th, 2006

To: Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey
Senator Barbara Boxer
Senator Dianne Feinstein
CC: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
From: Colleen Fernald
Graton, CA 95444
Re: Request for immediate action

Dear Representatives,

During my campaign for US Senate in the Democratic Primaries this year, I communicated with a vast number of Californians through my speaking engagements up and down this state, in e mails, and many phone calls I got from interested voters. I know I speak for the majority of your constituents when I request you lead a cease fire and complete withdrawal of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It is incumbent on you to serve the will people you represent. More than just Californians spoke with their vote in this last election; I know the voters will not tolerate Democrats for any more terms unless they do what it takes to end the doctrine of pre-emptive invasion, and bring our troops home to protect us on our own soil.

I request that you do this immediately while Congress is in session, before another innocent victim is harmed. Let this be the opposite of a "lame duck Congress"; show the world what great leaders you can be, without regard to Republican control of any branch of our government. I have a feeling the International Relations Committee may be more receptive to this issue this time around.

As we sign our holiday cards wishing Peace on Earth, I want the United States to be leading the way. Calling for a cease fire in other regions, but not where we invaded is more than irresponsible – it’s hypocritical and erodes any faith in our good intentions.

As the current administration remains stuck in the semantics of a civil war; our karmic debt grows each day we remain in occupation. It is not the duty of the United States to be the world’s police. Our human and financial resources are being squandered on an undeclared "war" of choice. This nation urgently needs this issue to be your prime directive, now and in the first 100 hours of your next session.

Passing a bill to bring the troops home is the best holiday gift this country could have; it would not be forgotten the next time voters go to the polls. Congresswoman Woolsey and Senator Boxer; I have immense appreciation for the work you have done so far on your call for the troops to come home; Senator Feinstein, I challenge you to keep your campaign promise to bring them back.

May your spirit be your guide as you fulfill the noblest of duties; this is the first giant step in restoring grace, respect and unity to our great nation.

In peace,

Colleen Fernald