Da 9-11 Truth Campaign™ To End 59 Years Of Mass Murder and Plunder For Imperialist Agenda.
Nov. 20, 2006 © Abuse News #2725, by John Jenkel, da 9-11 Bounty Hunter, Graton, CA , 800-500-7083

Public Officer Gavin Newsom: Ask pending Speaker Nancy Pelosi to stand for cease fires in undeclared wars of congressional choice and impeach President Bush.

The optional conflict in Iraq that President Bush fraudulently promoted is depriving about 460 Iraqis and 4-5 congressionally betrayed U.S. troops of life EACH DAY without due process of a declaration of war in violation of the 5th Amendment. You are under oath and contract to support and defend the 5th Amendment without ANY mental reservation or purpose of evasion. Are you aware of these facts?

The unsolvable mess in Iraq that Congress and Bush authorized with Public Law 107-243 is costing $10.6 million per hour that we the people do not have. It is for greedy corporate agenda and fascist population management. Is that OK with you?

It is not for we the people. You are for we the people. Right?

Congress, led by Public Law 107-243 sponsor Representative Dennis Hastert, pro strike-first Senator Dianne Feinstein, and $500 billion undeclared war funder Representative Nancy Pelosi, blames 9-11 culprit Bush. 9-11 Non-Commander Bush fired Secretary of 9-11 Defense Stand Down Donald Rumsfeld who won't leave. Nobody faces reality! Nobody says cease fire in an undeclared "war of choice, not necessity," quoting formerly patriotic Senator Barbara Boxer. Will you?

Sick Congress is taking the rest of the year off. Are you?

Honorable Mayor Newsom: If you appear before the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in Item 29, Public Comment, tomorrow for three minutes, the killing in Iraq will stop within hours. Please ask them to lead the world out of the Iraq mess and clean House. Ask them to resolve tomorrow to petition your powerful but compromised U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi to support and defend the Constitution for the United States by calling on the 109th Congress to immediately declare a cease fire in jihad. A unilateral cease fire in jihad will work!

This will to stop the killing within hours in a congressionally undeclared war of congressional choice and get our congressionally betrayed troops home safely.

Then call on the board to support and defend the Constitution by its calling on Speaker Pelosi to lead the impeachment of 9-11 Non-Commander, "I'm a [undeclared] war president" Bush as the 1st order of business in the 110th Congress.

We the people thank you for helping to restore constitutional government.

Naturally, John Jenkel