Thank You Barry for all the work you have put into this community.
All the Best,
Michael Smith
So Long and Thanks for All the Fish!
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Hi Barry! I have not been on Wacco for a long while but I popped in assuming it would always be here! Now I find I caught the last moments of this setting sun. When I moved to W.County in 2002 a friend told me about the site and it helped me connect with my new community...I remember going to one of the best Halloween parties and thought how cool it was that someone posted an open invite to a party! It made me feel at home in a new place.
Thank you Barry for keeping Wacco alive all these years! I miss this great resource but I wish you well on your well deserved retirement from the waccoBB online world.
Very best to you!
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Well, here we have it. All things change!
Barry, I recall the beginning when you helped me figure out how to use this site!
And all the ways you so beautifully brought so much heart to this ongoing creation.
Thank you, so very much, for this profound and unique service you have provided; I think you can truly know you succeeded in what you set out to do.
With ALL love and blessings for the next step in your life.
Kind regards
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I wish you all the best, my friend.
I have derived much pleasure from and even got my feathers in a ruffle sometimes with the lively and controversial discussions I found here.
I am proud to have been a member of Wacco and to have been among the circle of your associates. Great to work with you, kid.
Hope to run into you around Sebastopol, when I finally let myself out of the Covid Cage.
And on to 2021.
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Through Barry and wacco, I too made my first viable connections with west county while still living in L.A., planning a relocation. Oh dear! I am just finding out! Barry, thank you immensely for serving community so tirelessly for so long, and through the Trump years and the pandemic, a feast of political humor. And I'm sure many in the professional and biz community also thank you heartily for your generous terms for running ads for our services.
Many blessings, and hope to not lose touch with you! Marcia Singer, Love Arts
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Deep bows to you, Barry, for your dedication and constancy in providing this gift to our world - weaving the fabric of community. I wish you all the best in whatever venture comes next. You are a mensch!
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Having some involvement with Wacco since its inception and observing its growth and evolution through its time it saddens me to bid adieu. I'll particularly miss the daily poem provided with such regularity and perspicaciousness by Larry. There were so many excellent choices many of which I would share with friends throughout the world. Thanks to everyone. —Ron (aka Ronaldo)
Now is the time for:
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Varda was kind enough to set up [email protected]. She announced it the following discussion thread: New North Bay Online Group Invitation.
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Given that it "wouldn't be the same" I request that any new site/group does not use the Wacco name in any way.
I have started a new thread for referrals to sites that can be used in lieu of WaccoBB.
Last edited by Barry; 01-12-2021 at 02:30 PM.
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Thank you Varda for setting up NBayOnline! It is fairly easy to download a mailing list from one group and add it to another. The existing WACCOBB mailing list could be transferred to NBayOnline. That way we all stay together and continue on, including Barry, but he is no longer the moderator. Barry - can you help make that happen by collaborating with Varda? This is an easy task for someone as tech savvy as you are.
Thank you for all the efforts to keep this community together. We really do have something special here.
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Yes, it is doable, but no, I won't do it.
I am not planning on sharing our user's email addresses with anyone.
OTOH, I can see sending out individual email invites to some other group(s) that I feel is (are) worthy, including after this site closes.
I have heard talk of a new bulletin board being formed that could be very promising. Should that come to pass I'll be sure to let you all know.
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Thank you, everybody, for your kind words! They have really warmed my heart and given me a sweet afterglow for this endeavor.
I am very happy to hear this! I've been in touch with Laura and I think her upcoming bulletin board is very promising. Since her project has only just begun development I've decided to leave WaccoBB up for an extra 2 weeks (to Feb 5th, and possibly longer) to give her and her team a bit more time to get things ready for everybody, and allow some time when both sites are up.Townsy Sebastopol, the new locally developed website/app for Sebastopol, will be adding a bulletin board to Townsy before the sun sets on WaccoBB on January 22.
We are working on setting it up now and would love to have the help of some devoted WaccoBB users as advisors as we move forward....
I am glad to say she will be using modern technology that is well regarded. It will be different, but once you get used to it, I think you will agree it's both easier to use and more powerful.
I have signed on as an advisor for her project and will do whatever I can to help in this transition. I hope some of you will also lend a hand by giving her some kind feedback. See her request here.
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Wacco BB closing reminds me of good friends who lived on Mark West Road talking about how the fires fractured their long term community; I have been on this forum since 2004 if I recall correctly, and the closing of this forum feels like a fracturing in our community when we need each other the most. thank you Barry for giving it extra transition time. I guess we shall all just see how it goes.....
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I'm sorry you are going through the pain Pamela & this is exactly why the evils do this. The fires & the scamdemic (one of the reasons anyway).
They are trying to cut people off from one another which is also why they force social distancing.
Nothing they do is by accident.
They have been studying the human mind for hundreds of years & they know how to manipulate it unless the person knows what's going on & fights back.
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Dear Barry - Thank you for creating such a beautiful space for community all these years. You've cultivated a great thing for this community. Your kind and caring way with people has always moved me, and I appreciate your deep thoughtfulness. I have not been able to participate as much as I'd have liked for health reasons, but I've appreciated all our interactions and I look forward to interacting more in the future! I wish you every kind of success and happiness. My support is fully behind Townsy Cafe as well.
Blessings! Asa
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