A campaign, how does it start, where does it start, what does it look like?
First thing to note is that the only population available with the time to do this is the homeless population.
Ever pondered the notion of "herding cats"?
One of the problems of letting someone occupy a piece of land, room, etc by someone who has had no personal space besides their backpack or vehicle to call home is the immediate territorial imperative that takes place which is a problem even to those with a lengthy history of sensible decisions.
Its why for a certain population the mobile solution is not only the most immediately provisioning solution but a re-socializing solution as one learns the ways of being a crew-member, it also provides the means of relocating away from those who do not choose to participate as well as creating its own publicity and bringing attention to another way of solving problems.
Vocational Academy à la carte I emphasize the cart, can you imagine the media effect of 100 people being funded for rakes arriving in a home depot parking lot with their assembly putting the question to Trump, We've got our rakes, where do we go? With interesting cottage industry ready as underbrush is cleared and to be used for fuel.
In Sebastopol is a place called Chimera, in Santa Rosa is a place called 180 Studios, these are Makers spaces, its a movement and full of fun
The Carrot that's needed to start a Pied Piper tour is a makers studio on wheels as part of the campaign.
The Pied Piper, contracted to get the rats out of town but as it turned out after the rats left town they turned back into humans
It seems that for the new dispensation any Nimby that votes no must provide a yes vote to an alternative or their no doesn't count.