Greetings! Wishing each being
light, health and love for the holidays and way beyond,
Here’s an update about our family’s continued efforts to save our only home on a hilltop between Guerneville and Forestville: to date, we’ve spent close to $11,000 for plans and to apply for a permit with plan review.
I’m very short order, we will Be complying with regulations for
Cal-green pertaining to pipes, electricity and appliances one has which must be energysaver brand.
We must replace two cookstoves, possibly our water heater and maybe two woodstoves. We must also pay the Calgreen inspector’s fee.
Please help our family, including our wonderful, precious rescued felines
keep our home by making a donation to:

thank you from the tops of our hearts 💕 🐈🐝🧡🌈🏡🌸🐘💚💕